Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1

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Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1 Page 4

by Sam Crescent


  The last thing I intended to do was fall asleep. This woman was so unpredictable that I knew I needed to be ready for another escape. The fire in Rebekah’s eyes hadn’t died out, not yet.

  Her stubbornness was a fucking turn on but there’s no way I had it in me to fuck her last night.

  So, plan B it was.

  Instead of making her hate me, I was going to make her fall head over heels in love with me. This woman had clearly been rejected by those who were supposed to love her. I expected her mother or father to at least come to me, ask, or go to the police to report her missing.


  They didn’t care.

  I’d been back to the trailer a few times. The mother had several men coming and going. No worry about her daughter.

  Rebekah had fallen asleep an hour ago. Her body finally relaxed and was no longer shaking as she cried.

  She wasn’t in complete danger, and she should count herself fucking lucky.

  Leaning up on my hand, I stared down at her sweet face.

  She was way too innocent for a man like me. This world was a dangerous one, filled with backstabbers, whores, murderers, and every single crook and asshole known to man. I’d looked at her drawings many times since I’d first taken her, and she had some real talent. I couldn’t help but think there was also pain within her as well.

  She rolled over and I loosened my grip for her to do so easily. Her breath fanned my face, and the blanket rolled down. The shirt she wore had moved up, showing off some of her skin.

  Lowering my arm against her stomach, flesh to flesh, I wondered about my next plan. Fucking my enemy’s daughter sounded pretty damn good to me.

  I’d been the one to put her father in prison.

  He didn’t give a shit about her but now it made me wonder if he’d care if I kept her. If I flaunted her love for me, something he’d never have? Of course, I’d actually have to make her fall for me. The knowledge that the man who’d put him behind bars was happy, or at least pretending to be so, with his only daughter, would be a nice slap in the face.

  A slap in the face before I knocked his fucking teeth in and slit his throat.

  The plans were changing so fucking fast that it was pissing me off.

  Stroking her stomach, I watched her face. She didn’t wake up and in fact let out a sigh. I stared at her face, getting lost in the soft dips and hollows, the feminine aura that surrounded her.

  Damn it.

  I was overthinking this shit. I knew it.

  It would go a lot smoother if I could just hurt her, kill her, and leave her body for her father to discover.

  Where the fuck would my revenge be then?

  A father who clearly didn’t give a fuck about her, how would I be hurting him? The simple answer was to make her my old lady. To have it so there was no one else in the world she could ever want. To show her father what I’d done, how I’d made her love me.

  I’d never love her.

  I wasn’t capable of it.

  Once my revenge was complete, once I’d dished out enough punishment, I’d kill her father, and let her go.

  Simple as that.

  With the new plan in my head, I smiled. She didn’t need to know that I wanted her to fall for me. I’d keep pretending her life was in danger.

  After all, for her to fall for me, I needed her to stick around.

  This could actually prove to be a lot of fun.

  Chapter Eight


  I felt his presence before I even opened my eyes. His hand was on my stomach, and although I should have pushed it off, a part of me almost felt … comforted. I lacked in affection where my father and mother were concerned.

  And then I thought about my piece of shit father, how he’d lavished attention on my mother when I was younger. He’d look at me with disinterest, yet bring her flowers and a bottle of booze to go with it. They’d get drunk while I was in the other room, crying into my pillow because they didn’t love me.

  I felt my anger grow at those thoughts, that I found comfort in my captor.

  I hated this feeling, that I almost yearned for this man’s touch even though I should be kicking, screaming, trying to fight for my life. I was a prisoner. His prisoner.

  His presence was suffocating as he lay beside me, his big, hard body pressed against mine. I should be disgusted by his close proximity, but his mere presence had my heart beating faster and harder, had parts of my body coming alive.

  I pretended I was asleep, hearing his even, deep breathing. This was the first gentle contact he’d shown me since he’d held me in his arms and brought me back into the clubhouse after I ran out. But I wasn’t fooled into thinking he was a gentleman, that he was sweet and kind.

  He was a monster.




  The way he looked at me, the way he helped me, touched me, all of that came with this possessiveness that I felt in my core. He thought he owned me, and maybe he did. Maybe because of his revenge I was his, in every sense of the word.

  And I hated that I felt that way.

  Nobody was looking for me, nobody cared.

  My school might have noticed, but it wasn’t like they would do anything about my absence. I certainly didn’t live in an upscale neighborhood where they’d be concerned, contacting my family and wondering where the hell I was. Kids didn’t come to school for many different reasons.

  Having to work to provide for their family.

  Lack of interest.



  I’d just be another statistic, another high school dropout.

  So maybe I should stop running, fighting? Maybe I should just roll over and present my submission to him.

  Maybe then this torment, my anguish would be gone.

  I opened my eyes and stared at the bedroom door. I didn’t see an escape, didn’t see anything but my certainty, my future. I turned my head and looked over my shoulder, trying to be as gentle in my movements as possible. I didn’t want to wake him.

  His eyes were closed but a part of me was skeptical that he actually slept. He seemed like a man always on alert, especially now, with me in his bed.

  “I know you’re awake,” he said deeply and my entire body stiffened.

  He took his hand off of my stomach and I rolled away, sitting on the edge of the bed and curling my hands against the side of the mattress.

  I didn’t move, didn’t even breathe as I waited for him to say something. And I knew it was coming. I knew he’d break the thickness with cruel words and devilish intent.

  “This is a waste of time if you plan on getting back at my father.” I was the one to finally speak. I looked at Venom then. “I’ll keep telling you until I’m black and blue. He doesn’t care about me. He doesn’t give two shits if you beat and torture me, rape and kill me.” I felt tears well in my eyes. “I’m nothing to him, to either of them.” I wiped the tears from my eyes. “So, destroy me. I know that’s your plan.”

  He was silent for long moments and I exhaled.

  “I’m not the monster you think I am.”

  I stared at him, knowing my expression was stoic, that I hid my emotions well. His words played in my head over and over, repeating, calling out the lie.

  “Yes, you are.”

  And what I hated the most about that truth was the fact I found myself heating with arousal knowing what a bad man he really was.


  * * *

  I inhaled from the cigarette and kept the smoke in my lungs for a suspended moment. Sitting in my SUV with the driver’s side window cracked, I exhaled, the smoke billowing out in front of me before slipping out into the night.

  I stared at the bar up ahead, the place Rebekah’s father frequented.

  Michael Richards Clark.

  The man who’d killed my sister. He should’ve gotten the death penalty, should’ve had the same shit done to him that he’d done to my
sister. But instead he got a slap on the wrist, hardly any jail time, and was free to get drunk and do whatever the hell he wanted.

  I took one more, long hit, feeling my anger rise, knowing I needed to get control of myself. I had his daughter back at my clubhouse, locked away and my prisoner, free to do with whatever I desired. I wanted to make him suffer, wanted Michael to feel the kind of pain I felt.

  But he wouldn’t. He didn’t give two shits about Rebekah, and that put a crimp in what I had planned.

  I’d been sitting in my SUV for the past hour, knowing the bar was about to close and he’d come out any minute. I shifted in the seat, the leather squeaking under my weight. I took one more puff off my cigarette before putting it out and grabbing my steering wheel.

  I curled my hands around it, my knuckles turning white from the force. I stared at that fucking front door, willing him to come out, wanting to see his face. And then he did. He stumbled out, laughing obnoxiously as he held onto some woman who looked just as drunk and dirty as he did.

  They walked closer to where I was parked, and as much as I wanted to get out of my car and go up to him, break every bone in his fucking body until he was crying for mercy, I stayed put. The kind of revenge I wanted to give him would be slow and steady, painful and precise. But then again, my revenge might not work very well at all, seeing as he didn’t care about Rebekah.

  I didn’t like how that made me feel. It pissed me off that he didn’t give two shits about his daughter. I had her locked in my room as my captive, and here was this motherfucker getting trashed with some skank.

  They walked past the car and I stared at him, knowing he couldn’t see me through the tinted windows, or the fog of intoxication that most definitely consumed him. Once he was past me, I leaned my head back on the seat and closed my eyes, my hands still on the steering wheel, the force enough to crush it.

  I loosened my hold and breathed out slowly, seeing Rebekah’s face in my mind. A part of me wanted to go to her, to toss her on the bed and strip the clothes from her, to lick her entire body, make her scream out my name.

  And although her piece of shit father didn’t act like he cared about her, a part of me knew that underneath all of that bullshit that covered him, he had to care about his only child.

  I’d find out soon enough, because letting her go wasn’t an option. Not only because of my revenge, but because I wanted to keep her as mine.

  And that was the most dangerous part of all of this.

  Chapter Nine


  He’d left me again.

  I sat near his window, the bars blocking the outside world I couldn’t be part of. Men were outside, as were women. Some of the females were scantily dressed and dancing around the yard, lapping up the bikers’ cheers and applause.

  Venom had been gone all fucking day.

  Rubbing at my eyes, I tried to not think about how hungry I was, how sad and detached I’d become about all of this. I tried not to think about how much I wanted to get out of here, to at least grab my sketchbooks and let myself go in one of my drawings. Too much time had passed already.

  I’d never been the kind of person to wish for something bad on someone else, but where it concerned my parents that was where my thoughts had gone. My current predicament was changing me.

  Knock, knock.

  I turned to look at the door.

  A woman poked he head around the corner. “Hey. I’m Sugar.”

  “Sugar?” That was her name?

  “Venom said if he wasn’t back by ten I was to come and sit with you. And don’t give me any shit because I’m not in the mood to smack your ass around, okay?”

  I felt my eyebrows rise as surprise filled me. She seemed pleasant. I ignored her and continued to stare out of the window.

  The strong scent of her perfume filled the air and made my eyes water.

  The lock clicked back into place as she shut the door. I turned to face her, seeing her smirking back at me.

  “I’m glad I can finally meet you. Venom has been keeping you locked away from everyone like you’re his own little prize.” She checked me out even more. “I’ve got to say though, Venom’s not a half bad guy to get stuck with. He doesn’t just allow any woman to sleep in his bed.”

  I stared back out the window. I didn’t need to hear what a great guy he was or wasn’t.

  He’d taken me.

  What could be so great about a man who wasn’t above kidnapping?

  It wasn’t like my future was going to be great now, was it?

  The moment I got out of here I’d go to the police. Yeah, as if freedom was an option.

  “I see that you’re not happy with me trying to make light of what has happened to you.”

  “Venom has taken me for some sick and twisted revenge on my dad. Guess what, my dad doesn’t give a shit. I’m sorry if I’m not impressed at being in Venom’s bed. Forgive me for wanting to leave.”

  “You know you can’t leave, right?”

  “Really?” I said sarcastically. “You see, I thought I was going to get out of here the first chance I could.” Sarcasm spilled from my lips. “Seriously, I’m not that stupid. I’d already done the math.”

  I was a dead girl.

  The only thing I had left was wondering how long I’d be able to stay alive.

  “It doesn’t have to be all bad, you know. I mean, a pretty girl like yourself, you could make this work with Venom.”

  Staring at Sugar, I shook my head. “I’m not a whore.”

  “Neither am I, but we do what we have to in order to survive.”


  “Look, you can be a bitch to me all you want. You’re young, I get it. You’re pissed about life and everyone in it. You were taken against your will. I. Get. It. It’s not going to change the fact you’re here. A woman has many assets. You don’t want to stay here and that is more than fine, but don’t be miserable. Make him work for you and he could keep you around.”

  Keep me around? I scoffed. “You don’t get it.”

  “I do because I’m a survivor. You can waste time crying about all that you’ve lost or you can look on the bright side. Men still want to get their dicks wet, and Venom’s no different.”


  * * *

  I carried Chinese food into the clubhouse and pushed away several of the brothers who lunged for it. I was tired, hungry, and pissed off.

  I’d been following Rebekah’s father for several hours. Not once did the son-of-a-bitch act worried about his daughter. I’d done more digging on the bastard. Michael had nothing to do with his daughter, how she’d been brought up, or providing for her. From the moment she was born, he hadn’t taken an interest.

  From what I’d found out, Rebekah lived with her mother in that shitty trailer, but pretty much raised herself.

  It pissed me off because the girl that had gone to sleep in my arms didn’t deserve those two assholes as parents. Not that I was a great judge of character at all. I was a bad guy. I fucked up.

  Ignoring all the fucking that was going on around me, I made my way upstairs to my room. The door was still locked so I pulled out my key, opened the door, and found Sugar leaning against the wall. Rebekah sat by the window with her legs drawn up close against her body.

  “You’re back.”

  “And you’re here,” I said, closing the door.

  “You totally said to keep her company, so I did. Look at that, you brought her food.”

  I looked at Sugar. She was really sweet but not too bright.

  Just then the sound of a stomach rumbling filled the air.

  “Go on, get out of here.”

  “I can eat with you guys.”

  I shook my head. “You’ve done enough. Get out.”

  She rolled her eyes but left.

  Once we were alone, I locked the door again. The last thing I wanted was to be disturbed. “I brought you some food.”

  “I’m not going to have sex with you.”

nbsp; Her words took me aback.

  Staring at her, I frowned. “How’d we go from food to sex?” She didn’t answer. “Why would I care if you fuck me?” I pulled a small end table over to the window along with a chair. Dumping the bag of Chinese containers on the table, I removed my leather cut. She could pretend that she didn’t want me. Her gaze told a lie. The way she nibbled her lip when she looked at me.

  Her gaze took me in.

  This morning she hadn’t jerked away from my morning wood either. Her ass had felt so good against my cock.

  There’s nothing more I wanted than to spread those pretty thighs and take her virgin cunt. It would be a fucking dream to do so.

  “Is that why you sent Sugar to me?” She snorted. “What kind of name is Sugar?”

  “She’s got her charm at the right time.” I winked.

  She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

  “You’re not into chicks?” I watched the color build in her cheeks. It was so easy to make her blush.

  “You’re doing this on purpose.”

  “I am. It’s fun to see you squirm.”

  “Where were you today?”

  “You’re full of questions, aren’t you?”

  “And like usual, you’re not answering them.”

  “I don’t have to.” I winked at her. Opening up my chicken lo mein, I took a bite, closing my eyes as it hit the spot. I was so hungry. And eating here wasn’t an option, not when the chicks who hung around knew how to suck cock and ride it, but didn’t have a clue on how to boil a damn egg.

  Opening my eyes, I saw her eyeing me. “Eat,” I ordered and pushed a container her way. She didn’t fight me on this, which pleased me. She started eating, her stomach grumbling again. I should have made sure to feed her before I left.

  “I saw your dad today,” I said.

  She stopped eating. She chewed what was in her mouth, and I watched her swallow. Soon, she’d be swallowing my cock and my spunk. I couldn’t wait to fill her mouth. The sudden thought surprised me. I wanted to see her open her mouth and watch my cum fill her before she swallowed.


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