Crossing Nexis

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Crossing Nexis Page 23

by Barbara Hartzler

  Laura patted her brother’s shoulder and nodded, peeking at me over his shoulder.

  “Stand up for your girl?” Tony chimed in. “That’s what’d I’d do if—” His eyes widened as he looked at me, clamping his lips together.

  I nodded at him, sealing my lips shut. I’d never blab about my best friend.

  “I tried.” Bryan stared at his shoes. “They would’ve kicked me out.”

  “And you believed them?” Lenny backed up and shook his head. “So instead of doing the right thing, you threw her right into the devil’s arms? That’s cold, man.”

  “Guys, he’s right there,” Brooke whispered, pointing to Will.

  I turned to him and froze. “Sorry, babe. You shouldn’t have to deal with this.”

  He just rolled his eyes. “Like I didn’t know already. You Guardians are so unoriginal with your lies.”

  “I’d rather be unoriginal than a criminal,” Bryan spat out, chin hardening into marble all over again. “Who breaks into a library and destroys hundred-year-old books?”

  “Unless they’re looking for something …” I bit my lip, still staring at my boyfriend.

  His eyebrows shot up. “You don’t think—”

  “Think what?” Laura stamped her little foot. “What’s going on here?”

  I dipped my head at Will, silently asking for permission. He frowned, but nodded anyway.

  “Right, golden boy. What exactly is going on with you two?” Bryan asked, lips twisting in a sneer as his head swung back and forth between me and Will.

  I scooted closer to Will’s side. “Just listen for five seconds.”

  Bryan opened his mouth, but Will cut him off. “The Watchers caught us sneaking into a Nexis repository this weekend. I’m assuming they realized what we did, blamed you for it, and trashed your poor little headquarters. Shame, really.”

  “Likely story.” Bryan’s eyes sparked with fireballs as he glared at my hand in Will’s.

  “He’s been with me all evening. He couldn’t possibly have done this.” I tried to stare Bryan straight in the eye, but he wouldn’t look at me.

  “All evening, huh?” Bryan’s jaw twitched, breaking the marble facade if only for a second or two. “Doing what, exactly?”

  “Ugh, you can’t be serious.” Waves of disgust washed over me. My jaw dangled on its axis as I took a good hard look at this guy I used to love. Had it ever really been love? Because right now, it felt like the exact opposite.

  “Bryan, what’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?” Brooke looked as crushed as I was by her brother’s insinuations.

  “I’m beginning to think I never knew you at all.” I took two more steps back, acid churning in my stomach at the sight of the shadows brewing around him. “Like how you never told me your family drafted James into the Guardian army. He’s in Europe right now, fighting whatever war is about to break out. You knew the whole time, and you never said a word.”

  “Are you serious?” Tony stepped back, inching closer to me and Will. “This whole time, you didn’t even tell her that James is stationed in France? I don’t understand what’s going on here anymore.”

  The rest of the Guardians backed away from Bryan a step or two.

  “Guys, I can explain. I was just trying to protect you.” His eyes darted from me to his sister, then to the rest of the group.

  I just gave him a headshake. “No, you were trying to turn me into a Guardian spy knowing full well they’d never let me join unless I got something really big on Nexis. Not only are you willing to put me in danger, but you told all those lies about Will. It’s despicable.”

  Brooke shook her head, and huffed out a laugh. “Now, don’t tell me you’re starting to believe God wants you to marry Will? You’re falling under his spell.”

  “You guys really believe that craziness? And you call me insane?” Will reared back, glancing around the room.

  The girls cringed. The guys shrugged. No one looked at us. Now it wasn’t just the library that lay in shambles. This Guardian group was starting to crumble, too.

  “It’s ridiculous.” I rolled my eyes. “And I’m done with all of it. From now on, I’ll decide me own destiny. I don’t need you or your lies to tell me what to do anymore.”

  I turned on my heel to walk out the door, but Tony grabbed my arm. “Don’t tell me you’re joining Nexis now? After all we talked about at Shanda’s party.”

  Murmurs floated behind us as the Guardians grumbled amongst themselves. I guess Tony hadn’t told anyone about Shanda or her little party. Good for him.

  “Get your hands off her.” Will rushed to my side in two seconds, brushing off Tony’s fingers. “I’ve never asked her to join, and I never will. I know full well what that means.”

  “Good,” Tony angled a head bob at Will. “That’s something we can all agree on.”

  “You don’t believe him, do you?” Bryan sputtered, his face a giant question mark of fury. “All the things I’ve said about Will and his family are completely true.”

  Will snorted. “That’s where you’re wrong again, Guardian de facto. Just because my family’s a bit deranged doesn’t mean I want to have anything to do with their plans.”

  I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “I’ve had enough. Let’s go.”

  We turned toward the door, and Tony followed us.

  “Where are you going, man?” Lenny’s face scrunched up as his eyes followed Tony.

  “I’m so tired of these stupid games.” Tony turned toward his friends, shaking his head. “I don’t know what to believe any more. I need to figure some things out.”

  Together, the three of us walked out the chapel door and down the hall. Only silence followed us.

  Chapter 23

  Crisp spring air blasted me in the face, cooling the fire licking my cheeks as I tumbled down the chapel steps to the quad. Tony and Will followed right on my heels, their ragged breaths slicing through the silent night.

  “I can’t believe you just did that.” Will darted ahead of me and planted his hands on my shoulders, stopping me in my tracks. “That was so bad-ass.”

  Digging my hands into my jeans’ pockets, I rocked back on my heels as my pulse slowed its breakneck pace. “I can’t either, but it had to be done.”

  “I don’t know how the Guardians got so messed up.” Tony’s eyes were as wide as the silver-dollar moon behind him. “What happens next? Do you guys have a plan or something?”

  “You better not be playing some stupid spy game with me.” Will narrowed his eyes at Tony. “I’ve got a plan to protect Lucy. But it’s beyond risky.”

  “I’m serious. I don’t know what to think anymore. Lucy isn’t the only one who’s being strung out to dry by the Guardians.” Tony ran his pale fingers through his dark curls, mussing them beyond repair.

  “Shanda,” I whispered, my gazing shifting from Tony to Will and back again.

  Will slid his hand down my shoulders, taking my hand in his. He turned to face Tony. “If you want to help your girlfriend, we could use a little extra help.”

  “I’m not going to even ask how you know about her.” Tony narrowed his eyes at Will. “What kind of help do you need, and why does it involve my girlfriend?”

  “Not here.” Will shook his head, eyes roaming the dark campus. “We need a neutral location.”

  His gaze snapped from me to Will before his eyes crinkled up and he cracked an odd smile. “What about your boyfriend? Does he even know it’s your birthday this weekend?”

  I cocked my head at Tony. Inching closer, he winked at me three times. It looked like he was having a spastic eye episode.

  “Shush, don’t tell anyone.” I gave him one headshake. “I only told one person. We were going to sneak off to the city tomorrow night to celebrate.”

  “Well, doesn’t that sound fun?” Tony mouthed tomorrow behind his hand. Then off he went, down the cobblestone path to the guy’s dorm.

  Will grabbed my hand and whirled me around to face h
im. “What was that?” he whispered in my ear. “Is it really your birthday, or do you guys have some sort of secret code?”

  “C’mon.” I tugged Will’s hand, leading him further and further away from the chapel. “We’re meeting at a certain condo in the city.”

  “Oh.” His head bobbed up and down in slow motion. “But that doesn’t answer my question. Is it really your birthday tomorrow?”

  “Yes.” I huffed out a hot breath that fogged up the cold air in front of me. “I just didn’t want anyone to make a big deal.”

  He squeezed my hand, leaning in to give me a quick kiss on the lips. “I can assure you, that’s not going to happen.”

  “Ugh, I’m serious, Will.” I pulled back and stared him down, pursing my lips in a pout.

  He just wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me closer. “What? Can’t your boyfriend want to do something nice for your birthday?”

  “Not fair.” This close to those chiseled abs, my body started to melt into him. Two seconds later, I caved. “Fine, as long as it’s nothing big.”

  His lips curled in triumph. “We’ll be off-campus. I’ll keep it low key.”

  “Why don’t I believe you?” Then I pressed my mouth into his and forgot to care.


  Woosh. Shanda yanked the vertical blinds closed in her dad’s Central Park condo. It was seven o’clock on a Friday night in New York City and what were me and my friends doing? Sitting huddled in Shanda’s dining nook, not saying a word. I guess nobody wanted to go first. Tony glared at Will, who eyed Shanda, who just stared back at me like it was all my fault her apartment was the only suitable neutral location. Yeah, so not gonna be the first to break the ice.

  Knotted rope curled and uncurled in my gut. Things were starting to get serious. Fast. It wasn’t just me and Will breaking into an off-campus repository on for our first date. Now we were throwing Shanda and Tony into a plot that could really piss Nexis off. Someone could get hurt, or locked in a hole somewhere. Or worse.

  I gulped, leaned across the Curtis family dining table, and focused on Shanda. “Are you sure you want in on this? Once you’re in, there’s no going back.”

  “What, do you think I’m afraid to take Nexis head on?” She arched one manicured eyebrow at me, mirroring my stance. “’Cause I’m not. I think it’s time. Past time. They’ve been running our lives for too long. And I’m done putting up with it.”

  A smile tugged at my lips. I couldn’t help it. The strong girl staring back at me had so much courage. So much resolve. Why couldn’t I be like my best friend? My insides still quaked and quivered at the thought of breaking into another Nexis repository. After all, it went so well last time.

  At least we weren’t all by ourselves. Will sat by my side, perched on the edge of his chair, locked in a staring contest with Tony. Who would win that battle? My new, golden-haired boyfriend? Or his dark-haired counterpart? I glanced back and forth at the dueling eye daggers. It was almost like looking at the sun, then looking at the moon. Each had their own virtues, but they were so opposite in many ways.

  “Ugh. Are we gonna do this thing, boys?” Shanda asked, tilting her head toward her boyfriend.

  “Of course, we are.” Tony jutted his chin out and Will. “I’m just trying to figure out what Golden Boy here is up to.”

  Will’s eyes narrowed at him, then turned to Shanda. “Lucy and I have discovered the location of the Nexis Seer book. It’s going to be in the chamber next week. Right before the next Grand Council.”

  Tony froze, jaw twitching. “Are you saying you want to steal the Nexis Seer book?”

  “Not exactly steal,” Will pulled out his little scanner wand. “More like copy the good bits.”

  “Say wha—” Shanda blurted out, her screech echoing in the empty condo.

  “I’d planned to trade it for membership into the Guardians. For all of us.” Will’s arm drew a path from me to Shanda, his gazing finally landing on Tony. “Do you think it’ll work? Would the Guardians negotiate?”

  “Wow.” Tony’s jaw dropped, right next to his girlfriend’s. “That’s a bold move, man. But it just might work.”

  Shanda hoisted her index finger in the air. “Except for one teeny little thing. Nexis would kill us if we got caught.”

  “Kill? As in murder?” I swallowed back the bile as my whole body started trembling. “They’d really do that?”

  “Whoa, don’t go filling Lucy’s head with crazy what-ifs.” Will sidled up to me and started my shoulder. “They definitely won’t kill the Seer. And you two won’t be on the hook. I need my little hacker outside, monitoring things and manning the cameras.”

  Tony arched back, swiveling his chair toward Shanda. “You’ve been hacking into Nexis for him?”

  “No way. Hold up now.” She stared her boyfriend down, shooting eye-daggers at him. “I only covered for him that one time, when he showed Lucy the Nexis Chamber.”

  “Nice, bro.” Tony glanced over at Will, smiling. “Way to win a girl over.”

  “It could’ve been worse. He could’ve been her super-secret spy handler.” Shanda lips curled up, and before I knew it, she’d busted out in a full-on cackle.

  A gurgle of laughter bubbled up in my own throat. I tried to tamp it down, but in ten seconds I burst into a giggle-fit right alongside my best friend.

  “Okay, fine. You got me there.” Tony’s lips twitched like he was trying not to laugh, too.

  “The things guys do to impress a girl. The right girl.” Will’s face broke into a grin as his fingers slid through my hair, sending shivers down my spine.

  Grabbing Shanda’s hand, Tony leaned in, elbows on the table. “So what exactly is the plan?”

  As if on cue, we all huddled closer to the table, eyes trained on each other. Will pulled his laptop from his back and set it on the table, opening it to the book page we’d scanned.

  “The intel Lucy and I gathered says the book will be in the Nexis Chamber vault exactly one week from today.” He tapped the screen to zoom in on the log entry.

  “Yep, that’s what it says.” Tony’s eyebrows arched at the screen, then at Will. “Now, if we could plan this operation to go down right before next Grand Council, we might have a shot.”

  “That’s exactly what I had in mind.” Will rested his arms on the table and lowered his voice a notch. “I’ve got a buddy who’s got all the tech we’ll need to crack the safe and load the files onto the cloud.”

  “Even from a hundred feet underground?” Tony rubbed his hands together and grinned. “Now we’re talking.”

  “Precisely.” Slowly, Will nodded, mouth curling in a half-smile.

  For a moment, Nexis President and Guardian Vice President shared a glimmer of a grin. Ten seconds, max. Then the glowering took over again.

  “Where are we meeting this contact of yours?” Shanda stared down her nose at Will. “Please don’t say a back alley somewhere.”

  “We’ve had our share of back alleys.” I patted Will’s knee. His lips quirked at the memory.

  “I don’t even want to know.” Shanda rolled her eyes.

  Tony ran both hands through his hair, mussing it every which way. “If it’s not a back alley, then where are we meeting the guy?”

  Will lowered his voice. “Someplace public. Just a club. We can pretend we’re celebrating Lucy’s birthday.”

  “Great. At least my birthday will be good for something.” I squeezed Will’s knee, rubbing little circles on his leg.

  Shanda’s eyes lit up as she glanced around the table. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to celebrate Lucy’s seventeenth birthday.”

  Those words rang in my ears as Will helped me slide into my favorite leather jacket. Seventeen meant one year closer to eighteen, when Nexis would come down on me hard. I only had one year left to outsmart them at their own game.

  Shanda reached for her fabulous pink oh-so-fluffy coat.

  Tony snatched the coat from her hands. “I don’t know about Nexis black o
ps, but Guardians try to avoid being noticed when picking up off-book tech for their covert missions.”

  “I prefer to hide in plain sight. But if you insist.” She opened the hall closet and pulled out a black leather jacket almost identical to mine. “Happy now?”

  “Yes, sweetie. We can go now.” He kissed her on the lips and rushed to hold the door open for her.

  “How cute,” I whispered in Will’s ear as he pressed the elevator button. “What club are we going to?”

  “You’ll see, gorgeous.” With that, he planted a kiss on my forehead that made me all warm and tingly inside.

  Shanda tried to hide the beginnings of a grin. “It looks like you’ve got some competition, Mr. Suave.”

  “Nah,” Tony scoffed as the elevator dinged. “He’s no match for my rustic Italian charm.”

  “If you say so, honey.” Shanda pecked him on the cheek.

  My heart took a flying leap. If anyone deserved to be happy, my bestie definitely topped the list.

  Shanda turned to Will as the elevator doors opened. “Do I need my fake ID?”

  “Normally you would, but don’t worry about it.” Will’s hand found the small of my back and led me into the car. “Let’s just say, I’ve got connections.”

  I wrapped my arm around his back and snuggled into his side. “Here we go.”


  A few minutes after eight o’clock, Will parallel-parked on the dark New York street with an ease I’d never possess. Even though it was still early, 44th street was packed with black-clad hipsters, all heading around the corner to 8th Avenue. We followed the crowd.

  “Is that it?” Tony pointed at a flashing green Riot sign down the street. The line snaked to the end of the block, growing by the second. “Oh, man.” Excitement faded from his voice with each breath. “Look at that line. We’ll never get in.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Will grabbed my hand and pulled me close, his breath warm on my neck. “Remember, I’ve got connections.”

  “You better. Otherwise we’ll be in line till midnight and your princess will turn into a pumpkin.” Tony batted my shoulder as we side-stepped a grimy puddle. A siren blared in the distance.


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