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Page 3

by J J Loraine

  I head over to my favorite chair – it looks out over the horizon towards the beach -- but before I can sit down, I hear a peculiar sound; one that I was not expecting.

  Was that a knock on my door?

  A clap of thunder roars across the sky. I swear I hear my name in its boom.

  A louder knock comes from the front of the house.

  I still can’t tell if it’s from the storm or from a visitor.

  I put my glass down and slowly wade towards the sound.

  Another clap of thunder rumbles the electric air around me.

  This time, though, the voice on the other side of my door outlasts it.

  Someone’s yelling my name.

  I swing the door open and a flash of lightening lights up the darkness outside, revealing a soaking wet Xander, standing on my doorstep.

  “Baby...” he whispers, and the sky roars again.

  How did he find me!?

  I don’t know... and I don’t care.

  Tears stroll down my cheeks as I run into the rain and jump into the arms of the only man I’ve ever truly loved.



  Tracking her down was harder than I thought it was going to be.

  No one knew where she had gone, not even her brothers.

  A woman with her kind of power can get lost very easily, if she wants to -- it’s a good thing a man with my kind of determination can find anything, as long as he tries hard enough.

  I’d rip the world apart looking for my girl.

  It took me a whole week. A long, sleepless, stressful week... but I’ve finally found her.

  Warm rain gushes over our heads as she jumps into my arms and straddles my waist with her thick thighs. Her soft body squishes against mine. Waterfalls run over are embrace. She says something but I can’t hear her over the sounds of the storm.

  I don’t care. I place my hands around her delicate jaw and hold her still as I plant my lips against hers.

  Our kiss is wet and powerful and full of electric passion.

  My eyes are closed but a flash of lightening turns my darkness into light.

  I hold Lily with all my might. I never want to let her go again.

  She’s as light as a feather as I carry her back inside her house.

  I blindly close the door behind us and only stop kissing her for long enough to find a soft surface to throw her down on.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” I tell her.

  “I’ve missed you to,” she cries.

  I can’t tell where her tears end and the rainwater begins. I kiss her face, drinking up the liquid for myself.

  “Why did you leave?” I ask.

  I throw the both of us onto a wide, soft couch that looks out over the beach and the horizon.

  “I... I thought... I don’t know. I can hardly remember anymore,” she sighs, as I squeeze my arms around her.

  I haven’t touched myself since she disappeared. My manhood rages beneath my pants like the storm outside. I’m as big as a mountain, and as hard as one too.

  I kiss down Lily’s neck and rip her thin clothes off.

  Lily sighs and whimpers as I make my way down between her legs.

  “I’m sorry,” she whines, as I rip off her panties and kiss up her thighs.

  “For what?” I whisper back. “Don’t you ever be sorry...”

  She doesn’t respond. She only gasps in pleasure as I lick in between her legs and stick my beefy fingers inside of her.

  She hugs me tightly; like I never left.

  She’s so wet that the sound of my sloshing fingers is almost as loud as the pitter patter of the rain on the roof.

  Thunder booms outside and Lily shakes and cries out in ecstasy.

  Her thick thighs quiver and her back arches in climax. I hold onto her tight and continue my brush strokes. I paint her in my saliva until I can’t take it anymore.

  I need all of her.

  I rise and rip off my pants and then I fall back on top of her. My bare chest presses against her big naked breasts. Our nipples jostle against each other as shockwaves of pure carnal bliss ripple through my body.

  I slip inside of her and Lily’s nails dig deep into my back.

  I don’t care about the pain. It’s the pleasure that’s overwhelming. I push into her with all my might. She completely encompasses me.

  Lightening illuminates the dark room and I moan, deep and low, just as a clap of thunder shakes the entire house.

  Lily quivers and I tremble and my manhood explodes with the force of a thousand suns.

  I finish inside of her.

  We collapse together, like a single entity, and fall asleep in the storm, together at last; completely at ease for the first time in seven days.



  I wake up to a brand-new day.

  The warm sun is shining brightly and little waterfalls of leftover rainwater are dripping from the awning in the backyard.

  I’m wrapped up completely in Xander’s arms.

  I bury my face in his hot, hard chest and sniff up his manly musk.

  Oh, how I’ve missed him.

  I never want to leave him again.

  I feel foolish for putting so much trust in the words of an evil harpy... but I also feel weak for letting Xander back into my life so easily.

  What if Tessa wasn’t lying?

  I try to shake that thought from my head, but I know it’s no use. I just want to forget about this whole saga, but I know that I have to find out the truth, or else Xander and I can never truly be happy with one another.

  I feel too scared to ask. Usually, if I was scared to do something, I’d just think of Xander and his big, strong body and I’d immediately feel braver – In the past, I’ve felt like I could accomplish anything with his support – but, in this scenario, I don’t know who to turn to. It’s that exact same muscular figure that I’m now afraid of losing.

  Will he be mad if I even accuse him of being unfaithful?

  I slip from his grip and tiptoe to the kitchen. I make myself some tea and watch the giant man sleep.

  I can’t help but fall into a trance, watching his bulging chest rise and fall as he takes deep breaths.

  I just want to curl back up under him, but I know I have to get to the bottom of this.

  Finally, Xander stirs awake.

  “Come back to bed, baby,” he grumbles.

  I take a deep breath and stay where I am. It takes all my strength not to dive back into bed with him.

  “Don’t you want to know why I left?” I ask. My voice is small but certain. I’m worried about where this might go, but convinced that I must take this road, no matter how treacherous it may be for my heart.

  “Jayden and Hunter said that sometimes you just head out on your own to de-stress,” he says, as he sits up in our makeshift bed on my couch. He wipes the sleep from his eyes.

  “Do you know why I was stressed?” I ask.

  He pauses, seemingly uncertain.

  “Was it because I was so busy? Was it because of Jayden’s contract? That all over now...”

  I just shake my head.

  I take a sip of my tea and then I take another deep breath.

  “I stopped by your house before we were supposed to meet, on the day you signed the contract...”

  Xander freezes.

  I feel my heart clench up. His reaction isn’t promising.

  “Baby...” he says. He shuffles over to the side of the couch and gazes at me with those intense eyes of his. They’re full of concern. “I’m so sorry...”

  “So, you admit it?” I say, barely eking the words out. I feel a flood of despair bubbling up in my gut.

  Maybe Tessa wasn’t lying after all...

  I prepare for my worst fear to come true.

  I’m given a glint of hope, though, when a confused look washes over Xander’s face at my prodding.

  “Admit what?” he asks.

  “I... I saw Tessa,” I whisper.

stands up and his towering, muscular body fills my entire sightline.

  His face is filled with hurt.

  “I don’t know what she did or what said to you, but I can assure you she was lying...” he shakes his head in disappointment. “I wish I had been there to protect you... I can hardly believe I ever saw anything positive in that woman. I’ll never leave your side again.”

  “You don’t want to get back with her?” I ask.

  I’m starting to feel extraordinarily foolish for believing a word that harpy said.

  I’m surprised by Xander’s reaction. He just chuckles. “Oh, God no. Never! I’m sorry for laughing, but there’s nothing in this world I want less than to have to ever be near her again. Especially when that means I would have to be away from you.”

  I set my tea down. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

  “I’m so sorry...” I mumble. “I can’t believe I even thought that she might be telling the truth...”

  I stare at my feet, ashamed of myself. I can feel Xander’s hulking presence move towards me. He consumes me in his warmth. His big, strong arms wrap around my shivering body and he holds me with such care that I almost instantly feel full again.

  I want to kick myself. How could I ever be so foolish?

  I was just so in love; our relationship was so perfect -- minus a few easily fixed speed bumps -- that I must have subconsciously expected something bad to happen, I always do – sometimes I only end up making things worse.

  Never again. I trust Xander completely now. I know he only wants what’s best for me, and we both know what’s best for me – to be together!

  I plan on sticking around forever. I’ll never stray far from him again... but I know he’ll always find me if I do.

  I’m comforted by his persistence. He’s the man for me, and he knows it just as well as I do.



  Three Weeks Later...

  The past three weeks have flown by.

  Lily and I have fully recovered from our scare with Tessa. I got a restraining order against her and I’m still seriously considering trespassing charges.

  Lily and I stayed in Australia for a little longer before finally returning home. I’ve taken some time off work and spent it all with my girl. Our love has never been stronger.

  Jayden’s training camp is coming to a close and we’re looking to celebrate.

  Lily and I have been living together in the way only rich people can. We jet off from city to city, spending nights at a time at either one of her estates or one of mine.

  It’s on a trip to a dinner party at a mutual friend’s that we drive by a significant, lavish property that just so happens to be up for sale.

  I investigate and find that it’s within my new price range, though barely. I decide to buy it for her; for us.

  Funny thing is, it turns out she had the same idea. We both secretly get real estate agents and end up in a bidding war against each other. It’s not long before we figure each other out, though. We nearly die of laughter when it becomes clear we’re both upping the price for each other.

  Our relationship has become strong enough that we decide the best way forward is to pool our money together and split the property down the middle. I pay for half and she pays for the other half, like a real modern power couple. It will be our base of operations, our warm, cozy forever home that we can always come back to after a busy day of conquering the world.

  It’s where I hope we’ll start our family. I haven’t asked her to marry me yet, but that’s only because I haven’t found a big enough ring. I want a diamond that could blind an astronaut on the moon.

  I have enough time off while Jayden finishes training camp to search far and wide. I finally find the perfect jewel.

  Jayden finishes training camp and Lily plans a family get together at our new estate to celebrate. I can tell she’s excited to see her brothers again, as well as finally get to meet and befriend their significant others. Both brothers have fallen in love with waitresses from the banquet hall on draft night.

  It’s crazy to think how significant that day was to all of the Cage family. It seems like their romantic fortunes really changed for the better from there on. I know Lily’s has, and I’m sure as hell that mine has as well.

  I let Lilly do all the planning for the party. She likes that kind of stuff, plus she’s really good at it. I have my own mission: to set up the perfect proposal.

  I’m going to ask her to marry me in front of everyone that she loves. I have no doubt that she’ll say yes and I want it to be a memorable moment for her.

  I’m going make her my bride.



  I see Hunter and Grace arrive and I nearly jump out of my heels.

  Not only am I ecstatic to see my big brother again – the two months we’ve gone without seeing each other might the longest we’ve ever been apart – but I’m happy to finally get the chance to get to know Grace.

  She’s thick and curvy like me. I just know we’ll get along famously. I give my brother a big hug and then whisk Grace away to the garden to introduce her to everyone. She looks gorgeous in her new dress. She’s a little shy at first, but I warm her up.

  She’s having a great time until the unthinkable happens.

  We’re talking when she spots Hunter in the doorway. She wavs at him, happily, and he waves back.

  Jayden gives Grace the weirdest look, though. What could she have possibly done to deserve that?

  She seems like the sweetest, most innocent girl. I want her to become my sister-in-law.

  Jayden says something to Hunter and whatever it is, it changes Hunter’s entire demeanor.

  It looks like a dark, heavy rain cloud has fallen over his head.

  There’s nothing I can do but watch as he storms out.

  Grace has the most confused look on her face. She starts to go after Hunter. I follow her. Before we can get far, though, Jayden stops us.

  He pulls Grace aside. I don’t know what he tells her, either, but soon enough she’s crying and running out the front door.

  I confront him.

  “You’re ruining my party, Jayden!” I only half-joke. “What’s happening? What did you say to Hunter and Grace!?”

  He seems sullener than usually, especially for such a joyous occasion.

  He just shrugs and shakes his head. “I’d rather not say. That’s a private matter between the two of them.”

  “And you, obviously,” I note.

  “Yeah, but only reluctantly. Listen, let’s forget about that. Thank you for throwing this party. I can’t wait for you to meet Annie. I’m sure you two are going to become the best of friends.” Jayden grabs my hands and pulls me back towards the party in the yard.

  “That’s what I thought about Grace and I,” I say.

  “Annie isn’t like Grace,” Jayden replies, almost sneering.

  “Where is Annie, by the way?” I ask.

  Jayden looks out onto the crowd in the backyard. We spot Annie being introduced to some people by Xander. Annie catches us looking out to her and she waves. Jayden’s sullen mood instantly brightens. I can tell that he really cares for her. He nearly runs to her, and she to him.

  Well, at least that makes me happy. The mood of the get together seems ruined now, though. My big brother is gone and my little brother is sad. When I tell Xander what happened, he also becomes visibly upset.

  The whole party just becomes something to get through, instead of the joyous occasion I wanted it to be.

  When everyone finally leaves, I’m completely exhausted from trying to keep the mood up. I’ve texted Hunter multiple times but haven’t gotten a straight response from him. I haven’t prodded Jayden any further; his mood was already worse than it should have been for such an accomplishment. He finished training camp yesterday and today he got the chance to introduce his new girlfriend to the family... yet everything fell apart, and I still don’t know why.

  Xander and I do
a little bit of cleaning before we’re too tired to continue. He carries me up the stairs in his big, strong arms and we collapse onto our bed, completely exhausted.

  I fall into a restless sleep.

  Our new home hasn’t gotten off to the start I had hoped for.




  I don’t know what happened yesterday, but by the time the party really started to get underway, a dark, heavy overcast seemed to foul up the mood. Hunter even left. I have no idea what happened and Lily is being vague about the details. I’m not sure even she knows.

  I decided to hold off on my proposal. The moment had to be perfect -- it would be the start of our new life together, after all – and yesterday was anything but perfect.

  I’ll admit, I became pretty sullen too after I heard about Hunter leaving. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to ask Lily to marry me if there was drama brewing in the background.

  I accepted my fate, though. I wasn’t going to give up so easily. This just meant I’d be more likely to ask her when we were alone together. I didn’t mind that idea – it meant we could have a naughtier celebration, when the time came.

  I wait for my moment as patiently as I can bear until I can’t bear it any longer. I need to make her mine, officially.

  I always carry the ring with me, just in case a perfect moment arises. That moment happens at one of Jayden’s games.

  We go to every single one of Jayden’s games. The one we’re at now isn’t much different than the others. He’s killing it like he’s been killing it all season. His success is my success; not just because it makes my client happy; not just because it makes my future brother-in-law or my girl happy, but also because it’s bringing in a long list of new and high-profile clients. With the money I’m making, I can spoil Lily almost as much as she deserves.

  We’re alone in our private booth at the game when Jayden scores a touchdown. The crowd goes crazy and Lily jumps up and down with joy.


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