Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2) Page 11

by Tami Payton

  We spend the next couple of hours laying in bed, making out and talking. “So, what did my dad want when he called earlier?” I lean my chin on Mason’s chest. “He was giving me the results of Jenny’s meeting with Zander. Apparently, Zander accepted whatever excuse she gave him. He told her that he’s gonna be keeping a close eye on her. Sam and Cameron don’t trust her and I don’t either. There’s something that just doesn’t add up and it feels wrong. I just can’t put my finger on it.” He looks worried and I don’t blame him. I shrug and sigh. Well, as long as she stays away, I guess it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to have to deal with her and after what I found out what she did while I was gone, she doesn’t want to deal with me.” Yes, I’m pissed that she tried to get with Mason while I was kidnapped and held for ransom and then was gonna be fucking sold! I mean what kind of Bitch does that? I hear him sigh and I look at him. “What? I don’t like that look.” He runs his hand over his face. “Jenny is the main contact for the medical supplies that my pack uses. I will have to talk to Zander and see if we can get someone else to take over.” I growl. Oh, Hell No! He feels me tense beside me and pulls me to him. “I will get it taken care of; I promise. She will be out of our lives.” I sigh, and decide it will have to wait. I will talk to Zander if I have to. That Bitch will not have anything to do with Mason from here on out. I will make sure of that.

  I get up and shower, more to relax myself than anything else. When I get out, I can smell food cooking and smile, I love that Mason likes to cook. I can’t cook to save my life, now if you want cookies or something sweet, I’m your girl. I look in the closet and drawers for clothes and can’t find anything. Wrapped in my towel I head to the kitchen to see what Mason has done with everything. I laugh at the sight in front of me. Mason is at the stove, cooking naked as the day he was born and bobbing his head to some song on the radio. The back door is open, a slight breeze coming in and it’s just warm enough to be comfortable. “Um, where are my clothes?” He looks up at me and smiles. “Well, I would guess they are at home in your closet where they belong.” My jaw drops as I look at him. He’s kidding me, right? “Mason! Seriously, where are my clothes? I need to get dressed.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Nope. This trip there will be no clothes, we will spend the entire time either naked or in wolf form. So, no clothes needed. You have one outfit and that’s to wear home. Although if you wanted to be naked then, I wouldn’t mind.” He winks at me and I shake my head. I take a deep breath. “Ok, so no clothes. What if someone shows up?” He grins. “Not happening babe. No one ever comes here. It’s just us for the next couple of days.” I smile, me, Mason and no clothes for a couple days. Oh, what could we possibly do?


  I really need to put the no clothes rule into effect more often. These last few days with Cammie and no clothes have been some of the best days of my life, if not the best days. We’re headed back to Sam’s compound and I look over at Cammie and smile, she’s asleep and looks so peaceful. We were up all night making love under the stars. It was the perfect way to end our trip. I pull into the compound and see Cameron headed our way along with Sarah. “Hey, sweetheart we’re here.” I lean over and whisper to Cammie. She groans and mumbles and it makes me laugh at how she hates to be woken up. I lean out the window and mouth coffee to Cameron, his eyes go wide and he takes off. I laugh because he knows that Cammie is not someone to mess with when she wakes up without coffee. No matter what time of the day it is. When I’ve finally gotten her awake Cameron is back with coffee, she’s glaring at me but smiles when Cameron hands her the coffee. “Ah, thanks Cam. You’re the best.” I laugh and shake my head. “Hey, I’m the one who told him to get it. Why is he getting the credit?” Cammie takes a long sip, her eyes closed and then inhales the scent. “Because he’s not the one who woke me up at the ass crack of dawn and he’s not the one who is making me need this.” She narrows her eyes at me. I laugh even harder. “Sweetheart I will buy you your own damn coffee shop if that will make you happy. You can have your own endless amount of coffee. You name it you have it.” I lean over and kiss her and she moans. Sarah is laughing now and Cameron looks at her. “What is so funny?” Sarah shakes her head and laughs again. “You need to take notes, Cameron. Mason is working some game right now. I want a damn coffee shop too.” I bust out laughing and Cammie does as well. Cameron on the other hand doesn’t seem amused. He crosses his arms across his chest. “Yeah, well they just completed the bond. This won’t last for long. All this mushy crap will die down soon.” He eyes me like he wants to punch me for making me look bad and I just shrug. Cammie laughs. “Not if he knows what’s good for him, it won’t.” She winks at me and hops out of the truck. Cameron laughs and shakes his head. “Dude, you’ve got your work cut out for you.” I laugh. “It’s something I’m looking forward to.”

  We gather with Sam, Cameron and Sarah in Sam’s home after lunch. Sam wanted to go over the details of us leaving for my pack lands tomorrow. “So, how are you going to introduce her to your pack?” I’ve given this a lot of thought, there are a lot of my men that have already met Cammie. Usually there is an official ceremony for the Alpha’s mate when she’s introduced to the pack before the mating. Cammie and I have done everything pretty much backwards. “Well, I had planned on announcing her at the dinner when I got back but then I got news that a family just lost a pup and we are having the funeral on Saturday. I didn’t want to do both at the same time, it didn’t seem right.” I run my hands through my hair, so confused on how to handle this situation. “I’m fine with waiting the mourning period. I don’t want the pack upset with me. I mean, it wouldn’t be a great way to start off.” Cammie grabs my hand and squeezes it. I smile at her and my heart swells. She’s gonna make an awesome mate, just because of that right there. She’s putting the packs feelings first and that is what’s important. Sam nods. “I understand that but Mason, you have to understand that people are gonna ask who she is. You can’t tell them that she’s not your mate, that will put her at risk. If she is labeled as single you know it will set you off the moment someone approaches her. As Alpha if you go after one of your pack members it will be a disaster.” I sigh, knowing he’s right. “Ok, so I don’t have a choice.” Sam nods. “How would you feel about Cameron, Sarah and myself coming with you? We would love to come and be there for the ceremony. We would also like to be there to support you during your time of mourning. You’ve done so much for us, let us be there for you.” I smile and nod. “I would like that. Thank you, Sam.”

  We’re all packed and ready to go, since it’s all of us going we’re gonna drive. We decided to leave tonight instead of in the morning. Cammie has most of her stuff in the back of the truck and has decided that the rest can be sent over later. “Ok, let’s get this show on the road.” Cammie states from the back seat. I look back at her and smile, she’s nervous. She decided she wanted to sit in the back so she can lay down and sleep if she wanted to. Sam’s in the passenger seat so he can take over driving if need be, Cameron and Sarah are in the middle. Halfway there I switch seats with Sam and climb back with Cammie, she’s laying down and puts her head in my lap as soon as I sit down. “Hey sleepy head. How are you feeling?” I look into her beautiful eyes. They’re a deep blue color right now and it makes me wonder how long they will stay that way. The way they change so much makes me think of a mood ring. “I’m feeling ok, I guess. I’m nervous, I won’t lie. I mean, meeting your pack as the Alpha’s mate for the first time is a big deal. I’m not only your mate I’m your Fated Mate and I’m also an Alpha Female, so it’s a lot for them to take in. I’m putting their pack at risk, it’s not gonna be something that some of them are just gonna accept right away.” I sigh, knowing that unfortunately she has a point. Some may not want to accept her; some may demand that she leave or some may leave the pack. There are so many ways this could go. “This will be ok; everyone will accept you and love you. I mean, I love you so they will as well.” She laughs. “Mason, don’t take this the wrong way bu
t you don’t really have the best track record. I mean you did have a history with Jenny.” She raises her eyebrow at me and I growl at her before I lean down and kiss her.

  When we finally arrive to my compound and it’s dark and late. Jacob is standing outside waiting for us. “Welcome back Mason, it’s good to have you back.” He shakes my hand and I smile at him; it is good to be home. “Thanks, it is good to be home. You remember Cammie?” He turns to Cammie and smiles. “Of course. It’s good to see you again. I’m so glad that you got home safe and everything turned out alright. We are happy to have you here.” She smiles. “It’s good to see you again, Jacob. I’m glad to be out of there as well, and thank you for all of your help with getting me home safe. Mason told me about everything you did on this end. I appreciate it.” He nods at her. Anything for my Alpha and his mate.” Cammie is looking around trying to take everything in. My compound is set up different than Sam’s, where his is more country mine is more modern. “Sam, you and Cameron can stay in the guest house. It’s already set up with everything you need and if you need anything please let me know.” I turn to Jacob. “Jacob, if you could have someone come and grab Cammie’s bags and take them to the house. I’m gonna walk them to the guest house and then Cammie and I are gonna retire for the night. We will meet in the morning. It’s been a long drive.” He nods. “Sure thing. I will see everyone in the morning. Good night.” We head off to settle in for the night and I hope that things go smoothly in the morning.


  Mason’s compound is different than Sam’s but I like it. Mason’s house is a two-story house that has a very homey feel to it. Sam’s compound had more of a country feel to it, it had cabins and made you feel like you were at camp. This is like a neighborhood and I feel at home, although Mason’s house can use some redecorating. I can work on that later. He walks me through the house and I take notes in my head on the major parts, like the kitchen and main rooms. I’m too tired to pay much attention right now. I stop when we get to the master bedroom and my jaw drops at the sight I see. There’s a king size poster bed in the middle of the room with drapes around it. I’m in love with the bed. I look around and see two French doors and know that they will lead to a balcony and head to them. I open them and my breath is taken away by the sight of the mountains. It’s a post card picture. The sight and smell of the mountains is beautiful and all I can imagine is waking up in Mason’s arms every day to this sight. “Breathtaking, isn’t it? He whispers in my ear and I nod. He turns me so I’m facing him and I’m staring at him and he runs his fingers through my hair. “It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen and now I get to spend the rest of my life waking up to it. How the hell did I ever get so damn lucky?” It takes me a second before I realize he’s not talking about the view and I laugh and shake my head. He kisses me and we head to the bed, it’s been a long day. We spend the night holding each other tight while we sleep.

  The next morning is bright and sunny, I can feel the warm breeze coming in from the doors that were left open and smile as I think of the mornings to come. I can imagine sitting out there with Mason and drinking coffee before we start our day. I sigh, as I get up and follow the smell of coffee. It’s time to get the day started and see how everything is going to end up. “Hey sweetheart. I was just headed your way.” I almost run into Mason and grab the coffee cup out of his hand, taking a sip before he can kiss me. He laughs and shakes his head. “One of these days I will manage to get a kiss from you before you drink your coffee.” I glare at him and shake my head. “Unless you leave it in the other room, it’s coffee first, buddy.” I reach up and kiss him and walk away laughing. I head into the bedroom and get ready for the day, I’m actually kinda nervous on how it’s gonna go. I mean, meeting the pack for the first time is a big deal and I don’t want to have a bad impression on them. Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself for whatever can happen.

  Mason and I head to the town center and I’m amazed at how his pack lands are set up. It’s like a city. There’s so many buildings and it’s set up like the city. I’m amazed that everyone is settled into their own little areas and that they’re not thrown off by seeing me. It’s like they expected me to be here. Maybe Jacob told them Mason was bringing me? Cameron and Sam are with us and it makes me feel a little more comfortable, I mean I can do this on my own but having someone I know is giving me a boast. Sarah is here as well, she’s my safe haven, the one to keep me calm or that’s what Cameron keeps saying. We arrive at the town hall and there’s a crowd of people waiting for us and they walk up to Mason and I swallow, man I didn’t realize how nervous I was. “It’s ok, Cammie. Just relax, you will do great. They will love you.” Sam whispers in my ear and I smile at him.

  I hear Mason talking to a couple and I move next to him so I can hear better. I need to pat attention and be aware of what’s going on. After listening to what he’s saying I realize that this is the couple that have lost their pup. “Macy, Ed, I would like you to meet my mate, Cammie.” He turns to me and wraps his hand around my waist and I smile at them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am so very sorry for your lost and wish we could have met on better circumstances.” Macy’s eyes are watering as she reaches in and hugs me. “Oh honey, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well. We are so glad that Mason has finally found you, and look at you! You are just so beautiful! Look at her Ed, isn’t she beautiful?” Ed laughs. Yes, she is Marcy. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cammie.” I smile as they continue their compliments, they’re a great and sweet couple. Mason and I continue to meet and greet a few other members of his pack and it goes great. I don’t even remember why I was nervous.

  The time for the funeral for the pup has come and I remember why I never attended funerals. I’m an emotional person, it doesn’t matter who it is that has passed away. I will cry. So, of course I cry. I’m sitting next to Mason when I see that that Macy and Ed are sitting by themselves. I look at Mason confused and he whispers, “Usually the families want to be by themselves to grieve.” I stare at him like he has two heads, there is no way I would want to be by myself while I buried a loved one. Shaking my head, I get up and walk over and sit next to Macy. I hear loud gasps from everyone around me but Macy looks at me and grips my hand so hard I thought it might break. I give her a small smile and continue to cry with her. I walk out with her and Ed when it’s over, giving Mason a glare that could put him six feet under.

  Standing outside the chapel I wait for Mason and am watching the members of the pack. I notice that the males are headed towards one building and that the females are headed towards another. I’m not sure what is going on but I figure maybe there’s a wake or something that’s gonna take place and the females are gonna get everything ready. I don’t know, every pack does thing different. Sarah didn’t come, she wasn’t feeling good this morning, honestly, I think she’s pregnant but just hasn’t figured it out yet. I see Cameron shaking his head at Mason and then looking at me as Sam does the same and I wonder what is going on. I know it’s not good if they are giving me and him that look. I walk over towards them and Mason has that ‘oh shit’ look on his face. “I’m gonna let you tell her. This is on you, dude.” Cameron tells him and heads off. I look at Mason and cock my eyebrow. He runs his hands over his face. “Look, it’s been a tradition in the pack for decades, before I was even born. Parties are split up, men in one building and women in another.” I look at him and sigh. “Ok, so go. I will go and see how Macy is doing.” He looks at me and frowns. “Really?” I nod. “Yes, go.” I turn and head towards the females in the other building, not knowing what was really going on. Boy was I walking into a lion’s den with a giant steak wrapped around my neck.


  Confused I walk towards Cameron and Sam. I look up to see both of them laughing and shaking their heads at me. “Oh man, you are in so much shit. I can’t wait to see her beat the hell out of you.” Cameron is laughing at me. “Son, you have a lot to learn.” Sam slaps me on the back and turns towards the build
ing. “What? I told her that the parties are split up. I didn’t lie to her.” I mean it’s the truth. Cameron shakes his head. “Mason, how long do you think it will be until Cammie is over here? Once she finds out why the men are over here and the females aren’t, she’s gonna be over here and yanking someone up. I’m gonna bet you’re top of that list because you didn’t tell her about it. You know I hate this tradition that your family has in place as much as anyone but I’m here as support for you and my sister. I’m gonna stand by her side on this, it’s a bullshit tradition and I will bet you money that she’s gonna kick it to the curb. Today.” I let out a sigh and hang my head. I have a feeling he’s right and just wait for a fight with my mate.


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