Circle Seven

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by Manu Amun

  Chapter 2

  "Grab all of those we will need them” my father said in a calm but scary way. As we peeked from the top of the stairs we saw a closet full of weaponry like something out of an action movie.

  I cannot believe I let you get all these.” My mom said shaking her head.

  Dad always joked about getting a gun for each year after Nyema was born- for potential suitors of course- but we all thought he was joking. I mean our parents did go to the gun range ALOT but they never appeared like the NRA type. It just did not seem to fit their spirituality principles so I thought but I guess I was wrong, and judging by Bilal and Nyema's reaction I do not think I was alone in those sentiments.

  "I did not know Dad was an action hero" Bilal said.

  Nyema belted out a laugh which unfortunately revealed our location to our parents who were in the midst of planning something when we interrupted them.

  "Just for the record I Am Legend" dad said with a smile.

  After hearing the news that broke, why on earth was he in such a good mood? I did not understand the world seem to be going in a direction that none of us anticipated but by the look on my father’s face he seemed to have gotten the best news of his life.

  "What is I AM Legend” we asked simultaneously confused to his reference to us calling him an action hero.

  "Never mind." he said still with that same smile as before as if nothing else mattered. It was if he was excited about the current circumstances as opposed to concerned about the effect it had on his family. He seemed more detached than usual which was troublesome. This was a feeling my father felt comfortable in which was the love of us; it was a safe place for him from the harsh realities of the world around us. Still, even though it was refreshing but we still had to address not just the elephant but the entire zoo in the room.

  "Dad what is the deal with your own personal armory?" I asked.

  “Yeah, Dad, you have a closet full of guns, ammo, grenades, vests....five of them, gas masks, and flash bangs, are we preparing for war or something?” Bilal added.

  "Your mother and I have seen this coming for a while now. Remember your studies children; nothing is as what it seems in the this world where what is right is shunned and what is wrong, that feeling that tears at your gut is celebrated and cheered; this world which gives the presentation of being free especially in this country is where those freedoms are boasted we are sheep moving to the horn of the government. The president and all other leaders are tyrants ran by the United Nations and the Pope through the Catholic Church. They are looking to destroy any attempt of movement that is centered on providing any type of freedom of the masses." my father told us.

  "So you’re the terrorists that caused all of the problems for everyone? Now I know what it is like to be the kids of one of the Taliban. You guys are lunatics and I always knew it, this is crazy. We are on the news and you’re actually calm. You really need to sit on someone’s couch and talk about your feelings. I am sure it will land you in the loony bin with all those other nut jobs. You know I have seen movies about guys like you and it does not end well. It was bad enough that everyone thought we were weird but to overthrow the government that is path I am not ready to walk with you pops.” Bilal said.

  “This is madness, it is one thing to beat to the sound of your own drum, we can deal with that but this is the United States government, but not just that you are telling me this is a global government that are at our heels! You think that they are not aware of who we are already? You are foolish and I always thought you two were better than that!” I said.

  “Listen, we have always had your best interest at heart and this is no different. There are people that are aware of what is going on and others that are not. We have taught you that this government only looks out for themselves not the people but things have changed where the government wants to eliminate or imprison those in the know that can shed a light on who and what they really are. Those and others like us are a threat to them maintaining power because we know they are usurpers but they will kill us all to keep that secret quiet. But it is known that with the new location of our solar system that now is their best chance to take us out as powers are only beginning to develop. We are who we are and that cannot change. We have not done anything wrong but this knowledge makes us a threat to their existence and they are looking to eradicate us.

  "And who are these leaders in government in relations to us exactly?" I asked.

  "It would seem that we pose a threat to them but I do not understand how; they have more guns, more people, and more money. Our resources are extremely limited or is there something that I am missing?" Nyema added.

  "We are all older than we appear. We have a pull to old books and an old way of life that others might think to be foolish. We eat right and look to gain insight into the way ancient civilizations lived. That is because we are connected to those ancient civilizations. There is a knot that binds us to those places because we were there as active participants in the birth and formation leading to those centers of cultures flourishing. Those who are at the head of these governmental bodies seeking our demise fear that connection and want to exterminate us, leaving only those who forgot who we truly are."

  "The impetus of all this began with the solstice. At that point the sun and the planets that surround it were at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. During this time you will see your spiritual abilities began to develop at an enhanced pace." my mother continued.

  This had to be craziness, I could not let myself get caught up in my parent’s delusions of grandeur all I could think of was being teased and bullied for being so different. We ate completely different food, you would never find us at church, and we would read books our friends never heard of. It was a chore being us. Our views on the government was never apparent to others but my parents never showed complete trust in their powers and made that very clear to anyone who would ask. To some they were labeled as conspiracy theorist which was a nice way of saying they were a little off. But in our houses those who did not believe in these theories were the crazy ones.

  So here we are, in the basement of our home, closet full of military weaponry, and a discussion on the conditions of humanity and its soul. I do not think you could paint a crazier picture.

  "I have noticed the quiet moments where you would sit down and feel a part of you that went beyond your physical body was becoming massive filling the whole room. If that is going on within me I can only imagine what you all are feeling although you may not have even noticed that is the beauty of it all where you do not see it coming and you are overwhelmed in an instance, it has been more noticeable to me especially after the new year. It was naive to think that we were the only ones having this experience, and this is just the beginning. Can you feel the fear of the elite who know that the masses are ready begun to wake up will be experiencing great things over the next 7 years?" my father asked.

  All you could hear was crickets.

  "Why seven years?" Bilal asked.

  "It is the number of victory, the world was created in seven days and the world will be liberated in seven years." my mother blurted out.

  This was going to take a lot of effort and discipline but under the current circumstances what choice do we really have. Our parents were labeled as terrorist, our home could be raided at any moment and the weapons stockpiled would not help our case.

  "We have to leave! Gather whatever you can carry that is important and be ready to move at dawn." my dad instructed.

  "Where are we going?" Nyema asked.

  "We are thinking that we should head west to a city not as populated and a little less culturally inclined to have people like us so that we can blend in and live life like normal people so Phoenix, AZ is where we decided.” Dad said with my mom shaking her head in agreement and adding, "So we will head out in the morning and give you all a more information about what is going on because I am sure that you all have questions and you deserv
e answers". He said

  “I feel like there is something you are not telling us?” Nyema said.

  “This all seems too cryptic for me.” I am not sure I want to go with you all.” Bilal said.

  “Can’t we just go to Grandma’s while you all deal with this? You all need to handle these problems that you have created for yourself; I do not understand who drags their children into such as mess. Isn’t it your job to keep us out of harm’s way? It seems like you all did the complete opposite.” I said.

  “I know this may be hard to believe but you are safest with us.” my mother said.

  “Why do I find that hard to believe?” Nyema responded.

  “We have done the best for you in these times, this you have to not believe but know. None of us had a choice in this, we were born this way. It was a pull that we had toward something bigger than what we were being told.” My father said.

  “That theory works for you but you raised us this way. The only pull that we had toward this was you both not only pulling put pushing us towards books that you felt we should read along with other practices that you felt was best for us which in hindsight I think I can speak for all three of us in saying you could have kept this to yourself.” I said back to my parents.


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