Dreaming 0f You (Christian Romance)

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Dreaming 0f You (Christian Romance) Page 1

by Marie Higgins

  Table of Contents

  Dreaming of You

  Edition License Notes

  Other published stories from Marie Higgins

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


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  Dreaming Of You


  Marie Higgins

  Copyright © 2012 by Marie Higgins

  Cover Design by Sheri McGathy

  Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

  Other published stories from Marie Higgins

  “Bargaining With a Rogue” – Regency Romance

  “Finding the Perfect Man” – Romantic Comedy

  “Stealing the Duchess” – Regency Romance Suspense

  “Secrets and Lies” – Victorian Romance Suspense

  “Haunting Secrets” – Victorian Paranormal Romance

  “Love Lost in Time” – Victorian Time-Travel / Suspense

  “Waiting for You” – Paranormal / Time-travel Romance

  “Aim for the Heart” – 1920’s Romantic Suspense

  “Becoming a Lady” – Regency Romance

  “In the Arms of Danger” – Romantic Suspense

  “Crazy For You” – Romantic Comedy

  “My Heart’s Treasure” – Victorian Romantic Suspense

  “Protecting the Heart” – Contemporary Short Story

  The Tycoons Series (Billionaire Romance)

  “The Billionaire’s Pursuit” – book 1

  “The Missing Billionaire” – book 2

  “The Irresistible Billionaire” – book 3

  “The Billionaire’s Secret” – book 4

  “Trusting the Billionaire” – book 5

  “Loving a Billionaire” – book 6

  “Kissing a Billionaire” – book 7

  Sweet Savannah Home Series (American Historical)

  “Surrender Your Heart” – book 1

  “The Reluctant Widow” – book 2

  The Gifted Series (Regency Romantic Suspense – touch of paranormal)

  “Madison’s Gift” – book 1

  “Katrina’s Sight” – book 2

  “Felicia’s Spirits” – book 3

  Your Every Day Hero Series (Romantic Suspense / Romantic Comedy)

  “Prince Charming is a Liar” – Romantic Comedy / Suspense

  “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Altar” – Romantic Suspense / Romantic Comedy

  “Dangerously Close” – Romantic Thriller / Suspense

  Where Dreams Come True Series (fairy tales)

  “The Witch Hunt” – Young Adult Fantasy

  “Champion” – Robin Hood / time travel

  “Her Very Own Godmother” – Modern-day Cinderella, romantic comedy

  “Keep on Believing” – Historical Cinderella

  “Once Enchanted” – Rapunzel romance

  Christian Historical Series

  “A Walk in Heaven” – book 1

  “Touching Heaven” – book 2

  “Reach for Heaven” – book 3

  Regency Romance Series – Sons of Worthington

  “The Sweetest Kiss” – book 1

  “The Sweetest Touch” – book 2

  “The Sweetest Love” – book 3

  “The Sweetest Secret” – book 4

  “The Sweetest Challenge” – book 5

  “Sweet Memories” – book 6

  Regency Romance Suspense Series – Heroic Rogues

  “Pretending You’re Mine” – book 1

  “After the Loving” – book 2

  “Wonderland by Night” – book 3

  “Worth Fighting For” – book 4

  Victorian Romance Series

  “Love Me Always” – book 1

  “Charmed by Knight” – book 2

  “True Love’s Deception” – book 3

  “Belong To Me” – book 4

  “Love Comes Blindly” – book 5

  Christmas Stories

  “A Thrill of Hope” - Contemporary

  “Dreaming of You” – Romantic Comedy

  “Love Lost in Time” – Victorian Time-Travel

  “Her Own Fairy Godmother” – Romantic Comedy

  “Becoming a Lady” – Regency Short Romance

  “Worth Fighting For” – Regency Short Romance

  “Dangerous Kiss” – Contemporary Short Romance

  “Snow Angel” – Contemporary Short Romance

  “Mistletoe Magic” – Contemporary Short Romance


  I want to thank my family for supporting my writing career. And a big thanks to those family members I’ve mentioned in my book...you know who you are, even if I spelled your name wrong. I did it on purpose, you know.

  And I want to thank those ladies who helped me tweak this story: Melissa, Maria, Mary M, Veronica, Heather, Sharon Simmons, and VJ Dunraven.

  Katelyn Palmer never believed any harm could come from using her secret college crush as the hero in her first romance novel—the novel that jumpstarted her writing career. However, when Shane Hunter storms into town, demanding to meet the writer who used his identity, Katelyn is confronted with more than her long, silent emotions. If Shane takes her to court for invasion of privacy, her career will be over.

  Shane doesn’t know how to act when his ex sister-in-law accuses him of having an affair while he was married—and then shows him the romance book as proof. Now he wants to know who this author really is and why she used his name, and most of the events in his life for her story. Desperate to know the truth, Shane befriends Katelyn but he does not expect to be attracted to her, and even more unexpected, is the joy he finds watching his twins fall in love with the woman who is stealing his heart, too...

  Chapter One

  Beastly pirates glared at Katelyn as she stood on the gangplank. Each one clasped a saber, ready for the signal from their domineering captain. She mustn’t give them entertainment, since she knew that’s what they waited for.

  She struggled with the ropes binding her hands, yet she didn’t want to unbalance herself for fear she’d fall into the frigid waters below. A peek of the bottomless, bluish-gray sea revealed sharks darting back and forth as if waiting for her to plunge into their den. By the wicked gleam in their beady eyes, she knew they were leering, waiting for their next feast.

  She gulped. Even though she thought her knees might give way, she knew she must show no fear.

  “Any last words me lovely?” Captain crooked-teeth sneered, glaring at her from his good eye. A black patch covered the other.

  “I—I—” She had last words, but just couldn’t think of them at the moment. She must stall for time while waiting for her hero to save her.

  A chilly wind blew from the East, passing through the light dress she wore, raising goosebumps on her arms and legs. Her long hair whipped around her face, and at t
imes, blocked her view from the scallywags ready to throw her into the ocean.

  “Well, do ye have any last words?” the captain snapped.

  Oh, that insufferable man! He needed a dose of patience, to be sure. Nevertheless, she didn’t want to upset him with her silence. “I—I—I would like a Tombstone pizza.” After the words left her mouth, confusion filled her head and she scowled. Why had she said that when she wasn’t hungry?

  The pirates looked at each other with confused expressions. They shrugged as if they didn’t know what she was talking about either. Then again, this was the eighteenth century. They wouldn’t know what a pizza was if it slapped them in the face.

  “Sorry, Miss, but yer request has been denied.” The captain released an evil laugh. “Time fer ye t’ swim with them fishes.”

  Suddenly, a loud rip of canvas rent the air. All eyes turned toward the tallest mast. A man wearing a billowy white, ruffled shirt—open at the neck—slid down the canvas, his knife cutting the path for him. Muscles bulged from his arms, emphasizing his incredible strength. Katelyn’s heart soared and relief flowed through her.

  He landed in front of her, and in one whoosh of his arm, captured her in his embrace. “Not to worry, fair maiden, I will save you.”

  The deep timbre of his voice made her sigh. She could get lost in his intense green eyes. His long black hair was swept away from his face, tied at his nape with a strip of leather.

  “My hero,” she murmured reverently.

  “Katie, I know you’re there. Will you answer already?”

  Perplexed, she pulled back and looked at him. Why had his voice suddenly changed from the deep timbre she loved to her friend’s higher pitched voice? And how did he know her name?

  Tall, dark, and handsome took her by the shoulders and pulled her closer for a kiss. She relaxed in the strength of his arms, tilted her head, and puckered...

  Instead, a loud buzz rang through her ears and she jumped away.

  Katelyn Palmer blinked, focusing on her surroundings... Her real surroundings. She sat in front of her computer the screen glowing in the slightly darkened room. Beside her, the answering machine’s blinking red light captured her attention. Now she knew where the startling buzzing noise came from.

  With one touch of a button, she played backed the message on the answering machine. “Katie, I know you’re there. Will you answer, already?”

  Chuckling, she picked up the phone to call her friend, Melissa Bloom. The older woman was probably old enough to be her mother, but they had been good friends for so long it was hard to think of her as a mother. Melissa answered on the second ring.

  “I knew you were there,” Melissa said with a laugh.

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “Have you finished your story yet?”

  “Thanks for asking. I’m almost done. Then I’ll send it to my agent and they run with it from there.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to read it.” Melissa released a wistful sigh.

  “Well, I’m sure I’ll have another one in a couple months. Just a few minutes ago, I had another daydream that might really work for a historical.”

  “And another idea. Already? What’s this one going to be about?”

  “A pirate.”

  “That sounds very interesting.”

  “I think it will be,” Katelyn said. “But the strange thing about my daydream a few moments ago was even though I walked the plank on a pirate ship, when my hero arrived, the Indiana Jones theme was playing in my head.”

  Melissa laughed. “Tell me the story is going to be that funny.”

  “That’s my plan.” Katelyn chuckled, drumming her fingers on the desk. “So, what’s the reason you called?”

  “I’m having a party tonight and I wanted to know if you’ll come. It’s kind of an impromptu party because I don’t have a date, and spending the evening alone is not something I want to do.”

  Smiling, Katelyn rolled her eyes. Leave it to her friend to think life was nothing but a weekend party. “Thanks for the invitation, but if I come I won’t be able to finish my manuscript and since I promised my agent I would have it on her desk tomorrow, I’d better stay home and write.”

  The older woman chuckled. “Well, all right. I’ll let you off the hook this time, but only because I’m anxious to read your next adventure.”

  “I hope you have a good time tonight.”

  “You too, sweetie.” Melissa’s voice floated in a singsong tone. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, but not too early. Okay?”

  “Sure thing. Bye.” Katelyn hung up the phone then pushed away from her desk.

  She’d been sitting for three hours straight, and the ending of the story was within reach. She just needed to stretch her legs and munch on something before continuing.

  Empty cupboards greeted her in the kitchen. She frowned. Even Mother Hubbard would have pitied Katelyn. Shopping was definitely on her to-do list. One lonely candy bar captured her eyes and she grabbed that. Dinner could wait at least another couple of hours. Chocolate and caramel-coated nuts couldn’t.

  Upon returning to her bedroom, Fluffy, her Persian cat, jumped down from the top of Katelyn’s bookcase and rubbed her face across Katelyn’s legs. She picked up the animal and proceeded into the office. She settled herself in the chair, un-wrapped the candy bar, and bit off a piece as she thought back to her pirate story. If only real men were like her heroes, she wouldn’t be living in her daydreams. But after years of searching for Mr. Dream-come-true, Katelyn realized that such a man didn’t exist. Her twenty-sixth birthday crept closer, and once again, she’d celebrate without a boyfriend.

  Shaking her head, she switched her focus to her book and smiled. Her heroes were the best; so loving, kind and truthful, so true to their faith and to God, and so willing to make the heroine happy that they’d do anything it took to win the lady’s heart.

  Katelyn frowned. Was it any wonder she couldn’t find a real man? They couldn’t compete with her imaginary heroes.

  So be it! At least she wouldn’t get her heart trampled. Perhaps she wasn’t meant to find a man, marry, and have a family. If that’s what God had planned for her, she’d happily tread the way—as long as she never had to give up her writing, she’d make it.

  STRONG WINDS GUSHED from behind, making Katelyn stumble as she entered the doors of Grandma’s Pancake House. As always, the late autumn weather was unpredictable in San Diego, California, and she quickly pulled the door behind her before anything else flew inside. She brushed off bits of gold and orange leaves from her arms, then down her gray sweats. Just the short trip from the parking lot to here left a lot of debris on her.

  She glanced around the small diner, hoping she hadn’t captured everyone’s interest. When the few patrons in the café looked her way, she inwardly groaned. Instead of letting embarrassment control her, she pulled back her shoulders and patted her hair into place.

  Grandma’s Pancake House was Katelyn’s favorite restaurant when in the mood for breakfast. These people knew her personally, which made her visits seem like a family reunion. Today they were taking down the Halloween decorations from the walls and adding Christmas bells, garland, mini trees, and mistletoe.

  She shook her head. Christmas? Already? Whatever happened to Thanksgiving decorations?

  Katelyn took a step toward a booth when a familiar face caught her attention. She took a double take at the patron sitting closest to the aisle. He had his eyes turned toward her, and she came to a stop. When recognition struck, she gasped.

  What is he doing here?

  Of all the days she chose not to apply make-up or style her hair, why did she have to run into Shane Hunter—the man of her dreams?

  More specifically, the dreams she’d had seven years ago.

  She gawked at him, knowing a dog on a hot day would probably drool less than she was, but she couldn’t bring herself to look away. Shane Hunter—in the flesh—sat in the booth with his gaze directly on her.

  He hadn’t cha
nged that much from when she knew him in college. Still gorgeous as ever, his dark brown hair was slightly longer than she remembered and waved gently against his neck. Much broader shoulders filled his blue cotton shirt perfectly, and just as before, his brown eyes made her heart flutter.

  The last Katelyn had heard he was out of the state expanding his very successful lumber business. So what was he doing in this small hometown diner when his wealth could have him sitting at home eating breakfast in bed while a servant catered to his every whim?

  Did he recognize her? Probably not. She hadn’t been popular on campus, except maybe in the library. Guys back then didn’t notice the girl with thick glasses and freckles, and who always wore their hair wound up in a tight bun that nearly had her eyes popping out of her head.

  Moisture coated her palms, and she fisted her hands. He must think her crazy for gawking the way she did, but heaven help her, she couldn’t look away.

  Seven years ago, she’d fallen hard for his knee-buckling grin and sparkling charisma. Being shy in college, there wasn’t anything she could do about her secret crush. Before graduation, he left town and within a few years had become successful.

  Shane’s eyebrows lifted as his gaze slid over her gray sweats down to her worn athletic white shoes with old grass stains on the toes. When his focus met hers again, a different look accompanied his expression. Did he recognize her?

  Holding her breath, she waited for him to say something. She prayed he didn’t know what she’d done. He couldn’t possibly know, could he?

  Katelyn swallowed hard, wondering why he still stared at her. From the gossip circles, she’d heard he was now divorced. Her heart hammered quicker.

  Finally, he gave her a friendly smile, breaking their staring competition. She wanted to sigh dreamily, but refrained. Her knees threatened to give way and let gravity bring her down.

  “Hello,” he said in a deep voice.

  Inwardly, she quivered. That reaction hadn’t changed since college, either.

  Silently, she scolded herself. Why was she acting like a love-struck teenager? Not only did he have a new life, so did she. After he’d left California to start his family, she had reached her goal of becoming a romance writer. He’d helped her whether he knew it or not.


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