Book Read Free

Royal Flush

Page 38

by Ella Goode

  “I’m dying to be inside of you again, and I just had you on your knees a few hours ago.” I whimper at the reminder of how he followed me into the bathroom where I proceeded to suck him off while everyone was down the hallway. I could hear their voices while his fingers tangled in my hair. “Be quiet and take me out,” he orders as he puts one of his hands over my mouth as he presses me into the wall.

  I reach between us, going for the button of his jeans when the pantry door opens and my eyes lock with Davis’. I try to say something but Berkley’s hand over my mouth doesn't allow me to. Not until Davis is ripping him away from me and screams leave my mouth as all hell breaks loose.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I deserve the first blow and then the second and even the third, but by the fourth one, Chandler’s cries break me, and I push Davis off.

  “What the fuck, man?” he yells, panting at me.

  I swipe a hand across my mouth. It comes away bloody. Chandler drops to her knees and tries to use her skirt to dab at the corner of my mouth. The action exposes her ass to Syracuse’s and Mike’s gazes, who are trying hard to hold Davis back. I push her hand down. “I’m fine,” I say gruffly and get to my feet.

  I sway, and Chandler reaches out a hand to steady me, but I skate out of reach. If she touches me, Davis is going to lose it. I hold out my palm. “Look, man, I can explain.”

  “The fuck you can. How long has this been going on?”

  “It’s none of your business,” Chandler declares before I can say a word.

  I shake my head. “She didn’t mean that.”

  Chandler whips around. “Don’t speak for me,” she snaps. Her eyes narrow, skipping from me to Davis. “I see what this is.”

  I don’t like her tone. “Now, Chandler—“

  “Don’t Now Chandler me.” She jerks her dress down. “You guys all stick together no matter what. I told you that Davis and I didn’t have a thing, and you chose not to believe me. Now you’re telling him you can explain? Explain what? What we do”—she breaks off and shakes her head—“no, what I do with my body and my time is my own damn business.”

  We’re all too stunned by her speech to move, and it’s not until the back door slams behind her that I pop out of my daze and start after her. Someone grabs my arm. I shake it off.

  “No. Let her go. She doesn’t want you up in her business.” It’s Syracuse. If it was Davis, I wouldn’t have listened, but Sy has a lot of experience with girls.

  “Why not?”

  “Because when they’re mad, they’re mad. Let her get it out of her system, and once she’s done being angry, you can explain things. Besides, don’t you need to talk to him?” He tilts his head toward Davis, who is standing stiffly in the middle of the room, his hands fisted as his side, his eyes blaring holes through my skull. “Come on, Mike. Drive me home. I think the latest Madden is done downloading.”

  Mike frowns. “Didn’t know you played those sport games anymore. You said they were boring as fuck and you preferred—“

  “I love them now,” Syracuse interrupts. He grabs Mike by the neck and drags him out.

  “If she’s crying, tell me,” I order as they leave. If she’s in tears, then I’m not giving her any space.

  “No problem, captain.” Syracuse gives me a fake salute and disappears out the back. The door slams shut again, leaving the two of us alone.

  I wait for Davis to ask me a question, but he only continues to stare angrily at me. Maybe it’s Davis that needs to be left alone to work things out of his system until he’s calm. If he was thinking rationally, he’d understand why I couldn’t keep my hands off Chandler. She’s a goddess, and ever since I got the green light to worship at her feet, that’s what I’ve been doing.

  “Look, man—” I start, but Davis holds up his hand.

  “I don’t want to know. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to pretend I didn’t see you pawing at Chandler like she’s some piece of trash you picked up on the side of the road. You’ll forget that you’ve ever had your hands on her, and we go back to how it was.” He pushes by me and starts picking up the things in the pantry that got knocked over when we were fighting.

  Go back to the way things were before I told Chandler I loved her? Before I heard those sweet words gasped or shouted? Before I had my dick in her sweet pussy? Before I tasted her tart honey? I think the fuck not.


  Davis shakes his head. “Yeah, because if you don’t, you’ll end up breaking her heart, and then it won’t be the three of us. I’ll have to choose to remain friends with you or her, and I don’t want to do that.”

  “I’m not breaking up with her.”

  “We had a good thing going,” Davis says, pretending like he doesn’t hear me, “And I’m only doing what you asked.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  He places a cereal box on the shelf and turns to me. “Don’t you remember? That night we caught your old man with that girl. You said you were afraid of your own genes and wondered if you would end up like him—cheating on someone you were supposed to love. You told me that if you ever showed signs of getting close to a girl, I should remind you of who you came from. So this is me reminding you that your old man has been cheating on your mom for years and that you worry about her mental health because of how he treats her, and that’s why you’ve never dipped your wick inside a girl’s pussy in the past.” He arches his eyebrows. “Remember now?”

  I slump against the wall. Every word Davis said was true. I had nearly begged him to make sure that I didn’t turn out like my dad. I had shoved that fear down deep when Chandler opened her heart to me because I hadn’t wanted anything to stop me from taking her. Oh, sure, I’d hid behind my friendship with Davis for a long time, but the real reason I stayed away from Chandler, the reason I never wanted to acknowledge my feelings, was that I might be just as big of a bastard as my old man.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I lean my head back, closing my eyes as I wait. Mike and Sy better keep their mouths shut. They dropped me off back at home, but I decided that home wasn’t where I needed to be right now. I’m too mad and upset to sit at home. So I decided that coming over to see Davis would be a better option. That I needed to hash this out with him today. He can’t go punching Berkley every time he kisses me. If there are going to be any more kisses, that is.

  I hear the motorcycle outside, letting me know Davis is here. They’d both been enjoying the motorcycle so much that Berkley had another delivered to his home so now they both have one. Sometimes I forget how well off Berkley really is. I listen close to see if it’s one bike or two. I’m not sure if I’m happy or disappointed that I only hear one at the moment. A few moments later, I hear the familiar quick feet of Davis coming down the stairs.

  “You put some panties on? I think I saw your ass.” I open my eyes to look up at him.

  “Did you?”

  “One way to find out.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes at him. “Knew you’d be here.”

  “Did you two keep fighting after I left?” I don’t want anyone getting hurt over all of this. That’s the last thing that I ever wanted to happen. I did notice that Berkley was not swinging back at Davis. Davis is a power house on the field and spends a lot of time in the gym, but Berkley is built like a tank. He doesn't need to go to any gym. His make-up came from his genetics. I’m guessing from somewhere on his mom's side of the family.

  “His hand was over your mouth. I reacted. Took me a moment to put together that you were into it, and of course I know Berkley would never force himself on you. I won’t apologize for it.”

  I swallow in understanding.

  That wasn't the first time Davis has turned a corner and found another man all over me. The first time wasn't welcome, and luckily Davis got there before anything could actually happen. It scared the crap out of both of us. It took three people to pull Davis off the man wh
o had tried to corner me in the gas station. What started out as a regular walk to the gas station to get some snacks turned into a day that I’ll never forget.

  That was the day that Davis had staked a claim on me. I’d been jumpy around the opposite sex and he made it his mission to make sure none of them ever came too close to me. Now everyone thinks we’re a couple. In reality Davis is a very protective brother. One that I love and adore for all he’s done for me. But now there is a man in my life that I don't want him scaring away.

  “I’m in love with him.”

  “Fuck.” Davis runs his hand down his face.

  “He thinks you’re in love with me.”

  “Well, I am.” I smack his chest. He falls back on the sofa, pretending that my little hit actually hurt him. “Berkley—”

  I hold my hand up.

  “I don’t want advice about Berkley and why I should or shouldn't stay away from him. Just like he shouldn't need to talk to anyone about if he wants to be with me or not. He should know and I sure as shit am not chasing him.”

  “You shouldn’t have to chase anyone.”

  “I know,” I say in agreement, making him smile bigger. He dragged his feet with us in the beginning, and I’d be a liar if I didn't admit that shit still stung. I get it. He doesn't want anyone getting hurt, but the result is he is hurting not only me but himself too.

  “I know this will change things. No matter the outcome. I can’t stop or change my feelings.” He lets out a deep breath, knowing I’m right. “I love the three of us. I do. But if this thing Berkley and I are making is the forever kind of thing, then he always has to pick me, and I will always have to pick him.”

  “And you should have that,” Davis says instantly. “So you think this is the forever kind of thing?”

  “I think it is. It hurts when he’s not close. I know we’re young, but—”

  “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “I’m too far in at this point to not get hurt.” Davis puts his head on his elbows and drops his head as a few more curse words leave his mouth.

  “I need to talk to him.” He starts to get up, but I grab him, pulling him back down.


  “When did you get so bossy?” He gives me a half smirk.

  “Berkley needs to work it out himself. You’re not running over there and talking him into being with me.”

  “What if I spent some time talking him out of it already? Might have even dug at a few of his issues he’s got in that hard head of his.” He looks at his red knuckles. “Harder than I thought it was going to be.” I give him another hit to the chest.


  “Good?” Davis looks at me as though I’m nuts.

  “Yeah, good. If Berkley isn't going to fight for me, it’s better I know now than years down the road.”

  “All right. We do it your way. I’ll stay out of it. I’m a little shocked how quickly he bought into us being a thing. He’s never seen us so much as kiss.”

  “He believes it. Gets all kinds of jealous over it too.” It’s terrible, but I smile thinking about it. It’s hard to get Berkley to show emotions a lot of the time.

  “Damn. Maybe I should try the big screen instead of the football field.”

  I snort. “Maybe so. If anything I should be the one worried about you being in love with Berkley and getting mad at me.” Davis’s eyes go round, and his whole body stills. “But I don’t think he’s your type.”

  He grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze. “I think we can still do this ten-year plan. Just hear me out.” I start to laugh, ready for whatever ridiculousness that is about to come out of his mouth, but the sound of Berkley’s angry voice cuts me off.

  “You’re not going to be around in ten years if you don’t get your fucking hand off my girl,” Berkley shouts. I jump up, blocking him from getting to Davis by holding my hands out. Berkley comes to a stop right in front of me. His warm dark eyes drop down to mine, and I can see the pain behind them.

  “Berkley.” I breathe his name. He falls to his knees in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist.

  “I wish I was a better man. You deserve a better man, but I can’t let you go. I’m sorry. You’re mine.” He buries his face in my stomach, melting my heart.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I feel like a third wheel in this melodrama,” Davis complains.

  I let out a sigh and push to my feet before I bury my face between her legs. “I’m not into threesomes, man.”

  “Me either,” protests Chandler.

  “It wouldn’t matter if you were,” I tell her.

  “Oh, so my feelings don’t matter now?” She puts her hands on her hips.

  Davis leans back, enjoying the show.

  “Sure, but if you slept with another guy, I’d have to kill him, and that doesn’t seem like it’d be good for our relationship.” I motion between Chandler and me.

  “Same goes for you.”

  “I don’t plan on sleeping with any guys.”

  Davis covers his mouth to muffle a laugh.

  “I was talking about women, and you know it.”

  I wink at her. “You’re the only one for me.”

  “Better be or chop chop.” She makes a couple slicing motions in the air.

  Davis folds his hands over his crotch, but I lean forward and kiss her. I like her aggressiveness and her possessiveness. It matches mine.

  “Now I feel like a third wheel in a porn shoot,” Davis says.

  Chandler breaks away. “You poor baby. Come next door and I’ll make you a tart.”

  “That sounds vaguely sexual.” I frown.

  “It’s not!” Chandler calls over her shoulder from the stairs. “It’s only because you have a one-track mind.”

  “Yeah, get your mind out of the gutter.” Davis punches me in the shoulder and clambers up the stairs after Chandler.

  Everything seems fine between all of us. Chandler and Davis make jokes while she rolls out dough and makes some kind of fruit syrup, but we haven’t really talked about anything. We’ve brushed aside the fight as if it never happened, and it makes that space between my shoulders itch. I’m not one for exploring my feelings and shit like that, but it doesn’t sit right. It’s like covering an infected wound. The injury still exists, and it’s not going away because there’s a Band-Aid over it.

  I clear my throat. “By the way, I think someone hit your bike.”

  Davis leaps to his feet. “What the fuck?” He tears out of there without another word.

  Chandler casts a suspicious glance in my direction as she pulls the tart crust out of the oven. “You didn’t need to make up a lie to get him out of here.”

  I grimace. “How do you read me so easy?”

  “I wasn’t able to before. It must be because your dick has been inside of me.” My jaw drops and peals of laughter fall from her lips. “You look so shocked. It’s hilarious. Go outside and have your little meeting while I finish up here.”

  I give her another quick kiss before heading out. Davis is inspecting the back of his bike when I reach him.

  “Where’s the scratch?” he demands.

  “There isn’t one.”

  “What?” He jumps to his feet.

  “I wanted to say I’m sorry.”

  His brows come together. “What for?”

  “For not being upfront with you. For not trusting you. For treating you like you were a third wheel. For taking Chandler even though I thought you had a thing for her.” It’s the last one I am most apologetic over. It really didn’t matter that Davis didn’t love Chandler. The point was that I thought he liked her, thought Chandler was his girl, and I still pursued her.

  “Nah, I’m the one who’s sorry.” He scruffs his toe in the dirt. “I don’t love Chandler, just like she doesn’t love me. I mean, like you do. I love her like a friend. A sister. The thing is…” He trails off and then looks away. He wants to tell me something and is afraid, I rea
lize. Afraid of what I’ll think of him if he confesses. I stay still, making sure my face gives away nothing, especially not judgment. This is Davis, after all; there’s nothing he can tell me that is going to make me think bad of him. Well, almost nothing. Like if he admitted he had a thing for kids, that would be bad, but he’s not that type of guy. After a prolonged silence, he starts again. “I’ve never felt anything for a girl.”

  “Okay.” So he’s gay? “I don’t care what side of the bed you get up on.”

  He laughs, but it’s sort of hollow. “How about if I don’t get into bed at all?”

  “I don’t know what that means, but you’re still the same person. Loyal as hell. Funny. Talented.”

  Davis laughs. “Damn. Sounds like you have a crush on me.”

  I don’t laugh. He stops and then exhales heavily. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t like girls. I don’t like guys. All I like is football. I knew Chandler didn’t like me as a boyfriend, but I told myself she’d be my fail safe.”

  “I don’t know what the big deal is. It’s not like I felt anything for anyone but Chandler. Maybe you haven’t met your match or maybe your match is a football. It doesn’t change who you are or what I think of you.” I toss him the keys. “If that’s all, get the hell out of here before I put a real dent on your bike.”

  He catches the keys easily. “Why? I have tarts to eat.”

  I shake my head. “Never say that again. As for why, I have to apologize to Chandler, and you don’t need to be here for that.”

  “Because you’re going to have sex with her after?” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  “Yeah. Because I’m going to have sex with her after.” I give him a chin nod and return inside. Chandler is sitting at the table, looking at her phone.

  “More recipes?” I ask bending down over her, but she covers the screen before I can see what she was studying. Now I’m even more curious. “You buying me a present?”


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