Walk Off (Double Play Series Book 5)

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Walk Off (Double Play Series Book 5) Page 30

by Nicole Rodrigues

I walk into the hospital room three weeks later to visit my newest little niece and see Normani lying in bed, her eyes closed. I briefly close my own, getting taken back to a few years ago when she laid in that bed for an entirely different reason.


  A year and a half ago…March

  I'm working late again only to try and repay Nico the money he sent to my mother. I know we're a team, but I still don't like that he had to front the money for me.

  My phone buzzes on my desk and I smile answering it.

  “Hey Bells, what's-”

  “It's Normani and Devin. They're in the hospital. It's bad, Lacey it's so fuckin’ bad,” she cries.

  My heart stops in my chest and I grip my phone tighter immediately getting up from my desk, grabbing my keys and flying out the door.

  “I'm on my way.“

  I hang up and run to my car as fast as I can in my heels and floor it to the hospital. I burst through the doors, yelling like a madwoman to try and find out where Devin and Normani are.

  “They're both on the fourth floor in critical condition but-”

  I don't stay to hear the rest of what she has to say, and I forget the elevator, running up the stairs to the fourth floor to the nurse’s station.

  “Normani Jameson and Devin Gavinwood,” I say frantically.

  “Lacey!” I hear Bella yell from down the hall.

  I run to her and we collide in a hug, her tears soaking my shirt.

  “What happened? Where are they?” I ask pulling away.

  “Her father...Devin got shot and Normani was stabbed. She needs a blood transfusion, but shes O- and they-”

  “I can do it,” I say ripping off my jacket.

  I drop my purse on the floor and unbutton my shirt ripping it off standing there in my flimsy tank top searching for a doctor.

  “Hey!” I say to the doctor coming out of the next room. “Blood, now. Normani Jameson. I'm O- lets go, where are we doin’ this?” I say holding out my arm.

  He looks at me puzzled and I grab his collar.

  “She needs a transfusion and I'm right here. Bring me to her, dammit,” I say gritting my teeth.

  “It's not that easy, we need to make sure you-”

  “Then let's go. Stop talkin’ and do what you need to do.”

  My eyes are fury and he sees it. He nods and I walk with him to the room, freezing when I see Normani hooked up to machines, her sun kissed skin white as the sheet covering her.

  My stomach plummets rushing to her side and grabbing her hand.

  “You're a strong bitch, Mani, you better pull through this, I swear to God,” I say my voice breaking a small tear dripping onto the bed.

  The nurse cleans our arms, preparing them for the transfusion and I watch in a fog, my blood to her, giving her the strength she hopefully needs to pull through. I barely ate all day so my head is dizzy but I push through it, thinking of Normani and..Devin, shit!

  “How is Devin, the man she came in with?” I ask quickly to the nurse.

  “In surgery. He's...you can see him when he's done. Almost there. Are you okay?” I nod feeling a little woozy.

  In a couple of minutes we're unhooked and I down a juice box and some cookies, watching Normani, waiting for her to wake.

  She stirs in bed and looks up, immediately questioning about Devin and I calm her, assuring her everything is going to be okay, but the panic is still there, the guilt. I don't know exactly what she's going through, but I have an idea. Our parents that are supposed to love us just seem to want to ruin our lives instead, ruin the men we love.

  “You should lay back, Ms. Jameson, you lost a lot of blood. Ms. Turner over here helped us with the transfusion,” the nurse says.

  Normani looks over to me, tears forming in her eyes and I feel my own start to form.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  I walk closer to her and pull her in for a hug.

  “I know what you got goin’ on Mani, believe me when I say we can't change our parents, but we can change ourselves. You got a good man by your side. He’ll be okay and y'all go and live on and forget all this shit. You deserve happiness, you hear me?” I say my voice breaking, knowing I need to make my own words true in my life too.

  I don't realize it until too late, but tears are streaming down my face and I brush them away.

  “You better take your own advice. Don't let that man go, Lacey, he loves you so much and you know that you do too.”

  I nod as I walk back towards the door knowing she is exactly right.

  “I'm gonna go check on Dev. Rest up, okay?” I walk out of the door and go check on Devin before I dial up Nico and wrap myself in his comfort all night, my safety net.


  “You come to visit me and the baby or just stare?” says a voice breaking me out of my memory.

  “Sorry,” I laugh shaking my head. “Congrats there, Mama. How are you feelin’?”

  “Good. It was a lot less eventful than yours, that's for sure.”

  “I'm glad. I was just thinkin’ about the last time you were in a hospital bed. I think you've maxed out your eventful quota for a while, no?”

  “Yes,” she laughs.

  The nurse comes back in the room wheeling the bassinet and I smile, seeing that familiar pink bundle.

  “Joanna Faye, meet Aunt Lacey,” Normani says handing her to me.

  “Love her name, your mama would be proud of you, Mani and I'm sure Aunt Charlotte was thrilled about the middle name.”

  “She was. It's uh...it's been tough for sure, but Charlotte's been amazin’. I'm lucky to have her, your mama too.”

  “We made a strong ass tribe, didn’t we?” I smile.

  “We owe it all to the original bad ass bitches,” Normani laughs.

  “That we do.”

  I rock baby Joanna and her eyes open, the crazy shade of green that matches her mamas.

  “So, who do you think is gonna beat up a boyfriend first: Damon, Nico or Devin? My daddy and Uncle Gabe are past their prime in the beatdown bank,” I laugh.

  “Oh no, you forget about Avery?” Mani laughs.

  “Shit. That might be Dev too though. We’re all in trouble! Ain't that more fun though?” I smirk.

  “You know it is woman, you know it is.”

  Chapter 24


  “Okay, I'm gonna puke,” I say covering my nose.

  “Gracie! You're a big girl now! Yayy,” Nico says clapping her little hands.

  She stares at him with her resting baby bitch face. Like mother like daughter.

  “Do we keep this thing? Put it in her baby book or somethin’? I feel like we should, but it's grossin’ me out. Am I a bad mom?”

  “Just put it in a baggie and we can tape it inside. I guess keep it, but no, Mama, you're the best.”

  I shrug as Nico kisses my forehead and put the little scab of Grace's umbilical cord to the side on the bathroom counter.

  “Finally, a big girl bath. How do babies still smell so good after not havin’ a real bath until this thing falls off?” I ask undoing her diaper as Nico holds her in the air.

  I test the water temperature one more time in the baby bath and then hear Nico curse under his breath.

  “She just pissed on me.”

  I try to hide a laugh but fail miserably as I clutch my chest and let it all out.

  “Payback for raggin’ on me when Mason pissed on me. Karma's a bitch, Daddy Hulk. Here, give me her.”

  Nico hands Grace to me as I sink her into the warm water and wash her little body. She stares at me, still no smiles. I know she's only three weeks old, so she's probably still too little to smile, but she really is such a sassy little shit. Not even a smirk.

  “Do you think she hates us? She never even-”

  My words are caught in my throat as I turn to the side and see Nico in only his boxer briefs. My favorite boxer briefs he owns. The light blue is so his color, the shorts short and tight on his thick legs, the material on th
e front leaving nothing to my imagination, his crotch protruding out like he has a thick pair of winter socks tucked inside. I gulp.

  We can't have sex for another three weeks and it's been easier than I thought avoiding it. Partly because taking care of a baby makes us exhausted beyond belief. Right now though, right now my pussy is throbbing, my nipples hardening and I feel my fingers itching to touch him, my mouth eager for his cock inside it.

  “What was that, Mama?” he smirks.

  “You wore those on purpose,” I say through gritted teeth.

  I turn back around and continue to wash Grace as I feel his body press up against mine, his length on my back, twitching.

  “I googled it and I'm allowed to eat your pussy. You're also allowed to swallow my cock. You game tonight, Blondie? I can't keep watching those tits on display and not do anything about it.”

  “I'm feedin’ Grace, it's not like I'm givin’ you a striptease,” I snap.

  “Don't worry, those are all Gracie's. This though,” he says cupping my sex, “this is all mine.”


  “What are you so scared of?” he whispers.

  “I just...I don't know what it looks like down there. It's only been three weeks and she was a big baby and I don't want you to-”

  “Stop, right now. This body sustained and grew my first baby. I don't give a shit if you're a six-hundred pound woman, Lacey Lee. I love every single inch of you. When you're an old lady and have tits down by your knees, I'll still think you're the most beautiful woman on this earth. Your pussy is my kryptonite. It still will be after a couple more kids pop out of it, do you understand, or do I have to make you understand?”

  I close my eyes, remembering not too long ago how restrained Nico had to be, wanting to unleash the beast but couldn't because of my pregnancy. We're so close to that, so damn close and I feel a pool start to form in my panties.

  “Let me…” my voice raspy and I clear my throat. “Let me just finish with Grace. I'll meet you in the bedroom.”

  Nico smiles and reaches for a towel on the counter.

  “I'll help. You know I like to be hands on, Mama.”

  I nod silently as I pull Grace out of the water and Nico wraps her in her towel. We walk down the hall to her nursery. Nico lotions her, putting her diaper and pajamas on as I sit in the rocker and lift my shirt while staring at his bare, muscular back and big ass in those tight briefs.

  He turns and I snap my gaze back up to his face, a smirk forming as he puts Grace in my lap, but not before eyeing my breast. I look down and make sure she is latched and then look up to Nico, my eyes bugging out of my head.

  “Nico, what the fuck are you doin’?” I snap.

  He's sliding his boxer briefs down his legs and stands in the doorway of the nursery, naked.

  “Just giving you a preview. No one wants to watch a movie before seeing what it's about first, no?”

  “I…” I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to keep calm for Grace to finish feeding. She'll sense my tension and I swear I'm gonna slap the shit out of him for riling me up right now.

  “Go to our bedroom,” I demand.

  “I am,” he smirks as he wraps his hand around his length, stroking it as he walks down the hall.


  I lay my head back in the rocker as Grace drinks, slowing down enough for me to unlatch her and move her to my other breast. After a few minutes she falls asleep, popping my nipple out of her mouth. I walk over to her crib and put her down, rubbing her cheek and smiling.

  I still can't believe this is real.

  I back out of the room, taking my shirt and bra off as I go, standing in our bedroom doorway with just my panties on. I see Nico sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes closed, stroking himself.

  Walking quickly to him, I wrap my hand around his erection.

  “Don't you dare fuckin’ come without me,” I growl.

  He grabs me by the waist and throws me back on the bed, hungrily kissing up the inside of one leg and then the other.

  “I've missed this pussy more than you can imagine, Blondie. I can't wait to bury my cock so deep inside you. I have a fucking calendar in my locker.”

  “No you don't!” I giggle.

  “21 days.”

  “You're crazy,” I laugh running my hands through his short hair as he kisses, sucks and licks up my body.

  “I am. So fuckin’ crazy and I'm gonna eat you until you pass out.”

  He lunges for my clit and I buck off the bed, my body shocked with Nico's touch, coming alive after it's been asleep for weeks, missing the attention. The sensitivity of my clit, my body's nervousness with contact makes me shiver.

  “Nico...slow. Go slow I…”

  His lips latch onto my clit and I cry out, already so close. I grab his head with both my hands, pushing him to that spot and he responds, thrashing against me, feasting on every single inch of my pussy, no spot left untouched.

  My body heats, I'm shaking against his mouth, my legs tightening as I drip all over his lips and collapse back to the bed, my hands dropping to the mattress. My breath is ragged and short.

  “God, you taste even sweeter than I remember,” Nico says licking his lips.

  “I want you so badly,” I whine. “Fuck my mouth.”

  “Sit up,” he commands.

  I sit up, leaning back on my hands as he kneels in front of me on one knee, the other bent, his foot braced on the bed on the other side of my body. He's tall enough where I don't even have to bend forward, his hand going to the back of my head as he grips the base of his cock with the other.

  I open my mouth as he pushes inside it, my eyes closing in ecstasy as I feel the velvet of his head move across my tongue. How far I've come from never letting a man take my mouth, to now, letting Nico take everything, do anything he damn well pleases.

  He grips the bottom of himself harder as he rocks his body back and forth in my mouth. I put all my weight on one hand as I reach around and grab his ass with the other, pulling him in further and further until he hits the back of my throat.

  “So good, Blondie. This mouth is so good,” he grits out.

  I pull my mouth off of him and smirk, laying back on the bed as he watches.

  “I want it hard, Hulk. Come up here and straddle my face,” I sigh, crooking my finger.

  He scrambles up to me, bracing his knees on the bed above my shoulders, his hands on our headboard. I take his length in my hand as I guide it back into my mouth and he sighs, throwing his head back, gripping the headboard with white knuckles.

  “Fucking hell, Lacey.”

  His teeth are gritted, and I watch as his control starts to evaporate. He starts to move his hips, thrusting himself into my mouth and I open wider, taking all of him in.

  He pulls out quickly, stroking himself and looks down at me.

  “Lacey, I can't hold back, finish me like this,” he groans continuing to jerk himself off.

  “No!” I snap, digging my nails into his thighs. “Take what you want, Nico. Fuck. My. Mouth.”

  He growls and I see it. The snap in his gaze from tame to tiger. I smirk, opening my mouth and he grips himself, pushing all the way inside and I gag for a second.

  “Like this?” he groans rocking himself back and forth, the bed thumping off the wall.

  I nod around his cock in my mouth, gripping his thighs, hungrily gobbling down every inch he’s giving me. My pussy throbs with the need to be filled. It aches, painfully aches, as he reaches behind himself and pushes on it.

  I lift up into his hand as he rubs against it frantically, matching the rhythm of his hips pistoning himself into my mouth. I lift my head pulling him further in and almost choke as he shoots his load down my throat. His thumb and pointer finger pinching my sensitive clit as I moan my orgasm around his erection.

  He slowly pulls out of my mouth as he collapses on his back.

  “I should have realized that load was gonna be a big one. Three weeks. Are you okay?” h
e asks looking over to me.

  “Soooo okay,” I say smiling.

  We hear a small cry from down the hall and we both laugh.

  “Not tonight little cock block. Mama and Daddy Hulk-1, Grace-0,” I say getting up from the bed.

  Nico and I pound fists as he slaps my ass on my way out of the room. What a life you've made for yourself, Lacey Lee Turner, what a life.


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