Dreaming 0f You (Christian Romance)

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Dreaming 0f You (Christian Romance) Page 11

by Marie Higgins

  Suddenly, the ride came to a quick stop, jerking them forward. Katelyn looked around, from the other cars on the track, to down below. Other people wore confused expressions as well.

  “Aunt Katie? What’s happened?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t know—” Another strong jerk had her sliding forward in her seat as the car tilted. She screamed and clung to the steel bar holding them inside.

  “Aunt Katie. We’re going to fall!” Steven cried.

  “No, don’t say that.” She tried to calm herself, but her shaky voice said it all. “They’ll fix the ride and—“

  Another strong jolt rocked their car on the narrow rails. The three of them screamed.

  She glanced at the other cars. They were fine. So why did her car act like it would turn over and dump them to their deaths at any moment?

  “Katelyn, don’t move!”

  She looked up the narrow rails. Shane Hunter came toward them, balancing on the tracks the best he could. Her heart leapt, but her stomach rolled. He would fall since he had nothing to hold him.

  She said a silent prayer that he would not slip and fall to his death—that he would come to her rescue yet again, save her, and they would live happily ever after.

  “Katelyn, I won’t let anything happen to you. I love—”

  “Hey, Aunt Katie.” Steven nudged her, bringing her back to reality. “Someone is calling your name.”

  Oh good grief! Why was she fantasizing about Shane again? But more importantly, why was she thinking about those three little words she’d wanted him to say before she was pulled out of the daydream. She must be crazy!

  Off in the distance, she heard her named being called. She turned and looked toward the sound. Two little kids ran her way, shouting and waving their hands.

  “Miss Palmer! Miss Palmer!”

  She gasped. Of all places... Cori and Casey?

  Glancing behind them, the object of Katelyn’s dreams walked toward her, and he looked just as handsome as he did the last time she saw him. Excitement beat in her heart. For some reason, she didn’t think this was a coincidental meeting.

  She stood as Cori and Casey ran up and hugged her legs. “Hello, Miss Palmer.”

  She laughed and bent to return their hugs, then looked back at Shane. “I’m so surprised to see you...here.”

  Shane stopped very close to her, and she thought he, too, was going to give her a hug. Thankfully, he didn’t.

  “Well, you mentioned to Cori you were going to Disneyland, and so my kids have been bugging me nonstop until I agreed to bring them.”

  “But—how—I mean, you—me...” She stumbled over her words, still surprised.

  “Yes, isn’t it funny how we’re always running into each other?”

  By the teasing look on his face, she wondered if he hadn’t planned this all along. Dare she ask if he were stalking her now?

  Before she could say another word, a woman walked up behind Shane and stopped. Katelyn’s heart dropped. He was here with a date! Katelyn quickly assessed the other female, secretly wishing her own hair was as curly, and that her face was as pretty. Katelyn felt like such an outcast at the moment. Of course Shane would be with a date. He was unattached and probably looking for a mother for his twins. Katelyn shouldn’t be thinking that maybe something might happen between her and Shane, anyway. Impossible!

  Luke jumped up from the bench and ran to the woman. Katelyn reached out to grab him, but the little bugger slipped through her grasp.

  “Mrs. Christensen? What are you doing here with Cori and Casey?”

  The beautiful model-like woman bent to Luke’s level and smiled. “I’m Cori and Casey’s aunt.”

  Their aunt? This was definitely not Tori. Katelyn quickly looked the woman over again and noticed the resemblance she and Shane shared.

  Katelyn laughed. “Luke? How do you know this lady?”

  Mrs. Christensen laughed, too. “I’m the vice principal at his school.”

  Shane entered the conversation. “I’m sorry for being rude and not introducing you before now. Katelyn, this is my sister, Elaine. Elaine, this is Katelyn Palmer.”

  Katelyn shook hands with the other woman. Happiness burst in Katelyn’s chest. Shane wasn’t here with a date! Maybe, just maybe something would happen...

  “Are you guys in the mood for a couple more rides?” Shane asked.

  Katelyn shook her head, preparing to tell him how tired the boys were, but suddenly her nephews got a spark of energy and jumped up and down.

  “Oh, yes,” they chimed.

  Shane winked at her. “How about you?”

  She shrugged, not knowing how to act. The last time they were together and she overheard the brief conversation he had with Justin, she thought for sure he was still planning to take her to court. Silently she prayed she had been wrong. “I think I could handle another ride or two.”

  He reached his hand to take Katelyn’s, but a smaller hand slipped into hers first. She looked down into the smiling eyes of Cori. The little girl then took hold of her father’s hand. As the three of them walked down the path, a strange feeling of family unity came over Katelyn. Although she had no right to feel so complete, she couldn’t help herself. Shane even looked at her differently, and the pound in her heart wouldn’t subside. Her nephews tagged behind with Casey and Shane’s sister.

  The first ride Katelyn went on was with Cori and Casey and Luke, since the ride could hold four. They laughed and screamed, and suddenly the day seemed a little brighter. The next ride, Katelyn voted to sit out, explaining that because it was a two-seated ride, there wouldn’t be any room. This gave her time to sit and watch Shane with his children.

  Her heart melted the more she saw them together. Shane acted like such a wonderful parent, so loving and attentive. It was certainly different than what Tori had told her many years ago. But the more Katelyn thought about it, Tori would have reason to dislike Shane. After all, Tori had been the bombshell in college, getting any man she could. Yet, Shane had married Tori’s younger sister. Knowing the selfish woman, Tori was probably bitter about that.

  For the millionth time, Katelyn felt like such an idiot. How could she have believed Tori’s lies? Why was Katelyn willing to believe the worst in men anyway? Then again, she hadn’t dated enough to compare.

  After the ride, Shane led them to a concession stand and bought everyone a drink. The kids sat together at one table, while the adults gathered at the next closest table. As Elaine explained to Katelyn why her husband was out of town for the weekend, Katelyn could feel Shane’s gaze upon her. Giddiness expanded in her chest and her skin tingled with delight. She couldn’t stop remembering how nice it felt to be in his arms. No, nice wasn’t the right word. She’d felt wonderful. Complete.

  She glanced at Shane a couple of times, and his lazy grin made butterflies dance in her already nervous stomach. By the way he stared, she wondered what thoughts lingered in his mind. Perhaps it was best if she didn’t know.

  The children grew silent, and Katelyn looked back to see what was wrong. All four of them looked like they would fall asleep at any moment. A wave of disappointment washed over her when she realized she’d have to tell Shane and his kids goodbye.

  “Are you going to the Parade of Lights?” he asked her, bringing her attention back to the table.

  “Well, I wanted to, but the boys are tired. I really should get them back to the hotel room and rest.”

  “What hotel are you staying at?”

  “Disneyland Resort.”

  “So are we,” he exclaimed.

  “I have an idea,” Elaine spoke. “Since I don’t want to see the light show, I’ll take the kids back to the hotel while you two go see the show.”

  Katelyn shook her head. “Oh, that’s not necessary—”

  “They’ll be just fine,” Elaine continued. “I’ll rent a movie and we’ll watch that while you two are gone. If the boys fall asleep, Shane can carry them to your room after you come back.”

sp; Katelyn glanced at Shane whose teasing expression had turned into a look of pleading, and she really did want to see the light show. She smiled, and his expression changed again to one of happiness.

  She swallowed the hard lump of excitement rising in her throat. Looking back at Elaine, Katelyn nodded. “If you’re sure you don’t mind.”

  “Of course I don’t mind. You forget that I work at a school. I love kids.”

  After Katelyn told her nephews about their plans, it surprised her to see how excited they were. Even Cori and Casey were elated. Katelyn hugged her nephews before leaving with Shane. Now that they were alone, it seemed awkward, and the silence stretched between them.

  Suddenly everything he did made her nervous and she wiped her moist palms on her jeans. The movement must have pulled Shane’s attention back to her, because he took hold of her hand and kept it in his until they reached a place on the side of the road to watch the Parade of Lights. The warmth from his hand made her tremble, and he chuckled before stepping behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “Is this better?”

  His hot breath against her neck made her quiver again, but she was far from being cold. “Yes.”

  “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”

  She forced a laugh. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you’re suddenly shy. You haven’t met my eyes once since we left the kids.”

  She shrugged, but didn’t answer.

  “You don’t need to be afraid,” he whispered near her ear. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

  She swallowed hard. “What makes you think I want you to do anything in the first place?”

  His chest shook with silent laughter then he brushed his lips just below her ear. “You forget that I’m holding you close. I can feel how nervous you are, sweetheart.”

  She turned her head and looked at him over her shoulder. He wore his teasing grin again, but his eyes was browner than before, and she didn’t think the evening’s shadows had anything to do with it.

  “Okay, I’ll admit, you make me nervous.”

  “See, that wasn’t so hard.”

  “Maybe not for you.”

  He chuckled again, then dropped his head and swept his lips against hers briefly. “For right now, all I want to do is watch the Parade of Lights. After that, it’s up to you what happens. Agreed?”

  Katelyn nodded, her heart jumping in her chest at the mere thought of having control. She already knew how crazily her body reacted to him. Dare she go on her instincts and let this incredible man kiss her again?

  Chapter Ten

  The lower the sun dropped from the sky, the cooler the breeze became. Katelyn shivered, and Shane tightened his arms around her. Although the heat from his body did a more-than-adequate job of warming her, his breath blowing on her neck was making her insides quake.

  “I should have brought my jacket.” He rubbed her arms. “Then I could wrap you in that, too.”

  She chuckled. “I didn’t think it would be this cool tonight. Lately, the weather has been warmer, so I thought it would be warm now. I guess I should have brought a blanket.”

  “Um, a blanket sounds nice,” he said huskily. “Should we run back to the hotel room and get one?”

  “No. The parade will start soon, and by the time we get back, it’ll be over.”

  “True.” He rubbed her arms again then settled his hands back around her waist. “I guess we’ll just have to share each other’s body heat.”

  “You’re doing a great job right now.”

  “If I could cuddle you any closer I would.”

  His warm breath blew on her neck. She loved it, yet she knew she shouldn’t. Thank heavens they couldn’t get personal with so many people around.

  Dreamily, she smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying their closeness. Strange to think she didn’t have to daydream now, because everything was real!

  Shane chuckled. “You know,” he said, “if you had told me a few weeks ago I’d be cuddling with you as we watched the parade, I would have thought you insane.”

  Nodding, she laughed. “I couldn’t agree more. We started out on a bad foot, don’t you think?”

  “Yes.” He winked and cuddled her closer. “But I like it better this way.”

  “As do I.”

  I need to tell him the truth. Worry escalated inside her chest, just like it’d had always done when she thought about confessing the real reason she’d wrote about him in her first book. Yet, now things were different between them. No more did Shane act like he wanted to take her to court and sue her. Maybe...just maybe, this would be the perfect place to say something. They were both happy and enjoying each other’s company. If she told him now, he wouldn’t hate her. She hoped... No, she had to be positive. She would tell him tonight after the parade.

  She glanced around them and noticed the many groups of families. Too bad the children were tired tonight. They would have enjoyed the parade. But then, with the kids around, she didn’t think Shane would be so affectionate—or she might have not allowed Shane to be so affectionate.

  The middle-aged woman standing not too far away caught Katelyn’s attention, probably because the woman kept turning to look at Shane. Jealousy struck, and Katelyn suddenly wanted to tell the woman to look at her own husband.

  Then the woman reached into her carrying bag and pulled out a paperback. Katelyn’s first novel, Ladies’ Man! The same book she’d used Shane’s real name in. The woman turned the book over to study the author’s pic.

  Inwardly Katelyn groaned and her heart plummeted. She hoped the woman didn’t say anything.

  The music began, and all eyes turned toward the first float moving slowly down the street. Unfortunately, the woman standing next to Katelyn wasn’t paying attention to the parade. When the woman finally met Katelyn’s gaze she smiled, so Katelyn returned the greeting with a forced smile of her own. The lady moved toward Katelyn and her heart dropped. Please don’t say anything about the resemblance between the man on the cover of the book and the one holding me.

  “Excuse me,” the lady said, “I have an extra blanket if you’d like to use it.”

  Katelyn sighed with relief. “You’re so very kind. Thank you.”

  Shane took the blanket and thanked the woman, then wrapped the covering around both him and Katelyn. The lady turned and went back to her family to watch the parade. Katelyn breathed easier now.

  Shane kissed her ear again. “This is so much cozier.”

  She looked at him over her shoulder and smiled. “It is. That lady was very thoughtful, wasn’t she?”

  “Yeah. It surprises me, because I usually don’t run into such kind people here at Disneyland.”

  “You’ve been here before?”

  “Yes, last year.”

  “I bet the kids loved it.”

  He shrugged. “The kids loved it, but I couldn’t wait to get home. Their mother argued with me nonstop and made the trip unbearable.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He tightened his arms around her and buried his face in her neck. “It’s in the past, and I like the way my future is looking. It’s definitely promising.”

  “Shane? Tell me truthfully—was running into you a coincidence today or did you plan this?”

  His teasing grin said it all. “Will you call me a stalker if I said I’d planned it?”

  Her heart softened. “No.”

  “Promise not to hate me?”

  “I promise.”

  He nodded. “I planned it. Cori told me you’d be here, so I pried the information out of your sister. Let me tell you, she’s a tough cookie to get the facts from.”

  Katelyn laughed. “I’m glad she gave in and told you.”

  “I think she likes me.” He wagged his eyebrows.

  Katelyn laughed harder, but settled herself comfortably in his arms. She suddenly realized how much she enjoyed being this close to him. “Actually, I think my sister likes Patrick more.”

/>   “Who is Patrick?”

  “Her husband.”

  Shane smiled and tightened his arms around her. She kept her attention toward the parade, even when her thoughts were under the blanket wrapped around her and Shane. His hands slid up and down her arm, continuing to warm her. When his hands wound around her waist, she linked her fingers through his. This was so cozy. Dare she wish Shane could be the man in her dreams after all?

  All during the parade, Shane remained so tender and attentive. He acted as if he enjoyed holding her this way.

  When the parade was over, Katelyn grudgingly handed the blanket back to the nice woman. “Thank you again for your kindness.”

  The woman’s smile stretched. “I was more than happy to help.” She handed the blanket to one of her children, then reached in her purse and pulled out Katelyn’s novel. “Now can I ask a favor from you?” She brought forth the book. “Can I have your autograph, Chelsea Mitchell?”

  Katelyn’s heart sank, but she took the book and the pen from the lady. She quickly opened to the right page and signed her name.

  “May I also ask something else?” The lady glanced at Shane. “Are you the man who posed for the cover on this book? You look just like him.”

  Silently, Katelyn groaned. The evening was ruined for sure!

  SHANE STARED AT THE older woman who gazed at him with adoring eyes. He’d almost forgotten about Katelyn’s book, yet wasn’t that the reason he was here? Wasn’t he supposed to be getting closer to her to find out how she knew about the intimate details of his life? Funny to think, but the past few hours he’d enjoyed Katelyn’s company so much he’d forgotten about his main goal.

  Katelyn’s body had stiffened, but then so did his. She held her breath, probably waiting for him to answer the woman.

  He gave the lady a smile. “As much as I’d like to take credit for that, I’m afraid I didn’t know Miss Mitchell when she wrote this book.”

  The lady shrugged. “I’m sorry for the mistake.”


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