Alien Passion (The Shadow Zone Brotherhood Book 1)

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Alien Passion (The Shadow Zone Brotherhood Book 1) Page 3

by Elise Jae

  He’s still inside me when I come back to sanity, every nerve ending coiled tight with continued need.

  “You,” he said through labored breaths, “are not what I expected.”

  “Same.” I wasn’t even sure I was what I expected.

  “Are you okay?”

  I hummed trying to track down my thoughts. “Yeah. I think I finally understand the term ‘fucked senseless.”

  His smile turned feral and his hips shifted, assuring me he definitely wasn’t done with me. “Just how senseless do you want to be?”

  Pivoting my hips, I consider… “If I can still talk and walk when you’re done… have you done your job right?”

  His smile reminds me of a cat going in for the kill. “I like a challenge.”


  I’m a little worried the challenge of Laurel is going to kill me.

  I’m completely certain I’m going to enjoy every second of it.

  She squeaks in surprise as I turn her, flipping her onto her stomach.

  It’s my turn to decide how deep I go, how fast. She’s mine now and I don’t plan on letting her forget it.

  When the bond clicked into place. A startling rush of her, into me. And me into her… in more ways than one.

  I hadn’t expected it to be anything like that.

  She’s all slick heat as I pull myself from her. It’s excruciatingly slow and every millimeter is agonizing delight.

  I could take her, hard and fast. Fulfill the promise to fuck her senseless. But the sound of her crying out my name as she came--her delicious pussy a vice around my cock--is a memory that will no doubt get me hard at the most inconvenient times.

  I’m determined to give her the same.

  As I dip down to nip at her shoulder, I wonder how many pairs of panties she’d brought with her. How many I can get her to soak through in a single day.

  But that’s not the goal tonight.

  Her breathing is still ragged, her head thrown back.

  A press and a swirl of my thumb and she arches off the bed, my name a hoarse gasp.

  I had no idea how powerful it could make me feel.

  As I play with her, I don’t have to move. She rocks against me, her hands twisted in the sheets as she fucked herself with my cock.

  It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

  Momentarily mesmerized, I have to close my eyes to remember which planet I’m on.

  I’m certainly not going to let her fuck herself senseless.

  I’m not a toy.

  Hands on her hips, fingers firm on her soft flesh, I force her to stop. Drag her up onto her knees.

  Keeping her still, I force her to go slow. Force her to feel every inch.

  Force myself to feel every inch of her.

  But her breathing is as ragged as my control.

  “Don’t tease me.”

  And now I’m the senseless one. She meets each thrust with a keening moan that threatens my sanity. Each withdrawal fills me with the need to drive further into her. To join with her harder.

  To reach that invisible edge faster, and spill every ounce of myself into her.

  And I can’t hold on.

  Every last ounce of me spills out, into her, and I can’t keep myself upright. I fall, heavy on the mattress and drag her close.


  I don’t bother to put my robe on as I leave her and go to the kitchen. My skin is still warm from her.

  When I come back with a large glass of water, she’s lowering herself back to the bed. The bathroom light flickers off now that no one’s there.

  “I guess I’ll have to try harder next time.”

  She looks at me like I’m not speaking English as she takes the glass and drinks.

  “You were able to walk.”

  She breathes a laugh before guzzling the rest of the water.

  “There was a minute there where I thought I’d never be able to again.”

  She was all softness and silk.

  Now that we’d resettled, she’d turned into me. Her eyes are closed, but I know she’s not sleeping.

  I can feel her thinking, what I don’t know.

  I have thoughts enough of my own.

  Swirling my fingers over the warm skin of her back, I shiver, and I know I'm not the one who’s cold. I drag the blanket over us both and she snuggles closer.

  “Thank you.”

  How I thought I’d be better off waiting… sometimes I’m the biggest idiot.

  Everything about me tingled.

  It made sense now, why some chose to sleep separately. But I wasn't about to let her go. Not yet. Not even to cross the room.

  I was determined to sate her every sense until she couldn’t think of leaving my bed.

  I couldn’t stop the grin as I realized that was wrong. This was our bed.

  Now, until fate part us.



  Those first few days are a bit of a blur.

  Like most new relationships, we’re learning about each other as we try to slake the lust that just won’t go away.

  It was easy to forget--at least a little--that Earth, and everyone on it, existed.

  But all good things come to an end.

  It was a phone call I’d expected…. A few days late.

  I hoped that meant she’d had time to cool off, or at least think about what she’d say.

  One look at her face, dashes that hope.

  “What the Hell were you thinking?”


  “Don’t ‘mom” me like I’m the one being unreasonable. I’m not the one who ran off to another planet because she couldn’t decide what to do with her life.”

  “That’s not what this is.”

  “Then what?” She swallowed and her face contorted to a mask of disgust. “This is some fetish, isn’t it? You know you can’t come back, right? He owns you now.” Her voice broke and she disappeared from view, long enough to mop the tears from her face and return with nothing but anger. “How could you do it?”

  “This is why I didn’t tell you.”

  Movement in the hall catches my eye and I look up at Richter. He’s watching me, warily. I know he can sense my stress, even though I’m trying to suppress it.

  “He’s there, isn’t he? Telling you what to say. Has he hurt you?”

  The shock of disgust from him is enough to turn my stomach. “No. Mom. And he never will. That's not how it works.”

  “I just can’t believe my little girl would do something so stupid.”

  “Mom… I’ll always be your daughter, but I’m not your little girl anymore. I haven’t been for a long time. Coming here was a risk. Possibly the biggest I’ve ever taken. But it’s paid off in ways I couldn’t have imagined.”

  She sniffed and glanced away from the screen. “I know there’s no coming back. No arguing. But do you know how interchangeable we are to them? It took days to track you down. They kept trying to send me to a different woman’.” She shook her head. “At least you look better off than she did.”

  “I know it’s going to be hard for you to accept for a little while, but I am happy here.” I can’t stop myself from smiling when I look up at him. “Happier than I could have imagined.”

  It takes another ten minutes and countless reassurances she doesn’t accept, but I finally get my mother off the phone.

  “You didn’t tell them you were leaving?” He sits beside me, slinging his arms over the back of the sofa.

  “If you knew my mother you’d understand. And I couldn’t risk anyone else letting it slip. She might have locked me in the basement for the rest of my life.”

  “Well, then I guess I’m glad you did what you needed to do to get here.”

  I can’t stop myself from smiling. “Me too.”

  I shift, swinging my leg around and rising to my knees to straddle him. “Want to remind me what a good decision it was?”

  He kisses me. It’s the long, slow drink I’ve become used to. On
e I’ve begun to crave.

  But it’s over too soon. He pulls away.

  Richter is scowling at the wall, the blue glow shining behind his pupil. “We’re about to have company.”

  Running my hand along his shoulder, I squeeze. “Is something wrong?”

  When he looks at me, he shakes away the scowl that had marred his face. “Only that Core didn’t bother to give us any warning.”

  “Does he have a bondmate?”

  He nods.

  “Then he should know better.” I dip down, pressing another quick kiss to his lips.

  Richter doesn’t let go of me as he stands. He carries me all the way to the door before he gentles his grip and lets me slide down to stand at his side.

  There’s no knock. Richter opens it before our visitors have made it up the short set of steps from the drive.

  There was an instant recognition. Core was Richter’s friend. He was safe. And that feeling extended to the woman with him.

  Introductions were made, and Richter’s unease filters through our bond, but I push it away. He’s just dealing with the after effects of our interruption.

  “It is absolutely wonderful to meet you.” Cindy grabs my hand and pulls me away from them, all but dragging me to the couch

  “So,” Cindy scooted across the couch until we’re close enough to whisper. “How’s life on a new planet treating you?”

  I can't stop myself from sliding a glance at Richter. “Pretty great, actually.”

  “How about you?”

  “Wonderfully… aside from having to sew up my bondmate twice now.” She shoots a halfhearted scowl at Core. It only elicits a smile in return.

  “I’m a nurse. Apparently, they’re special… able to ask for specific professions, on top of everything else.” She waved her hand in the air as if batting away a fly. “What did Richter pick that got you?”

  I didn’t like the way that question turned into a sour stone and sank to my stomach… “As far as I know? Random chance.”

  “Then the fates are as kind as they are fiendish.”

  I smiled with Cindy, but ill ease prickled over my skin. Maybe my placement hadn’t been happenstance.

  I need to report in to my superiors… maybe then, I’ll find out if they’re the ones who made this happen.

  Glancing at the men again, I have to wonder if I don’t owe my C/O more than I can ever repay.

  “The fates are kinder than I ever imagined.” She’s touching her stomach, a content smile on her face as she lets out a sigh.

  It’s not hard to guess what she means.

  “But I thought you only got here a day before I did.”

  Her head tilts to the side and her eyes narrow in brief confusion as she smiles. “Gestation is accelerated between our species. I’m having this baby in five months, or less.”

  “I guess I missed that part of the pamphlet.”

  “Well, if the way he’s looking at you is any indication, you won’t be far behind me.”

  The war of emotions that stirs in me forces me to look away. “I’d guess so.”

  It was a part of the plan all along, but I hadn’t realized there was a shift in the timeline.

  I thought I’d have time to ease my way out of my contract with the military. But once I’m carrying Richter’s child… there’s no way I’ll be able to lie to him about something so important.


  I might be listening to Core, but I haven’t taken my eyes off Laurel since Cindy dragged her away.

  It’s not that I think Core’s bondmate will hurt her. But something in their conversation has made her uncomfortable and I’m not above swooping in to rescue her from that discomfort.

  Up to now, Core hasn’t said anything worth a response.

  “How’s it treating you?” He nodded toward them. “Bonded life.”

  “Are you asking how indebted I am to you for making me do it?”


  “Then I suppose I owe you my life. Because it feels like she’s given me a new one.”

  “I know what you mean. I certainly feel more alive.” He chuckles and glances over at them. “I’ve already had to buy replacements for three different changes of clothing. I’m tempted to ask that she stop wearing any at all.”

  “You’ve always had issues with impulse control.”

  His smile tells me he’s perfectly fine with it. “I can’t decide if I want this madness to go away.”

  I know what he means.

  But his smile sours.

  “I came to tell you I’ve had six sightings since Cindy arrived. Two after she got here, and the frequency has gotten worse… now that she’s pregnant.”

  “You certainly didn’t take your time.”

  “It’s that pesky impulse control.” He straightens, and I know he’s done here. “I wanted you to be aware, since I know your control isn’t much better than mine. And now… we’re going to go, so that you can get back to making our kid a playmate.”

  “Only ever thinking of yourself.”

  “I don’t know… I think it’ll make you happy.”

  As Core collects his bondmate and they say goodbye to Laurel, I watch, wondering.

  Because when that happens. I can’t imagine how I’ll survive being happier than I already am.

  When she closes the door behind Core, I spin her around, kissing her as I pick her up. She wraps herself around me, arms around my neck, legs locked around my waist. Almost perfectly aligning herself with me.

  “Now.” I say, barely pulling myself away from her. “Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?”

  With a wicked smile, she doesn’t answer. Instead, she leans forward, pressing the whole of her body to me, and captures my lips in a kiss so searing, my cock strains against my pants, trying to get to that warm, wet pussy I’m addicted to.

  But my brain won’t let me throw her down on the couch and take her here.

  Core and Cindy might be gone, but the primal part of my brain doesn’t even want to share her with their lingering memories.

  Tightening my grip on her legs, I walk the hallway, nearly on auto pilot. There is no door to my bedroom, but I would have kicked it closed if I could.

  The fireplace is lit and set her down on the rug in front of it. She has her shirt off before her feet touch the ground.

  I don’t think.

  I dip my head down, sucking one rosy nipple into my mouth as I untie the drawstring and hear her lounge pants slide down her legs with a whisper.

  She’s opened my pants, but I’m the one who has to force them down.

  Her hand is wrapped around me and she’s perfectly content to stroke me without doing anything else.

  But I want more.

  I want every inch of her touching every inch of me.

  Somehow, I manage to get undressed and get her onto the floor.

  She’s everything I’ve ever wanted, but I can’t say it.

  So, instead, I cage myself over her and sink into her bliss.



  It’s hours later, and I’m half asleep with Richter curled around me.

  I’ve never been one to take naps in the middle of the day, but he’s very good at wearing me out.

  The rug protects us both from the cold, hard floor, and the enormous blanket he has wrapped tightly around me has kept me from moving to the bed.

  Sleepily watching the snow from the enormous window feels like the perfect way to spend the afternoon.

  Richter isn’t asleep either. He’s tracing soft circles over my belly, and I know what he’s thinking… how couldn’t he be after our visitors.

  It reminds me that we’ve never actually talked about this.

  “How many kids do you want?”

  He hums. “I don’t really think that’s up to me. But I suppose the answer is: as many as you’re willing to have.”

  Laughing, I can’t stop myself from asking. “Is there an upper limit?”

��Well, I think we’ll get crowded in this house once we hit six.”

  I can’t imagine having six children.

  “But as you’re the one who’ll be doing all the work… taking all the risk, I can be happy if you only want to have one.”

  “I guess we’ll have to see how the first one goes, won’t we?”

  I snuggle more tightly down into the blankets and turn my attention back to the snow.

  But the flakes floating down aren’t the only thing out there.

  Instinct forces me fully awake, I sit up, dragging the blanket with me.

  “Did you see that?”

  Something moved in the distance. Some faint shadow against the snow. But I can’t find it anymore. “I must have been imagining something.”

  The sky is completely clear, so I can’t blame it on cloud shadow.

  But Richter has gone tense. The blue inside his pupils has flared to life, and he’s searching the distance.

  “Don’t second guess yourself out here.” He’s reached over me pulling me back as though we’re not separated from whatever it is by eight inches of glass and at least five miles. “It’s there.”

  “What’s there?”

  “One of the monsters.” He points, and then moves his finger as though he’s outlining it.

  Whatever it is he sees, I can’t.

  He rolls away from me, managing to tuck the blanket in as he stands and walks to the closet on the far side of the room.

  He’s dressed before I manage to untangle my legs and follow him out of the room with the blanket wrapped tight around me.

  I know exactly where he’s going.

  He slaps his hand against the wall by the door and the rack of weapons extends outward. A holographic display lights and a screen flares to life… calling someone.

  “How many?” A man who is impossibly large asks.

  “Just one we’ve seen so far.”

  The man’s face is covered over by a smirk, and he chuckles. “Told you she’d be good for you.”

  “This is just an acknowledgement call. I don’t need any help… following protocol.”

  He kills the conversation, and I pull the blanket more tightly around me. “Shouldn’t you take help?”

  “If it’s just one… there’s no point. And I’d get to it before the others could get there.”


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