Dawn of Fire

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Dawn of Fire Page 15

by Anna LaVerne

  I sit there staring at my hand where a spiral is burned into my palm. A scar I will likely always carry, and I have no idea what it means. The oddest thing of all, is that I am no longer in pain.

  Bee sits down next to me, taking my hand from my lap and sucking in deep breath. "What?" I asked.

  "It is nothing. Let's just pray they can get Dina in the comma, so she can heal," Bee answers.

  "I'm so confused. I thought this was going to be easy."

  "Nothing is ever easy with Dina. You should have realized that by now. Come on, we are only in the way in here. Vex and Rhett are in the sitting room."

  She is right. I can't watch anymore of whatever they are doing to Dina. I know in my heart they are helping, but I have no idea what they are actually doing, or why her energy is fighting the help so desperately. Nothing makes sense to me anymore. I understand why Dina lost it, but I have no understanding as to why she just can't heal naturally, especially if her body is fighting such a fierce fight against it.

  I enter the sitting room behind Bee and see Vex pacing around the room and Rhett has his red head resting in his hands. "Someone please explain to me what the hell is going on!" I demand.

  "Lower your voice! They need to focus in there," Vex answers.

  "I would, but I can see the pain Dina is in. Nothing they are doing is helping!"

  "That's because mystics keep their secrets. They need to calm her energy before she loses her mind," Bee interjects.

  "She was calm when I laid her on that bed, now she isn't!" I shout back at her.

  "Trey if you don't lower your voice, Rhett and I will force you to leave," Vex says in a stern voice, and Rhett looks up like he doesn't give a damn. He still owes me a shiner for the one he is still sporting upon his cheek.

  "The calm before the storm. Queen Maris saw it, and that is why they came so quickly. Mystics are notorious for losing their minds due to the amount of energy they have. Dina found herself in a place of emotional turmoil. She was retreating into her mind, and when a mystic retreats they lose control over their powers. They go insane, and some even have to be sentenced to death to be prevented from harming others. To be honest that is a better future than ending up locked away deep within Lorcan." Bee informs me.

  I could feel my jaw hang from my face in surprise at her educated response. "What? Everyone knows I studied the mystic books for Dina. Learning has never been her thing."

  "Well, after this, she has no choice but to make it her thing. Things are changing, and we have more problems to deal with then Celeste," Vex said.

  "Wait...what problems?" I ask.

  "You will know soon enough. I can't say anymore until Maris has a chance to speak to you. Just know that everything is more complicated, and Dina is more precious than any of you can realize. She was never meant to inherit Aster, because she has another destiny and now she has two. If anyone can do it, it will be Dina."

  "I respect you, old man, but you’d better stop being cryptic because all I know is Dina is in pain, and you are all keeping secrets! I don't like secrets!"

  "Sit down, Trey! No one here wants to hurt Dina. Look at your hand. It is obvious something is different about her. She isn't your run of the mill mystic. We need to sit and wait for answers." Rhett motions for me to sit.

  "What are you even doing here? You betrayed her!"

  Rhett stands from the couch and holds his hand in the air, "because I was chosen, too! We are brothers in this, whether we like it or not."

  In Rhett's palm is a perfect copy of the swirl burned into my own. I shook my head, "When?"

  He shrugs. "It happened after you punched me. I think her heart connected to mine. I was in my cell, when a blinding hot heat scorched my palm. When the pain stopped I noticed the symbol. When Vex saw it after we escaped, he dragged me here and said he has something to tell me, but then all hell broke loose in that room with Dina. I know nothing, just like you."

  Anger and jealousy shoots through me as I lose control over my body, and I shove him back onto the couch. "She is mine, and you betrayed her!" I shout down at him.

  "I only did what was needed to save my son, and I kept valuable information from Celeste to keep Dina safe!"

  "Both of you stop it right now! Something is at work bigger than all of us, and you are both chosen and both belong to Dina. You are brothers now and forever. You need to let this petty shit go. Sit down and be quiet. Answers will come soon enough!" Vex pushes me into the sofa next to Rhett. I close my eyes and refuse to acknowledge the red-headed traitor sitting next to me.

  Vex turns to Bee, "Would you be a dear and go to the kitchen and ask for food and drinks to be brought to the room. It is going to be a long night, and these two will need to come to some kind of agreement before anyone leaves."

  "Humph... Not likely." I seethed.

  "I am open to working with this oaf. Whatever it takes to keep me in Dina's good graces," Rhett responds.

  "You're not in her good graces."

  "She forgives me. I feel it."

  "Enough, you two. I am old and am tired of you two bickering like two school girls. At least, you two know each other. We haven't found the other chosen ones yet. Nor do we even know if they have been chosen." Vex smirks.

  "What do you mean ‘others’?" Rhett leans forward.

  "Oh, there will be more. No telling how many just yet, but you honestly don't believe a mystic of Dina's power would be able to get by with just two men do you? It is time to put your issues aside. This is bigger than both of you, and bigger than Aster, and you should be grateful you have been chosen to be a part of it."

  I brush off Vex, I can't focus on any of that right now. I return my focus to the door to Dina's room staring at it intently, willing it to open, so they can tell me it is okay. That Dina will be okay. My prayers are answered because Queen Maris quietly opens the door followed by the two healers who helped her.

  "Samara, thank you for your help. You and your apprentice did well tonight. I trust that you keep this between us for the time being?" Queen Maris speaks to the blonde mystic with long curly hair. Her eyes are as blue as Dina's. All I can think about is Dina.

  The mystic smiles a sweet smile, "I have never seen anything like it, my Queen, and can promise to keep this secret. The princess is a surprising treasure within the chaos. Thank you for allowing me to be of help."

  "Always, Samara. You know you are my favorite healer." Queen Maris gives her a smile as she walks the two out the door. Formalities.

  I find myself standing by Dina's door with Rhett on my heels. "Both of you sit back down. I promise she is fine and is now safely in a mind-healing coma. We need to talk."

  Queen Maris makes her way back to one sofa and plops down in the center. She looks tired and worn out, but she manages to keep going. She gestures for us to sit across from her. Vex approaches her from behind the couch and starts massaging her shoulders.

  "I have plenty to tell you, but before I do, know that I am too tired to answer questions. I am only going to tell you what you need to know at this time and not anything more until Dina awakes. Also, you will need to cut out the fighting. It will stress her out, and the last thing she needs is to have to worry about two of her chosen men." I have to fight another groan before I express my agreement. The queen is right, and I need to put Dina first. I hate that I have to share the responsibility with Rhett.

  "To understand the importance of being chosen, you need to know more about Dina. Dina... my youngest child I never expected to have. My only child with Vex, which is what makes her so special. You see Vex is a mage, but his magic works a little differently then a mystic’s. We will explain that later. To be honest, we don't know much about mages.

  Vex is an orphan, much like Rhett, and knew very little of his past. After Dina was born it became pertinent for him to find where he came from. He did, but upon hearing that he had a female child, everything changed."

  Queen Maris pauses as a bell dings. Vex walks to a wall and opens a c
abinet that blended in. There is a tray with food and water that he brings and sets on the table before the queen. Vex pours a glass of water for Queen Maris, and she takes a long slow drink before continuing.

  "The place where Vex came from is a hidden city north of the mountains of Lorcan. It took Vex years to find them, and once he did, he didn't get to stay long. Dina is the first female mage in over three hundred years. Their magic is significantly different from ours, so I was not sure that Dina would actually need a harem or not. I wanted her to have at least one partner just in case. We now know that she does need a harem. Vex made several trips back to Lumbai, his place of birth, over the years and brought back new knowledge with him each time.

  The part that concerns you the most is that Dina is to be their queen. She will live longer than a mystic because her energy will continue to regenerate through the nodes. Although she benefits from a harem, they are not necessary for her."

  "Then why are we chosen?" Rhett asks causing Queen Maris to glare at him.

  "Because you are her guards, and sex will cement your bond. Although, it is obvious she can use you to recharge the same way a node connects with her magic giving her power. I guess it is a gift of being a half-blood. I knew your bond was strong the moment I noticed you saw her energy, Trey. Only mystics or mages can see energy, so the bond between you is now symbiotic. You give to her, and she gives small traces of power to you. To learn more you will have to travel to Lumbai.

  Anyway, mage women always had guards, and the mages of Lumbai knew the moment she was born, because one of their own was chosen that very day. Though since their community has chosen to remain hidden for the last few centuries they trusted Vex to bring Dina to them when the time was right.

  It is unfortunate that Celeste discovered forgotten texts on Lumbai in the library. We don't know the extent of her knowledge, but we do suspect she learned how to create the portals with a science that Vex says the mages use called Alchemy. I plan to give Bee free access to the library to hopefully uncover the books Celeste used to gain her knowledge, so we have a better idea of what we are fighting.

  Right now, I need both of you to get along. Support Dina and find me the moment she wakes. She should be sleeping for a few days, because we had to hit her with a monstrous spell. When she is healed you are not to tell her anything. That is for Vex and I to do. Until then, continue to train. I am not sure why guards are so important, but I am sure the answers will surface soon. The world is bound to change, and we are asking Dina to do the changing.”

  With that, Queen Maris stands, and Vex walks her out the door, not even giving us a goodnight. I officially have more questions than answers. "Did she say another man we have never met has already been chosen, and he is a mage?" I ask Rhett.

  "I think she said Vex is a mage, and Dina is half mage and half mystic hybrid queen."

  "We are not her harem?" I know I sound dumb, but surely Rhett is also having a hard time wrapping his head around all of the news.

  "No, we are still a harem of sorts, but now we are also protectors."

  "Other than Celeste what else could someone as powerful as Dina need protection from?" I ask the final question knowing the answer, and it fills me with dread.

  "From herself," Rhett whispers the words, echoing the thought in my head.

  Dina is not going to take this news well. I should discuss with Vex about withholding the news of another man. I know how badly Dina doesn't want a harem or to be a mystic broodmare. I am not sure if that will be expected of her as a mage or not. Maybe the news she is a half-blood, will give her a sense of closure? To be honest, I don't know how she will respond. She may wake a different person. After all, she has faced a lot of trauma in a very short time frame.

  Shaking my thoughts away, I stand and silently stalk to Dina's door. I plan to sleep with her and refuse to leave her side until she awakes. The last thing I want is for her to wake alone.

  Fire & Fate

  Mystic Harem Trilogy Book Two

  Chapter One

  The wind whips around my body sending my hair flying, but it doesn’t faze me. I’m not a normal person, cold mountain winds have no effect on a woman like me. What kind of woman am I? How can I not remember? I close my eyes trying to focus on my memories but find nothing substantial. It is like I am an echo of myself. I know I am someone, I know I am powerful, but I don’t know who I am. I know I have people I care about, but their faces within my memory blur together.

  Opening my eyes, I survey my surroundings. The mountain I stand upon is taller than any I have ever seen before. I begin to walk down the narrow path along the rocky edge. It appears to be traversed regularly, although it is treacherous. The gray sky is mirrored in the dreary gray rocks that line the mountain path. Mindlessly, my foot falls step after step as tiny flurries fall from the clouds, speckling the path.

  My body seems to recognize the path we are on even though I am certain I have never seen it before. Every treacherous corner or edge I navigate with ease, my long legs being far more graceful than possible. This must be a dream.

  I pause halfway down the mountain when I realize if this is a dream I should be able to go anywhere I want without the journey. The problem is I don’t remember who I am or where I want to go. I only have the echo of memories that have yet to form.

  I use my fingers to pinch into my arm as hard as possible. If this is a dream, I should wake up, right? I don’t. Instead, a searing pain erupts in the palm of my hand. I fall forward on the narrow path clutching my burning fist. It only lasts a split second before my hand warms and thrums with energy. Energy from a node. I suck in air as I absorb the warmth on the side of the mountain. The node remembers me and is welcoming me home.

  With the energy of the node still pulsing through me, I close my eyes. Faces flash across my vision. The first is a well-built man with chestnut eyes and brown hair. I recognize him. I love him. The second is a man who is white as a ghost with bright-red hair. His image makes me laugh, and I know I will always need that. The third has long dark hair, huge muscles, and is so tan it appears he was born within the sun. I recognize him as well, but he is still a stranger to me.

  The fourth image is new to me completely, but I seem to have known him somewhere else. His hair is dark and short, his skin is ashen and sickly, his eyes are a sad steel gray. I instantly feel drawn to him.

  I stand up and look to the colorless sky. I have no idea where I am or even who I am, but I sense that the men I saw are mine and one needs me now. One is dying without me, and I have to find him. I hold his image within while I pull from the node, willing myself to be brought to him. When I open my eyes, I see him sitting with his legs crossed next to an ancient-looking bald man. Both are dressed in all black robes while candles flicker around them.

  “She is here,” the old man’s breaths are laboring as he feels my presence. The younger man opens his eyes looking for me, but his vision goes right through me. So, it is confirmed I am not physically here, wherever here is.

  “I can’t see her,” the young man replies.

  “Of course, you can’t, she is only here in spirit. She can hear us if you have anything you want to say, even if you can’t hear her.”

  The young man nods and looks upon me even though I know he can’t see me it is as if he senses where I stand. “I don’t know your name, I only know when I was ten suns old I was marked for you. Ever since, my life has been a half life, incomplete without you in it. And now my body is failing. I am sick and need you to save me.

  A man visited us, not long ago, who mentioned he has a daughter with the gift of fire. I’m not sure if he told you about me or not, but you have to come soon if I am to live. I am yours, body and soul. I can’t live much longer without your touch. I’m not just your guard, I am your soulmate marked on the day of your birth. If I were not so weak I would leave to find you, but as I am now, I won’t survive the journey.

  I should have left suns ago to find you, but I didn’t believe you we
re real. There has not been a woman mage in centuries. I thought it was a mistake.” A single tear slides down his cheek as he pulls his black robe open to reveal a glowing spiral directly over his heart.

  Warmth erupts from my hand again. This time I open it to see the same spiral burning gold. This can’t be real. The urge to touch his with mine becomes overwhelming. I rush forward and make contact, my hand upon his hard chest. The node energy flows through me and into him. His jaw drops, and his eyes brighten to a steel blue, wet with tears. He rises to his feet standing a foot taller than me. He is the tallest man I have ever seen. Bigger than any man I have seen before. He is the mountain, itself. I thought him small and weak, but he transformed with my touch into who he is meant to be. His eyes turn downward, and a grin spreads across his face.

  “You are more beautiful than a thousand stars.” The back of his hand caresses the side of my cheek. I’m not physically there, so I couldn’t feel it in the way I want to. “My name is Gabal. Where are you?”

  I shake my head trying to remember. I am in the mountains… “Lorcan,” left my lips in a whisper.

  “Lorcan,” Gabal repeats.

  “Lorcan?” the old man asks. “I know of that place and how to get there. We can open a portal.”

  A portal? The words bring back a memory where I saw my beloved aunt spliced in two. The turmoil washes through me causing the few items in the small room full of candles to erupt in flames. “I will be waiting for you.” I say just before I flash back upon the mountain. Safe in quiet and solitude while I let the river of tears flow from my eyes willing myself to get it all out because I know there is more coming, and I can’t be weak.

  More Coming Soon…

  From the Author

  Dawn of Fire - Mystic Harem Trilogy would not have have been possible if it were not for my amazing writer friends at Penned In Ink. Without their advice and support every step of the way, this book may have never left the ground.


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