Dawn of Fire

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Dawn of Fire Page 6

by Anna LaVerne

  I have no awareness of how far or how long I have crawled before the pain eases. It takes all I have to force myself to open my eyes. I see the red glow of dawn rising. Thrum... The sound of the node continues to echo through my body louder than before. I am getting closer, but am I close enough? Thrum... I am done. I have to be. Thrum... I try to move forward once more, but my body collapses.

  Celeste has gotten her way, though I believe I put up a good fight. The world is spinning as I close my eyes and bury my face into the cool dirt holding on to the earth with my arms wide. My last moment of consciousness is that of the comforting earth. I inhale its scent as I drift into oblivion

  I am dead. I have to be because Bee is crying. Her sorrow bounces off the ground she has thrown herself upon. Big strong hands are at my throat. If I can feel hands does that mean I still have a body? Someone pushes me over onto my back. Ah, the pain sears through my body causing me to groan.

  “Rhett! Get over here I need your help she is alive!”

  Someone reaches up and opens my eyelid. My eyes are heavy; I try to let them know I am in there, but my eyeballs stay rolled into back into my head. I try to move my hand or finger, but every ounce of me is like lead. I am so cold.

  “Bee, get up she is burning up, she needs water.”

  I am not burning up! I am so cold, but I have no way to tell them that. My body isn’t working. Water splashes on my face. I slurp, trying to pull every drop into me. They notice my effort because soon I have a canteen being pressed against my lips. I guzzle as much as possible.

  As they try to maneuver my body, there are voices discussing getting me back to Cargil. Someone lifts me into Trey’s strong arms. I lean back into him and drift off to sleep, naked on a horse, and safe within Trey's embrace.

  It is not until the next day I wake again. I am back in my mother’s bed. The room is full of people all clamoring at the same time. I no longer sense the thrum of the node, and I don’t even attempt reach out to it. Instead, I work hard to open my eyes, and this time they work.

  I see a tall dark man who looks familiar, but his name will not come. Trey is standing behind him watching me. Rhett sits against the wall. Bee is asleep on the floor near where Rhett sits. Hoda is speaking with the dark-haired man. There is a healer I haven't seen before near my side of the bed. She turns around holding a bowl and washcloth. When she sees my open eyes, she drops the bowl in surprise. Everyone turns around and sees I am awake. Trey is the first one by my side.

  “Dina. I mean, Princess Dina. How do you feel?” Trey asks formally.

  I am confused. I don’t understand how I feel. Why are all of these people in my room? What has happened? Are they aware of Celeste? Oh my! I have to tell them about Celeste! I bolt into a sitting position.

  “Celeste…,” It is all I manage say at first. Everyone is staring at me I need to gain some composure. “Celeste did all of this!” I try to climb out of bed because I need to go scry Mother. Trey pushes me back down into the soft bed. “No, I have to scry Mother. Celeste will marry King Maddox! She will kill Claire. Celeste planned on killing me!” I shout in desperation.

  I continue to fight Trey even though I am too weak to do much especially with the node no longer rushing through me like it had the previous day. The node is still there, but instead of the strong thrum it is now just a tickle.

  “Dina, calm down. We are aware. Lay down and rest, we will fill you in, just calm down please,” Trey’s voice works hard to soothe my worry.

  “You know? Is my mother okay?” I ask.

  “Yes, please, Dina, lay back down.” The tall dark man with bright-blue eyes now stands over me.

  “Vex? Why are you here?” I ask, finally recognizing the man. He isn't stationed at Cargil.

  “Your Mother scried me in a panic. She said my only daughter was missing. I was not far and came as soon as I could,” he replies.


  He chuckles a small chuckle, “Yes, Princess, I am your father.”

  “I am so confused. What have I missed? Did you stop Celeste?”

  Everyone in the room looks away from me and at each other. The commotion has awoken Bee. She is now standing next to Rhett. I sense her desire to run and hug me, but it is not appropriate to her station in the presence of Vex and Hoda.

  “What happened to Celeste?” I ask again.

  Hoda steps forward. She is the only one willing to tell me what happened. "Celeste is gone. We suspect she is in Cavet with King Maddox. Claire is dead." I suck in air at her words. "The Queen’s safe, although heartbroken. Claire was poisoned by Celeste the same night you went missing. Your other three sisters are in Lorcan. The Queen is in Yardel but is heading to Lorcan next. She wants you to join her, but Vex demanded you stay here in Cargil. We are fighting for Aster and disobeying the Queen at the same time. Now you are caught up, you can have a moment to grieve. I will be in my tower. I am glad you are well, Princess." Hoda, always curt, turns on her heel and leaves the room.

  “Do you need a moment?” Vex asks.

  “A moment? Why? Because Claire is dead? No, I barely knew Claire. I saw her on holidays and special events only. Maybe I need a moment because the only sister who ever spent time with me tried to have me killed? No, I came to terms with that when I burned the wagon I was being hauled in.”

  A flash of memory and the sound of screaming echoes through my head. “I killed them. I remember their pain and their screams.” The sadness within me is immense. I am an Empath. A fire starter and an Empath. I experienced every moment of their death. How did I ever dream I'd make a good warrior if I hesitate to kill those who threaten Aster?

  “You only experienced their death because of how they died,” Ayla steps around the corner of my bed. “If they had died swiftly, you wouldn’t have noticed it at all. All healers have empathy, it is the way of things.”

  “Who were they?” I ask Ayla.

  “Minor mystics, Tally and June. They worked as librarians in the Healing Center,” Ayla explains. She most likely knew them.

  “One was angry that she didn't have more husbands and therefore more power.” I fill in some of the extra details from memory.

  “I have worked the borders for over thirty years, and I can tell you it is always about power. That is why protecting mystics and Aster is so important. Mystics are not trying to hoard their gifts. They are trying to keep them from being used by the greedy that do not understand that with great power comes great responsibilities.” Vex places his hand upon my shoulder.

  “What do I do now?” I ask in a voice that betrays my youth to those around me.

  "You train, and you pick a partner for your safety and that of Aster. Your mother always knew you were made for great things. You're the only mystic with fire as the primary magic, you're built like a warrior and as stubborn as one, too. The border is where you are because it is where you should be."

  Vex turns and looks at Ayla, "We will stick with the original plan of the Queen’s. Ayla will work with you in the mornings, going over all the basics of the mystic secrets. I will train you in the afternoons. Rhett’s trainees are ready to be stationed, so he will assist me. Trey will be around, but his focus will be on training Cal. Bee will never leave your side."

  I nod. It is a lot to take in. I will still get to be a warrior, but I also get to be a mystic. I never dreamed I would get to be both. It isn’t how things work in Aster, yet here I am. I try not thinking about taking a partner because I want it to come naturally. “Okay, when do I start?”

  “Today, while you eat and rest, Ayla will teach you how to control magic. Attempt none of it until you have a partner. Please understand how important this is. You're my daughter, and I wish you could do whatever you want, but it is too dangerous.”

  I send Vex a small smile. It is all I can give. A small part of me wishes I can run away. However, last time I did that, I was kidnapped and almost killed. I guess there is a time I must grow up and accept my fate. The only thing I’m sure o
f is I won’t make it easy for anyone.

  There are also two men who will never leave me, whether or not I choose them. Trey and Rhett. I am still peeved that Rhett is hanging around, but what can I do? He pushed himself into my life, and it does not seem like I can push him out.

  I look up at Trey. He has a somber look, and I can tell he is full of worry. Rhett is shorter than Trey, and standing to the side, staring at us both.

  I hate the dynamics of love triangles and harems. I've seen it cause senseless drama time after time. I'll give Rhett a chance, but for now, I choose Trey and his gentle chestnut eyes, strong arms, and rock-hard abs.

  Chapter Eight

  Once everyone leaves the room, Bee runs to give me a long hug. Her tears soak my shoulder, “Bee, it's okay. I am here and fine. You all saved me.”

  "No, Dina, you saved yourself. All we did was bring you back to Cargil, and I am sorry, but everyone in the city saw you unconscious. Once we got to the city gates, we were able to get a blanket to cover you with. Healers came immediately. You were exhausted from the amount of magic you used so far from the node. Trey sent warriors up the road looking for the ones who did this to you. They found the wagon a mile out from where we found you. You crawled over a mile from the wagon."

  "When Trey and Rhett heard, everyone could see the admiration of you spread across their faces. Then your father arrived. When we relayed the story, his chest puffed with pride. Were you aware Vex is the senior trainer? He is everyone’s boss except Hoda. He trained both Trey and Rhett. While you slept, Trey told me stories of him. Vex is famous throughout all the nations, and you are his only child with the Queen. He has loved her since he was young. Why did no one in Yardel tell us? I am so annoyed they didn’t even tell you he was your father!"

  “Bee, slow down. I am processing a lot right now.”

  She looks at me and gives me one last hug before hopping out of my bed. Yesterday, Bee was more like a mother, and today, she is more like a little sister.

  Ayla is standing quietly in the corner. “Okay, before we start, let me put on some clothing. Do you think one of you can help me find pants and a shirt?” I ask both of them.

  “Already done,” Bee brings a pair of dark-brown trainee pants and a red trainee tunic.

  “These should be turd brown, right?”

  “Vex said absolutely not. That you are royalty and everyone knows it, so he expects you to dress and act like it. The only reason he is permitting pants is because you are training.”

  “I like this Vex guy,” I reply.

  “For sure, you should call him Dad.” Bee winks.

  I laugh out loud at that one. I need a break from the impending doom and drama that my beloved sister Celeste has wrecked on Aster. I step out of bed and walk to the privy. Ayla and Bee stand on either side to make sure I don’t fall. I feel fine. Tired, sore, but fine. After entering the bathroom, I shut the door in their faces.

  I should at least be able to pee in private. There is a shower in there even though the bathtub is in the actual bedroom. I turn on the water as hot as I can get it and climb in. The water is like hot lava running over my sore muscles. It is revitalizing and comforting at the same time. Finally, someone knocks on the door, “Are you okay in there?” Bee asks.

  "I'm fine, leave me alone." Turning the shower off,I grab the nearest towel. I go to wring out my hair only to remember that I no longer have long locks. It was cut off days before on the way to Cargil, and I still haven’t looked into a mirror. I never think much of my appearance. I have no one I need to impress.

  I walk over the vanity and use my towel to wipe the fog off the mirror. The reflection I see staring back is me, but with short hair I look so different. My blue eyes appear bigger without the dark hair framing my face. My cheekbones are more pronounced and my face more round. If I were not six-foot tall, I would look like an adorable pixie. Nothing about my face screams power or leader. Instead, the porcelain color of my skin, large blue eyes, and short raven-black hair make me look adorable.

  I was hoping to go for ferocious like Hoda or any of the hundreds of other female warriors, but no, it is obvious I am still a mystic. My features are soft even though my body is strong.

  “Do you think we could go study mystic things anywhere other than this room? I need to walk, and I would love to stop by the mess hall and grab a sandwich.”

  “Um, do you think it is wise to eat with the other trainees?” Bee asks.

  “Yeah, I am no better than any of them, even though you all have to dress me in special clothing. It looks to be nearing midday. Lunch bell will ring soon, and I want a sandwich.”

  I walk into the room and out through the door like I have a clue where I am going. Both Ayla and Bee follow me out because they have no choice. If they lose me again, it would be both their heads on a platter before Vex and Hoda. At the bottom of the stairs, I wait for Ayla to lead the way.

  I wasn’t anywhere near the trainee mess halls. I was near the actual warrior mess hall. The one nearest the outer wall of Cargil where stationed warriors bunk. It is surprising Mother’s suites are so close to the wall. Her tower is in the corner of Cargil. That must mean one wall I see in the distance is the South Wall, and the other must be the East Wall.

  We come to an open market area. There are people making swords, shoeing horses, repairing wagon wheels, and making arrows. I am so immersed in everything I am seeing, I don’t even notice that people are staring until they begin moving out of my way. People now see me coming. I want to duck and hide, but my pride will not allow it.

  Soon, we enter a long pavilion with open sides. There are tables and chairs scattered beneath it, and people are waiting in line for food. The lunch bell rings a second later. I walk over and get in line. The woman warrior in front of me turns and motions for me to take her spot.

  “I am fine, I am in no hurry I can wait my turn.”

  “That would not be right, Princess. I insist.”

  “Please, I came here under disguise I would rather not be treated like a Princess. I only want to wait in line like everyone else and get my food and then go.” The woman nods and stands back in line.

  Ayla looks annoyed because we could use this time to study, but not with everyone around us. Mystic secrets are kept secret. I insist we wait our turn. Lucky for us, we get there before the bell, and I get my sandwich in record time. Instead of grabbing a plate, I take it on the go, “Let’s study outside today. Is there an area that won't be busy?”

  Bee tells me she knows the perfect place. Ayla and I follow her this time. We end up in Tower Field where the grass is still brown from me sucking the life force out of it. “Why are we here, Bee?”

  “No one has used this field since your stunt. It is the perfect place for you to absorb what Ayla teaches you.”

  I hate this place because it's a stark reminder that I am an idiot which, in turn, embarrasses me.

  “I agree with Bee. Let’s go sit in the middle, so no one can hear us.”

  I follow her through the brown grass feeling it crunch beneath my feet. There are mystics who specialize in making things grow. I am sure there are a few within Cargil to keep the food supply growing well, “Why haven’t any of the herb mystics come in and repaired this?”

  “They did, but nothing changed. This goes deeper than greenery. You touched the node. This area will look like this for years. It was unfiltered, uncontrolled, raw node energy. You shouldn’t have even been able to contain it. Most would have fizzled out, burned up, or gone mad. Your body is a conduit for loads of energy. More so than any other mystic has ever seen. When you were sleeping, Magda, our lead healer visited. She took a full assessment of your body and everything was off the charts. Your connection has dulled over the days as Queen Marris believed it would. It will continue to fade until you touch it again.” I nod my understanding and try hard to stay focused on her words.

  “Bee told me you never paid attention in your classes. You knew about nodes that much is true, but y
ou did not understand how important they are to mystics. You didn't realize the danger of tapping into their energy reservoirs. First, not all mystics can tap into a node no matter how much sex they participate in. It is just not within their capabilities. Instead, they are borrowing energy from surrounding things. That is what you did prior to touching the node. I am guessing you have always had an easy time reading emotions and doing parlor fire tricks since you came into your gifts? You never had to train and develop them like others?”

  I nod. She is right everything they asked of me came with ease. The magic of words have always flowed from my lips. It is why my third gift is that of an enchantress. Although, I am embarrassed to admit I only ever learned the most basic chants that all mystics know. As an enchantress, I should be able to make glass, heal like a healer, and even control the weather to small degrees. There are few enchantresses left. Mystic gifts are passed down genetically, and my great-grandmother was the enchantress that founded Aster as a haven for all women and orphans who needed a home.

  Many of the warriors here came from other nations or kingdoms. Since there are few enchantresses I ignored the gift. My mother and Claire were both enchantresses. My other sisters do not possess that magic, although Celeste spent many hours studying the ways with Claire. She can cast a spell as well as anyone.

  “My third gift is that of an enchantress, but I only know the basic spells all mystics know.” Ayla’s eyes go wide; it is apparent she has never met one of us before.

  “You are an enchantress, and you consider that gift to be your third power? That alone signifies how little you know.”

  “Um, I thought that the gift that comes the easiest will be your most dominant.”

  “How many spells have you cast?”

  “The ones they told me to cast. I can scry and put up a protective barrier. Things like that.”


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