Bimbo Code Series Bundle

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Bimbo Code Series Bundle Page 7

by Jen Eastwood

  I lathered up a ball of shaving cream and spread it on my face. A knock on the door made me jump and cut myself with the first swipe. Fuck. “Yeah?”

  “Are you decent?”

  “I guess so.” The towel around my waist was cover enough for me. “Do I need to hurry up?” The blood turned the shaving cream on my right cheek pink.

  “No, I just want to get a shower.”

  “Come on in, I'll be done in a minute.”

  Elena opened the door and stopped. “You're bleeding, and I wouldn't call that decent.”

  “Just a nick, and this passes for decent around here.”

  She pulled a tissue out of the holder between the two sinks. “Here,” she stepped to my right and dabbed the cut. “I'm sorry if I made you do that.”

  “It's fine. You shave, you cut yourself every now and then.” I had finished up my right side, moving on to the left. Elena poked the tissue against my face again. “Go ahead and start the shower. It'll still be nice and warm from my shower if you don't let it cool off.”

  “Okay.” She went right to it. The shower head hissed back to life as I peeled the cream and stubble from my chin.

  “Towels are in that closet. I'm done here, so have at it.”

  I winked at her and stepped out, closing the door behind me. A long, hot shower fixed me right up after getting slugged by an air bag and all that walking. I made my way into the bedroom and opened my underwear drawer before slinging my towel onto the bed.

  The sudden realization that I'd forgotten my phone on the bench next to the shower hit me. Shit. I had planned on following up with my car insurance before their office closed. The alarm clock showed a quarter to five.

  I could hear the change in the sound of the shower. Elena was in it, meaning I might be able to sneak in and out without her knowing. It's not like I'd be able to see anything through that frosted glass and a bunch of steam anyway.

  Fuck it. I trooped right back to the bathroom door and opened it as slowly as I could. Elena's silhouette alone made me want to jump right in there with her. I crept closer, seeing my phone exactly where I thought I had left it.

  I leaned over and grabbed it, just feet away from Elena. A hard splash of water hit the shower floor and then I heard the pop of a shampoo bottle opening. That's when my phone buzzed to life in my hand.

  Freezing in place, I tried to silence it at first. Then she'll know you're in here, dumbass. It was the insurance adjuster, the one person I absolutely had to talk to.

  That's when the shower door cracked open. Elena poked just her head out and locked eyes with me. She backed away just as suddenly, slamming the door. “Grant, what are you doing in here?”

  “Sorry, phone.”

  “You could have let me know. Don't do that again.”

  I dashed out and left Elena in peace for the rest of her shower. Smooth Grant, you've already pissed her off. The thought of bending her mind to like that sort of thing occurred to me. Hell, I bet she's still a virgin too.

  Either way, I had an insurance claim to see to. I called the number back, sitting down on the bed and wondering exactly what I'd do with Elena as I waited for an answer.

  “Alright, sounds good. I'll swing by and pick up the check Monday.” Ten grand was way more than I expected for that car, but who was I to complain? I already had forty-five thousand still sitting in the bank, courtesy of GeneFactor, so I'd finally have enough for the Porsche Panamera I'd had my eyes on. The ruby red exterior and cognac colored leather on that thing made for a car I almost wanted to fuck.

  I hung up as Elena let herself into the room, ashamed of herself in that towel. “I hoped you wouldn't be in here.”

  I was still in my boxers, finally feeling dry. “We share an apartment. It's gonna happen.”

  “Could you step out there while I get dressed, please?”

  Kicking me out of my own bedroom? I gave it a moment of thought. “No, just do your thing and I'll check my email. We're grown-ups here.”

  “Grant, I'm not joking.”

  “I'm not either.”

  She rifled through the drawer she had claimed for panties, drawing out a tiny, red flash of silk. I hoped like hell that towel would fall off. Elena pulled out the matching bra from the next drawer up and turned around. “I'm serious. Out.”

  I stared back, my look just as serious. “Put those down and come over here.” My brain hurt a little as I put energy into my thoughts. “We need to talk.”

  Elena hesitated, but she couldn't resist a direct order like that. “No man's ever seen me like this. I don't like it, especially since we barely know each other.”

  “This is that weird thing where you don't mind being seen in a bikini at the pool, but covering yourself that much with a towel in front of me bothers you?” I patted an area on the bed to my left. “You're like a nervous kitten figuring out if it can trust someone.”

  “I'm not exactly comfortable parading myself around like this.” Elena tried to hide her face with one hand, the other keeping that towel wrapped tight.

  That shame is the only thing I can't stand about her. “Listen, stop complaining and come sit down next to me.”

  She tried to fight against it to the very end, but she did exactly as told. Elena kept a little distance between us, fidgeting in place as soon as she was down to my left. I knew I had pushed her limits.

  Turning to stare right at her, I cupped her chin in my right hand. She averted her eyes, pouting those plush lips. I grumbled my frustration and then said, “Look at me.”

  “This is too much for me to handle, Grant.” I never let her chin turn, even as she tried to make it. Finally, she got the message and locked eyes with me.

  Ego sum alpha. “Listen very carefully.” Et genua parere. “That modest church mouse stuff has got to go. There's no shame to have about your body.”

  Elena relaxed, her eyes widening. “But I’ve always been taught that—”

  “Drop it. There's a better way to live.” The brainwashing of fundamentalism was deep in her, but it was time to set her free from all that creepy garbage. “You've got a body worth worshiping, and you've got far more to offer than just being a damn housewife.”

  “Then what am I supposed to do,” she caught herself cracking a smile and forced it into a disapproving frown, “be some kind of harlot?”

  That's a word I hadn't heard anyone use in a long while. I focused my intent and said, “You'll be my harlot, and mine alone.” Her eyebrows slacked and her neck ended all resistance. “You're more than just a broodmare for a husband or a church. You live for being admired now.”

  “I do?”

  “Why not? If you've got it, why waste it?” I watched her smile return and added, “Any straight man would climb mountains just to worship the ground you walk on.”

  “So you think I'm that great, huh?”

  What's with this damn insecurity about herself? She's rockin' and doesn't even know it. “Losing a beauty pageant killed your ego every time, didn't it?”

  “I didn't lose many, but yeah, it hurt when I didn't win.” She was totally relaxed now. “Like I didn't measure up to what I should be.”

  “That's a load of crap.” I let go of her chin and moved my hand down to her shoulder. “I don't know how to describe you other than the most stunning woman I've ever seen.”

  Elena's blushed with her cheeks, shoulders, and what little of her breasts I could see. “I was always told to look out for guys like you.”

  Flattering that towel right off of her was kinda the goal, so at least I knew she wasn't dense. “Caught me red handed.” I moved my hand down a little more, sliding a finger underneath where the towel held onto itself. “You're not complaining, though.”

  “Travis never talked to me like this,” she didn't stop me as I tugged against the fold, “but I like it.”

  The friction in the towel gave way and it fell to the mattress. Jesus tap-dancing Christ. “Why would you hide yourself?” I was already salivating. “Have you ev
er looked in the mirror?”

  Elena started to reach for the towel. I leaned over and put my hands on top of hers. She looked at me, her eyes trying to waver away from mine, finally settling in a direct stare.

  I fought to keep the gaze intact. Those perfect handfuls she called tits and what I thought might be a bald slit called my name. I won out somehow.

  Her old self came hurtling back. “Please, let go.”

  Leaning closer to her face, I felt the burn of an order building up in my forehead. “Not until you let go of your past.”

  The poor girl wriggled her hands loose of my own. She hurtled back, lying down turning her face my way. I stood up, my erection clear as day behind my boxers.

  She really was bald and smooth as a crystal ball down there. “Care to tell me why you shave? I thought you were saving yourself for next month.”

  “I've always tried to stay clean.” Just talking about it turned Elena's face beet red.

  “Let me guess, cleanliness is next to godliness.” The way it stayed smooth, all the way down to the discrete, narrow slit had me licking my chops. It was an argument for divine inspiration.

  I got down on my knees. Elena spread her legs just a little. If being too flawless was possible, she'd have met the standard.

  Pulling her feet from the floor and resting the backs of her knees on my shoulders, I finally got the full presentation. The dainty pink line peeped out from two pillows of porcelain. I grabbed for my phone to her left. Motherfucker, I need a picture of this before I wreck it.

  The shutter sound from my phone almost echoed through the room. Elena didn't react like I thought, spreading thighs a little wider. She actually likes this.

  My fingers danced from her belly button, creeping down to that wonderful mound that looked as virgin as deep rainforest. She jerked when I spread the lips, seeing the pale membrane. I started circling a fingertip closer to home, teasing her like I wish I had the last inexperienced girl I romped with almost fifteen years prior.

  I felt the barrier to her entrance. An intact hymen is a thing I hadn't broken since high school. I wasn't ready to claim it just yet.

  Crawling forward on my knees, my lips met with an inner thigh. Elena reached down, running her fingers through my hair as I teased away. I had her pulling me closer within seconds.

  I pulled myself back and asked, “Do you really want me as your first?”

  Her hips moved closer to me as I looked up. Her back was already arched, her head tilted back. I felt the tension on my hair as Elena forced me back against her. “Please.”

  I explored with my tongue, finally reaching her valley. Running from bottom to top, I caught her clit hidden under the hood. Elena gasped with the first touch her clit probably ever had, even from her. It didn't take much to get her going, the whole experience as new to her as the day at dawn.

  Brother Boyce probably would have shagged her, came, and then passed out as soon as he finished. That'd be a fucking waste. I took my time, rubbing my taste buds against her as lightly as I could. Her pussy felt like a treasure, ready to shatter if I didn't take the utmost care.

  Elena writhed her body, breathing like she had just run a sprint. Her grip on my hair eased, letting me play with her as I wanted. Every second of it pushed her further into unknown territory, and I fucking loved the way she showed it.

  Her body heaved as I picked up the pace. I reached up for her breasts, filling my palms and reaching my fingers out to grasp the whole package with each hand. Elena grabbed onto my wrists, whimpering as her grip started to hurt me.

  I squeezed harder, pinning both nipples between knuckles. Her legs went into the air and then wrapped the back of my head. I slowed down, which only made Elena push with with her ankles, begging me to finish her off.

  The way she moaned made my dick hard enough to scratch diamonds. I fought against the temptation of standing up and just fucking her raw. Elena knew what she wanted, but damn I tried to drag it out as long as I could. As soon as I felt her start to quiver, I backed off, fighting the push of her legs against my head like an arm wrestling match.

  Elena shook against my face, her hips dipping down and back up. The way she begged without saying a word was kinda cute. I teased with a hard lash of my tongue. She stopped mid-heave, and then kept moving herself, trying her best to get what she wanted.

  I kept my tongue going. The poor thing's never had an orgasm before. Time to give her one she'll never—

  Her ankles pressed against my neck, forcing me against her slit. Elena cried out, the beat of her fists against the bed getting faster the moment she let go of my wrists. I squeezed her breasts, feeling the heat rising all over her body.

  The way her voice went from one note to another kept me going. She was tossing around in fits, to the point I had to hold her waist down to keep it up. She fought against me, trying to break free as I punished her for living up to the most unnatural fetish of all: Chastity.

  It might have been a moment of weakness, but I finally pulled my mouth away from her. As I broke free of her legs and rose up, she had the sheets balled in her fists, knuckles white and face red. A hard smirk spread across my face.

  She rode it out like a champ. The quaking of her body subsided as I picked my phone up off the floor, hit the red button to start recording, and propped it upright against the lamp on my nightstand. I knew I'd want to relive this one.

  I got back to Elena. She stared at the ceiling, still processing the overload she had just felt for the first time. I leaned over and asked, “You gonna make it, champ?”

  “What was that?”

  I gave her a crosswise look. “What was what?”

  “I couldn't stop myself. It felt so good.”

  “Wait, you don't even know what an orgasm is?”

  She looked as confused as a puppy trying to piss outside for the first time. Elena kept looking at me, trying to figure it out on her own. Her shoulders finally shrugged, having given up on finding the answer in her mental notes from Bible school.

  That's fucked up. “How?” I shook my head at her. “I mean, you've never heard of an orgasm at nineteen. I can't even imagine that.”

  “Sex is a sin, unless it's for making babies.”

  Wow, she's deep into this shit. “That wasn't exactly sex, in case you had the wrong idea.”

  “I know, but why did it feel so good?”

  I stared down at her, wondering why I was explaining basic sexual mechanics to anyone older than twelve. “Who the hell taught you about sex?”

  “My Sunday school teacher.”

  “How old were you?”


  What the fuck is wrong with these people? I felt like I was teaching her to run before she could even walk. “Are you alright with all this? I mean, do you know how this works?”

  Elena put both hands over her face. “I'm sorry.”

  “No, don't be ashamed of it.” Your parents should, but not you. “Do you even know what's next?”

  Elena pushed herself up on her elbows. “I think so.”

  I knew I'd prevented the most awkward wedding night ever, assuming Brother Boyce was just as clueless. Knowing that type, I highly doubt it, but son of a bitch if that wasn't fun to imagine.

  “Well,” I stopped myself before I scared her too much. “I'm gonna lie down. What do you think happens after that?”

  I tore my boxers down my legs as fast as I could. Elena's eyes grew as wide as saucers, seeing a cock for the first time. “Is that what I think it is?”

  My head crashed into the mattress. “You tell me.” Does she even know which hole it goes into?

  Elena stood up, her throat pulsing with a gulp. If it weren't so sad to see, it'd have been cute. “So that's a penis...”

  I wiped my face with my hand, battling to keep from laughing my ass off at her. “Yeah, what's the next step?”

  Elena stared at my soldier standing at full attention. You could almost see the gears turning in her head, I fucking swear
. “That,” she pointed, “goes inside me?”

  “It's not a coat rack,” I said, “so you're heading down the right path.”

  I waited for her next move. A bead of sweat form on her chest, flowing right between her breasts. “That?”

  “Where does it go?”

  “You tell me. Bible school gave you all the answers you'll ever need, right?”

  “Uhmm, I think so.” She sounded like an airhead for once. “That thing can fit in my monkey?”

  Fuck these people. I cocked an eyebrow and asked, “Monkey?”

  “You know, the place God holds most sacred of all on a woman.”

  I looked at the wall behind me, rolling my eyes from the left, to the floor, and then to the right. I could tell she was breathing hard, not sure what to do. I guess it was a moment of mercy, but I'd had enough.

  “Listen,” I propped myself up on my elbows, “sit in my lap.”

  Elena had no problem with the order, but hell if her face didn't clue me into all that confusion going on between her ears. Her knees landed around my thighs, the heat from her cunt emanating against my shaft. I put my hands on her shoulders and hoped she'd know the drill.

  Of course, she didn't. “Elena, honey, listen.” I pushed every strand of hair away from her face and rubbed the back of my hand against her cheek. “This,” I motioned down with my head, “goes between your legs.”

  She lowered her hips closer to mine, the distance so short I could have thrust right inside if I wanted to. “Are you sure this isn't wrong?”

  “Does it feel wrong?”

  “I don't know.”

  Her slit pressed against my shaft. Fucking thrust into her already. I talked myself out of it. “Fair warning, it'll hurt at first.”

  Elena took my cock between two of her fingers, directing it right toward home. My head pressed against her hymen, begging to be unleashed and tear through it. She bent her head down, our noses almost touching. “Grant, I'm scared.”

  My hands gripped the top of her hip bones, guiding her down until I felt the final wall of her virginity press against me. “It's alright. Take your time.”

  The pressure against my tip got stronger. I felt the snap as Elena's eyebrows shot upward. I fought against the instinct to rush all the way inside, knowing she wouldn't be able to handle it without going at her own pace.


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