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Infernal Page 6

by Cara E Holt

  “Yes, a date. One that was going great until a minute ago.” That was kind of a lie, but well, I wasn’t admitting that to him.

  He sniggers. “What kind of guy brings you to a place like this and leaves you on your own?”

  “Who I came with is none of your business Black.” I tell him, scowling.

  He sighs and shakes his head. “You are the most frustrating witch I have ever met.”

  I snigger. “And you are the most conceited arsehole I have ever met.” I have this itching urge to reach out and brush his dark hair away from his eyes.

  “You know what you need little raven? You need bending over and being given a good spanking. Maybe it might knock some sense into you.”

  Blood pulses in my core at the thought of Drayce Black spanking me. I pull my wayward thoughts under control and glare at him. “You want to spank me Drayce? Is that the kind of thing that gets you hard?”

  He raises a brow. “Lots of things get me hard, but you aren’t one of them princess.”

  I don’t know where the hell my sass comes from or where my common sense goes but I think we both look surprised when I grab his crotch. Holy shit!

  “Liar.” I grin as I feel his rock hard dick through his pants.

  I gasp as his hand snakes up the inside of my short dress and rubs against my underwear. “Just as I thought, wet and wanting.”

  We both stand there in this dark corridor with our hands on each other’s sex, glaring at one another. I bite my lip and he looks at the motion and licks his own.

  “Fucking get out of here.” Booms a voice as the metal door slams against the wall, making us both jump from our dazed state. A bouncer stands at the end of the corridor arms folded.

  “Drayce, take your lady friend to the back rooms if you want to finish this off, but this area is off limits.”

  Drayce smiles and casually steps back from me removing his hand from where it burns me. “Sorry Ty. We were just leaving.” He grabs my wrist and yanks me behind him toward where the bouncer waits.

  He proceeds to drag me through the crowds and back out into the main area of the club before he comes to an abrupt stop and turns and pulls me against him. “Shit!”

  “What?” I ask, looking around us at what could have caused him concern.

  “Professors from the academy are here, over by the door.”

  I follow his eyes and sure enough there are three of our academy professors dressed in casual attire, standing just over by the entrance.

  “Come on we need to blend into the crowds.” Drayce walks backwards into the crowd and moves us onto the busy dance floor. His hands grab my hips and he pulls me against him. “Lean your face into my neck and dance.” He leans a leg in-between mine and starts to move our bodies. I do as he suggests and lean my face into his neck. He follows suit and buries his face into my hair. My heart beats erratically and my body tingles everywhere we touch. I close my eyes and lose myself to the feel of our bodies together as we dance to the music. I forget why we are doing this. I forget that I am supposed to loathe him. His hand snakes over my bum and he pulls me closer to him. As we dance, his leg rubs against my groin making me feel things I shouldn’t be feeling on a crowded dance floor. I wrap my arms around his neck and he runs a hand down the side of my body making me shiver.

  “Shit. They are coming this way.” Drayce curses. Slowly he starts us to move us as we dance together across to the other side of the dance floor. “Fuck. How many professors are here tonight? There are two more over by the bar.” Drayce keeps us dancing and moves us to the very far edge of the dance floor where a bouncer is stood by a door.

  “Hey man. We need one of your rooms.”

  The bouncer looks at Drayce and then at me and grins. “It’ll cost you fifty.” Drayce swears under his breath, and reaching in his pocket pulls out some notes and hands them to the guy. He hands Drayce a coin and he takes it and we slip through the door and into another dimly lit corridor. Drayce moves through the hall, and stops at a door with a red star on, the same as the coin in his hand. He places the coin on the symbol and the door opens.

  “Get inside.” He commands pushing in behind me and locking the door closed.

  I turn and take in the room. In the centre is a large bed covered in red velvet sheets. There are chains hanging from the wall above the bed and over by the far wall is an array of whips and chains and other kinky paraphernalia. On the other side of the room is a large window that overlooks the club. I walk towards it and look out at the crowd.

  “Please tell me this glass is only clear out and not in?”

  I jump when I feel a hand at my hip and his mouth by my ear. “It’s one way. Some people like to pretend they have an audience whilst they get kinky.”

  I swallow a gulp. Holy cauldrons! Was it hot in here?

  “They’re still out there.” He says from behind me. “They must have got wind that students were coming down here.”

  “What will happen if we are caught here?” I ask, still trying to control my erratic breathing from the closeness of him.

  “If we are caught here we are in serious trouble.” He lets go of my hip and moves away from me and I take a steadying breath. I turn and find him lounging on the bed, hands behind his head.

  “What are you doing?” I ask him hands on hips.

  “Getting comfy. We may be here a while.”

  I glance back towards the locked door. “Won’t they check these rooms?”

  Drayce chuckles. “No, they only open from the inside. They are meant for total privacy.”

  I cock a brow. “You sound very familiar with these rooms?”

  He grins and winks. “There’s a paddle over there. I could do what I said earlier and give you a good spanking little raven.”

  I scoff. “I’d like to see you try.”

  I regret the words as soon as they are out of my mouth when I see the challenge in his eyes. He jumps off the bed and walks over and unhooks one of the paddles and tests it against his leg. “This one will do, nice and firm.”

  I move around to the other side of the room and put an arm out in front of me. “Don’t you dare even think about it Black.”

  Drayce tsks me, as he slowly walks towards me. “Oh little raven, you know I can’t resist a challenge.”He pounces and I scream and dive over the bed to the other side, I throw a fire ball at him, but it misses and hits the wall behind him. “Screaming won’t help either. These rooms are soundproof.” He catches me off guard and dives to right side of the bed and I squeal and realise he has me cornered. He grins and rubs the paddle against his hand. “Give up yet?”

  “Never.” I hiss and I dive to the left as quick as I can and go to jump over the bed. I’m tackled down on to the bed and I have Drayce’s full bodyweight above me. “Gotcha” He whispers in my ear. I throw my head back attempting to head butt him but he foresees my move and moves his head out of the way just in time. He grabs the back of my calves and pushes them up so I end up with my arse in the air. He grabs both my hands and whispers ‘captarent’. I feel my wrist bind together. He has me helpless beneath him.

  “Now which cheek first?” He says playfully behind me.

  “Drayce I swear to god if you..., Fuck!” The paddle hits me hard on my right arse cheek.

  “Ouch.” He says in my ear, leaning over me. “Did that feel good little raven?”

  “No. It fucking hurt.” I hiss at him.

  He chuckles in my ear. “Admit it little Raven, this turns you on. Admit it and I’ll stop.”

  I shake my head vehemently and am rewarded with another smack by the paddle. Whilst it did hurt it also did make me feel turned on, but I’m a stubborn ass. He brings it down on my arse again. I groan out loud at the pleasure mixed with pain that I feel.

  “Admit it.” He whispers in my ear.

  “Go fuck yourself Black.” I snap, breathing heavily into the mattress. I throw my head back and butt him in the forehead and he swears and falls backwards allowing me to jump to my

  “Fuck raven, I think you’ve busted my nose.” He groans, as he holds his nose with his hands.

  “No more than you deserve Black. You ever touch my arse again with that paddle and I’ll castrate you with my bare hands.” I hiss, rubbing my arse. Was it weird that something about that turned me on? Yeah, I was seriously twisted.

  Sighing I walk over to him. “Show me.” I gesture at his nose.

  He pulls his hand away and blood drops down his face. I wince. “Yeah Black, I think I broke your nose.” I look around the room and find a lonely candle in the corner. Grabbing it I come back over and light it with my magic and place it down beside Drayce.

  “Magic mend and candle burn. Sickness end, good health return.” There’s a sickly bone cracking noise and then Drayce’s nose moves back into it rightful place. “There we go Black. All pretty again.”

  Drayce’s phone rings and glaring at me he pulls it out and listens to whoever is on the other end of the call.

  “Yeah. Got it.” He walks to the glass window and looks out as he puts his phone down. “My brother can get us out.”

  “How?” I ask puzzled.

  He grins. “I guess we’ll find out.” Two seconds later there is a loud rap at the door. Drayce looks through the small peep hole and unlatches the door. The bigger, darker version of Drayce stands in the doorway.

  “Hope I wasn’t interrupting anything?” His brother asks him with a sly smirk.

  Drayce grins. “No we’ve had our fun.” He looks over his shoulder at me. “Come along then?” He offers out his hand and scoffing, I shoulder my way past him.

  “What did you do to upset her?”

  Drayce shrugs his shoulders as he exits the room, following behind me.

  “He exists. That’s what is pissing me off.” I reply as I lean against the wall and glare at him.

  “This way.” Drayce’s brother tells us as he unlocks a door at the far end of the corridor that leads to a set of stairs. We follow the stairs up and come out in the main area of the local pub which is full of retired men and women playing dominoes. Drayce’s brother stays in the doorway and throws a set of keys, which Drayce catches. “Lay low until morning, yeah?”

  We get outside and Drayce motions for me to be quiet and peeps around the side of the building.

  “Come on.” I follow him down two narrow streets until we turn a corner and head down a secluded lane.

  “Is this the way back to school?”

  Drayce looks back at me and shakes his head. “We can’t go back to school tonight. We are staying at my brother’s place tonight.”

  “You are kidding, right?”

  He sighs and turns to face me. “There are professors crawling all over the club. If they have got wind that pupils are out here don’t you think there will be some lying in wait on the grounds for the ones sneaking back?”

  As much as I hated to admit it, he had a point there. I silently follow behind him. We turn a corner and in front of us is a quaint little cottage.

  “This is your brother’s place?” It was definitely not what I was expecting.

  Drayce laughs. “Yeah. Surprising huh? He just stays here when he comes to the club. It used to be our aunts place.”

  Drayce unlocks the door and I follow him inside. “You want a drink?”

  I slip my shoes off and allow my toes to sink into the soft fluffy grey carpet. The cottage had a really homely and warm feel about it. “Tea, please.” I follow Drayce into the kitchen where he grabs two cups out of the cupboard.

  “So, you going to tell me who you were on a date with tonight?”

  I lean against the counter and watch him as he makes us both a drink.

  “Nope. Besides why are you interested?”

  He shrugs and briefly glances at me. “I’m just wondering what kind of guy leaves you alone in a place like the Pendle?”

  “He left me for two minutes.” I sigh. “The rest of the night he was very attentive.”

  Drayce scoffs as he walks over to me and offers me my brew. I shake my head at him in exasperation. “What’s the matter? Can’t bring yourself to believe that someone from your precious elitist academy wants to date me?”

  He smirks at me again. “Well there is that, but if I was on a date with a girl I wouldn’t leave her alone for a second in a place like that.”

  I laugh out loud and he looks at me strangely. “Wait a minute! From what I hear the almighty Drayce Black doesn’t date, he just fucks his way through the female school population.”

  “You think you know me, huh?”

  I roll my eyes. “I know enough.” I follow him through to the living area and take a seat on the sofa opposite from him. “So your brother fights in illegal rings? Not what I would have expected from one of the elite families.”

  Drayce glares at me. “It is a well kept secret and one you will keep if you know what is good for you.”

  I chuckle. “Relax; your secret is safe with me. Although as a lowly Latimer witch I could use it to bribe money from you.”

  “Not even you would stoop that low.”

  I touch my heart. “I’m touched that you have such faith in me.”

  He sighs. “You’re a real pain in the arse you know that Latimer? My life has been nothing but chaos since you appeared.”

  Smiling, I shrug my shoulders. “What can I say? I tend to leave a lasting impression.”

  “So, your father is in the guards?” I nod in reply. “What rank?”

  “Well obviously, he will never make a captain because his coven blood isn’t elite enough, but he’s a squad leader.”

  Drayce nods. “And you want to follow in his footsteps?”

  I nod resolutely. “Yep, that is the plan. What about you?”

  He offers me a lazy grin. “The guards, of course. Just think one day I could be your superior. Oh wait, I already am.”

  I roll my eyes again. “Jeez, Black was that you trying to crack a joke? So there is another side to the arrogant and snobbish Black then?”

  “I have a side that some special few get to see. You’ll never be one of them.” He leans back in his chair, keeping his eyes on me.

  “Drat, and my lifetime dream was to be in your inner circle.” I yawn. “As scintillating as this conversation is, I’m beat. What room can I take?”

  “Top of the stairs, second on your right. Oh and Latimer, try not to steal anything.”

  I give him the finger as I leave the room and I hear him chuckle to himself as I take the stairs. This night had been one I had not expected at all, from illegal fighting, to secret kinky rooms and getting spanked by Drayce Black. This was one date night I would not forget anytime soon.

  I’m shaken awake the following morning and screech when I find Black hovering over me.

  “Jesus Black! Can you not scare a girl like that? What time even is it?”

  “6am.” He grumbles. “Now get your cute arse up. We need to sneak back into the academy before anyone notices we are gone.”

  Once he has left the room I get up and throw my dress from the night before back on. It smells of alcohol and Drayce. I do my best to tame my wild hair and go down fresh faced to find Drayce and his brother sat at the breakfast table.

  “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever known a woman be ready so fast.” His brother comments as I walk in the room.

  I go to take a seat and wince when I sit down which earns me a wide smirk from Drayce. “Need me to get you a cushion?”

  My response is to offer him my two fingers.

  “Two cushions?! Damn I must have spanked you hard.”

  Drayce’s brother spurts out his tea and looks from myself to Drayce. He chuckles. “Looks like you two managed to keep yourself entertained locked in that room last night huh?”

  My response is to glower at the older brother before turning my stare briefly on to Drayce.

  “I didn’t get your name last night?” His brother says to me.

  I shrug. “That’s because I didn
’t offer it.”

  Big brother laughs. “I like her.”

  I waggle my finger at him. “Oh no you’re not allowed to like me, see I’m a lowly Latimer witch who the likes of you, according to your brother, should not have to fraternise with.”

  Big brother Black cocks a brow and looks at his brother. “This the girl you were telling me about? The one you have to train?”

  I stop my spoon halfway to my mouth and look over at Drayce grinning. “Aw you were talking about me to your brother? How sweet.”I pat my heart in mock emotion. “By the way, what’s your name big brother?”

  His eyes sparkle with intrigue. “I’ll tell you yours, if you tell me mine.”

  I sigh. “Elara Latimer.”

  “Ryker, sweetheart. My names Ryker.”

  “Okay.” Drayce says putting his cup down and standing. “I hate to break up this little moment, but we really need to go.”

  I down the last bit of my cup of tea. “Well I’d say it’s been a pleasure, but it’s really not been. See you around Ryker, and good luck with the fighting.”

  Ryker winks at me. “I think I’ll be seeing you again sweetie.”

  Drayce mutters something under his breath and with his hand on my back urges me towards the door and outside.

  “Jeez, it’s cold.” I exclaim, rubbing my bare arms. I turn to find Drayce taking off his leather jacket and offering it to me. “Thanks.” I say somewhat shocked at his gentlemanly behaviour. Drayce unlocks his car and we both climb inside. It takes us ten minutes to get back to the academy and Drayce parks his car in the student allotted parking at the back of the grounds.

  “Listen. I.., thank you for keeping me from being discovered by the professors.”

  Drayce looks at me shocked and cups his ear with his hand. “I’m sorry. I could have sworn you just thanked me.”

  I roll my eyes as I start to walk backwards away from him. “The one and only time Black, don’t expect it again anytime soon.”

  Drayce smiles and shakes his head and then turns and walks the opposite way. Although we were in the same house, Black was a senior and therefore lived in the senior dorms of house fire. Rumour had it they all got their own room and that the common areas were huge and included a gym and swimming pool.


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