Pocket Change

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Pocket Change Page 11

by E. M. Leya

  "Glad to." Keith led him to a small compact that was parked in the visitor stall. "I've been craving Bella's since we set up the date. I hope you're hungry."

  "Starving," Jess admitted. "I usually get lunch at work, but we had a wedding party come in this afternoon and it was so busy, I never got my break."

  "You've been to Bella's before?" Keith asked.

  "Years ago." It had been back when he'd still lived with his parents. He couldn't afford to go out very often now. Bella's was way out of his price range. "The food was amazing."

  "It is. It's one of my favorite places in Houston." Keith pulled out of the lot. "So how are classes going?"

  Jess shrugged. "As good as can be expected. I'm rotating to the nursing home next week for clinicals. I'll be so glad to be done with all this and working. I feel like I've been taking classes forever."

  "Me too. I've been watching the job market. I've got a chance to go to Chicago with my brother and work, but I'm not sure I want to move. I like it here. The thing is, nurses are making more there than they are here, so it might come down to where I can get the best pay."

  That was interesting news as Jess hoped to get into a relationship with someone that might last. If Keith was thinking about leaving the state, he wasn't thinking about anything serious probably. "Yeah, the market isn't great right now. I'm hoping that changes after graduation. I've been looking at Methodist, but honestly, I'll just be happy to get a job anywhere for now. Once I get a few years under me, then I can be pickier."

  "You were raised here?" Keith asked.

  "Yep. My parents are in Rice."

  "Oh wow. So you're pretty well off."

  "No, my parents are, but we no longer talk. They disowned me when I was eighteen and came out."

  "Seriously? Dude, that sucks. I didn't think parents still did that shit. You didn't know they'd have issues with you being gay before you told them?"

  "Oh, I knew, but I didn't think they'd disown me. I knew they'd be unhappy. Dad's extremely homophobic, but I wasn't going to hide who I am. It was more important to me to be myself and not hide. It was a messed-up situation all around. I expected them to be upset, but I never dreamed they'd disown me." Jess shrugged. "It is what it is. I've tried to make peace with it."

  "Wow, that's tough. My parents knew pretty much before I did that I was gay. Mom said she started guessing when I was six or seven. I came out to them at fifteen. They've been fantastic about it. I couldn't be luckier."

  "You really are. I'm jealous." Jess tried hard not to hate his parents for the way they'd treated him, but it still hurt. He wasn't sure the pain of being disowned ever would fade. He missed his parents despite what they'd done. He longed to sit and talk to them like he used to or to go on the yacht for the weekend as a family. He honestly didn't care about the money he'd been cut off from, but he did miss family. That was why he loved spending time with Andy's family. It gave him back something he missed so much.

  "Any brothers or sisters?" Keith asked.

  "Nope, only child. What about you?"

  "I have a huge family. Four brothers and three sisters. My parents wanted a large family and they got one."

  "Eight kids? I can't even imagine. Where are you in the lineup?"

  "I'm the youngest. The baby of the family. Which means I have a lot to live up to. All my siblings are successful. All but two of them married. Now everyone is watching me to see what I do with my life."

  "That can't be easy."

  "It's not, but they are supportive. Knowing they're all watching me keeps me focused and determined to do my best, but there are times it can feel a little claustrophobic with so many interested in my life." Keith shrugged. "I shouldn't complain, especially to you."

  "It's okay. I love hearing about other families. My best friend, Andy, has a good family that has sorta adopted me. It's not the same as my own, but at least they treat me like a son. I'm not completely alone."

  "That's good. They know your gay?"

  "Yep, I came out to them before I told my own parents. Andy's straight, but his parents have always taken an interest in my life. When I was dating back in high school, I went to their house to get ready for prom so that my date could pick me up there. Andy's parents still have my prom pictures on their mantle as if I were one of their kids. My parents never even bothered asking if I was going or if I had a date. I was close to my parents in many ways, but never when it came to us discussing social events or my personal life. I think that's why they were so stunned when I told them I was gay. They never expected it. Never paid enough attention to see it."

  "I can't imagine what that's like. I guess I shouldn't complain about mine being so interested in everything I do." Keith smiled. "I lucked out in the family department."

  "You really did." Jess wished he'd been so lucky.

  Keith parked in the lot next to Bella's and turned to him. "Well, if you ever meet my parents, be prepared, they treat everyone as if they were their own kids. Everyone is always welcome at their place. I think they'd like you."

  Jess grinned, liking the fact that Keith seemed to be thinking about the future and possibly having him meet his parents. It was still a first date, but at least there was an opening there for a long-term relationship. If Keith didn't move after graduation. It was too soon to think about all that.

  "Ready?" Keith asked.

  "Yes." He climbed out of the car and met Keith at the back.

  "I'm glad you said yes. I've wanted to ask you out for a long time." Keith reached out and joined their hands.

  Jess squeezed Keith's hand, enjoying the contact. "You should have asked sooner."

  "It's not always that easy. I've had some bad experiences asking men out. I guess you could say my gaydar isn't very well-honed. I was fairly sure you were on my team, but there's always that hesitation after you've been stung in the past."

  "I get it. I made a mistake once and only once. After that embarrassment, I've been really careful about asking or I let them approach me. To be honest, I haven't allowed myself time to date a lot over the last year. I've just been too busy. The last guy I dated dumped me because I never had time to go out."

  They walked into the restaurant hand in hand. "Well, considering we are taking most of the same classes and both have other jobs, I don't think that will be an issue for us if we choose to see each other more. I'm easy going when it comes to relationships." Keith gave his name to the hostess and she led them to a small table.

  "Where do you work?" Jess asked.

  "I'm an aide at a care center. It's how I knew I wanted to be a nurse. I started there at seventeen and never looked back. I love working there," Keith told him.

  The conversation flowed through the evening, and the food was amazing. Jess enjoyed the company and loved all he was learning about Keith. The only distraction was the tenderness of his ass that kept reminding him of Andy and what they'd done the night before.

  "Would you like to go back to my place for a drink?" Keith asked as they walked out.

  "I'd like that." Jess fought back the excitement that he might actually get laid tonight. After all he'd done with his clients and even the stuff with Andy, he needed to feel someone's hands on him, share the intimacy that was missing when he performed for his customers.

  He wondered how serious things needed to get before he would have to let Keith know about his video job. It really was unfair to commit to any relationship without discussing it first, and what if Keith wanted him to quit doing it? Would he? He needed the money. Without it, things would be so tight that he would struggle.

  It was something he wasn't going to worry about now. As great as the evening was, he was getting ahead of himself. So far, this was a one-time date. If things progressed, he'd figure out what to do. For tonight, he was just going to enjoy himself.

  Keith's apartment was a lot nicer than his. Recently built, it had all the newest amenities. Obviously, Keith's job paid better than his. "I love your place." Jess took a seat on the couch
as he looked around.

  "Thanks. It was my sister's, but when she got married, I took over her lease. It will do until I decide what my future looks like. What would you like to drink, wine okay?"

  Jess wasn't a huge wine fan, but he nodded anyway. "Perfect."

  Keith handed him a glass and sat down beside him. "To us and our wonderful night."

  "To us." Jess clinked the glass and took a sip. "I really have had a good time."

  Keith set his free hand on Jess's legs. "Good enough to do it again soon?"

  "If you can be patient and work around my schedule." Jess covered Keith's hand with his.

  "I can do that." Keith set his glass down on the coffee table. "If I'm taking this too fast, let me know." He bent his head and brushed a soft kiss over Jess's mouth.

  The kiss was sweet, but didn't send fire coursing through his veins the way he'd wanted, still, the closeness was nice and he set his own glass down before he turned back to Keith. "Not too fast at all." He wrapped his arms around Keith's neck and pulled him down for another kiss.

  He melted against Keith as they kissed and slowly started to caress each other's bodies. It had been so long since he'd kissed anyone, it was hard not to get caught up in the moment. He longed for someone to do this with all the time. He missed cuddling, kissing, and holding on to someone this way.

  The kisses became more passionate as they moved closer, pressing against each other as things heated up. His cock was at full attention, begging for things Jess wasn't sure would happen, but hoped would.

  "Want to move to my room?" Keith asked.

  Jess responded with a kiss, then by pushing up and standing. He needed this. He wanted to get laid, feel another man's body pressed against his.

  Keith broke the kiss and took Jess's hand, leading him down a hallway to a bedroom at the end. It was neat and clean, but that was all Jess had time to notice before his legs hit the edge of the bed and he fell back, Keith falling over him.

  "Yes." Jess stroked his hands under Keith's shirt, feeling his hot flesh beneath his palms. He toed off his shoes, as he pressed his cock against Keith's thigh, needing the contact.

  "Lift up, let me undress you." Keith moved to the side and started working on the button on Jess's pants.

  It took no time for them to both undress, and once they were naked, Jess reached for Keith's cock, stroking it in a tight fist. He wasn't large, but size didn't always mean everything. Jess thought about his purple dildo and wondered if that was really true. Still, it wasn't enough to form an opinion. Keith might be an amazing lover.

  "Let me taste you." Keith straddled Jess's lower legs and bent forward, taking him into his mouth. The heat and wetness surrounded his cock and he moaned in pleasure, reaching out and running his fingers through Keith's hair. He watched as his cock slid between Keith's lips, focusing on the pleasure of his sucking. This was what he missed. This was what the videos couldn't give him. He rocked his hips, feeding his cock deeper into Keith's mouth.

  "Easy, let me." Keith pressed his palm against Jess's hips, holding him still.

  That pushed back his arousal a bit. He wasn't being rough, hadn't thrust deep into his throat, but not being able to move at all didn't do it for him. Still, it felt good, and he pushed the thoughts from his mind as Keith continued to work his mouth over him.

  When Keith pulled off, Jess groaned. "So close."

  "I know, but I want you to fuck me. I want you to come inside me." Keith kissed his way up Jess's body.

  "You're a bottom?"

  "Shamelessly." Keith grinned.

  Jess laughed. "Figures, so am I."

  "You don't top at all?" Keith asked, running his tongue around Jess's nipple.

  "I have in the past, but not often. You?" Jess ran his fingers down Keith's spine and cupped his ass.

  "Once or twice, but I don't like to." Keith sighed. "Figures I meet a perfect man and he's not the top I hoped he was."

  Jess laughed. "I'd had the same hope for you, but bottoms can be together and make it work."

  "I know, but I'm not sure I'd ever be completely happy. I like a rough top, and something tells me you're not."

  "No, I'm not. I could do it from time to time, but it's really not my thing." He kissed Keith's neck, nuzzling his nose over his skin. "We can still enjoy tonight." Jess slid his fingers between Keith's ass cheeks and pressed against his hole.

  Keith groaned. "Are you sure? I have to be honest. I like you a lot, but if we're not compatible sexually, it will never work. It might sound selfish, but that's too big of a part of a relationship for me not to be happy."

  "I agree, but I really am having a good time, and even if we just exchange blowjobs and hold each other for a bit, I like this. I agree that anything long term wouldn't last, but just for tonight, let's enjoy this." Jess tugged on Keith's ear with his teeth. "Kissing is one thing we're very compatible doing."

  "I agree." Keith rolled them so Jess was on his back. "We'll take tonight, then after, we'll leave it at friends."

  "Friends is good." Jess lost himself in another long kiss. It wasn't everything he wanted, but for tonight, it would be enough.


  Andy tried not to think about Jess, but the events of the last two weeks were like an ongoing movie in his mind. The look of his cum on Jess's ass. The way his hole opened for the beads. God, all of it was driving Andy crazy. He needed to put a stop to it.

  He'd tried not to think about Jess on his date or what might have happened that night, but he hadn't talked to Jess in a few days and had no clue if things went well. He'd thought about calling, but he was afraid his jealousy would show, and he still had no idea how to let on to Jess that he was attracted to him. Being jealous would be a huge clue, and he wanted to avoid that. It wasn't as if they were a couple. Jess was free to go out with who he wanted, but just the thought of Jess with another man had Andy on edge.

  He slammed the door shut and leaned against his truck, hoping he wasn't making a huge mistake. He needed to find a way to deal with his new desires. Learn about what he was becoming, and there was only one place he could do that.

  He'd spent days watching and reading up on everything he could find about being a Dom. He'd watched everything from beginner videos to hardcore ones, finding that he was somewhere in the middle. He didn't like the extreme stuff, but the gentle stuff was a bit dull for him. The question was, would Jess be into all of it or should he find someone else to play with now that he'd learned he liked all this stuff?

  He pushed away from the truck and headed inside the adult toy store he'd bought the beads and crop from. The woman he'd talked to that day had told him to come in anytime if he had questions. Well, he had a ton. Between realizing that he might not be as straight as he thought he was and this newfound fascination with bondage, he wasn't sure what to do with himself. Jess was who he usually talked things through with, but since both these issues centered around Jess, he didn't feel he could go to him.

  He walked into the small store, pausing a moment to give his eyes a second to adjust to the darker light. Once they did, he saw Maggie standing behind the counter sorting through a pile of books.

  "Hey, I hoped you'd be back." She smiled as she turned to him. "How'd the beads and crop work for you?"

  Andy glanced around, glad there was no one else in the store with them. "Good. I liked playing with them." He approached her and leaned against the counter. "Thanks for recommending them."

  "You here to pick up some new stuff?" She smiled.

  "Maybe, but I'm hoping I can ask you a few things. I really don't have anyone else to talk to about this."

  She nodded and used her foot to push an office chair he hadn't noticed toward him. "Have a seat. I'm an open book. What's on your mind?" She pushed up on the glass display case to sit, facing him.

  He took the chair and sat down, trying not to show how nervous he was. Doms weren't supposed to be nervous, were they? It was about control and confidence. "Um, it's just that…" He
ran his hand through his hair, then sighed. "I've been reading that book you gave me and doing a lot of research online. I'm into everything. The problem is, what do I do now? I feel like a kid trying to learn how to ride a bike and failing."

  "Ah, Hun, don't worry about that. We all started out like you, unsure what to do with our desires. This lifestyle isn't for everyone, and likes and dislikes are all over the place for those that are into it. It's not something that happens overnight. It's a process." She smiled. "How did things go with that guy you wanted to try the crop on?"

  "Fantastic. We both loved it. At least I think we did. We haven't had a lot of time to talk, but things went well. He fell asleep soon after and we didn't have time to talk the next day."

  "He's your boyfriend?" she asked.

  Andy blushed. "No, he's my best friend." He lowered his eyes, then sighed. "Up until recently, I thought I was straight, but some things have happened over the last couple of weeks and now I'm not so sure."

  Maggie didn't look shocked like he expected her to. "See, that's the thing about desire and love. It can surprise you at any time. I'm guessing you're probably bisexual, but due to social standards, you never thought to act on it."

  "That doesn't make sense. I've been friends with Jess since high school. If I was going to be attracted to him, I would have been, right? So this has to be about the sex?"

  "Not really. You said you've been best friends for years. Could the fact you thought you were straight have kept him from responding to you differently? Maybe you failed to see the attraction because it would mean being something different than you thought you were? Whatever has happened to add the sexual stuff into your friendship has kind of taken the mask from your eyes for you to see what is really in front of you."

  Andy thought about that. "And this new fascination with B.D.S.M., where does it come from?"

  "Experience. You can't know you like something until you try it. You didn't know you like cherries until you tasted one. Being a Dom is the same thing. Until you've tried it, you won’t know whether or not you like it. Now a whole new world has opened to you and it's a bit overwhelming."


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