Concordance: A Terran Empire concordance

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Concordance: A Terran Empire concordance Page 22

by Ann Wilson


  WAR DOGS, Sandeman: One of the two types of livestock modified by theShapers, of the wide variety they took with them. These are Dobermanpinschers modified for size (averaging about 45 kilos), intelligence,and speech. Their intellectual ability is about that of a ten-year-oldhuman. The speech modification was less successful; while they can beunderstood, it takes either concentration or a practiced ear. ClanShona is the primary breeder and trainer of these dogs, and tends toconsider them as members of the clan.

  WARRIORS, Sandeman: Males genetically modified even beyond theSandeman norm by addition of a gland which produces the hormone egerin.Under the Shapers, warriors were about ten percent of the malepopulation. This changed after Overthrow, when more warriors were seenas vital to the defense of the race. After Annexation, when thebenefits of warrior-police were seen on the worlds they had conquered,other worlds began to hire them and warriors became an economic assetto their clans. Up to half of a modern clan's men may be warriors,with many of them away from the clan in the Marines or on contract assecurity forces.

  Egerin is the primary part of a sex-linked recessive gene complex, andis responsible for giving them speed, strength, and stamina well abovethe Sandeman norm. Although the psychological segment of the genecomplex is smaller, it is no less important: Sandeman warriors enjoyfighting.

  These physical and psychological traits are developed by training whichstarts at age five. The major emphasis, of course, is on combat andrelated subjects, such as weapons, martial arts, High War Speech,military and Sandeman history, and perhaps some spacecraft handling.Other important subjects are customs and courtesies, need management,the clan's specialty, and one or more personal interests, usuallyincluding some form of handiwork. When the young warriors move intothe main clanhome at puberty, they begin doing their own chores(laundry, cleaning, etc.), including a share in cooking.

  At approximately 18 years old, there is a graduation ceremony for thenew warriors and w'women, indicating that they now take their place inthe clan as adults. There is no sharp division other than that anadult will not fight or have sex (except for the instructors) with astudent; part of the post-graduation party is an adult inviting one ofthe new graduates to one or the other.

  Warriors have the typical Sandeman ethnocentrism, but to an evengreater degree. The race was created to be better than its creators,and the warriors are the best of the Sandemans. Fortunately, they arealso more concerned with honor, propriety, and courtesy, and they arethoroughly trained in "warrior restraint"; it is dishonorable to fightOthers who regard themselves as non-combatants, however great theprovocation, except in self-defense. To a Sandeman warrior, the Marineslogan "Death before dishonor" is a truism--and a probable reason mostwarriors spend some time in that service.

  Their physiology and training, however, make it unlikely that a warriorwill ever become a Ranger or Sovereign; they are temperamentallyunsuited to administering a civilian group larger than a clan.

  WARRIORS'-WOMEN, Sandeman: (abbreviated w'women) The female members ofthe warrior caste, women trained in combat, medicine, and needmanagement. They have no genetic modifications beyond those shared byall Sandemans, so any girl-child who wants to take the training may doso, and most warriors' daughters, particularly the eldest, at leastbegin training; those who complete it successfully wear a gold-gemmedring (e.g., golden topaz) to mark their status. Since they have nospecial genetic alterations, however, any who decide they are notsuited to the life may quit at any time, during or after training.

  Because of this, there are fewer w'women than warriors, though ideallytheir numbers would be equal. About the best ratio most clans canexpect is one w'woman for two to three warriors.

  WEN: (Imperial English) Indefinite pronoun used either when sex isunknown or irrelevant (e.g., crewwen) or referring to a group in whichboth sexes are present (e.g., crewwens).

  WHITE ORDER: (Irschchan) The organization of Talented Irschchans thathas ruled that planet since approximately 3000 BCE, its most stronglyTalented member becoming the High Adept. In keeping with the Empire'spolicy regarding already-existing governments, this was modified onlyin that the High Adept also becomes the Planetary Baron.

  At initiation, a member drops @'s family name, using "of the WhiteOrder" instead.


  XAN: Xanadu's planetary computer.

  XANADEN: Inhabitant of Xanadu.

  XANADU: Sector: 1, Orion Year: 729 std. days Subsector: C, Heimdall Day: 83 hours System: Kama Gravity: 950 cm/sec2 Settled/established: 2142 Axial tilt: 47 deg. By: Oxygen: 23% Satellites: None % Water: No surface water Ident code prefix: XAN Continents: None Ruled by: Steen family

  General: Pleasure planet. Although its surface is uninhabited, itsnear-surface volume contains numerous large cave complexes which havebeen improved and expanded. It has no native life, even plants, butTerran imported plants thrive, thanks to carefully-controlled lightingand atmosphere. Since everything is underground, the surface year andday are irrelevant to Xanadens; the entire planet operates on PalaceStandard Time.

  Xanadu's only significant economic asset is tourism, its most famousattractions the Pleasure Dome and the amators.

  XANTH, Subsector 4-D: No. systems: 94 Sector: Fornax with 3 inhabited planets: 6 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 12 with 1 inhabited planet: 21


  YAMA, Subsector 15-D: No. systems: 109 Sector: Auriga with 3 inhabited planets: 6 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 9 with 1 inhabited planet: 17

  YONAR: Sector: 13, Crater Year: Subsector: D, Idun Day: System: Jade Gravity: Settled/established: 2516 Axial tilt: By: Oxygen: Satellites: 3 % Water: Ident code prefix: YON Continents: Ruled by: General: The main colony suffered a disastrous flood in 2518; the rescue mission was led by Ranger James Medart, his first solo.


  ZEUS, Subsector 12-F: No. systems: 150 Sector: Eridanus with 3 inhabited planets: 7 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 8 with 1 inhabited planet: 17

  ZWILNIK: Anyone dealing in illegal drugs, or dealing illegally inlegal ones. (From the Lensman multiverse chronicled by E. E. "Doc"Smith, with thanks.)


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