Book Read Free

Man Crush Monday

Page 14

by Kirsty Moseley

  He leans in, kissing my lips while I’m still reeling from the shock of it. I feel a tear slide down my cheek as his hand traces up my back to tangle in my hair. The kiss is so full of emotion and affection that I feel it in every nerve ending. My whole body prickles with pleasure and happiness.

  When he pulls back, kissing my lips, my nose, my forehead, I whimper and close my eyes. I’ve never felt happier than at that moment, lying in the dark with him.

  “I love you too, you know,” I whisper against his throat.

  I feel him smile against the top of my head. “I do now.”

  I grin up at him in the darkness, hyperaware of where his body is in relation to mine. “Jared, shut up and kiss me.”

  And so he does.

  When I wake in the morning, the bed beside me is cold. I squint against the shadows, reaching out my hand for Jared … but he’s not there.

  I frown and sit up, rubbing at my eyes and stretching like a cat as my body shakes off some of the tiredness. Morning snuggles with Jared are my favourite, so I’m a little bit miffed to wake on my own.

  Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I throw off the quilt and pad across the room, yawning. As I step out of my bedroom, the delicious smell of bacon and eggs greets me, and I follow the scent down the hallway and across the lounge to the kitchen. It’s there that I’m greeted by Jared’s naked back and my nanna’s wide grin. He’s sitting at the table, shirtless and sockless, just in a pair of low-hanging jeans. In front of him is an almost-empty plate with the remnants of some scrambled eggs. He’s chewing on toast and chatting with my nanna like it’s the most natural thing in the world for him to be doing. My mum is in her velvet dressing gown, hair in rollers, washing up pots and pans at the sink.

  I smile and head over to him, trailing my hand across the tops of his shoulders, savouring the feel of his skin under my fingertips. He looks over and offers me a warm smile as his arm slips around my waist.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” he says against my lips as I bend to kiss him.

  “Hey. I wondered where you’d gone.”

  He smiles apologetically. “Sorry. I got up to go to the bathroom and got collared by this one,” he jokes, hooking a thumb towards my nan.

  My nanna beams over at me and pushes a clean teacup in my direction. “There’s some in the pot, love. Sorry I stole your man for a little while. Jared has been helping move some boxes that were too heavy for your frail, old nan.”

  Jared smiles affectionately at her, and I narrow my eyes, wondering what she’s up to.

  Frail, old nan, my arse. There is nothing frail about my nan in the slightest; she is the toughest old bird I know.

  “It’s not a problem. And the breakfast more than made up for it.” Jared pats his tummy. “Thank you, Anne.”

  “You’re very welcome,” my mum replies.

  I plop myself down on Jared’s lap and take the piece of toast from his hand, taking a bite. “Do I smell bacon?” I smile expectantly over at my mum.

  Mum shrugs, shooting me an apologetic smile. “Sorry, love. That was the last of it and the eggs. There’s cereal, if you’re hungry?” She pushes a box of cornflakes towards me.

  I gasp, faking outrage. “Oh, that’s nice, huh.”

  Jared chuckles, his body shaking under mine as he wraps his arms around my waist.

  My mum shrugs unapologetically, an amused smile twitching at the corner of her mouth. “Jared’s the favourite now. You’ll just have to deal with it.”

  I sigh and look over my shoulder at him. The twinkle in his eye makes my heart clench as I think about him saying those words to me in the dark last night. Everything has changed today. Those three words, just eight letters, have solidified our relationship and altered it forever.

  I nod and rub my hand over the back of his neck, pressing myself closer to him. “Yeah, he’s my favourite too,” I admit and am rewarded with the eye-crinkled grin that I just love to death.

  Nanna pushes herself up to standing, putting her hands on her lower back and wincing obviously. “Jared dear, if you’re all done here, I have something else you could help me with, if you’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “Of course, Peggy. Whatever you need.” Jared immediately pats my thighs, signalling for me to move.

  Raising one eyebrow, I vacate his lap and watch as he jumps up like an eager-to-please puppy, following my hobbling nan from the room.

  “What’s wrong with Nanna’s back?” I ask worriedly.

  Mum shakes her head. “Absolutely nothing.”

  I frown in confusion and reach for the teapot, pouring myself a cup. When I hear them in the hallway, I head to the door and lean on the frame, crossing one ankle over the other. The loft hatch is open, and Jared is stretching, reaching for the ladder. My gaze drops to his naked back, watching the muscles move and contract. It’s hypnotising. As he bends over to pick up a box, I suddenly realise what my “frail, old nan” is up to. My suspicions are confirmed almost immediately. As he climbs the ladder, Jared’s bum gets level with Nanna’s face. Her eyes narrow, and her hand goes to her mouth as she sighs in appreciation. She’s looking at him like he’s a snack.

  My mouth drops open in shock before I’m overcome with a fit of giggles.

  Mum steps to my side, leaning on the wall next to me, sipping on her tea. “She’s playing the fragile, old lady card to perfection, and she’s had him lugging boxes and moving furniture around for the last hour. Poor lad has no idea,” Mum says, her eyes fixed on my hot boyfriend too.

  “She’s a damn pervert.” I chuckle.

  She nods. “In her defence, I’ve enjoyed the spectacle too. Very well done, sweetheart.” She winks at me before patting me on the shoulder and heading back to her washing up.


  “Wow. You look absolutely amazing.” Jared’s eyes do a slow, sweeping appraisal of my body as his bottom lip rolls up into his mouth.

  Tonight is his work function, and I’ve been painstakingly getting ready for the last two hours. Based on his expression, my preparations were worth it.

  I proudly raise my chin and beam at the lust I can see clear as day on his face. Reaching down, I smooth the skirt of my sparkly, slinky, fitted black evening gown I shimmied my way into. The dress hugs my curves in all the right places without being too over the top, there’s a beautiful illusion neckline that makes my cleavage look killer, and I’m even wearing heels. Granted, they’re only one and a half inches, but they’re heels!

  Jared steps into my flat and tosses his car keys onto the sideboard. He puts down his overnight bag before reaching out, touching the material of the dress as his eyebrows pull together, and he lets out a strangled sigh. When his eyes meet mine again, they’re black like a shark’s, and I can see a muscle twitching in his jaw. From that one look alone, I feel incredibly sexy. I’m not the most beautiful girl in any room, but with Jared looking at me like I’m a glass of water and he’s been lost in the desert for a month, I feel like I am.

  “You look simply stunning. I can’t wait to take you out of this dress later.” His voice is hoarse and thick with arousal.

  I swallow my lust and sigh. “You might have some trouble. I’m wearing the biggest, tightest pair of hold-me-in knickers known to man. I don’t even know how I’ll get them off. I might have to live in these things now.”

  My Spanx go from just under my boobs to mid-thigh, and putting them on was one of the hardest things I’d ever tried to do. I am dreading attempting to go to the toilet later without Heather there to help crowbar me back into them.

  “I’ll get them off you; don’t worry.” His eyes glitter with amusement as he raises my hand to his lips and plants a soft kiss on the back of it, sending my pulse skyrocketing.

  Nodding behind me, I pull him forward a few steps, so we’re in front of my full-length mirror that’s mounted on the wall in the hallway. Standing next to Jared, who’s decked out in a black three-piece suit and tie, white shirt, and shiny black shoes, I can’t help
but grin at our reflection. We look great together.

  “Damn, we look so hot, even I hate us,” I joke as his arm slips around my waist.

  He laughs, and his phone beeps with a message. Pulling it out, he checks his text. “The Uber’s here. Are you ready to go?”

  I nod quickly. “Yep. Let me just grab my bag.” I pick up my clutch purse, shoving in my lipstick, phone, and powder compact, and some cash before taking Jared’s hand and letting him lead me out of the building and down the stairs.

  My stomach rumbles in the taxi, and Jared smiles.

  “Don’t worry, baby. There’ll be food there.”

  “Is it a buffet? If so, I’m gonna show it who’s boss,” I joke.

  “Lady in the streets, freak at the buffet,” he replies, winking at me.

  When we pull up outside the hotel, I let out an appreciative whistle. It’s on the outskirts of the city and huge; it’s quite secluded and set in beautiful grounds with trees and sweet-smelling blooms that hit you as soon as you step out of the taxi. The gravel driveway to the hotel is lined with sculpted conifer trees that are lit from the base, casting a beautiful glow. It’s magnificent.

  “Wow, this is gorgeous,” I whisper, looping my arm through Jared’s when he holds it out in offering.

  As we step inside, I gasp and look around. The reception is beautiful, all stone floors and shiny surfaces. A concierge steps up to us and smiles; he’s carrying a silver tray laden with flutes of bubbling champagne.

  “Good evening. Are you with Jenkins and Banner?” he asks.

  Jared nods, and the concierge smiles, offering us the tray. I raise my eyebrows and watch as Jared takes two glasses. Suddenly, I feel out of my depth. Unless I’m at a wedding, posh dresses, beautiful hotels, and free champagne are not really things I come across in my life.

  “Um, I don’t actually like champagne.” I wince apologetically, and Jared nods in understanding, setting one glass back on the tray.

  “No problem. I’ll get you something else.” He turns to the concierge. “Is there a bar?”

  “Yes, sir. Inside the ballroom where your function is being held, there is a fully stocked bar.” He points to a huge set of oak doors at the end of the hallway where another waiter is poised to open the door for us.

  My feet are rooted to the spot, and I take a couple of deep breaths. I look up at Jared for reassurance, and he smiles down at me, setting his hand on the small of my back, guiding me forward.

  As the ballroom door opens, I gasp in delight. There’s a live brass band playing music off to one side near an empty dance floor. A few people are already standing around, chatting in little groups. The scent of something delicious fills the air, and my mouth waters. The room itself is massive with a high ceiling, polished marble floor, and gilded gold edging, and several sparkling chandeliers hang from the ceilings. There are about fifteen large round tables, all laid out with gleaming cutlery and side plates and beautiful, understated flower arrangements in the centre. It’s magnificent and lavish and like something out of a magazine from a celebrity wedding.

  “Wow, your company is paying for all of this? Is there a special occasion?” I whisper, still looking around in awe as I sway unconsciously to the background music.

  Jared leans in conspiratorially. “Apparently, there’s always a lavish party around this time, a kind of early Christmas party, but rumour has it, they pushed the boat out a little further this year because of the merger. There will be staff here from J and B and also Barr, the company we’re currently in merger talks with. I would imagine this is all to impress.”

  I nod in understanding.

  Jared motions towards the bar, and there are a few people crowded around it already. “I’ll go get you a drink. Glass of rosé?” he checks, cocking his head to the side.

  I smile and nod, brushing my hand over his jacket, catching a finger in his waistcoat, and giving it a playful tug. “Yes, please. I’ll wait here for you.”

  He sighs and leans down, gently kissing my forehead. “Thank you for coming with me. I really hate these things.”

  I smile and rub against him. “I can tell.”

  Jared has stiffened since we got out of the taxi, and his body language has completely changed from the usually relaxed guy I know to this professional, hard-faced one. He looks uncomfortable, and although he fits into this sumptuous place perfectly, I know he would rather be anywhere than here tonight, socialising with his “subordinates.”

  “I love you,” he says, tracing the back of his knuckle across my cheek, leaving a burning trail in its wake.

  “I love you too,” I reply earnestly.

  He sighs again and walks off through the crowd, heading towards the bar as I wander around, touching tablecloths and munching on tiny entrees the waiting staff is handing out. Armed with two chicken skewers I just procured from a petite waitress who told me her name was Wendy, I stop next to a friendly-looking girl with a red dress on. She’s laughing with another girl and a guy in an ugly brown suit. She looks up and catches my eye, smiling tentatively.

  “Hi,” I greet, waving like a dork and deciding I need to get the mingling started. Networking is what these things are usually about. “I love your dress.”

  She looks down at it and smiles. “Thanks! I love yours too. And your hair, oh my God, it’s lovely. I wish I could go pink or lavender grey.” She lets out a dreamy sigh, and I reach up to touch my rigorously styled locks that Heather teased into an elegant up-do for me.

  “Thank you. It takes some work,” I admit. I have to touch up my colour every four weeks, but it’s worth it. I love my chalky-coloured hair.

  “I’m Holly. This is Camilla and Gus.” She waves at the couple she’s with.

  “Amy.” I politely shake their hands.

  “You don’t work for J and B. At least, I’ve not seen you around. Do you work for Barr?” Holly asks, taking a sip of her champagne.

  I shake my head, about to answer but stop as two more people join us.

  Holly grins. “Perfect timing. Amy, this is Greg and Paul,” she introduces the newcomers.

  I smile warmly at them and shake their hands too.

  Paul groans theatrically. “Guess who we just saw.”

  There’s a collective grumble, and I look around, waiting to be enlightened.

  “Oh great, he’s arrived. I hope we don’t have to talk to him,” Holly grumbles.

  Paul nods. “Me too. I checked the seating plan though, and thank fuck, we’re not sitting with him. He’s apparently bringing a plus-one with him tonight.”

  “A plus-one? What kind of insane idiot would date a guy like that?” Gus responds, scrunching his nose up. “Oh, did you hear I got threatened with a disciplinary today? Missed a deadline for my end-of-campaign report.” He shakes his head in apparent anger.

  “Who are you talking about?” I ask.

  Gus blows out a big breath, and Holly answers, “Our manager. He’s a nightmare.”

  I suddenly get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I think I’ve allied myself with the wrong people.

  “Oh shit, he’s coming over,” Gus says, his eyes widening as they all stand up straighter and readjust themselves as if they weren’t doing anything.

  “Christ, why does he have to be so hot?” Holly complains. “Look at him, all fine and sexy in that suit. If he wasn’t such a bloody tyrant, I’d fancy him something rotten.”

  Camilla shrugs, her eyes firmly latched over my shoulder. “I still fancy him. I like bossy, grumpy men.”

  Both the girls laugh, and my stomach clenches. I don’t like this conversation at all.

  “Jeez, he’s always so broody. I think if I ever saw that man smile, I’d burst into flames. I’m not sure he’s even capable of it.” Holly rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her drink.

  I don’t even need to look around to know Jared is coming over with my drink.

  “He’s capable,” I confirm, smiling awkwardly as she looks at me quizzically.

  I see
the moment the penny drops. Her eyes widen in horror, and I smile sympathetically before turning just as Jared stops behind me, holding out my glass of wine.

  “Hey, there you are. Thank you,” I greet.

  His eyes meet mine, and I see how tense he is as he nods politely in greeting to the people I’m standing with.

  “Good evening, everyone. I see you’ve met my girlfriend already.”

  I hear some barely concealed gasps behind me, and I fight the urge to laugh. It’s not my fault they didn’t let me say who I was before they started bashing my tyrant boyfriend right in front of me.

  “Good evening, Jared,” Paul says eventually.

  Gus doesn’t speak, just gives a polite nod with tight features, but it doesn’t seem to bother Jared in the slightest as his arm slips around my waist, pulling me against his side.

  The girls offer a stunted greeting, but Holly is staring at me with horrified eyes, just waiting for the moment I drop them into trouble, I’m guessing.

  I clear my throat. “So, apparently, I’ve met some of your team,” I say brightly. “The gang was just telling me that we’re not sitting with them tonight; we’re on a different table, apparently.”

  Jared raises his chin, and his lips press into a thin line. “Ah, shame.”

  The atmosphere is so thick that it’s almost cloying, but thankfully, Wendy—the chicken skewer waitress from earlier—suddenly comes over, grinning at me as she offers me a tray of baked cheese balls. She chuckles as I rub my hands together and greedily choose three.

  “Thanks, Wendy!”

  I grin sheepishly and look up to see Jared shaking his head, grinning down at me—the crinkled-eyes grin that makes my heart stutter.

  “I see you’ve made friends with the bearer of food already,” he says.

  “Of course. Rule number one.”

  “Cheese is life,” he adds, nodding.

  “Exactly.” I reach up and pop a cheese melt into his mouth.

  He playfully rolls his eyes and loops his arm around my shoulders as all five of his co-workers watch the exchange with barely concealed shock on their faces. When someone clinks a glass and asks us to take our seats in preparation for dinner, Jared catches my eye and sends me an apologetic smile.


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