Concordance: A Terran Empire concordance

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Concordance: A Terran Empire concordance Page 14

by Ann Wilson


  NANNSTEIN, Reinhard: (2100-2142) A Da Vinci-type genius, Nannsteindeveloped the science of gravitics in 2123, financed by a smallinheritance he had invested and turned into a fortune. Still workingindependently, despite many offers from industry and government, heinvented hyperdrive in 2125. Working with his friend Cheong Chang, hehelped establish the Empire, then designed and supervised the buildingof the Imperial Palace in Antarctica. He disappeared in 2142 whiletesting an improvement of the hyperdrive.

  NARVON System: Sector: 16, Virgo No. planets: 12 Subsector: A, Athena Inhabited: 3 Ruled by: Nilssun family

  General: Since the Kindred became widespread, in the early 2280s, thisis one of the most peaceful systems in the Empire. Random violence,such as natural disasters and accidents, is inevitable--but it is inextremely bad taste to put pictures of the victims on the nightly news.The same with victims of violent crime, much less the crime itself.Violent sports aren't illegal, but they are not organized, and they areconsidered lower-class. In drama, violence (especially bloodyviolence) is treated about the way sex was on mid-twentieth-centuryNorth American television. Intimacy, emotional and physical, is theprimary theme of Narvonese entertainment.

  NARVON II: Sector: 16, Virgo Year: Subsector: A, Athena Day: System: Narvon Gravity: Settled/established: 2219 Axial tilt: By: Colonists from Narvon III Oxygen: Satellites: 2 % Water: Ident code prefix: NAN Continents: Ruled by: General: Required minor terraforming.

  NARVON III: Sector: 16, Virgo Year: Subsector: A, Athena Day: System: Narvon Gravity: Settled/established: 2133 Axial tilt: By: Mostly Scandinavians Oxygen: Satellites: 2 (Thor, Loki) % Water: Ident code prefix: NAR Continents: Ruled by: General: Undistinguished until 2275, when the nosferatu pseudo-virus appeared and created a human-variant minority called Kindred of the Dragon. These are now the system's local nobility.

  Sub-planetary jurisdictions are called districts, with District Administrators in charge.

  Dress clothing tends to be loose shirts, fancy (silk or brocade, for example) culottes with sash, and high boots.

  NARVON IV: Sector: 16, Virgo Year: Subsector: A, Athena Day: System: Narvon Gravity: Settled/established: 2235 Axial tilt: By: Colonists from Narvon III Oxygen: Satellites: 1 % Water: Ident code prefix: NAV Continents: Ruled by: General: Required moderate terraforming.

  NEED, Sandeman Warriors': The primary physiological change thatdifferentiates warriors from non-warriors. It is controlled by aductlesss gland which secretes the hormone egerin, beginning atpuberty; this begins the need cycle, and increases the warrior'sendurance and healing speed beyond even the Sandeman norm.

  There are three forms of need: cyclical, induced, and battleprep.Cyclical is involuntary, caused by the normal buildup of egerin, sincethat hormone cannot be metabolized alone. A warrior's cycle length isindividual, and can vary from five to eight days. If the egerinbuildup is not interrupted by combat or sex (both of which stimulateadrenalin production to levels that allow interaction with egerin andpermit it to be metabolized), about two-thirds of the way through awarrior's cycle he begins to experience heightened sensitivity, bothphysical and mental. This is the pre-need stage. Need itself beginsas further-increased sensitivity that could be described asirritability, at which point patience and self-control are not amongthe warrior's strong points. This stage, as a rule, lasts for about aday; it is not dependent on the cycle length, and is what is calledactive need. If it is not satisfied, the warrior starts going intooverload; all body systems become hyperactive, and the effect is one ofmultiple stress diseases. Untreated overload lasts about two days.

  The other two forms can be undertaken voluntarily at any stage short ofoverload. Induced need is the sexual form, stimulated by arousal andmanipulation of the need gland. It results in heightened sexualability and greatly increased fertility; if the warrior's partner is inher fertile period; conception is almost a certainty. If induced needis not resolved, it will abate on its own since it involves only thereproductive organs, speeding the warrior's cycle slightly--though theegerin fluctuations are quite uncomfortable to the warrior. Itsresolution results in aftersleep, a near-comatose state that lasts forseveral hours.

  Battleprep is the combat-oriented form of need, induced by mental andphysical concentration. Unlike induced need, battle-prep involves theentire body; unless the warrior goes into demanding combat within anhour or two, he will go into overload and die. As this is well known,a warrior will prep only when combat is imminent.

  Battleprep is often referred to as a berserker state, but that is onlypartially correct. The prepped warrior is only marginally, if at all,aware of pain and wounds; blood clots quickly to minimize loss; speedand strength are heightened on the same order as that of someone ofaverage strength who can suddenly lift a car to save an infant. Beyondthis, however, the berserker analogy breaks down, because the warriorretains his full intelligence and judgement. This combination makes abattleprepped warrior one of the most dangerous beings in the knownuniverse.

  At home, or on any Sandeman-controlled world, a warrior is in no dangerof overload unless very unusual circumstances arise. There are alwayswarriors and w'women around. And except in hostile-alien territory,where need is a weakness that must be concealed, keeping even an enemywarrior from dying in overload is as ingrained as their politeness. Itis honorable to kill him, imprison him, even torture him forinformation--but if he goes into active need, he gets treatment. If now'woman is available or willing, there is a ritual offering ofnon-hostile life-combat by one or more of the imprisoning clan'swarriors.

  The need cycle can be disrupted by serious injury or illness; thedisruption will last from the time of the injury or illness until thewarrior regains near-normal health.

  Shaper experiments show that the need cycle can be permanently ended byremoval of the need gland; this turns the warrior into an Other manwith combat skills but none of the other warrior advantages.Naturally, Sandemans find this idea both repulsive and obscene.

  NEEDLER: Sandeman energy handgun. Although it has less raw power thana blaster, the beam is much more finely adjusted, so it has equal orgreater effective power. While the narrower beam requires more carefulaim, Sandemans prefer its greater precision, most considering theblaster's wider beam unacceptably sloppy.

  NEMRA: Sector: 13, Crater Year: Subsector: B, Inanna Day: System: Gilgamesh Gravity: Settled/established: Axial tilt: By: Oxygen: Satellites: % Water: Ident code prefix: NEM Continents: Ruled by: General: Site of the abortive rebellion led by Count Jonathan Kaplan's son Robert, in which Ranger Esteban Tarlac was injured and David Scanlon earned his Life Dukedom.

  NEPHTHYS, Subsector 15-B: No. systems: 197 Sector: Auriga with 3 inhabited planets: 4 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 11 with 1 inhabited planet: 22

  NEW BAVARIA: Sector: 6, Scorpio Year: Subsector: G, Tarlac Day: System: Fasolt Gravity: Settled/established: Axial tilt: By: Germans Oxygen: Satellites: % Water: Ident code prefix: NBV Continents: Ruled by: General: Most famous product is Doppelbock beer, which is a strong dark brew
that travels well, but is also quite expensive.

  NEW ZION: Sector: 20, Chameleon Year: Subsector: B, Thoth Day: System: Solomon Gravity: Settled/established: Axial tilt: By: Neo-Christian fundamentalists Oxygen: Satellites: % Water: Ident code prefix: NZI Continents: Ruled by:

  NIKE, Subsector 13-A: No. systems: 181 Sector: Crater with 3 inhabited planets: 3 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 13 with 1 inhabited planet: 22

  NIPPON-NI: Sector: 7, Cygnus Year: Subsector: A, Kinnison Day: System: Amaterasu Gravity: Settled/established: 2129 Axial tilt: By: Japanese Oxygen: Satellites: % Water: Ident code prefix: NIP Continents: Ruled by: General: The settlers wanted to return to the glorious old days of the samurai, without losing modern conveniences or an industrial base. On-planet, the Baron is called the Shogun.

  NOBILITY, COURTESY: Those treated as Imperal nobles, though notstrictly speaking nobility themselves, out of courtesy to the nobleparent or spouse. This is normally a Life Noble's spouse or a rulingnoble's younger children.

  NOBILITY, IMPERIAL: Life and ruling nobles. In common usage this termincludes the Sovereign and Rangers, though technically speaking theyare royalty. See chart below for numbers and the proper ways ofreferring to and addressing royalty and nobility.

  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANK & NUMBER STYLE & TITLE ADDRESSED AS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sovereign (1) His/Her Imperial Majesty Your Majesty or Majesty * Successor (1) His/Her Royal Highness the Your Highness, Highness, Crown Prince/ss, or Ranger or Ranger Ranger (abt. 10) Ranger (rarely, Prince/ss) Ranger (rarely, Your Highness or Highness) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Duke His/Her Grace the Life Duke Your Grace # Fullname Spouse Lord/Lady Firstname My Lord/My Lady Children No title ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruling Duke (22) His/Her Grace Fullname, Duke Your Grace of Sector _____________ Spouse Duke-Consort Firstname of My Lord/My Lady Sector ___________ Eldest child Duke-Heir Fullname of Sector My Lord/My Lady __________ Other children Lord/Lady Fullname Lord/Lady Firstname ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Earl The Most Honorable the Life My Lord/My Lady or Earl Fullname My Lord Earl/ My Lady Earl # Spouse Lord/Lady Firstname My Lord/My Lady Children No title ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruling Earl (106) The Most Honorable Fullname, My Lord/My Lady or Earl of Subsector _______ My Lord Earl/ My Lady Earl Spouse Earl-Consort Firstname of My Lord/My Lady Subsector ___________ Eldest child Earl-Heir Fullname of My Lord/My Lady Subsector __________ Other children Lord/Lady Fullname Lord/Lady Firstname ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Count The Right Honorable the Life My Lord/My Lady or Count Fullname My Lord Count/ My Lady Count # Spouse Lord/Lady Firstname My Lord/My Lady Children No title ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruling Count The Right Honorable Fullname, My Lord/My Lady or (1431) Count of _______ System My Lord Count/ My Lady Count Spouse Count-Consort Firstname of My Lord/My Lady __________ System Eldest child Count-Heir Fullname of My Lord/My Lady _________ System Other children Lord/Lady Fullname Lord/Lady Firstname ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Baron The Honorable the Life Baron My Lord/My Lady or Fullname My Lord Baron/ My Lady Baron # Spouse Lord/Lady Firstname My Lord/My Lady Children No title ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruling Baron The Honorable Fullname, Baron My Lord/My Lady or (5596) of ________ My Lord Baron/ My Lady Baron Spouse Baron-Consort Firstname of My Lord/My Lady __________ Eldest child Baron-Heir Fullname of My Lord/My Lady __________ Other children Lord/Lady Fullname Lord/Lady Firstname ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * May also be addressed directly as "Sire", or by Rangers as "Sir". # Nobles serving in the military are addressed by their military titles when aboard ship or on duty; when off duty, either military or civil titles may be used. Also, informal usage allows nobles to be addressed by title and last name, e.g., "Baron Klaes".

  NOBILITY, LIFE: Those who have been ennobled for significant serviceto the Empire carried out at serious personal cost or risk. The degreeof service and risk or cost determine the rank given.

  NOBILITY, LOCAL: Nobility other than Imperial Life or ruling nobles.These may be named by any ruling noble within @'s fief and will havewhatever status the Imperial noble determines. If a nobility orequivalent already exists on a world joining the Empire, those willretain that status as local nobles. While local nobles have noImperial status, they are generally given the courtesy title ofExcellency.

  NOBILITY, RULING: Those born to rule Imperial fiefs, except that thefirst ruling noble in a new fief will be named by the Sovereign.Technically, only the noble and @'s spouse and heir are Imperialnobles, but @'s younger children are treated so as a courtesy.

  Inheritance of rule is by strict primogeniture, except in the few fiefswhere, by the Sovereign's dispensation, there is some otherqualification or automatic disqualification (e.g., Narvonese noblesmust be Dragon-Kindred, while Sandeman nobles cannot be warriors). Itis also possible, though rare, for a noble to ask the Sovereign todisqualify @'s firstborn for cause, and confirm someone else as Heir.

  Should a ruling noble die without an heir, the Heir to the next higherfief takes over until the Sovereign can select a new ruler. If thefief left vacant is a Sector, a Ranger will take the positiontemporarily.

  NOR: Traiti unit of weight, 0.56 kilograms.

  NORVIS: Sector: 21, Traiti Year: Subsector: A, Homesun Day: System: Lantra Gravity: Settled/established: 2193 Axial tilt: By: Traiti Oxygen: Satellites: % Water: Ident code prefix: NOR Continents: Ruled by: General: Clan Ch'kara's main clanhome is here.

  NOSFERATU PSEUDO-VIRUS: An organism resembling a virus more closelythan anything else its first investigators were aware of. It iscapable of infecting approximately one percent of the inhabitants ofNarvon System and an unknown but much smaller percentage of Terrans;all others are immune. While very few Terrans are susceptible, thatsmall percentage is extremely so, and all so far known have becomeBloodmates. Susceptibility is determined by high empathy, though itmay be mostly
latent until the Change. Narvonese research has shownthat a person with a certain rare "marker" gene configuration issusceptible, but until nearly 2600, the reason is not known. Asusceptible person subjected to severe weakening (due to illness ortrauma) after exposure will undergo physical and mental changes,becoming a Kin or Bloodmate.

  It is the degree of empathy which determines whether the Change is toKin or Bloodmate, with the more empathic becoming the Bloodmates.

  The virus is a collective mind, symbiotic with its hosts, but does notbecome self-aware or more than marginally conscious until it infectsand changes Chee Campbell in 2750. ["Touch of the Dragon"]

  NOXI: (Traiti) Homeworld equivalent of rabbits, with ears likebeagles. They are about twice the size of Terran rabbits.

  NULLGRAV: Nullified, or nullification of, gravity. Used as a drivefor spacecraft near planets, and in planetary craft such as airplanesand cars, as well as for exercise facilities, entertainment, medicaluses, etc.


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