Crossing Nexis

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Crossing Nexis Page 25

by Barbara Hartzler

  “Yes, okay.” I wiped my brow and relaxed my shoulders, glad she was finally calming down. “This is shaping up to be a solid backup plan. Step one, tell Guardians if we’re late. Step two, give the story to local media if we go missing for 24 hours.”

  Shanda reached for my hand and pulled me into a hug. “Thanks for letting me vent. Now can we have one last night of teenage normalcy before things go down tomorrow?”

  “You bet.” I squeezed her back. “Movies and popcorn?”

  Pulling out a giant bowl, she went to work microwaving the popcorn. It was hard to believe we were breaking into a secret Nexis lair—tomorrow. Our plan was almost as big as whatever James had done to get himself banished. Except this time, only Will and Shanda would get banished. What would happen to me? Could this info really be enough to earn my way into the Guardians? If so, I knew exactly where I was headed next. Europe. I didn’t even care if Bryan’s lies about Europe were actually true. Because I wanted to find my brother. And maybe rescue him for a change.


  Rubbing my eyelids, I opened them to find myself lying in strange white bed in a strange white room. My chest constricted automatically. Where was I? A similar image popped into my head. Of another white room, with doctors and nurses and beeping machines. I bolted straight up, knocking off the covers.

  You’re safe. You’re not in the hospital. That was a year ago. I repeated the mantra over and over in my head and breathed in the sweet, antiseptic-free air.

  Morning sunlight peeked through the blinds. Someone moved beside me.

  “Morning, roomie.” Shanda yawned and stretched her arms wide.

  “Morning.” I tried to steady my voice, racking my brain for coherent thoughts.

  She cleared her throat. “You need to go take a shower. Now.”

  “That bad?” I cupped my hand in front of my face. Pungent morning breath greeted my nostrils.

  “That bad.” She sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes.

  “Great. I’m going.” I picked up my purse and padded across the floor to her en suite bathroom.

  “Nope, not there.” She threw a pillow across the room, right in my path. “I need to shower, too. No way Tony’s going to see Morning Shanda. Use the hall bath.”

  I’d almost forgotten the guys were here, sleeping in the Jones’ guest room down the hall.

  “C’mon, really?” I croaked, gesturing down to my rumpled PJs. “I can’t let Will see me like this either. Seriously.”

  “Don’t worry, the guest room has its own bathroom. And I’m sure they’re not fighting over it like we are.” She shrugged, mouth curling ever-so-slightly.

  “Fine,” I huffed and tiptoed to her bedroom door. Turning around, I pointed one finger at her. “But you owe me.”

  “Sure. Whatever.” She shot me a grin and closed the bathroom door behind her.

  Creaking open the bedroom door, I tiptoed ten paces down the hall. In a heartbeat I flung open the door to the guest bath and slammed it shut behind me. Phew. Close one.

  In the shower, I let the water stream down around me, sloughing off the city dirt and grime.

  Once I dried off and wrapped my hair in a towel, the realization struck me. Oh, no. Something very important was missing—clean clothes. Hello? Why didn’t I bring a change of clothes with me? Guess that’s what lack of coffee does to a girl.

  I could just wear my ratty old pajamas. But that wouldn’t be any better, really. Instead, I wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body. Luckily, I found a comb on the counter and tugged the snarls out of my dark hair. I hadn’t bothered to cut it in so long that now it hung six inches below my shoulders.

  The mirror was too fogged up to see, but I didn’t have any makeup anyway. I just shrugged and wadded my PJs in a ball. I still had to make it back to Shanda’s room without the guys seeing. Especially Will.

  Cracking open the bathroom door, I peeked out. And listened. Nothing. The coast looked clear. Cinching up my towel, I booked it down the hall with my head down. And ran smack-dab into something solid. My skin sizzled like a heatwave, but I couldn’t look up yet. My towel started slipping. I gripped it tighter around me, as my clothes tumbled to the hardwood. My bra flapped across his bare feet.

  “Whoa, hello,” came Will’s voice from above. “You look good in just a towel.”

  My face flamed. I’m pretty sure my whole body turned red. Squirming, I tried to slip around him. Then his hand flew to my waist, blocking my path. Legions of amped-up butterflies swirled in my chest. Finally I peeked up at him.

  “Where are you going in such a hurry?” His lips were parted ever-so-slightly as he stared down at me, eyes roaming my body.

  “To put some clothes on. So you’ll stop looking at me like that.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Good idea. But there’s no guarantee I’ll ever stop looking at you like this.”

  I gulped. His eyes were dark, his jaw set in stone except for one little muscle that twitched like crazy. He was serious. Definitely serious. So I did the only thing I could do. I raced back into Shanda’s room, where I belonged.

  “Nice underwear,” he called through the door. “What do I do with these?”

  My lungs seized up. How could I forget? My clothes were still strewn all over the hallway. All of my clothes.

  I banged my head against the door. Crash. “I’ll take them.” I cracked open the door. Holding out my hand.

  No response.

  What was he doing, studying my PJs? How could I just leave my boyfriend in the hallway with my underwear?

  Finally, he looped my bra and panties over my outstretched hand. “Whatever you say, gorgeous.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, slipping my arm back and shutting the door. The humiliation washed over me, wave after wave.

  “You’re welcome,” came his soft voice through the door.

  My heart melted into a puddle, oozing around me. Maybe that wasn’t the most embarrassing thing ever.

  Water hissed from Shanda’s bathroom. Of course, she was still in the shower. One less person to witness my crazy antics. Though I’d probably just tell her about it later.

  Gathering my towel-clad self together, I pushed myself back up and headed straight for the Shanda’s walk-in closet. Pulling on my all black break-in outfit, I stared at myself in the full-length mirror. Flushed pink cheeks and rivers of messy wet hair were all I could see. Sucking in a deep breath, I willed my racing heart to slow. If only I could get the last few minutes of my life back. Hopefully, that would be the only thing that went wrong today.

  Chapter 25

  Different night, same place. We stood, barely concealed in the treeline, on the edge of campus, staring at the Nexis tower. Will, Shanda, Tony, and I were about break into the Nexis Chamber for a second time in as many months. We could only hope we didn’t get caught and expelled—or worse.

  A cool April breeze wafted across my face. I glanced up at the stars, feeling like something was missing. Silently, I reached out for my angel. Dozens of stars twinkled in the clear dark sky, and I knew we weren’t going in alone. Tonight, there was no moon in sight. Just as we’d planned. Still, our fear hung in the air. An invisible cloud pressing down on us.

  Tony whispered something to Will, and they started to divvy up supplies and flashlights.

  Shanda turned to me in the starlight, her almond eyes searching mine. “I don’t like that you and Will are going in by yourselves.”

  “I know.” I stared at Shanda, my best friend in the whole world. “But you’ve got mad hacker skills. It’ll help knowing you’ve got my back. And Tony’s got yours.”

  She pursed her lips and yanked something out of the pocket of her black hoodie. “This’ll keep you safe.” She nodded once, then shoved a solid, oblong object into my hands.

  “What’s this?” I stared at the black contraption that fit in my palm. My eyes widened. “Is it—?”

  “A taser? Yes,” she hissed, one finger to her lips. “Don’t tell anyone. And leave you
r phone on. Just in case.”

  “Thank you,” I mouthed, tucking the weapon in my hoodie pocket and hoping to God I wouldn’t have to use it. I knew Shanda always had my back, but this was more than I expected. My heart swelled infinitely larger. Pulling her into my arms, I held on for dear life.

  Tony swung around and walked toward us, one finger on his lips. Was he in on the taser plan, too?

  Swallowing a big gulp, I bobbed my head. It was nice to know I had people looking out for me.

  Lifting his binoculars, he scanned the campus one last time, then nodded at Will.

  “All right, guys,” Will whispered, leaning toward me and Shanda. “Remember the plan. We’ll sneak up to the tower as silently as possible. I’ll go first. Tony will bring up the rear.”

  “Got it,” Shanda gulped.

  I nodded, smashing my mouth into a grim line. The night seemed darker all of a sudden.

  “Here we go.” Will was the first to leave the safety of the treeline. I followed closely on his heels, with Shanda and Tony not far behind. Suddenly the campus went silent, too silent as we started down the hillside field. All the normal nighttime sounds were drowned out by my pulse pounding in my ears with each step down the open hillside toward the tower.

  My hamstrings burned and twitched with every step as I struggled to absorb the steep terrain with my legs. I turned one last time, giving Tony and Shanda a small wave. Shanda fluttered her fingers at me. I nodded back, and turned my eyes to the rocky path at my feet. One foot in front of the other. The ground beneath flattened out as we reached the base of the hill.

  Our steps died to a mere pitter-patter. We were in full-on Stealth Ninja Mode now.

  When we reached the side of the building, Will flattened himself against the wall, his back hugging the side of the tower. I followed suit as we made our way to the nearest door. Will punched in a code. Click, the door popped open.

  “Nice,” I mouthed.

  “Thanks,” he murmured. “Just one of the perks of being Nexis president.”

  Tony and Shanda filed in behind us, and we all tiptoed through the Nexis foyer and into the shadows as quick as possible.

  We waited. One. Two… Five seconds. Looking both ways, Will went to the back wall and uncovered the secret panel.

  My lungs seized up as Will punched in the code to the Nexis office. The light blinked green, and he scanned the room before ushering us all inside. The door clicked shut behind us.

  Whoosh. I could breathe again.

  He turned to Shanda in the darkness. “Set it up. Quickly.”

  With one nod, she headed over to the desk and opened the laptop, typing furiously. Tony pulled out a second laptop and set it beside Shanda’s. She whispered instructions to him.

  “You okay, sweetie?” Will’s hand found the small of my back.

  I nodded even though he probably couldn’t see. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t have to give me that brave face I’m sure you’re giving me right now.” He squeezed my hand and led me to the other side of the room. “You ready for this?”

  “Ready as I can be.” I couldn’t keep the tremor out of my voice.

  He leaned into me, lips on my temple, breath hot on my face. “I know you’re scared. But I’ve got your back.”

  “And I’ve got yours.” Without thinking, I turned to cup his chin and pressed a kiss into those soft lips.

  Closing my eyes tight, I barely noticed when the blackness in front of my eyes shifted to an eerie red glow. As the red glow sharpened into focus, a ruby emerged from the shadows. Glowing like a nightlight in the dark. Hissing noises erupted as shadows swirled around the ruby, the inaudible words growing louder and louder. Destroy me or die, a sinister voice whispered over and over again. The ruby burst into flames.

  Khrrrieickhh. A metallic crash ripped through the air, and my eyes popped open to the real world.

  “What was that?” I whispered, arching back, my ears still burning as my heart found a new rhythm.

  Will glanced toward the desk.

  Shanda waved a handful of cords in her hands. “Just splicing into the camera system. No big deal.”

  “You guys about ready over there?” Will reached for my hand and squeezed, pulling me into his side.

  I looped one arm around his back, letting his warmth seep into me. I could use all the reassuring I could get right now.

  “We just need two more minutes and we’ll be good to go.” Shanda didn’t glance up from her screen.

  Fascinated, I watched her loop together video feed so all five cameras saw the exact same thing—nothing. Tony sat in front of the second laptop, diligently watching the live feed for Nexis guards.

  She glanced at Tony, who nodded. “Okay, we’re good to go.”

  “Wow, girl. That’s truly impressive.” With two fingers on my forehead, I pretended to tip my hat to her.

  She shot me a wink over her shoulder. “You two better go now. Who knows how long we’ll be clear.”

  Nodding, I grabbed Will’s hand and let him lead the way to the next secret door. He punched in the code with ease, and the familiar gear-clanking sound greeted my ears.

  “Be safe, but be quick.” Shanda called after me.

  I turned to wave goodbye to my best friend, then Will and I descended the impossibly long and twisting stone stairs. Adrenaline coursed through my veins on hyperdrive. Every few feet, orange worklamps created shadows that made my heart leap out of my chest. At last, we reached the familiar landing, and Will did his Nexis president voodoo to open the chamber door.

  This time, there was no messing around. No time to turn on the lights. Flicking on the flashlight, he walked straight to the fountain statue in the middle of the courtyard. He unrolled a piece of paper and shone the flashlight on it. Then he moved to the base of the fountain, fingers running along the cracks and seams until he found what he wanted. He pressed down.

  Pop, click. A rectangle the size of a shoebox popped out form the base, metal gleaming back at me from the flashlights beam. Scooting in closer, I peered over Will’s shoulder. And gasped.

  He was right. He’d uncovered a small safe hidden under the Nephilim fountain.

  “Wow.” I breathed.

  Unfurling the paper again, Will read something off it, mouthing it over and over again. Then he punched in the code.

  A red light blinked back at us. The door didn’t budge.

  And my heart stopped.

  Grunting, Will read the code again, typing it in a second time. Another red light. He tried the code again. Same red light.

  Click, click, click. Suddenly all the lights in the room flicked on. Four robed guards emerged from the shadows, more waiting in the wings.

  “Run!” Will screamed, grabbing my hand and pulling me back the way we’d come. But it was too late. Two guards closed in on us, one on either sides of us.

  “We got ‘em,” one goon yelled into his walkie.

  Will held up his hands, and I did the same. My knees wobbled like crazy.

  “Follow me lead. I’ll get us out of this. You’ll see.” But the twitch in Will’s mouth said otherwise.

  “Maybe I can help.” I flicked my gaze down to my hoodie pocket.

  The guard in front approached us, pulling out the zip-tie cuffs. “Put your hands behind your back,” he said.

  Slowly, I lowered my hands. Will did the same. I slipped two fingers into my front pouch and flipped the switch. The taser hummed against my belly.

  “I said hands behind your back,” the guard yelled at me.

  I nodded toward Will. In one quick motion, he grabbed the taser and shot it at the guard’s throat.

  The man jiggled and gurgled, then crumpled to the floor.

  “Stop.” The other guard yelled behind us. “Put down your weapon.”

  I glanced at the taser in Will’s hand. It had one charge left. Will nodded once, then turned to face the other guy and shot the distance taser.

  “Run for it!” Will yelled, grabbing m
y hand and sprinting toward the entrance.

  Spotlights flooded the ancient courtyard, but we kept on running.

  Pfft. Pfft, pfft. A strange sound zinged by my ear. I couldn’t stop now. I had to keep going.

  Pfft. Something sliced into my shoulder, and I stumbled. Were they shooting at us? Will grabbed my elbow and we raced on, closer and closer to the chamber door.

  Pfft, pfft. As we reached the door, I took two to the back and landed hard on my knees, then face-planted into the stone floor. Ears ringing. Head throbbing.

  “Lucy!” Will bellowed. His weapon clanked to the ground as he crouched over me. “Are you hit?”

  I winced, pointing to my back. But my fingers came back dry. No blood.

  “Rubber bullets,” he muttered, lacing an arm around my back. Pressing into my welts, he helped me up, and we limped up the steps.

  “See. I told you they wouldn’t hurt us.” My speech sounded funny. Slurred. I blinked, seeing stars. “Hit my head pretty good.”

  “I know. I’ve got you.” Suddenly I was airborne, his arms wrapped around my legs, and he was carrying me. Running up the stairs somehow.

  “Not so fast.” A familiar voice rang out behind us. “Sorry, but I’ve got to do this. You’ll see her again soon.”

  Something buzzed into my back and legs, where Will held me. His arms went slack, and I fell to the ground. Hard.

  Will dropped to his knees, body convulsing with electricity. Until he fell down beside me.

  Will! I screamed inside my head, but everything went dark.


  “I can’t believe I let this happen.” Will’s face faded in and out through iron bars.

  Searing pain pounded my skull as I tried to sit up, propping my elbows against a stone cold floor. The smell hit me first. More like a stench, really. An acrid odor like melting tires and scorched marshmallows burned my lungs. My stomach lurched as darkness and light faded in and out, merging together until reality came back into focus. My new boyfriend sat huddled into the corner of the dungeon cell. Thick iron bars stood between us.


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