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Invaded Page 26

by Jennifer M. Eaton


  John opened a manila folder and sifted through the crime scene photos.

  Agent Green scrutinized his movements, probably watching for a reaction to the pictures of the murdered women: looking for signs of disgust, pride, or eroticism. John would do no differently.

  “Wait a minute.” John slid a picture of Alexandra Nixon away from the others. She stared back at him through long, parted blonde bangs. “Where did you get this picture?”

  Green looked over John’s shoulder. “From her parents. This was taken two days before she died.”

  John held the photo between two fingers. “She was a brunette when we found her. Are you telling me she dyed her hair just before she was murdered?”

  Had that even showed up in the report? How had he and Art missed that?


  “The perpetrator probably marked her when she was blonde.” He threw the photo on the table. “He is looking for blondes. He probably figured she was trying to hide from him when she changed her hair.”

  “How is this helpful?”

  John dug his fingers into his scalp. “He’s fixated on blondes. There’s probably a reason. Whatever that reason, that’s his trigger.” He sat back and looked at the ceiling. “But why change to killing two cops?”

  “If the cases are related.”

  “They are.” He could feel it.

  “But the victims in case one are all women,” Green said. “Case two has a pair of male off-duty cops. Gian Doogan was linked to the case, but J.J. McCarthy had nothing to do with case one.”

  “Call it a sixth sense.” John pointed to the photographs on the war board of the two officers in their dress uniforms beside Forensics’ shots of their beaten bodies. “What I don’t understand is the change in M.O., and then going back and killing another woman.”

  “All right,” Green said. “Let’s consider this.” He tilted his head as if contemplating. “The perpetrator who killed the cops is a man scorned. He reeks of vengeance or deep, loathsome purpose. The serial suspect is a super strong, woman-hating, Ambient host.” Green crossed his arms. “All data says your instincts are usually spot on, but I think we should continue to treat this as two separate cases.”

  John nodded. “Yeah, maybe.”

  His phone rang. Tracy’s name appeared on the screen and he tapped to answer.

  “Hey, you.”

  “I’m so glad you’re there. You’re never going to believe it but Adonna is some sort of computer expert. Well, maybe not an expert, but she helped Laini concoct this seriously detailed spreadsheet.”

  How was it possible that the sound of someone’s voice could have the ability to melt away the troubles of the rest of the world? He could listen to her forever.


  He blinked. “Oh, yeah, well, you know, it’s completely possible that her former host worked on computers. It makes sense that whatever knowledge she’s learned would move with her to the next host.”

  Agent Green had his phone out and tapped his stylus against his lips. However, from the lack of eye movement, he was concentrating less on the screen and more on John’s conversation. His interest didn’t have the sinister feel of the overbearing Evans or the homicidal Clark, though. He was more like Agent Fox Mulder, perpetually in awe.

  Green glanced at him then returned his eyes to the screen.

  “So,” John continued, “you guys are getting along, then?”

  “Mostly, yeah, but something weird happened last night.”

  John flinched and glanced at Green. “I’m listening.”

  “I know you’re busy, but can we please have dinner, tonight?”

  John’s eyes returned to Green. “Dinner tonight? Ummm…”

  “It won’t be long. I need to…” She sighed. “Have you ever sleepwalked?”

  Sleepwalked? He bit back the question as Green continued to feign perusing his phone. “Tonight’s going to be a little hard.” Because I am under house arrest, and everywhere I go, this pre-pubescent kid in a suit has to go with me. “But maybe in a few days?” Or a few weeks, after the DNA tests come back and prove their innocence.

  Dak didn’t butt in on the conversation. They both knew the clock was ticking. Clark might try to extract Dak no matter what the test results showed. They needed to find the killer and prove without any doubt that he and Dak weren’t involved.

  Green frowned and placed his phone on the table. “If that’s Tracy Seavers, we can meet her for dinner. It’s either that or take-out.”

  Huh? “Tracy, hold on a second.” He muted the call and turned to Green. “What, I’m supposed to take you along with me on a date? That will go over well.”

  The agent smiled. “I’ll tail you and sit in another booth. I’m actually a little interested in seeing how two hosts communicate. I’m sure the Ambients get excited to meet one of their own kind.”

  You have no idea. “But you’ll stick out like a sore thumb.”

  “Me? I’ve been trained in covert surveillance. I can keep a low profile.”

  John pursed his lips. “You’re wearing a cheap polyester suit that looks like you borrowed it from your dad. You stick out, kid, trust me.”

  Green fingered his lapels. “It’s polyester, but it wasn’t that cheap.”

  John snorted. Dragging the kid around wasn’t the worst thing he’d ever had to do, but the case was more important than anything else. Dak’s life was in his hands. Then again, his instincts and intuition weren’t up to par in the last few days, as Green had pointed out. Maybe a break was what he needed. Just an hour to refresh his batteries.

  Tapping the mute button again, he brought the phone back to his ear. “You know what, I changed my mind. How about I pick you up at five o’clock?” Dak swirled and shimmered between John’s lungs but remained silent. “It will have to be another quick one, unfortunately. This case has some unforeseen deadlines, but we can take an hour to eat.”

  “That’s fine!” Glee reverberated in her voice. “We want to see you guys.”

  “Then we’ll see you in ninety minutes.” He glanced at Green. All three of us.


  John helped Tracy out of the car. She tensed as John slipped his hand into hers but Adonna had sunken deep into wherever it was the alien hid.

  Was that acceptance, or was the Ambient still so disgusted with Dak’s wrong-ness that she forced herself as far away as possible?

  The cool evening air teased at the edge of her skirt as they entered the restaurant. Something above the knee was probably not the best choice for fall, but she wanted to look nice. She needed to get John’s mind off work for a while, even if it was just to remind him that she would still be here when he solved this new string of horrible crimes.

  The scent of garlic and marinara wafted from the tables as the hostess seated them in a round booth with a wonderful view of the super-romantic parking lot. Not that many places in South Jersey had a great view, but after that first date on the terrace of Villari’s, John had set her standards high. Serene, quixotic settings were a little much to ask, of course, when they only had an hour to eat.

  “So, do you really expect to spend the entire night at the precinct, again?” Tracy asked.

  “Pretty much. There’s a whole lot to do and not much time to do it in. I need to figure this out before someone else dies.”

  Tracy shivered.

  God, how could he stand it? And how could she keep him here, knowing he should be out trying to catch a maniac? “We didn’t have to meet tonight. I’m sorry. We should have rescheduled.”

  He grabbed both her hands and kissed them. “Hey, I needed a break anyway, and Dak and I wanted to make sure you guys were okay.”

  “We’re fine, I guess.” But she understood him asking. Their last date had gone so horribly, horribly wrong. She unfolded and refolded her napkin. “Dak has no hard feelings, then?”

  “No. He’s still hoping that Adonna will come around.” He shifted his weight and looked awa

  John always looked to his right when Dak talked to him, as if the Ambient were sitting at their table. She’d probably develop similar gestures when Adonna animated. Hopefully, she’d find a way to be equally discreet.

  “We were both really happy you called,” John said. “I’m sorry it has to be a short date. Dak and I are really motivated at this point.”

  “Motivated for the date or for the case?”

  A warm smile brought out the dimples in his cheeks. “Both. Wrapping up this case means more time for us.” He squeezed her hand and closed his eyes briefly.

  There was something else. Something maybe even more important but she couldn’t quite place her finger on why John seemed suddenly uncomfortable.

  Three tables down, a baby screamed, reaching for a cup on the table. The mother threw a handful of french-fries on the high chair. The fistful of food worked as good as a pacifier.

  It all seemed odd with the two of them—no, the four of them—sitting here with regular lives going on around them, like the two shouldn’t mesh together. Maybe that was the source of his discomfort, always harboring Dak’s secret.

  The waitress appeared and started to review the specials. John pulled out his badge and showed it to her. “Listen, I don’t do this often, but can you help us get out of here fairly quickly? I have some important business to get back to.”

  Her eyes widened. “Do you want everything to go?”

  “No, we’ll eat here.”

  She nodded and took their orders. What must be going through the poor girl’s head?

  If John had been any other guy, Tracy would be insulted that he wanted a speed-date. If he was trying to prove how much he cared by making time for her, then home run.

  A shiver crept up Tracy’s spine. A real home run would only be in their future if Adonna allowed it. Tracy needed to find a way to make her icy interloper warm up to Dak and maybe ask Dak why in God’s name Adonna had gone out the window.

  To her left, a man sitting alone in a booth glanced at her over a menu. He looked up when his waitress approached. Tracy jumped, nearly knocking over her glass.

  What was Agent Green doing here?

  The meeting at the parking lot hadn’t been the end of it. He was still lurking… and while she was on a date, for goodness’ sake! Was nothing sacred with these people?

  She eased toward John. “That guy in the booth over there. He’s one of the federal agents who did my orientation. He’s been watching me.”

  John looked over his shoulder and groaned. “Yeah, about that. He’s not actually watching you at the moment. He’s watching me.”

  She straightened. “What?”

  “It’s kind of a long story, and we only have an hour, but consider him my new partner for the week. We’re going to be joined at the hip.”

  A coppery smell whisked through the air. Adonna sparkled while a deep heaviness overcame Tracy.

  John turned back to her. “Unfortunately, wherever I go, he goes.”

  “Seriously? Why?”

  “I’d rather not get into it right now. We—”

  The seat beside Tracy shifted as someone slid into the booth beside her. She gasped as sparkling blue eyes met hers.

  “Hey, darlin’,” Sean drawled. “How’ve you been?”

  Adonna writhed. *Mate!*

  Like hell you’re going to mate!

  Every ounce of Tracy stiffened. This was not happening. “What are you doing here?”

  “You know me, I was driving along doing nothing, and suddenly had this urge to get something to eat.”

  So, his entity drew him here. Shit. Was he going to pop up everywhere, now?

  “Hey, I’m Sean.” He reached across the booth to John.

  Sweat broke out across Tracy’s brow. She needed to get Sean out of here. What if he said something? What would she do?

  John’s brow furrowed as they shook hands. “John.”

  Sean’s cheek ticked. His nose flared as he held onto John longer than necessary.

  John yanked his hand free. “How do you know Tracy?”

  Sean blinked, his annoyed expression melting into a friendly smile. “Awe, we’re old friends, aren’t we?” He placed his arm around Tracy’s shoulder.

  She cringed while the energy whirling inside her warmed at the touch.

  Taking a deep breath, Tracy pushed down with all her subconscious might. Adonna twisted into a ball and spun, as if trying to thwart Tracy’s control. The entity wouldn’t win. Not this time.

  “So, you are the big, strapping policeman she’s been bragging about?” His lips tightened. “I thought you’d be taller.”

  Tracy tugged, and Sean released his hold.

  John’s jaw set. Enough testosterone flared between the two men to fill a football stadium.

  “Sean, this isn’t a good time. I’m…”

  John’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen. “Dammit.” His gaze ran over Sean. “Tracy, I need to take this. Are you okay?”

  Her jaw froze shut. She tried to cry out “No!” but her head nodded instead.

  Shit, Adonna, don’t do this again!

  Tracy shivered as Sean’s hand cupped her knee.

  Glaring at his phone and then at Sean, John stretched across the table and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  His eyes continued to bore through Sean, sending a very clear, territorial message that would have infuriated Tracy if she weren’t trembling inside and begging him not to leave. Sean just smiled back. Bastard.

  Both John and the federal agent slipped into the vestibule and out the front door. They might as well have been miles away.

  “Alone at last.”

  Tracy tried to shimmy farther into the booth, away from Sean, but her body didn’t respond. “We are not alone. There are about a hundred people here.”

  He moved closer. “A hundred hungry, preoccupied people that couldn’t care less what’s going on in this booth. Why so tense?”

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “I wanted to see you.”

  “I told you I’m with another guy.”

  “Him?” Sean gestured to the window where John watched them from the sidewalk while talking on the phone. He shifted and paced like a German shepherd, his gaze not leaving Tracy. Agent Green stood beside him, also with a phone to his ear.

  “If he were really into you, he wouldn’t have left you alone with the competition.”

  “You are not competition.”


  His hand slid up her thigh. She tried again to shift away but her body remained frozen. Sweat dampened her brow and underarms. Adonna, don’t. Please let me go!

  “John will be back in a minute.”

  “Then I better speed things up.”

  Tracy bit her lip as his hand crept higher. Damn that stupid short skirt!

  His fingers tickled the edge of her underwear. Her body heated, and she hated herself for it.

  “Isn’t it exciting,” Sean said, “to have your big, burly, law-abiding boyfriend right outside the window while we’re in here, thinking of all the dirty things we can do to each other?”

  She managed to shake her head. “I’m not thinking anything like that.”

  He snickered. “Then tell me to stop.”

  Her voice froze again as she tried to form the words. Dammit!

  He skimmed his fingers further up and Tracy gasped as her legs spread without her consent. Sean snickered. “There we go.”

  The energy building inside her shot down her side, meeting Sean’s hand at the top of her thigh.

  Dammit, Adonna, stop!

  Sean froze. His face twisted, as if he struggled under a huge weight.

  Tracy thrashed and screamed, stuck inside her own body while Sean’s hand shook on her skin. His fingers skated down toward her knee, then back up her thigh, and back down again. Was he fighting his Ambient, too?

  He blanched, and serenity returned to his features. He smiled, eyes darkening. Tra
cy clawed at her shadowy prison, a specter within her own body. Her head lolled back, and she sighed.

  No! Adonna, stop!

  “You’re getting off on it, darlin’, aren’t you? Knowing how close I am to your sweet spot, while your dickless boyfriend watches, completely clueless of how close I am to his precious little puss—”

  “Please, stop.” Tracy turned to the window and caught John’s gaze. Her expression must have conveyed her horror because he bolted toward the door.

  Sean withdrew his hand and slithered to the side as John and Agent Green came through the entrance. Adonna shrieked when the contact ended.

  John barreled into the restaurant and hauled Sean out of the booth, lifting him by the collar of his shirt with one hand. “What did you do, you little piece of—”

  “Peters!” Agent Green appeared at his side. “You’ve already declared yourself a police officer. Do you really want to do this here?”

  Sean leered, his eyes fixed and wide. “Lots of people looking. This should be great fodder for tomorrow’s headlines, Johnny boy. Police brutality. They’ll eat it up.”

  John mumbled under his breath, released Sean, and turned to Tracy. “What happened?”

  Her hands trembled on the seat cushion. What should she do? What could she say? Sorry, honey, but I just let another guy feel me up under the table. Yeah, that would go over well. He already looked like he wanted to snap Sean in two. Not that the asshole didn’t deserve a good beating.

  Sean eased back into the booth before returning his darkened gaze to Tracy.

  She cringed and scooted out the other side toward John. “I want to go home.”

  “That’s okay, I need to get back to work anyway.”

  Sean drew his toothpick holder out of his pocket, shook it until a wooden shoot appeared, and set the box on the table. He poked the stick into his mouth, holding it like a cigarette. “Why don’t you leave Tracy here? I’ll give her a ride.”

  Tracy tensed. The innuendo hung in the air like a weighted veil.

  She swallowed down the lump forming in her throat. This wasn’t funny. If his entity really could find her, how long would it be before he figured out where she lived?


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