Rhythm Bay Love

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Rhythm Bay Love Page 7

by Patricia A. Bridewell

  “What are you insinuating?”

  “You already know.”

  “I don’t get it. Why are you always at odds with whatever Celine and I ask you to do? Start seeking additional work. End of conversation.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Charmaine picked up her earrings and bag. “I’m goin’ to bed.”

  “Take my advice. You can always call Aunt Dee and pick up a couple of days at the shop.” Jada ended the conversation and sang, “You don’t want an eviction notice from your sisters.”

  Charmaine cut her eyes at Jada and walked to her room.

  Chapter 12



  Jada turned over in bed, her head throbbed as if two giant hydraulic clamps had squeezed her temples to the max. The weekend seemed too short. A headache was the perfect excuse to stay home and not deal with Gordan on a Monday morning. Without a doubt, he’d drop in and slide into her office, and she would not listen to his sorry lies. She’d switched her cell to silent after receiving six texts from him. Why is it so important to speak with me when he has Kiley?

  Sleep drifted in a few hours before daybreak, somewhere after 3:00 a.m. Three hours of rest would hardly suffice for a productive eight-hour day. A day at home to unwind, read a book, and listen to music could be in her favor. That meant either Doreen or Shamika would handle her work today, and Griff would be upset. After dismissing the thought, Jada sat up and stretched. Impossible. The crew would be lost, and Griff would be calling throughout the day. She showered, ate a bowl of cereal and popped two Motrins before she left for work.

  She pulled into the parking lot and cut off the ignition. Not ready to face the chaos of Monday morning or seeing Kiley, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and rubbed her temples.

  As she walked to her office, she saw Kiley at her door with a stack of paperwork.

  Jada brushed past her and unlocked the door.

  Kiley followed her inside and cleared her throat. “Not speaking this morning?”

  “What do you need?” Uninterested in Kiley or the paperwork she was holding, Jada turned on her computer and flipped through some paperwork on her desk.

  Kiley dropped the paperwork in Jada’s inbox and started toward the door.

  “Wait a minute,” Jada said.

  Kiley paused and turned around with a frown on her face.

  “What’s this?” Jada extended her hand toward the pile.

  “Well, you talking to me or not?” She inspected extra-long purple acrylic nails.

  How she managed to type or get any work done was a pure guess.

  “Yes, if you’d give me time to get in the office. I asked what you dropped in my box.”

  “It’s from Griff. He said give it to you when you got in. Which should’ve been…” she glanced at the wall clock, “twelve minutes ago.”

  “Forget it. I’ll talk to Griff.”

  Kiley smirked and tossed her long straight weave over her shoulders. Jada pressed her lips together when she saw Gordan’s engagement ring on Kiley’s left ring finger. He didn’t waste any time delivering the ring.

  What in the world did Gordan possibly see in her?Everything on her is fake. Miffed about her boss sending Kiley to drop off work, Jada closed her eyes for a moment of quietness. This day will not start with chaos. Thinking before speaking or reacting, reframing negative thoughts into positive ones came to mind. And she’d faithfully followed her therapist’s advice. With steepled fingers pushed to her chin, she smiled. I will not let anybody upset me today. Kiley can have Gordan. She calmly picked up the paperwork and walked to Griff’s office.

  Jada waited at Griff’s door while he continued a phone conversation. He waved her in and pointed to a seat in front of his desk.

  “I see,” Griff said. “Well, tell Adkins his spots ran on time. If he didn’t like what he heard…oh, well. His rep and sales exec said they were fine. Tell you what. Let’s give him two free spots, one in drive time and one on Saturday – midday. Run that by him and get back to me. Later.” He hung up and scratched his head.

  Jada lifted her brows. “Unhappy client?”

  “Adkins Limo Service. He’s a bizarre dude, but he’s a long-term client.” He got up and closed the door. “What’s going on with you and Kiley?”

  Jada shrugged her shoulders, “Nothing that I know of. Why’d you ask?”

  Griff rolled up his long-sleeved white shirt and took a seat behind his desk. He ran a hand over his salt and pepper goatee before removing his black-rimmed glasses. After nine years of working with Griffey Brown, Jada knew when he was concerned. Following her internship and graduation, Griff offered Jada a sales secretary job. Two years later, she received a promotion to traffic director.

  Jada crossed her legs. “What did I do wrong?”

  “No, nothing’s wrong,” Griff shook his head. “I’m trying to figure out why some folks don’t like Kiley. She’s still learning her way around. Is there a way that you can help her out?”

  “She’s been here almost a year. Isn’t that enough time to learn her job?”

  “Yes, that’s true. Everybody doesn’t learn at the same pace.”

  “If this is about our interaction this morning, I can explain. I was a little late because I woke up with a headache. I walked in and she was standing outside my door…” Jada went on to explain what transpired. When she finished, she pressed her hand to her chest. “Griff…you know me well.”

  Griff nodded. “I see your point. I’m trying to avoid riffraff in the office, if you know what I mean. Minimizing distractions helps to maintain a cohesive work environment.”

  “And I agree. We have a great team, and everyone works hard.” She could say that now, but yesterday she’d planned to talk to Griff about Antoine’s behavior. Like Aunt Dee always said, God works in mysterious ways. He worked it out right on time.

  Griff picked up a pen and jotted down some notes. “Kiley has bad days. Overall, she’s done a decent job since she’s been here. I wish I could squash a few rumors about her. Uh, you know anything about those?” His dark eyes locked with hers.

  “No, I don’t,” she handed him some reports from yesterday. “I haven’t checked the ones Kiley delivered, but I think you should mention two things — improving her attitude and communication skills.”

  “Yeah, sure. A couple of sales execs mentioned that, too. I’ll speak with Kiley. Uh, those documents she dropped off are for your files.”

  Jada was sure if Griff had knowledge of Kiley’s dating history, there would be a cold storm that would decimate the station’s atmosphere. Although she didn’t elaborate, Denise had mentioned Kiley’s colorful dating entourage that included one of the DJs and several other men at the station. Something neither Griff nor Gordan obviously knew anything about. And her lips were zipped tight. Nevertheless, she was relieved that Griff had moved past his concerns about her and Kiley.

  After she left Griff’s office, she headed toward the studio to say hello to Antoine. He’d sign off the air shortly. He and Lina were chatting, their backs to the door. Jada didn’t want to intrude, so she walked down the hall and stopped in the lounge for coffee. When she entered her office, Antoine was standing near her desk.

  “Oh, I didn’t expect to see you.” Jada smiled.

  “Good morning.” He skimmed her up and down and smiled. “I caught a glimpse of you in the hallway. How’s your day going?”

  “I’m well. I’ll feel much better after I have my coffee.”

  “Well, I stopped by to say I enjoyed our time together last night. I’m hoping I can see you again.”

  She sat down, sipping her coffee. “Possibly.”

  “Possibly? What does that mean?”

  “Um…I have one condition. Keep our dating a secret and I’m all for it.”

  “That might be hard, but if undercover works for you, cool.” Folding his arms, Antoine’s eyes stayed on Jada. “Say, how do you feel about oldies but goodies music?”

  “My mom and dad playe
d it when I was growing up. I love oldies but goodies.”

  “Well, if you’re free this Thursday evening, how about accompanying me to a Frankie Beverly and Maze concert?”

  “Yes, yes! I’d love to.” Excited, Jada waved her hand. “They’re one of my all-time favorites. What time?”

  “The show starts at 7:00. One catch… I’m the M.C., and I can’t sit with you during the whole event. I’ll be back and forth. After the concert, there’s an after party. Those are boss, and they’ll have plenty of food and drinks. Is that cool?”

  “Hey, I’m all for it. I’ll even leave work a little earlier.”

  “Awesome. I’ll swing by your place early. We can chill and talk before the concert. I’m going in the studio, so let’s exchange numbers.”

  He gave Jada his number, and she dialed his phone.

  “Got it,” he said and added her number to his phone. Can I call you later?”

  “Uh, yes. I’m available around 7:00.”

  “Talk to you then,” he said and left.

  She was really digging her feet into wet sand. Another date so soon? Well, it was only a concert, and he would probably be backstage for most of the show. She thought of last night, their conversation, and how much she enjoyed his company.

  Chapter 13



  After receiving Antoine’s text, Jada hurried out the door. He jumped out and opened the passenger side of a super clean blue Range Rover. As Jada walked to the car, she saw sparks in his warm eyes. The gaze and smile that never strayed, also made her smile. Just what she’d hoped for. The paisley patterned black, pink and white off the shoulder dress she’d worn with black wedges caught his attention.

  “You are gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” She checked out his copper-colored leather Big Apple cap, brown shirt and jacket that he had worn. That outfit must’ve cost him a whole paycheck.

  “You look fly, too. Will we make it on time?” Jada looked at the time on his dashboard. He was running behind on their arrival time.

  “Yes, we’ll be okay. I’ll just push my foot to the pedal a bit.”

  They arrived at the Greek Theatre, where a valet waited ready to open their doors. Antoine led the way through the VIP entry and escorted her to the front row.

  “So, this is my plan. After I introduce the entertainers, I’ll join you until they break.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Antoine leaned over, kissed her cheek and disappeared backstage. When the spotlight hit the stage minutes later, he walked out with a mic in hand; sparks and satellites from that kiss were still orbiting around her head. All right, Jada, get it together.

  “Good evening, LA.! I’m Antoine Bailey, AKA DJ Ant from 101.3 KTLM radio station. Are you ready for a grand slam performance by Frankie Beverly and Maze?”

  The crowd shouted and applauded as Antoine introduced the group. When the lights shifted and the group started performing, Jada rocked back and forth, waving her hands to the music. Antoine returned and gave her a hug. Hearing Frankie Beverly and Maze sing their songs from the past brought back sweet memories of her parents. They loved to play albums on a record player with an arm and needle. As a child, she never understood how music came from a needle that touched a large record and spun around until the songs ended. Her parents did the hop, electric slide, cabbage patch and other dances, and she and her sisters would mimic their steps.

  It was the first time she’d ever seen Frankie Beverly in person and his performance was epic, but what impressed her the most that evening was Antoine. Even though he was working, he made sure to return and chat as time permitted throughout the show.

  After the show, they went to a large studio nearby for the after party. Jazz music blasted the room as Jada entered the studio on Antoine’s arm, elated that she’d accepted his offer to attend. As expected, he was bombarded with greetings and side-eyed glares from the chicks, but she didn’t care one bit. Jada smiled and waved as if she were Queen for a Day, and then she froze. Gordan was at the bar talking to another man.

  “Hey, you all right?” Antoine asked with a concerned look.

  “Yes. Uh, I need to use the restroom. You know where it is?”

  “Make a right and it’s at the end of the hall. I’ll be at the bar,” he pointed in Gordan’s direction.

  The bar. Can’t go anywhere near the bar. “Great. Could you get me a glass of red wine or champagne?”

  “No problem.”

  She quickly walked to the restroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Am I ready to face Gordan tonight? Closing her eyes, she inhaled a deep breath to regain composure. She couldn’t leave the restroom right away, so she touched up her lipstick and rechecked her curly ponytail. After checking her watch, she opened the door and searched the room for Antoine, hoping that either he or Gordan had moved away from the bar.

  Taking small steps, Jada scanned the studio for Antoine as she walked toward the center of the room. Then she heard, “What’s happening, J?”

  She twirled around, and Gordan stood almost in front of her face. “Hey,” she took a quick step back. He must’ve followed me after I walked out the restroom.

  “I thought I saw you come in.” He pushed his glasses up on his nose. “So, you here with DJ Ant?” He asked with a glare.

  “I am. If you’ll excuse me,” she stepped around Gordan. “I’m on my way to find him.”

  “Why you not answering my calls?” Gordan’s tone was edgy.

  She stopped and faced him. No, he would not take her to a place where she didn’t want to go. There were too many people in here for him to act a fool. “I’m not discussing this here or anywhere. I told you our relationship is over. No friendship. Nothing.”

  “Just like that. You won’t let me explain my side?”

  Without answering, Jada avoided eye contact.

  He tipped his head. “No answer. Well, I guess not since you’re here with DJ Ant. Tell me something…what you doing here with him anyway? The way he treated you, now you’re dating the brotha?” He huffed out a curt laugh and gazed at Jada. “You’re a fool.”

  “I was a fool for dating you,” she snapped. “This conversation’s over.” Jada walked away and circled the room, surveying the crowded room before she walked toward the bar. She kept her eye on Gordan to ensure he didn’t follow her to the bar or anywhere near Antoine. Chit-chatting with him this evening would not happen, and his inquiry about Antoine? That was none of his business.

  “Jada,” Antoine said.

  “Oh, there you are,” she rushed to his side.

  “I found a table close to the buffet.” He handed her a glass of wine, and she followed him without glancing back. When Gordan passed their table, his gaze landed on Jada along with a crooked smile. Jada’s heart leaped, hoping he wouldn’t make a scene. Gordan’s personality was mellow, but he didn’t like when someone disrespected him, and she knew that would make him go off. But her actions were justified, and life went on.

  After they finished their meal, Antoine reached for Jada’s hand. “You ready to hit the dance floor?” Jada nodded and placed her hand in his. They strolled to the dance floor and danced to “Endless Love” by Kenny G.

  “DJ Ant,” a man in a brown suit moved toward them.

  “Hey, what’s going on, Stan? Long time no see,” Antoine stopped dancing long enough to shake his hand.

  “Yeah, they changed my region. Say, when can we get together?” The man responded.

  “Soon. Give me a call. Uh, this is my lady, Jada. Babe, this is Stan. He works for Motown.”

  His lady? “Nice to meet you.” Jada extended her hand.

  Stan stared at Jada and shook her hand. “Same here. Beautiful lady, man.”

  “Thank you,” Antoine said.

  Hey, I’ll catch up with you soon,” Stan said, before he walked off.

  Jada lost count of the artists, record industry, and radio station executives she met throughout the evening. But when Frankie Be
verly and his entourage strolled through, she clutched her chest to subdue the stream of excitement from breaking out.

  “Come on,” Antoine grabbed her hand. “I’ll introduce you to Frankie.”

  Even though her heart was doing a drum roll as they did a run-walk across the room, Jada forced herself not to appear nervous. Antoine must’ve sensed her feelings.

  “Frankie. What’s up, brother?”

  “DJ Ant. Good to see you. It’s been a few years.” They gripped hands and hugged.

  “I’m at KTLM Radio Station in L.A. now. Hey, this is my girl, Jada. She’s one of your biggest fans.”

  His girl?

  “Hi, I’m Frankie,” he gave Jada a hug.

  “I love your music, and the concert was awesome,” Jada said, feeling the blush on her face.

  “That’s awesome and thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  It didn’t take long for others to bombard him, so their meeting was brief. Frankie Beverly was delightful. Holding her hand, Antoine maneuvered through the crowded studio, introducing Jada to several more former co-workers from the Bay area.

  She’d been to a few parties over the years, but nothing like this one. What really surprised her was Antoine’s popularity with so many people. Jada wasn’t bothered by the number of female executives and artists he knew. He made a point to introduce her as “his girl or lady” to everyone. She kind of understood why. A lot of the guys laid eyes on her, and several approached her whenever he left their table.

  At 7:00 every night, Antoine had called Jada and they chatted. And being at the after party with him was mind-boggling. They danced and talked for hours. She reveled in the pleasure of his courtesy, attention, and the way he made her feel. The party ended at midnight, and he drove up to Baldwin Hills, parking at the top of the steep hills. A view of the city, weather, and conversation with Antoine was relaxing.

  “I won’t ask why we’re up here this late. We have to work tomorrow,” Jada said, watching Antoine.

  “True. I want to unwind, and I’d like to talk to you. I’m glad my shift was changed to days. We’d still be going for each other’s throats if I was still working nights.”


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