Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3 Page 25

by L M Lacee


  The following morn as Bacon hummed to himself while he walked along the passageway of the ship on the way to his Melody’s cabin. He heard someone call his name; he liked his new name, and whenever he heard it, he felt a warm glow in his needar. Fanharr said it was because a name made him belong to the pride, but he believed it was because for so long he had felt wrong now he felt right.

  He stopped when he heard his name called again and turned around to find his friend Jade, running to reach him. Bacon… Bacon.

  Yes Jade.

  Bacon, I have found my bonded.

  Jade tat is wondrous. I am most happy for you. Who is it? Wat did your bonded say?

  I have not told him yet; it is Commander Kerol he is mated to a Peeenny

  This is good, yoous nose who it is an evrythink

  But what if he does not want me, he has a love already?

  mmmm Jade I don nose.


  We goes ask my Melody.

  She will know?

  Yes Jade, my Melody is most cleva.

  We will go now, Bacon?


  I will follow you.

  Kay’. Bacon looked behind her and then started walking slowly toward his Melody’s cabin, finally he had to ask. Jade, why are da others following us?

  They wish to have their bonded too.

  Oh! Bacon hoped he was doing the right thing. He walked slowly with the others following him as he thought. They were called Prowlers now, Fanharr had told them when she came and talked to them about him and his Melody, and the Lady Darby and Honor and the histowees. About how the old ones. The bad ones, like his bad pride, how they had made it wrong. He was allowed to bond as were all Prowlers, because they were special, they were right, not abombimntatons like his nest mama said, when she bit him and chased him away. He and his Melody had made it right. Fanharr told him tat in front of everybody and tat he was the right color, Fanharr said they were all perfect Prowlers. He was very happy and liked the new name, Prowlers, it sounded scary.

  MY MELODY, MY MELODY. I call her tat.

  He told the others who followed him and Jade, as they arrived where his Melody’s was. There was a collective Ohhh, from all the kits.

  ‘What is it Bacon?’ Melody asked as she slid open the door into a lounge they called the Warriors common room. She had been sitting drinking tea with Netta, Kerol, Marlo and Helen, discussing the meeting and the changes to the armee they wanted to implement. Laughing, she asked as she gave him a cuddle. ‘Have you come to tell me again of the wondrous thing that happened?’ She went silent as all the kits walked in behind Bacon and passed her, she counted ten.

  Bacon sighed. Fanharr said I was not to talk yous when yousa off ta ship I missed you my Melody.

  She hugged him tighter and stroked his fur. ‘I missed you to, but you must obey Fanharr, she was right. I was talking to a bad lady.’

  I am sorwee my Melody, didcha bite her?

  ‘No, I could not sadly, and I know you are sorry my Bacon, you have to remember to mind Fanharr and the adults.’

  I will.

  ‘Now tell me the news?’ Melody moved over to her seat and picked up her cup of tea. Kerol and the others sat and watched as Melody asked all the kits. ‘Are you all able to mind-send to everyone in the room, it is rude to exclude them and it is tiring translating?’

  The Prowlers all looked at each other and nodded their heads. Melody said, ‘Good, let us do that then.’

  Bacon said. My Melody we ars not wrong Fanharr came and told us tat we ars normal tat the historwees said we ars the colors of old prides and tat wesa can bond. Jade hasa bond but he hasa mate, and she finks he wont lub her cause he dos and the others all have bonded but they are scared tat they will not want tem cause they ars young. My Melody wat do we do?

  ‘Well, let’s see if I have this right. We know all Prowlers are allowed to bond.’ Even though she had already had this conversation the previous night with Bacon, she let the other kits see she and the rest of them knew what had been said.


  ‘That is good. Jade, who is Jade?’ A small female rose, she was a light teal color with patches of brown she had adorable lavender colored eyes.

  Kerol sighed. ‘Come here, sweetheart. It is alright.’ As she hesitantly walked toward him he crooned. ‘There you go, I have you.’

  My name is Jade. I am for you as you are for me. ‘My name is Kerol I am for you as you are for me. How old are you, sweet Jade?’

  I am ten, my Kerol.

  ‘I have a mate, her name is Penny but I have room for you in my heart. When we have children. Will you have room for them in your heart?’

  He was worried she would be possessive, bonding was an unknown for them all, even Rage and Fanharr had no idea how it would be in reality. They knew what was written in the histories about bonding, but that was all.

  Jade wiggled in pleasure. Yes, my Kerol, I have lots of room for the Peenny and the kits. We have kits now?

  Laughing, he told her. ‘No, not yet soon, I hope. So what say we go comm Penny and tell her about you and you can see her?’

  I can talk to her now.

  ‘It is a very long way.’

  I am cleva that way, my Kerol. He looked around and smiled at the interested looks on the others faces.

  ‘We have already met. Alright Melody we are off. Good luck.’ He said as he looked at the other Prowlers, all waiting patiently.

  She grinned. ‘Seriously this is fun.’

  Melody looked at the other kits after Kerol and Jade had left. ‘Alright let’s get this show on the road and no I am not explaining that. Next, you young one, yes you with the light brown legs.’ He was dark brown all over apart from his legs, he had the most adorable light blue eyes and as she singled him out, he tucked his tail and head in. Bacon nudged him, Tell my Melody yooos name?

  My name is Scout, and I am seven.

  Melody softened her tone as she asked. ‘Sweetie who is your bonded?’

  He hung his head as he answered her. Lukkas, he does not like me. I tried talking to him, he not talks back.

  Melody said. ‘Okay Auntie Netta is going to comm Lukkas and we will see what he thinks alright?’

  Netta muttered as she comm’d Lukkas. ‘When the hayda did I become Auntie Netta to Prowlers?’

  Melody ignored the grumbling Netta as she said. ‘Next?’

  Marlo was trying not to smile as all the sweet kits lined up ready to talk to Melody. He sighed as he realized how much he had changed in so short a time. All the Warriors he had met so far, the ones from Maikonia were different, more relaxed, more of who they should have been. As he thought about that he realized not that long ago, in truth only days really, if he had learned what the First Sister had done to him and his brothers it would have sent him into a rage. Now he just did not care enough to work up the effort to be angry. He found like his brothers Larson, Alexx and Raley that what had happened was best left in the past. In this instance, his anger would not change what had taken place. He smiled to himself and realized all this introspection and growth as Raley called it, was a good thing and the amazing thing, was all this happened with only the limited contact they had with these females. What he wondered would he and his brothers or all the Warriors be like, in yentas to come? It was a new era, and he knew it was time to accept his new life, time to loosen the knot on his emotions. These females, these wonderful bright sparks, lit his needar alight and as he watched Melody coax the young Prowlers into revealing who their bonded were and a grumbling Netta fall into the role of an aunt. His heart beat a hard tattoo, and he wished he was worthy of that kind of love.

  Two older Prowlers walked in and sat behind the kits, Helen nudged Melody. She lifted her head and looked at the two. ‘Prowlers, can I help you?’

  Their voices were deeper but just as respectful. Yes, we have come to ask for help with our bonded.

  Melody smiled as she asked the kits. ‘Alright, shall we get the older ones s
ettled first, while we wait for Lukkas?’

  They all agreed and watched the older males move slightly forward, both were brown with white stripes around their legs and deep purple eyes, the first male spoke I am called Bricc

  ‘Who is your bonded?’

  Bricc looked at Marlo and dipped his head. His name is Raley.

  Marlo said as he got up. ‘Melody, I have this.’ He smiled at Bricc. ‘Come with me, we will go find him and explain how lucky you both are. He needs you, Bricc, never doubt it.’

  The other Prowler watched them go and turned back to Melody, she said softly. ‘He will not realize, he thinks he is unworthy, that no one wants his heart. You will have to tell him Bracce.’

  Netta asked. ‘How do you know his name?’

  ‘I have no idea. It was just there, like a memory. Weird, huh!’

  Netta nodded. ‘Yeah weird.’ She and Helen shared a look that Melody missed as she stood and said. ‘Well Braace wait for a min.’ She stepped from the lounge and yelled. ‘MARLO!’

  He turned back to her and growled. ‘What do you want female, I am busy here?’

  She looked down at the Prowler who had slipped next to her. ‘Do you see, he is grumpy?’

  He is lonely, as am I.

  ‘Maybe you are right.’ She looked at Marlo as she told him. ‘You forgot something or someone, actually.’


  ‘His name is Braace.’

  I am for you as you are for me.

  Marlo sighed as he walked back with Bricc. ‘Oh son, that might not be a good idea.’

  You do not like me, is it because I am unfit?

  ‘Unfit, you are perfect for a Prowler, a handsome specimen. Do not ever say that again. No, it is because…’ He stopped and looked at Melody, who said. ‘If he isn’t, you can’t be. That’s how it works.’

  Marlo nodded his head, eyes bright. ‘Dayam female thinks she knows everything.’ He grumbled but his hands were softly petting Braace, louder he said.

  ‘In this she is correct. Well Braace, it seems I am for you as you are for me. And that is just fine. So come along we have introductions to make. So how old are you two anyway and are you related?’ His hand stayed on Bracce’s back as they walked toward the lift.

  Braace replied. Yes we are brothers, Bricc is thirty and I am thirty -five yentas old.

  Melody heard Marlo say. ‘Well done for surviving to get here. I am proud of you.’

  They entered the lift and were gone. Melody let the tear fall, sweet, grumpy old male. She really liked him, Bacon came to her. My Melody, water leaks from your eyes, why?

  They are called happy tears, my Bacon.


  When she arrived back in the room. Netta was now on the comm getting people to come to them. The kits had waited long enough and felt much braver, evidenced by how they were talking to Helen and Netta. Two very small kits, not much bigger than house cats, sat almost hidden under the chair Melody was using, watching Helen and Netta.

  Melody let them be. She had a sense now about the Prowlers, why she could not say, but it was like bonding with Bacon turned on an ability to see connections between the bonded. Only two Prowlers who came with Jade and Bacon were not lucky enough to have chosen correctly. Melody thought that maybe it was because their bonded was someone close to the people they selected. She told them she would find them when they arrived home. All they needed to do was remain patient. They left, not happy but content to know they could try again.

  Lukkas finally arrived when Scout and the two kits were the only ones left. He took one look at the sad Prowler and asked. ‘What has happened to him, why is he sad?’

  Melody could see the connection, it was a blazing connection between the two. ‘His name is Scout, he is seven yentas old and apparently he is your bonded but you do not want him. He tried talking to you and you did not talk back to him?’

  Lukkas looked down at the young Prowler whose head was up and his ears were pricked as he looked adoringly at Lukkas, who softly said. ‘I am sorry, I did not hear you.’

  Scout hung his head again. Lukkas walked over and lifted Scout’s head, saying. ‘Before I came to Maikonia, there was a world I was sent to, it was not nice. The people could talk in your head like you talk to us and they could make us see things. Sometimes they were very bad things, and sometimes they were so bad, people died. A male, a very nice male, a mind healer like Specialist Jarrod showed me and the other Warriors there how to not let people into our minds. I am sorry Scout, I do not know how to undo it now. Maybe you should go and be with someone who can hear you.’

  Scout was standing with his head and tail up, he looked at Melody who told Lukkas. ‘He will not, he says you are his bonded, so now he knows it is not because you do not like him.’

  Lukkas smoothed his hand over Scout’s head. ‘No it is not that, never that.’

  Netta said. ‘Lukkas, Scout, you have an appointment with Specialist Jarrod. He is in medical, he says he can help you.’ They all looked at her with varying expressions of surprise. ‘What? It is what an auntie does, apparently. Go, he is waiting.’

  With a smile for Netta, they both took off running. Melody said. ‘Aww… Auntie Netta, you are the best.’

  Netta snarked back. ‘Aww… Respectfully, shut the hayda up, cat whisperer.’

  Helen was laughing so much she had tears in her eyes. She sobered finally and asked Melody and Netta.

  ‘Do you think Peyton knows what happened to Lukkas?’

  Melody said. ‘If she doesn’t, she will when she reads my report and if not, her Commander can always tell her.’

  Netta grinned. ‘Don’t let her fool you, she reads everything, absolutely everything and yes I will be speaking to her about it.’

  ‘Huh, I knew she read them.’ Melody said as if she just confirmed a long held belief. Helen grinned as she confirmed again Melody’s suspicions. ‘Of course she does, don’t let that dumb blonde thing she does fool you.’ They both looked at her with lifted eyebrows as much to say, really! Her eyes sparkled as she said.

  ‘Oh of course you don’t… silly me.’

  ‘She has her reasons for doing what she does. Now you, our dearle Helen, are never silly.’ Netta told her. Melody asked. ‘So Larson is courting you then?’

  ‘He is.’ She replied with a blush.

  Netta asked. ‘How is it that he has not passed out or is having any of the other symptoms, he looks normal?’

  Frowning, said replied. ‘Heather thinks it is to do with age or his time on the moon. They are running tests. She thinks none of the older males will have the same symptoms. I think they are as individual as the male is, and us I guess.’

  ‘Makes sense, I suppose.’ Netta said thoughtfully as Bacon said, My Melody the kits are hungry.

  ‘Okay Bacon. Well ladies it seems we have two kits waiting, want to guess who for?’

  Helen said. ‘I beg your pardon?’

  ‘Are you serious?’ Netta almost yelled.

  ‘Yep, very.’ She coaxed both kits out, now she could see them properly. The little female was not as small as the male who was the size of a very large house cat. The little female stood half again taller and was half again bigger all over. She nudged the female toward Helen and the little male toward Netta.

  ‘Helen meet Pepper, she is almost three, and can talk and will be hitting her growth spurt within the next few luneras.’ Pepper was a dusky gray with speckled black dots throughout her fur, she had lavender eyes and a sweet face.

  ‘Netta you have Knife, he has just turned two and can talk but will probably only do so to you, he has a yenta to go before he gets as big as Pepper, he will grow but slowly over that time.’ Knife, was a silvery blue color like fine tempered steel, he was the first Prowler they had seen with black eyes, he also had a longer than normal snout.

  ‘You two will have to talk to Fanharr about their care and food requirements, they are both orphans from different mothers who belonged to the same pride. The mothers and k
its were ostracized due to their mothers obviously having non-standard kits. Unfortunately, during the fight to save the kits and leave their pride. The kits nest mothers were severely hurt, but they managed to get them to Rage and Fanharr. In the hopes they would keep them safe, before they passed away.’ Melody gave the two kits a stern look as she told Helen and Netta. ‘Apparently just before we left for this mission, these two snuck on board and have been hiding until today. What brought them out of hiding was Fanharr telling the Prowlers they could bond. They are here because of you two, instinct drove the need I think. They were not sure why they had to be on the ship. Fanharr is going to have, well, kittens.’ She laughed but before anyone could say anything she said. ‘Oops, if I’m not mistaken, that is her coming now.’

  Just then Fanharr, Rage and another Prowler a smooth cream colored adult female with bicolored eyes, one purple the other blue walk in. Fanharr said. I am very wroth with you kits, you could have been hurt. You could have been lost or got stuck somewhere. You are thin because you have not eaten well. I am sorry you felt you could not come to me. I feel so very upset. I have let you down. Helen and Netta, I do not understand how they hid for so long, this could bode well or ill for their abilities in the future. I do not know.

  Helen said softly. ‘You are too hard on yourself Fanharr. They are kits, silly until they are taught, that is what little ones are like. Let the fear go, they are alive and safe. We will feed them, love them and teach them. Come with us and explain what we must do to keep these little ones healthy and happy.’

  Fanharr said. Thank you Helen, Netta. I will come and show you how to look after the kits. It is a whole new world, when Prowlers of any age can bond. We will have to arrange some kind of classes to assure the bonded that they can understand and care for each other. We will also have to work out an arrangement when bonded are working, what do you call it?

  Netta answered. ‘Baby-sitting, in this case Kit- sitting.’

  Yes that.

  Helen said. ‘I will work on classes, we will do alright until we get home, then we will structure something.’


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