Bound: Nomadican Mates Series 2: Alien Reverse Harem Romance

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Bound: Nomadican Mates Series 2: Alien Reverse Harem Romance Page 5

by Iona Strom

  Waiting is good for him. Over his past few visits, it’s the only advantage I’ve discovered that I can use to my advantage. Ever since my males have started bringing me little gifts, there has been a shift in control. Where I was once at their mercy, I now wield a small bit of power over them.

  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dare deny them what I was purchased for, but I do decide the when during their visits. Like now, Mr. Halitosis won’t just waltz in, flip me on my belly, and have his way with me like he once did.


  First, I’m presented with a token—I have no clue of the significance—I play coy, looking it over with a disinterested eye and stash it away in the box Xuel gave me for closer inspection when I’m alone.

  Let me tell you, feigning indifference to all the wonderful things my males bring is extremely difficult.

  Yes. I meant to say my males. I gave up fighting that denial a while ago. I can’t seem to shake the impression they belong to me, although no words have been spoken that drive my thoughts—not that I would understand them.

  Anyway, pleasing me seems to be important to them and acting blasé over their offerings is what’s keeping me ahead of this game I must play.

  My first goal is to gain some freedom—just to get out of this room would be a giant leap in the right direction. As for now, I play a dangerous game with their emotions, giving them small doses of approval in hopes one of them will cave and open the door for me.

  Sifting through my box of trinkets, my male huffs out his impatience. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling as I lift my eyes to him. Starting at the top of his raven head, I rake my gaze down his muscular body, slow and methodical, until I reach what’s punching out of his loose pants. Licking my lips, I wiggle where I’m seated on the floor, giving him the idea I’m as ready for sex as he is.

  Taking a lunging step toward me, he catches himself, planting his feet firmly to the spot as his body visibly strains from holding himself in check, the veins in his neck and forearms bulging. His once slitted pupils are blown-out, engulfing all the luminescent green.

  Grumbling, he runs a heavy hand over his head, pulling at the thick tail of his silky bound hair before pulling the hefty length over a beefy shoulder. One at a time, he straightens the row of metal bands that keeps his hair secured, each decorated with miniature scenes. I long to understand the significance. Maybe it’s merely a design of no import, but there’s a niggling in the base of my skull that tells me different.

  Natu once allowed me a closer inspection of the ones he wears with pride. They depict etchings of what I can only guess is life as they live it. Some scenes are straight out of what would relate to human life. Others are so bizarre I can’t even begin to guess.

  With no means of communication, the difference between them and me is a chasm so vast it leaves me with a deep hollow ache, even if I make it back home, it will surely change me forever. To remain ignorant of their words, to never know the reason Xuel holds himself from me, to never communicate with Natu how much I appreciate him saving me from the beast on that red planet. Perhaps, I’m reading too much into all of this.

  Tarrying over my box of trinkets, I won’t make the male with bad breath wait much longer. The end of his patience isn’t something I want to test with a male as fierce as he.

  As my fingers sort through my collection, it hits me the only item Xuel has ever presented me with is the box that holds my treasures.

  He still visits after every male, but after my first gift from Natu, Xuel has resigned to hovering near the door, wearing a perplexed expression as if he’s trying to solve a difficult problem, then leaves just as silently as he arrived.

  My hand gravitates to the flashing pearls Natu gave me. If I were to claim a favorite gift, it would be this. Then again...

  Picking up a jeweled brooch given to me by Mr. Halitosis himself, I have to say the clear stones are a feast for the eyes, possessing a sparkle greater than any diamonds on Earth. Gorgeously crafted in a striking geometric pattern, it is exquisite in both uniqueness and the simplicity of its design.

  Setting it aside, I push through loops of shiny and colorful metals that could be worn on my wrists. I have various lengths of beads on thin metallic threads in every color and shape imaginable, all waiting to be worn in whatever fashion I can think up. For now, I set the lot aside to wait until I’m alone to play with my treasures.

  An image of the marketplace where I was sold comes rushing back. I wonder at the origins of these gifts that are beginning to feel more like offerings.

  My males were on that planet to buy and trade commodities. Given the array of aliens I saw milling about, these trinkets could have come from any number of planets or galaxies, for that matter.

  It’s truly mind-boggling to own a box full of alien gems and precious metals I never imagined could have existed.

  Closing the lid on my treasure box, I press my palm as Xuel showed me over the panel on the wall close to the floor, opening the compartment where I keep my belongings. Strange that I missed this panel with as many times as I’ve inspected the room. Being so close to the floor, it never occurred to me that there would be anything lower than waist high. It makes complete sense on a ship traveling through space that everything would either need to be bolted down or stowed away, much like on an airplane.

  Not that our travels are bumpy or anything. Actually, I have to be completely still and focus on the underlying hum and slight vibration of the ship to even tell we’re moving.

  The panel closes on my stash of valuables. Done with my delay, I sashay over to where my male waits for me. His stance is wide. His face a mask of concentration as his savage gaze tracks my every move. His feet are planted on the floor. The power of his upper body on a slant as if he’s bracing to spring forward and snatch me up to be devoured.

  My body’s blazing reaction to the sight and scent of him is involuntary. The ache between my thighs that burns to be filled with his unearthly phallus is wholly taboo. I shouldn’t long to be taken by my captors, to eagerly await my next ravaging at the hands of these beasts.

  That’s exactly what they are—beasts.

  Dangerous monsters from another world I know very little about. Yet here I am, soaking wet and hungry for this sinful coupling.

  The longer I’m held captive, the more I don’t recognize myself. Not exclusive to my physical appearance, something is changing inside of me. With every moment I spend with my three males, with every inhale of their musky scents, I’m drawn to their presence like an addict to a drug.

  Normally a woman who doesn’t back down from anything, my acceptance of my situation has been frighteningly easy. I’m alive and wired with an intangible bond. The connection an electric current struck to the pit of my soul the moment one of them steps in the room. When they leave, I’m left with a deep sense of loss that goes beyond being alone.

  The closer I get to my male, the more that zesty scent of his invigorating musk drills into my nose, consuming me until all I can smell is him. Aromatic tendrils of what should be forbidden lure me forward in erotic clutches. The weave of a craving—dark and wicked—licks out from the center of my being.

  There’s nothing I want more than him.

  If I was willing to admit it to myself, I don’t have the willpower to deny them the use of my body. My thoughts never stray far from what they make me feel. I’ve come to crave the sweet pain of being filled to capacity, to feel as if I’m ready to split wide open, only to explode in the most pleasurable way possible.

  I want to be fucked by them—used until my flesh is sore and weeping. The deepest part of my soul cries out to be claimed—owned—in the most carnal way possible. My males never fail to curl my toes and send me soaring. The closer I get to Mr. Halitosis, the wetter I become.

  His nostrils flare. A low growl percolates from deep in his throat as I come to stand before him as if he’s breathing me in and responding to my arousal. That shouldn’t be possible. I’m remind
ed again, the male I’m about to become intimate with isn’t a man.

  Reaching out, my fingertips lightly graze his massive shoulder as I circle him—teasing. Barely restrained, he holds himself in place. Heat radiates off his tense form as if his body is the sun.

  His growl increases, more guttural as I come around behind to brush my hand down the length of his hair. Gathered at regular intervals, those wide metal bands hold the heft of his silky locks into a thick rope, the tail of which drags across the small of his back with the turn of his head.

  Eyes locked on me, his head swivels as I make my way around to his front. Tugging free my toga, I let the material drift down to puddle like a cloud around my feet.

  Naked before him, the desire in his body hits me in a rippling wave of scorching heat, igniting my own need to incendiary levels—but I manage to stand still.


  It’s past time I learned his name. After many failed attempts to effectively communicate with him, I’m banking his desperation for sex will spear his inclination to humor me.

  “Ivey,” I say, touching my chest just above my exposed breasts.

  “I am not a male of conversation, but of action.” I physically feel the grumbling of his intelligible words. “The time for action has passed. I am beyond hungry for what you openly flaunt.”

  Clenching my thighs tight against a wash of passion, his ferocity excites me. I’ve never been regarded by any male with a ferocity that calls forth such physical aggression. I’m more than ready to have the steel rod jutting out from his pelvis buried deep inside.

  But not before I learn his name.

  “Ivey,” I say again poking a finger at myself for emphasis.

  Exasperation deflates the width of his broad shoulders. Rolling his head, first one way, then the other, I know I’m taunting a wild animal. He could easily snatch me up and have his way—not that I would mind.

  “Ivey.” This time I stamp my foot, patting my chest.

  Sculpted lips peel back from his dagger-like canines. For a moment, I fear I’ve pushed him too far. Then the most amazing thing happens. He speaks my name for the first time.

  “Avay,” he growls.

  Oddly accented, his pronunciation is identical to Natu’s—wrong but identical. And it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.

  I point at him and raise my brows in question.

  He knows what I want. His eyes narrow in defiance. Not a stupid male, he’s merely pulling some alpha male bullshit on me.

  That’s fine. I have stubbornness in abundance fueling my self-control.

  His cock kicks and bounces when I widen my stance, giving him a peek of the silky fluids coating the inside of my thighs.

  The jig is up, he already knows I want him. As horny as I am, he could smell my arousal if I was standing across the room, but he isn’t getting jack shit until he tells me his name. After what feels like an eternity locked in a standoff, my monster of a male finally relents.

  “Nulis,” he blurts out, thumping his chest. “I am Nulis. Now release me from this agony, so I can make use of your dripping cunt.”

  “Nulis?” I smile, and he returns with a curt nod. “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  Stepping forward, I let my eyes rake over his body. Reaching out, my hand lands in the center of his chest. Standing toe-to-toe, my fingers linger on his heated flesh before sweeping down the rock-solid grooves of his unearthly abs.

  My touch is all the permission he needs.

  Spinning me around to bend over the sex table, his enormous hands grab my hips in a bruising grip, my feet nudged wide apart.

  There’s no foreplay this time—no fingers to stretch my entrance to accommodate his tremendous girth. Instead, I’m seared by the tip of his cock in a scorching prod as his tapered phallus slips easily between by glistening labia. Short stroking, he fills me with only a small portion of what he’s eager to bury.

  Planting my palms on the table, I widen my stance, arching my back—a silent plea for him to take all of me.

  Barking out a foreign curse, his thrusts become jerky. He’ll tear my delicate flesh if he doesn’t ease himself inside. It isn’t fair of me to taunt, but I can’t help where I’m at. Caught up in a firestorm of the friction he’s creating, I’m desperate to orgasm, to lose myself in pleasure.

  Pushing deeper and deeper inside, one glorious inch at a time, I rejoice in the sweet pain of my flesh giving way. Popping up on my toes with each one of his mighty thrusts, my body isn’t ready for all of him. I needn’t worry, Nulis knows what to do.

  Slipping a hand around to my clit, he works my flesh in his special way. With a thrash of my head, I come apart in a shattering burst, millions of stars erupting from a single point before showering me in a celebration of sensation from the inside out. Soaring from the confines of my smoothed-walled cage, I revel in the euphoria my male gifts me.

  I remain on my tiptoes when he bottoms out. Long, powerful swings of his hips keep me afloat on my cloud of ecstasy. Tossing back my head, the silky length of my hair brushes against the small of my back, a new sensation I’m still becoming accustomed.

  My physical attributes seem to be changing—not in a frightening way but a peculiar one. My hair has thickened and grown long as if overnight. My skin, I normally had to keep spray-tanned, glows with health and vitality, a natural tone I can only attribute to the food I eat and soap I use.

  My thoughts quickly scatter as Nulis quickens his pace, rebuilding the firestorm that will leave me dazed.

  When his breathing becomes harsh, I selfishly pull away, scooting out from where I’m sandwiched between the table and him, moving out of his reach. His face is flush and fierce, a combination of lust and irritation.

  I don’t want him to finish just yet. His visit will only last long enough to reach orgasm, and I’m not ready for him to leave.

  Snarling, he stalks after me as I move around the table, keeping just out of his reach, his erection bobbing and swaying with his lengthy strides.

  Giggling as he curses me, we play a game of cat and mouse, and with his feline peepers, Nulis plays his role well. Dodging the wide radius of his swooping arms, he can’t maintain his scowl. My male is enjoying the chase, although I’d bet he would never admit it.

  I miss the feel of his dominance, and it isn’t long before I’m ready to be caught.

  Nulis’ engorged cock spits out a stream of pre-cum as I climb onto the table. Glancing back as he approaches, the thin verdant ring rimming his blown pupils is nearly blinding in its brightness, his spicy musk of arousal thickening into a blanket that shrouds me.

  Perched on spread knees, my position leaves me completely vulnerable, his massive chest a rock-hard cushion at my back. Arching, I circle my hands around his neck and use his shoulder as a headrest. Digging my fingers into his thick mane, I turn my face away so as not to get a nose full of his foul breath. That is quickly forgotten as he enters me in a single, violent thrust. Huge palms latch onto my breasts to keep me in place. Stretching my body upward, I keep my thighs spread wide apart. His enormous hands hold me while his cock fills me.

  Oh, yeah. My legs begin to shake from the pummeling he’s rewarding me with. This is exactly what I needed—a good, hard fucking. Something to shake off the melancholy my captivity has forced on me.

  Holding onto his neck, I’m surprised I don’t snap his head off as hard as I’m hanging on. Dropping his hand between my gaping thighs, he works his magic, and I cry out, washing him in hot liquid.

  Groaning his appreciation, his momentum doesn’t falter. Driving me hard, I shatter all over again, climaxing hard on the heels of the last.

  Nulis finishes with a final thrust. Deeply seated inside me, my cervix takes the brunt of his fiery eruption, hot splashes of his ejaculate filling me, dripping out from around our joined sexes.

  “You are a naughty female for making me chase you. A tactic Nomadican females use to force a bond with reluctant males. It appears to have worked
,” Nulis mumbles as his cock pulsates inside of me. Lifting my sweat-soaked hair, he gives my neck a nuzzle.

  “Natu was right to pursue you as our mate. I shall never tire of fucking your willing cunt,” he breathes before nipping the top of my spine with his deadly canines. A playful gesture that puts me on edge.

  As the contractions of my sex ebb, I float back down from my pleasure high. The hiatus from my prison is over. My reality of being stuck inside this functional, no-frills cell alone once Nulis leaves, makes me want to scream.

  Whatever is outside these walls, I am more than ready for it. I would gladly risk running into Agris and Orius, the two males that hurt me than to be trapped in here for another second. My instincts tell me that my three males would never allow them to hurt me again.

  My gut has never steered me wrong.

  When Nulis slips free of my sex, I turn around so fast that I nearly slide off the table in the slippery result of our coupling.

  He’s already dressing and heading for the door. No lingering over a shared meal or trading foreign words with this male. Nope, he’s all business—literally, wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am.

  Panic floods me, and I scramble after him. I shouldn’t make myself appear desperate, but if I don’t get a change of scenery soon, I’m going to lose my damn mind. Snatching my toga from the floor, I try to cover myself as I half-lunge, half-run after him.

  “Nulis!” Despite my efforts to keep the desperation from my voice, my words come out as a quivering mess. “Nulis. Please, take me with you. Don’t leave me here. I can’t take being locked in here any longer... please!”

  Nulis peers down at me, his face a giant question mark as I drop to the floor and wrap my arms tightly around his muscular thigh—a pathetic move on my part. There’s no shaking my desperation, and at this point, I’m not above begging.

  I’m shocked when he reaches down to gently brush away tendrils of damp hair clinging to my face. It’s a lover’s salute, a caring gesture I never thought him capable of.


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