The Petal Kingdom (Bringing Life, Falling Ash Book 2)

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The Petal Kingdom (Bringing Life, Falling Ash Book 2) Page 9

by CS Patra

  “We should also feed them. Once we get them into a cold cave, I will go out and get them some water.” Coryn said. “In the meantime, you figure out how to get to the castle and more importantly, how to approach the Queen and King.”

  “Yes, that is a big thing,” Alice sighed. “However, I need to ask you one thing. Do you know how I can find the Petal Witch?”

  “The Petal Witch?” Coryn’s face fell at that. “Why would you want to find her? The Petal Witch isn’t exactly known to be social and she certainly doesn’t like talking to the townsfolk. It doesn’t matter if you’re wealthy or poor. She would rather avoid you at all costs. The only time we ever hear about her is when she is called by the King and Queen for a spell.”

  “So she is willing to do what they ask?”

  “I don’t think she has much of a choice. She may be a witch but she is also treated like any other person in the kingdom. She has to follow the rules that they set forth.”

  “Do they know what she looks like?”

  “I’m not sure. The King and Queen of the Petal Kingdom don’t show their faces much unless they have something to tell the people. If you really want to see them, I wish you the best of luck because it’s going to be hard. They don’t take requests from people in their own kingdom, let alone strangers. I found it funny you said there was a festival going on because nothing really happens here. Even now, I don’t see anything that resembles a festival. It just seems so quiet.”

  Alice bit her lip when she heard that. This task seemed so much harder now that they were far from Themasa. The Petal Kingdom was definitely warmer but that didn’t mean she was any closer to getting her goal. Her curse was still there and there was still a war on the horizon. She needed to find a way to warn the people in this kingdom before anyone got hurt. Looking down, everything seemed so peaceful and colorful. All the flowers were bright and the sun was shining down on the roads and grass. It was a big contrast from the dull, white covered lands that were in the Frost Kingdom. If she ever left Themasa, she wanted to live here.

  “I guess we need to find someone to talk to first. Do you know where people tend to spend a lot of time?” She asked. “Surely, there must be taverns or halls or places that they walk around.”

  “Naturally, those are there, Miss Alice. If you want a room full of people, you can find one. Once we get everyone settled in the cave, I will tell you the quickest way to get to that place. Be careful though. The Petal Kingdom is beautiful but it is filled with pickpockets and thieves galore. You cannot trust anyone in here. Keep all your coins to yourself, make no eye contact, and don’t speak to anyone until you get where you want to be.”

  “Pickpockets and thieves, huh?” Alice murmured, remembering the robbers that had come after her. She wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if they lived here. “I will be on my guard then. You should do the same and make sure you don’t try to stir any unwanted attention.”

  “I will do that.” Coryn looked down and found what appeared to be a small cave. “Let’s take them over there, Miss Alice. It looks big enough to fit everyone.”

  “What if something is already in that cave?”

  “You have a dragon. I’m sure he can fight off anything in that cave if needed.” Coryn pointed out. “Let’s go and see what’s there.”

  That did make a lot of sense so they steered the dragon to settle down outside of the cave. It was completely empty and cold but big enough for all of them. They seemed to be relieved to be away from the light. Nothing looked like it would be bothering them here. Nothing had left footprints or anything inside. She went far into the cave before coming back and assuring the others that things were fine. “It looks like you can stay here for a while. It’ll give you all time to rest.”

  “I take it that you don’t want to rest?” Coryn asked.

  “Not at all! I just got here! There’s so much I need to see first!”

  Once the animals and Coryn were settled inside of the cave, Alice decided that she wanted to go down and explore a little bit. She had spent enough time in caves and darkness. Now that she was in the Petal Kingdom, she wanted to see what was around. “I’m going to find someone down at a tavern and maybe get something to eat. Would you like me to bring you something?”

  “You don’t have to worry about me, Miss Alice. I’ll get food when I need it. If you are hungry, go ahead.” Coryn insisted. “I will keep watch on everything.”

  “Are you sure you will be fine?”

  “I’ve survived this long. I can survive longer. Besides, you know how much I prefer darkness to the light. You should go and explore the kingdom. Maybe you’ll be able to find the answers that you’re looking for.”

  Alice was hoping for the same thing but her faith was wavering. All the things she had learned about the Petal Kingdom made it sound like things were difficult. How on Earth was she going to be able to get into the Petal Kingdom and see the King and Queen? How would she find the Petal Witch? Things would be a lot easier if she had Vinnie and Kian with her. Coryn was nice enough but she was afraid. She didn’t want to be around too many people so taking her into a tavern was a bad idea. Then there was Light who gave her information and was good company but he wasn’t good when it came to talking to someone. She needed someone who could guide her around.

  Walking down toward town, she felt Light tug on her arm and point to something pinned to a tree. It didn’t surprise her at all that it was another poster asking for Lavinia’s return. The reward had gone up and her family was begging for people to bring her back unharmed. However, new information had been added and they were now mentioning that Lavinia was not alone. She was traveling with other people and now everyone had to be on the lookout for those companions.

  “They know we’re with her.” She realized out loud. “I really hope they don’t recognize us or else I don’t know what will happen. Besides, the bigger problem is getting to see the King and Queen. How do I get to the castle?”

  Once again, Light pointed at the note and she saw what he was referring to. Underneath it was a small mention of a ball that was happening three days from now. “Oh, of course! These kingdoms really do love their balls, don’t they? It is open to everyone that’s in the kingdom so maybe I won’t need an invitation! I just need…” She looked down at the clothes that she was wearing. They were certainly not fit for mixing with royalty. “Everything else. Oh well, I can find a dress in three days. If nothing else, I can probably find some material and have someone make a dress for me. Or I can make one myself! I can sew... a little bit.”

  She wished she felt confident about creating her dress. Her sewing skills were not as strong as her baking ones but maybe she would be able to make a dress for herself. If the material was cheap, she could make it look expensive. There was no theme for this ball so she could get away with just about anything. She didn’t need too much jewelry either. The only thing they asked was that people dressed up nicely. She could do that.

  “Okay, that can take care of getting into the castle. From there, I can try to reach the King and Queen. I wasn’t able to get anything across to the ones in the Frost Kingdom but I can do it here. I just have to find a way to get them to believe me.” She sighed. “I don’t know how I’ll do that.”

  Slowly, she made her way around the flowers and fields that were in front of her. She was covered up so no new plants were growing around whenever she touched them but it still felt strange. She had never seen flowers like these. They weren’t big like the ones that she could create with her touch. Unlike the flowers that she had seen earlier, these were plants. They didn’t turn into butterflies or birds. They stayed planted in the ground and swayed with the wind. However, the colors were bright and she wanted to be able to hold them in her bare hands.

  I knew that this kingdom would be brighter but I didn’t expect this much. She had made her way down and was now walking around the shops. There were people out there but everyone seemed more focused on
their own lives. She stared into the windows of some dress shops and looked at the prices of the clothes. Sadly, nothing was in her price limit despite how pretty it was. One in particular looked like it had been made for her; a cream colored dress with a bright red sash around the waist and the shoulders cut off. It wasn’t too scandalous for a girl her age but it would make her appear more adult at the same time. Unfortunately, the price range for the dress was more than she had in her pockets. It would have been wiser for her to make a dress like this.

  That’s no problem. I’ll find a store that sells similar material and put something together. While I’m at it, I can make Coryn a dress as well. That might be enough to convince her to come to the ball with me. She decided, looking around for a fabric store. There was one right across so she made her way over there and went inside.

  “Well, good morning!” The clerk greeted her. “Looking for something in particular today?”

  “I want something that I can make a nice dress with,” Alice began. “I was looking at the one in the store across the street. I was thinking I could make similar to it.”

  “Ah, that dress is something everyone really wants. So many come by to admire it but it is very expensive.” The clerk agreed. “It would be far more practical to make your own. I do have the material that was used to make the dress and it’s not as expensive.”

  “That’s wonderful! I will also need some sewing supplies because the ones I have may not be enough.” Alice explained. “The scissors are a little blunt and I’m afraid my needles are not sharp for the material.”

  “Oh, yes, I do have that as well. I will help you find what you need. Come with me.”

  Alice followed the clerk into the store and saw all the different materials around. She began to think of all the things she could make. It had been a while since she had been in a store like this. Once she was able to thread a needle again, she would be able to make her dress and be ready for this ball. She found herself staring at some cream-colored satin fabric, similar to the dress that she liked.

  “How much does this material cost?” She asked.

  “It will depend on how much you need. Are you planning to make the dress for yourself?”

  “Yes. How much material do you think I would need?”

  The clerk circled her, making note of certain things. “Well, you are small in size so I don’t think you’ll need too much material. For you, it will cost about 15 gold coins.”

  It was more than Alice expected but certainly a lot less than how much the dress in the window cost. “All right, how much material will I need to make a red sash and how much will that be?”

  “Hmm, I’ll have to measure your waist if you don’t mind.” The clerk grabbed the measuring tape but Alice was not ready to let her measure anything. She took a step back. “Don’t worry, dear. It will take just a few seconds. You don’t even need to remove your clothes except probably your coat. I just want to make sure the measurements are right.”

  Alice lifted her arms. “Just be careful, all right? Make it quick if you can.”

  The clerk was surprised by the request but didn’t question it. She wrapped the measuring tape around Alice’s waist, careful not touch anything else. “All right, you do have a small waist so the red material will probably be five silver coins. For a small sewing kit, it will be about twenty gold coins. Is this all you’d like?”

  “Actually, I was wondering one other thing. I want to make something for a younger girl so what material would be best for her? She’s probably a year or two younger than I am.”

  “Ah, that usually depends on the preferences of the girl but I do know of something that everyone has liked. It’s a very light material but it will keep her warm on the colder nights. I think your friend will like it and I have it many different colors with all kinds of patterns. Do you know what her favorite color is or what else she likes?”

  “Not really. I think maybe some darker colors might be preferred. She doesn’t seem too fond of bright colors,” Alice admitted. She had a feeling that Coryn would not want to wear anything blinding or flashy. Turning around, she found some dark blue material. “Something like this might be nice. It looks like it could blend in with the night sky.”

  “Yes, that is beautiful. You know what else could be nicer? Some fabric with stars and moons. Then you’d really embody the night sky. Look at this over here.” The clerk nodded to some dark blue material that silver stars and moons all over it. “If you could make a small train with this and pair it with the other material, I think your friend would like it.”

  “A train with this dress, huh?” Alice thought out loud and an idea was forming in her mind. The clerk was right. “I’ll take both materials then! I know what I’m going to make with it!”

  “That’s wonderful. Do you know your friend’s measurements?”

  “No but she is around my size. I think what you gave me should be enough for her.” Alice looked down at the coins that she had. “I should have enough for all this.”

  “If not, I can give it to you for a little less. You’re the only customer I’ve had all day.”

  “Really? I would imagine that more people would come in with how much stuff you have.” Alice nodded at all the material that was hanging on the walls. “I haven’t seen some of these things in other stores.”

  “Well, I used to have more business but things have been rough as of late. There was a lot of demand in the beginning but not enough supplies. It’s not just me but others who’ve had to deal with such things. We’ve had to raise prices yet that drove people away. Now I’m lucky if I get one person a day and that’s provided they buy anything.”

  “Wait, people come into your store and don’t buy anything? Isn’t there a festival happening now? I would expect your business to be full of people.”

  “Oh, many claim they come in but want to see things first. Once they see the price, they decide they no longer want what I have to offer. There are others who wish they could buy from me but they never have enough money.” The storekeeper sighed. “I’m not angry at them though. We’re all in the middle of tough times. Everyone has to do what they can to survive out here. As far as a festival goes, there is one but it’s not your typical festival. All the excitement happens far from town square and inside the buildings. You are lucky that you are here before it all ends. Maybe you might get to see something.”

  “Yes,” Alice whispered, deciding that now would be a time to leave. “Anyway, I think that should be enough for me. If I do need more, I will certainly come down and see you again. I feel like I might in case I make a mistake with these dresses.”

  “Well, if it does become difficult or you have problems, do come and see me. I will be more than happy to help you out.” The shopkeeper helped wrap all the material and things up while Alice put the coins down on the counter. “Thank you for your business.”

  “Thank you for all your help.” Alice took the things. “Don’t be surprised if I show up here again. I may need a lot of advice.”

  “I’ll be willing to give you anything you need. Now have a good day!”

  Alice left the shop in a better mood but the silence around her was a little too much. This kingdom was supposed to be bustling and lively. For a festival, it was too eerie and quiet. There needed to be a few people around. However, it was deserted and it bothered her a lot. She didn’t like being the only one walking on the streets. There had to be others out there. As she made her way back to the cave, one question kept repeating in her mind over and over again.

  Where is everyone?

  Chapter 10

  Lavinia came back with the medicine and the note after an hour. Kian sat up in bed when he heard the door open and sighed when he saw who it was. He had been worried about her but didn’t know how to get in touch. “You took a lot longer than I expected. I was about to send Silas out to find you.”

  “I’m sorry. You were right about the snow storm coming down qu
icker than I expected. The good news is that I got you the medicine. Not only do I have that, I have some news from the Petal Kingdom.” Lavinia held up the paper for them to read. “There’s a ball coming up and anyone can go to it. There’s no theme to this ball either so I was thinking maybe we could go.”

  “Really?” Silas raised his brow at that. “I am not the kind of person who would ever be seen in a ball. I don’t think I’d ever be invited.”

  “That’s the good thing about this one; you don’t need an invitation. They are accepting anyone into the castle.”

  “Even thieves?” Kian asked. Hearing that, Silas sat up straight and went pale. “I’m not sure about this, Vinnie. Maybe it’s a good way to get to the King and Queen but it may not be safe. You don’t know who else will be there.”

  “Yes, that did concern me too,” Lavinia admitted. “I know why balls and special events often have invitations. It is to keep unwanted guests out and to protect jewels and gold. However, I think that if we stay close to each other and don’t cause scenes, we should be fine.”


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