Savvy Negotiator (Untraceable Succubus Book 2)

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Savvy Negotiator (Untraceable Succubus Book 2) Page 3

by Erin R Flynn

  The owner was waiting for me at the bar. I handed over my iPod to the bartender who checked it was loaded and ready to go. I thanked him again, and then the owner led me in back to show me the employee area.

  Which was one little corner behind the kitchen and had a mirror and counter to get ready at. Wow. So not even lockers or a real place to change or anything.

  “Um, lockers?” I checked, swallowing a sigh when he looked at me like I was a pain. “Well, I need to go lock up my stuff in my car after I change then.”

  “Who’s this princess?” someone asked loudly. I turned to see several other women who were clearly dancers arriving.

  “Potential new hire,” he answered.

  “We don’t need her,” she replied. “We’re already fighting for poles and tips.”

  “Shut up and get ready,” he snapped, putting on a smile when I didn’t hide my shock he spoke to her like that. “She’s a bit of trouble, but Kitty knows I love her.” He waited until I nodded. “You go sit at the bar and watch how we do things. You go on at eight, and we’ll talk after that.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I muttered, glancing around like I was rethinking things. I walked out past the kitchen and made sure there were at least bathrooms to change in or I’d have to come to work ready to go and lock clothes in the car. Luckily there were so at least I could do a costume switch, but that meant running back out to my car, which was going to be so much fun and certainly super convenient.

  I seriously wanted to clean the bathrooms before even considering going in one of the stalls. No one could ever accuse me of not going all out for my covers and to catch murderers. I was so glad I wasn’t human and couldn’t catch anything from that place.

  Deciding to be smart, I went out up on the main stage and checked the pole since no one was dancing yet.

  “What are you doing?” Kitty demanded, having followed me on my tour. “He said you go on at eight.”

  I gave her a bored look. “I’m checking the pole is secured and the stage is fine before I get on it. That way there’s no accidents.”

  “Are you a newb? Take out your tits and grind on it. The pole is fine.”

  I ignored her and checked the stage and yanked on the pole again, frowning. The owner was talking to one of the security guys by his office, and I walked over there. “The pole is loose. I’m not sure it will hold.”

  He gave me an impatient glance. “It’s fine.”

  I bobbed my head. “Okay, how’s your insurance because I’ve seen payouts from strippers getting hurt on loose poles be in the eight figures.” I suppressed the need to smack him when he still didn’t budge. “Do you have a socket set? It takes two seconds to tighten.”

  “Yeah, in the office,” he muttered, gesturing for me to go head. “In the cabinet. Take what you need.”

  I almost tripped as I headed that way. Wow, that was a first that I got permission like that before I’d even gotten the job. When I was interviewing at other clubs that wanted to steal me after my cover was going it was easier, but right off the bat with a new gig? That was a record.

  I found what I needed, grabbing the whole tool bag even, and went back to the main stage. I shook my head as Kitty gave me a death look. “You should learn how to do this and protect yourself.”

  She snorted. “I don’t do shit work like that.”

  I gave her a sneer. “I don’t look down on others, and that’s why I don’t let people look down on me. Contractor or handyman isn’t something to demean.” I unscrewed the cover and quickly tightened the bolts.

  “Hey, you gonna tighten my nut next?” one guy asked as he sat down.

  I smirked at him. “I’m not sure if I’m going to work here yet, but if I do, I promise I’ll wear my tool belt.”

  “Mm, maybe I’ll get a dance and you can polish my knob.”

  I snickered before I could stop myself. “No, I wouldn’t. I’m a dancer, not your next lay.” I reminded myself I had to tone that talk back since I’d be going under as a hooker too, basically doing double duty to cover more ground. Then again, the shifts were shorter at this place, only four hours. So I could get the earlier one and head out to where I needed to be.

  However, they were shorter because he worked them like bitches the whole time so my feet were going to kill me and fast. Well, I had the nice tub, right?

  I fixed the pole and got off stage in time, tempted to check the other ones just in case, but I could do that before I danced on any of the smaller stages. I wouldn’t get hurt like they would since I was a demon, but explaining why I wasn’t seriously hurt after a bad spill was a headache and caused trouble in a mixed area.

  The bartender gave me a soda when I asked, and I watched the first few dancers and was so far from impressed I was a bit annoyed they even counted as dancers. One was so fucking high that she could barely stand, much less dance. Most of her time she humped the stage and let people touch her. It took everything I had to not show my disgust.

  “You’re still going up there after seeing them?” the bartender asked, looking shocked.

  I shrugged. “Gives me a chance to be queen instead of one of many.”

  “Alright, alright, I hear you,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Be careful of the bitches though. They chase out a lot of dancers better than them with all the bullying.”

  I suppressed a groan. Great, that was just the icing on the shitty cupcake of this place.

  I changed and darted back outside to lock up my stuff, asking the bartender to watch my keys at least. He nodded, giving my costume a confused look.

  “You’ll get it,” I assured him.

  The owner announced me as a possible new woman of his, and I gave him the glare he deserved. I took the main stage, annoyed there wasn’t more room and chairs were all right around it, which most took as the invite to touch.

  You know, without being invited.

  Destiny’s Child’s “Say My Name” started, and I bit back a laugh when the bartender caught on. I was wearing Beyoncé’s end costume from the video, which was black leather pants, orange sports bra, and choker. The routine was meant as an intro, and I did it at each new club because it was one few forgot, plus it was a goof on learning a new dancer’s name. Most of the moves were sharp snaps with the beat before I swung myself up on the pole.

  Then I did more flips and moves than most could even dream of. Obviously none of the dancers there went up the pole because the hanging LED lights got in my way. Great, so I couldn’t do the higher drops or wider spins or I could risk hurting someone.

  I jumped down and bounced with the beat as I started stripping off the tight leather, much to the enjoyment of those right there. I smirked at one leaning in. “You take my costume, you buy me a new one, and that’s real leather.”

  “Your job is to service us,” he grumbled but sat back with a huff.

  “My job is to entertain you, and I just entertained all of them,” I purred, nodding to the rest of the group who were amused I called the guy out.

  “I’ll watch it so you don’t trip,” one offered, and I nodded, kicking the clothes over to him.

  The song switched to “Lose My Breath,” and I was annoyed I didn’t have a real stage to work with. I had nowhere to strut down so instead I crouched and bounced around, giving them all some attention along with letting out a good hit of my power to the whole club.

  One waved a twenty at me, frowning when I didn’t immediately go over to him. He was staring a bit too much at my hipster panties and didn’t look thrilled my girls were still covered.

  “You boys are gonna want to sit back a bit,” I warned with a wink. I jumped onto the pole and was glad they did because my legs swung out pretty far and I wanted to be safe. I flipped upside down and held myself up as I angled my foot towards the guy who’d teased me with the twenty like he should kiss it and that was his place, not me begging for twenty bucks.

  I finished in a yoga pose few people could pull off, and here I was doing it on a pole, holding my
self up with one arm and balancing my knee. I flipped off and bowed when people clapped.

  I squatted down in front of that guy and bit back a grin at his shock. “Tell me that I don’t deserve that twenty bucks and that didn’t do it for you more than sliding it in a thong, and I’ll call you a liar.”

  He bobbed his head, handing over the twenty. “Yeah, no, that was hot.”

  “Thank you.” I grabbed my clothes, and talked to several there, accepting their praise and tips. I made sure to walk right past the whale with the expensive suit that several others had tried to get the attention of and he’d rebuked them.

  He signaled me to hold up but didn’t touch me. “You’re new here.”

  I smiled. “Maybe. He wanted to make sure I could dance.”

  “You were magnificent,” he praised. “Do you give private dances?” He gestured to the corner, and I realized tucked away behind the back bar was a row of comfier chairs.

  How the hell were we supposed to dance with people sitting on those and get any room to maneuver? They didn’t seriously have a blow job row just tucked in a corner, did they?

  “I’m not sure how I would work with those and so little room,” I muttered. “I don’t do topless unless it’s a private room.”

  “Oh yeah, sure she will,” the owner argued as he came over. “She’s my new woman after all.” He reached out to touch me, and I gave him a warning look that would be stupid.

  I chuckled. “The only one I belong to is me, but if you’re offering me a job, we’ll see what we can work out. We haven’t talked terms yet nor have I accepted.”

  “Everyone gets the same deal,” he informed me.

  The whale snorted. “She is not like the others here.”

  I gave him a beaming smile. “I was only doing the one dance, and I guess I’m negotiating my terms, but I would love a drink instead of a dance if you’re still here.”

  “For you I will make sure to be,” he murmured, giving me a heated look. “What does the lady drink?”

  “Whiskey or scotch, neat. I should have brought cigars if there’s a smoking patio.”

  “Next time if you accept his offer,” he promised. “I have a selection. I enjoy them too.”

  “We’ll have something to talk about then. I’ll be back after I change.”

  He nodded, and I went off with the owner, noting he wasn’t happy I shut him down.

  “Unless you’re paying for my place, my ride, my expenses, and my health insurance, don’t refer to me as ‘your woman’ again like I’m yours or you’re my pimp,” I warned him, turning up my power now that we were alone in his office. “I do not play that way nor should I have to as an employee or I walk. And don’t touch me. Ever.”

  “Yeah, no, sure, got it,” he blubbered, bobbing his head. “Whatever you want.”

  “Good because I’m worth the price,” I purred as I sat on his desk.


  I gaped at the owner when he told me the specifics of the gig. They paid a hundred bucks a night for off-stage fee and that was if they did the main stage once in a four hour shift. A hundred bucks for four hours was insane already but wow. Lap dances were twenty, and the owner got fifteen for each. If the dancer set it for higher, that was on them, and he still only got the fifteen.

  And that was it. No hourly wage. No nothing. I had to sign a waiver that if I got hurt, it was on me and not the club. I was expected to drink with the customers if they wanted to get me sloshed.

  Oh, and he demanded to see my tits.

  “Yeah, there’s no way I’m agreeing to any of that,” I seethed, turning up my power higher than I normally did. It was either fuck the plan, let him touch me and put up with that shit, or deal with him totally into me and chasing me around the desk, but I was in control.

  Right, I picked the last one. Plus, it would start shit with the other dancers and tell me real fast if any were worth keeping or if all of them had to go.

  “I will take the earlier shift, which is slower, but I am not paying a hundred bucks,” I told him firmly. “Fifteen for lap dances is fine, but I don’t show my breasts unless it’s a private dance in a room. And people don’t touch me.” I gave him a hard look. “I can get a job at any club, and we both know that. You want me here or not?”

  “I want you here,” he immediately agreed.

  “Fine, I’ll give you a week trial,” I sighed, completely turning the tables on him. “But you tell your security I’m not polishing their knobs or any of this other shit. What you got going on with the dancers is your thing, but no one touches me, and I want that clear.”

  “Yeah, okay, a week trial. Pick what days you want to work.” He held out a clip board to me with the schedule. I wrote in my name and put down when I was working. I went with the same two days on, one off like I was used to at the last club. It worked pretty well for my feet, and if I was going to be going for four hours straight, I would need it.

  I walked out of there trying to figure out what I was going to do about music since those on the other poles danced to whatever was playing. So no costume changes. No anything specific. Great.

  I bit back a sneer when I saw the girl who was high on a different pole letting everyone paw at her. I had no problem if people were prostitutes where it was legal. I really didn’t. Have fun. But people who blurred the lines or didn’t respect the others who would now have to deal with those guys next and their attitudes they got away with it before pissed me the fuck off.

  The bartender handed over my keys and iPod, and I went outside to throw on my clothes and grab my bag. Then I went back in and found the whale, nodding for him to follow me instead of sitting there with the others. We met up at the back bar, he ordered two scotches, and we took them outside on the smoking patio.

  “It’s a bit chilly out,” he said as he slid on his coat after checking I didn’t want it.

  “Yes, but there’s only so many nice nights left, and we can hear each other.” I accepted the drink and thanked him.

  “So did you come to favorable terms?”

  I nodded. “I told him I’d give it a week trial, but he and his people better keep their hands off of me.”

  “Why? You obviously could get a job as a dancer anywhere.”

  I smirked at him over his glass. “For the same reason I’m sure you come here with your fancy suit and obvious money.”

  He chuckled deeply. “Here you’re a goddess among the others instead of maybe contending for top spot somewhere else.”

  “Yes, but it also helps when I get other offers if they come looking for me,” I added. “Here you get all the envy. You are the whale that turns them all away and the guy all the others want to be. But at a nicer club, you might be one of many.”

  “Too right, though this place didn’t used to be this bad,” he admitted, glancing at it before sipping his drink. “Maybe you can class it back up.”

  “I’ll get right on that.” I fastened my jacket and moved closer to the patio heater. “So do I get a name or do I keep having to refer to you as a whale?”


  “Acadia.” I nodded when he raised an eyebrow. “It’s on my license, I swear.”

  “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman,” he murmured as he took my hand and kissed it. “Did you think about a private dance?”

  “I won’t take my top off unless in private, and those chairs look like a blow job row.” I gave him a curious look, something about this guy rubbing me as odd and to check him out. “Why aren’t you in the VIP area?”

  “No pole there.”

  “Well, I would dance for you there if you’re fine without topless.”

  “For you I would be,” he promised. “Do you do private parties? Or do you have to give money to the owner?”

  “He didn’t mention it so I’m a free agent,” I answered with a shrug. “But I only dance, nothing more.”

  “Of course. I was thinking of a poker game I attend every other Friday where they would appreciate someone o
f your ability.”

  I gasped, my hand dramatically fluttering to my mouth. “Isn’t gambling illegal in this state?”

  He chuckled, shaking his head at my antics. “There is a social gambling exception, and we fit under that according to the lawyer in the game. Would you consider a private party?”

  “Absolutely. I do have a few black belts and break arms if people try to pull something when in private, but I love a good party. I’m sure you can find a mobile pole that’s secure.”

  “The host has one at his house,” he told me with a shrug.

  “Interesting. Are you asking me for this Friday because I’ll have to switch the schedule I just set if you are?”

  “I am. How much do you charge for a party?”

  “Depends on how many and what you want,” I admitted.

  “How do you normally entertain a poker game? Give me the top shelf package.”

  I nodded. “I’d do a costume song in between each hand while drinks are freshened up and lap dances once people fold.”

  “I would suspect people fold just for a chance at a lap dance with you,” he muttered, giving me an interested look.

  “I’m worth it,” I teased, smiling when he chuckled again. “I might offer a few body shots if you boys want to play that way as long as everyone’s respectful.” I leaned a bit. “Or your sushi model as that’s always fun, but you have to use chopsticks. Pour the sauce on me and dip it while trying to hold the chopsticks right.”

  “You are fun,” he complimented, his eyes crinkling in the corners showing his age. He was maybe fifty or so but looked good for a human at that age. He named a number for me to come for the night plus tips, and I was ready for it because I’d worked whale parties before. “But I suggest we not tell the owner and keep it between us.”

  “Will you still come visit me here?” I teased, batting my eyelashes at him.

  “Oh yes. Don’t tell the others you work here. I would like to keep that part of you to myself.”

  I nodded. “Just don’t try to keep me. I’m too free of a spirit for that.”


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