The Petal Kingdom (Bringing Life, Falling Ash Book 2)

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The Petal Kingdom (Bringing Life, Falling Ash Book 2) Page 4

by CS Patra

  “Get them!” Someone yelled but it was too late to do anything. The flowers had filled up the icy ground and they were taking off into the dark sky. Snowflakes were starting to fall and the wind had picked up yet all she left behind were green leaves and flowers in bloom. She could see that these men, about five of them, were trying to get out of the vines she had created. Whatever they wanted, they were not going to get it.

  Behind her, she felt Light climb on and they were flying through the dark clouds. She didn’t know where they were headed but they needed a safe place. Once there, she would find a way to contact Lavinia and Kian to see if they were alright. She had to let them know that she was fine in case they came back. Unfortunately, she didn’t know the name of the village they went to or if they were still there. Given how ill Kian had been feeling, there wouldn’t be a reason for them to leave so soon unless he felt better.

  “What am I going to do?” She asked Light as they were flying through the sky. There didn’t seem to be a place to land below. She saw fields of snow and icy covered trees and hills but no people. “I need a place where we can be safe and I need to get closer to the Petal Kingdom. As of now, I don’t know where I am.”

  Light looked around and pointed to a certain area. It was a mountain with what appeared to be a hole through it. A cave wasn’t exactly what she was hoping for but it would do. It would be a place where they could hide and stay long enough. If necessary, she would find a way to send Lavinia a message with Light. He would have to know how to find her. He and Dark always seemed to know where they were. Right now, he was the best bet to sending the others a message.

  “Okay, let’s go down then.” She tugged on the dragon’s reins and moved him toward the ground. He let out a small roar and moved closer to the mountain. “Easy, boy! Easy! Just land right next to it. Right outside of the cave... there we go! Good boy! Land down there!”

  He made his way to the cave and it was big enough for them to get inside. Unlike everything outside, this mountain and cave were made out of rock and was big enough for all of them to hide. She got off the dragon and allowed him to rest while trying to find a spot to start a fire. Light had managed to find some kindling and leaves on the ground that were dry enough to use. They had grabbed almost everything they could from their old campsite and the stuff that was left behind wasn’t worth much. They could easily find more blankets or pots to use. Right now, she was glad to be safe.

  “That was a little too close,” she sighed as she laid out the kindling for the fire. “I knew there would be bandits out there but I didn’t think they’d want to go after anyone in this cold. I should have known better. People living in the Frost Kingdom are stronger against this weather than I am.” She let out a squeeze as she grabbed the flint and tried to start the fire. “I’m sorry I dragged you all into this. I didn’t want them to take you away.”

  The dragons and Madalyn just let out hisses to let her know they were fine. As for Light, he helped her light the fire and pushed a blanket on top of her shoulders. She sniffled as she got close to the fire to warm up. “I think I might be getting ill now. I can’t wait till we get to the Petal Kingdom. I don’t know what will be there but it must be warm enough for flowers to bloom.”

  The Petal Kingdom. She did not know how long it would take to get from here to there. Not only had she gone far from camp, she left without telling Lavinia and Kian where she was. She had no paper or ink to write them a note so she had to get Light to do it. “Light, I need a favor of you. You seem to know where everyone is so can you send a message to Vinnie and Kian?” Light nodded. “Try to find Vinnie and Kian to let them know I’m okay. I made it to this cave. I’m not sure exactly where it is but tell them to look for mountains.”

  She went over to where some things were that she could possibly use as writing supplies. They weren’t much and her hands were shaking still but she was able to write out some sentences. Her handwriting made it looked rushed as she got the main part of the message out; she escaped bandits and was in hiding in a cave. When the storm let up, she would try to go back to the campgrounds. Worst case scenario, she would head to the Petal Kingdom alone and meet them there.

  “If you want the storm to let up, you’re out of luck.” A new voice spoke up from behind. “It only gets colder and darker from here.”

  Alice turned around to find a small shadow hiding there. “Who are you? And what do you mean it gets colder and darker?”

  “I mean that you are straying too far from the Petal Kingdom. If it gets colder, you’re not getting close to the warmth.” The shadow went on to explain. “Trust me when I saw you are not the only person to have gotten lost here. Many travelers want to go to a warmer place but stray too far from it.”

  “In that case, how do I go back?” Alice wanted to know. “I think I lost my map and I just needed a place to get away from the cold.”

  “Well, this is a good place for that but it’s not a good place to live. Judging from you, I can see you do not come from the Frost Kingdom. Your small body won’t be able to last long in this weather. I suggest you try to find some shelter elsewhere.”

  “That’s the problem; I don’t know where to go. I’ve lost my traveling companions and I need to send them a message. Maybe you can help me figure out how far I’ve gone. I know I was heading toward the Petal Kingdom when one of my companions fell ill. So he and my other companion went to a village nearby for help. I was supposed to stay behind but…”

  “You were attacked by bandits.”

  “That’s right. How did you know?”

  “I’ve dealt with them as well. The woods are never a safe place for travelers. It doesn’t matter how wealthy you are. Bandits will take anything and everything you have. If you’re lucky, you’ll escape with the clothes on your back.”

  “Then I guess I have to keep moving in the morning. Somehow, I’ll have to find another place and send my message to my friends there. I hope they get it in time,” she sighed. “You still haven’t answered who you are though or what you are doing here. If this is such a dangerous place, why are you staying in the shadows?”

  “Well, that’s what I am. I am Coryn but people know me as The Shadow Girl. I live and move in shadows. I thrive in darkness even though I can survive in the light. However, I cannot stay out in the sun for long and must find shade as soon as possible. This is why The Frost Kingdom is an ideal place for me. The Petal Kingdom has sun all the time and the Sugar Kingdom is just so warm and bright. This is why I’m not approaching the fire.”


  “Really. I was born in darkness and have lived in it since. I see travelers come and go but I can never go with them. A lot of them are like you; they want to get somewhere warmer. They want to go where people are. They want to head to either the Petal or Sugar Kingdom. Many times I’ve thought about wanting to guide them but I can’t. I don’t know what they’ll feel about me when they see me.”

  “Then let me see you,” Alice decided. “Shadow Girl or not, I want to get a good look at you. I want to know who I am talking to.”

  “Aren’t my words enough? I don’t want to scare you.”

  “Already, you’re not as frightening as those bandits were. I think a look won’t hurt. You can step for one second into light and then go back into the shadows.” Alice tried to coax her out. “If you’re afraid of me, maybe you should know a little bit about me. My name is Alice and I’m technically from Themasa. I’m traveling with some friends to get some help. Believe me when I said we’ll need all the help we can get. We’ve never really been out this far.”

  “You might scream if you see me. Many people have in the past.”

  “I’m not like many people. I swear I will not scream or try to hurt you. All I need is to see who you are. One brief moment in the light. That’s it.”

  “Well... all right,” Coryn agreed and Alice could hear footsteps getting closer to the light. Light was also staring over her shoulde
r to see who it was. That made the lights more brighter and a shadow of a young girl appeared. She couldn’t have been much younger than Alice herself yet she moved like she barely knew how to walk. “Promise me you won’t run away.”

  “I promise. My friend and I mean you no harm. We won’t do a thing to you.”

  There was another step and Alice finally saw Coryn’s face. Round and clean of marks, she looked terrified when she stared at the flames. She was dark like Lavinia, but with white patches on her face, arms, and legs. As expected, she was younger and it looked like she hadn’t seen the sun in a while. Her clothes were worn out and her hair was large and bushy. However, it was clear that she was a smart girl based on her dark eyes and she certainly was no threat. If she had wanted to hurt Alice, she would have done so without saying a thing. When Coryn took another step toward the light, the fire crackled and she scurried back into the shadows.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” She apologized. “I didn’t mean to frighten you but I am afraid of fire! I don’t like the way it looks or sounds!”

  “No, don’t be sorry! The fire won’t harm you,” Alice assured her. “I need to light it to keep warm but you have nothing to be afraid of. You didn’t scare us and I hope you’re not scared of me.”

  “I’m not. You look like a nice person and I do want to help you. I can find you places to travel where bandits won’t be around. I just fear the light. Just like your friend over there. I’m afraid to get too close.”

  Upon hearing that, Light tried to hide behind Alice and shrink away. She motioned him to stay in place. “The light won’t do anything and neither will this Light. He’s a friend as well. He won’t do anything to you.”

  “Can he be a little less… bright?” Coryn asked. “I just will feel better if he’s not so bright.”

  She turned to Light who seemed to dim down. “It turns out that he can do that. Does that help?”

  “It does, thank you. Now you wish to go to the Petal Kingdom, am I right? Is there any reason you need to be there?”

  “I need to find someone who can remove a curse. I know a festival has started there and I figured it would be a good place to get some answers. It definitely would be warmer than it is in the Frost Kingdom. More than that, I have a message to deliver to the King and Queen of the Petal Kingdom. There is something that I feel that they need to know.”

  “Is that so? Well, there is a shortcut through these mountains but it’s not the safest place to be,” Coryn explained. “You will be able to bypass the icy roads and fallen trees though.”

  “But I have to deal with bandits in that shortcut?”

  “Actually, you will have to deal with the Spider Lady. She lives deep in that forest and her children are hungry for human flesh. If you run into her, you will be at her mercy.” Hearing that made Alice turn pale and swallow hard. Coryn noticed this and try to calm things down. “Don’t worry though. You can get past her if you manage to stay calm, show no emotion, and give her three questions to answer. In return, you have to answer three questions from her. It’s the only way she will let you pass.”

  “Three questions? I guess that can’t be too bad. What are they?”

  “That is the thing. Her questions are more like riddles and only she can determine whether or not you have given her a wise answer. If she is not satisfied with it, she will devour you. If you manage to escape from her, her children will try to eat you alive. You also cannot show any fear or excitement on your face. You must remain as stoic as possible. However, if you stay calm and answer to her satisfaction, you will be allowed to move into the Petal Kingdom.”

  Alice took a deep breath. “That probably won’t be difficult. I can face her without trying to make a commotion.”

  Coryn chuckled at that. “I’m taking it that you don’t know who the Spider Lady really is, do you? This is not just some sorceress living in the woods. She has eight arms, razor sharp teeth, empty eyes, and she hides in darkness as well. Her children are millions of spiders who can cover you in seconds and bite away at your body. She will allow more than one person to pass provided that at least one of you can answer.”

  “Well, this does sound like a difficult task but it may be the fastest way we can get to the Petal Kingdom. I want to get there before the final day. Sure, I could ride on a dragon but this might not be a good idea based on what you said. I’m afraid that my dragon doesn’t seem willing to fly at the moment. He’s a little worn out and he needs rest. I probably should let him sleep.”

  “Oh, it’s more than that. This is an ice dragon. While he might be able to stand in the sun, he can’t stay out there for long. He’ll be too weak to fly far. The same might go for the rest of your friends. I wish I knew a better route but this is the only one that can get you where you need to be.”

  “In that case, will you join us? We can always use another guide. You seem to know more about this area than I do anyway.”

  “I, um…” Coryn turned away. “I’d love to but... I don’t know if I should.”

  “Why not? If it’s the light you’re worried about, I promise it’s not that bad. We’ll find a way around it. We’ll move in and out of shadows if that will make things easier.”

  “It’s not that. It’s that people are afraid of me,” she sighed. “I have tried my hardest to get close to them but I can’t do it. I’ve seen how they react to my appearance. It’s nothing I can control yet they treat me like I’m not one of them. That’s why you don’t see me in a village and find me hiding in a cave. The darkness is much kinder than the light is.”

  “That’s ridiculous! You’re a person just like the rest of them!”

  “They don’t feel that way. Anyway, I don’t know how much help I can give but I will try my best. Are you sure you really want me to come along?”

  “I’m certain of that. It’s nice to have someone else to talk to. Maybe in the process, we’ll be able to meet my friends or at least tell them where we’re headed.” She turned to Light. “Can you try to find Vinnie and Kian out there? Find them and lead them to the Petal Kingdom as quickly as you can.”

  “He seems to be friendly,” Coryn said as she saw Light nod his head. “However, I would not encourage him to go now. He might not be human but the weather is not safe for anyone or anything. Only those who are used to the cold can survive.”

  “But then my friends won’t know where I am,” Alice pointed out. “How can I send a message to them?”

  “Can you wait until morning to do that? The sun comes out then and it will be much easier to get through the snow. I can take you to a place where they have messenger birds. Maybe people might be scared of the light creature.” She looked over at Light. “To be on the safe side, a bird might be better. They know where to go.”

  “A messenger bird, hmm?” Alice hadn’t thought about using them and they did seem like a good idea. “You are sure they can survive the cold?”

  “Giving that they are made of ice and snow, I think they will be fine.” Coryn promised. “For now, you should stay here and sleep close to the fire to stay warm. I will keep watch for you.”

  “That’s not necessary. You should get some sleep as well.”

  “I will be fine. I have stayed up for long hours. It’s nothing new.”

  “I would feel better if you got a little rest and we all took turns keeping watch. If that’s too much, Light over here can guard everything. He doesn’t need sleep so he’ll make sure everything is fine.” Alice promised. “If you want some extra blankets, I have some.”

  “Thank you but I should be fine. I’ve slept here before. Now you should go to bed because you have a long journey ahead. Try not to worry about your friends. If they are in a village, they should be fine. It sounds like they are very smart people. I think they’ll be able to spend the night alone.”

  Alice knew that Coryn was trying to help but she still didn’t feel comfortable. What if Lavinia came back and saw that she was gone? She would n
ot go back to village but try to find Alice in the dark. With all the snow and wind, it was possible for her to get lost in the darkness. She didn’t know her way around the Frost Kingdom and there were dangers that she couldn’t see at nighttime. How would she survive? Alice could use her curse to create weapons from the land but Lavinia’s powers didn’t do that.

  No, I have to believe in her. Alice told herself. Lavinia is a lot stronger than most people realize. She’s smart and she will know what to do if things get worse. I have to have faith in her and try to focus on getting out of here. One way or another, we will find each other again.

  Keeping that deep in her mind, Alice made her bed close to the fire and pulled the blankets over her body. She could see that Coryn was also trying to get comfortable and lying down as close as she could to the flames. For some reason, she was still scared to get closer. Alice would ask her a little more about this later because now it was too dark. She wanted to sleep because the sooner daylight came, the sooner she could send a message to Lavinia. She could get out of the caves and head toward the Petal Kingdom. She would make it there and wait for her during the festival. It would be wise for her not to walk out now.


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