Circle Seven

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Circle Seven Page 38

by Manu Amun

  Chapter 37

  Thousands of miles away my brother and I were getting off a train in Jerusalem. It was a long ride but we had finally arrived in our destination. The work was about to commence as we made our way to the Wailing Wall people began to follow us.

  “Welcome home ancient ones.” The group said to us.

  “How do they know who we are?” Bilal asked.

  “I do not know, but they do not seem like any type of threat. They seem welcoming.” I said.

  “How do you know we are the ancient ones?” Bilal asked.

  “We knew you all were coming for a long time. We are the ancient people of this land before myths took a hold of the imaginations of this globe, we were here. We have always been here but we have learned a long time ago not to fight with the converts of Jerusalem and we get along with the Palestinians as they are victims of the converts just as we are although we have had our confrontations with them in the past as well. It is just frustrating because people who have no natural ties to this land other than a religion they converted to are protected by the world.” The man said.

  “I agree one hundred percent but we are not here to play politics. Is the Wailing Wall this way?” I asked.

  “Yes, the Wall is that way but I would not do what you all are planning.” The man told us.

  “Why is that?” Bilal asked.

  “You will destroy the Mossad but you will lose because nobody likes a conqueror the love a liberator.” He said.

  We were being head strong. I think trying to keep up with our sisters was taking us off our square and not allowing us to think strategically. We needed connect with the people’s desire for freedom, he was right. There was enough tragedy to make a stand instead of causing a ruckus. We changed course and headed to the Gaza Strip.

  When we arrived we saw military tanks of the Israeli Defense Force destroying homes where one was about to destroy a school. Before I could blink Bilal stood in front of the tank. There were news reporters everywhere; it was like the image from Tiananmen Square but with a different ending. Bilal grabbed the nose of the tank, as the tank fired Bilal with his talents of telekinesis turned the barrel of the tank in itself causing the tank to explode.

  There was awe and fear as we had never done this in front of anyone before let alone the media. He had definitely made an impression. No sooner than the wreckage from the tank hit the ground were tanks shooting at us and fighter jets en route.

  “Well we know how to make a first impression.” I said.

  “It’s the one they always remember.” Bilal responded.

  We stood our ground and did not move. Bilal and I closed our eyes and we went somewhere else mentally, everything just faded to black all we heard was screams and explosions. It was not until we opened our eyes that we saw the carnage on the ground with the military being totally destroyed.

  “What happened?” we said simultaneously.

  It was not until we spoke with that guy from the crowd of ancient ones that it all made sense.

  “You all closed your eyes and they all fired but as their weapons were discharged they exploded on the army.” He said.

  “Cool!” we responded.

  When we closed our eyes our minds touched and we knew they would not touch us with their weapons. I just wanted something cool like soul fighters like Nyema and Skylar. But we were unmoved movers it was an impressive feat nevertheless. As we basked in our laurels more military personnel showed up but we sensed that they were scared.

  “Leave this strip to the Indigenous of this land and the Palestinians. Do not hurt any more children.” I yelled to them.

  The Prime Minister of Israel came out in an effort to show the world who was obviously watching that he was not afraid of us. I was surprised that he had got here so fast but he asked for an audience with us. But we were not interested in diplomacy our ploy worked. With a thought we brought his internal organs out on the pavement, people everywhere were in shock as he fell to the ground screaming in agony. As the news reporter put the camera on Bilal and I, we were able to mentally link with Dion and Isaac who were able to get our symbol to the public where they were able to link our efforts with the ones in the United States. Still, I am sure they were not able to connect all the dots just the obvious.

  As we had the attention of a nation we let them know the truth about their holy land as the airwaves were released from our hacking it allowed for us to make a message to the people of the country and whoever was tuned in across the world.

  “You holy land is in your own temple which is the body. A land is great due to its resources which ancient people have been robbed of for a long time not because a mythical figure walked the land. The only gods that have ever walked the Earth are the ones standing before you. We are here to remind you of your potential to show you the greatness of the god within.” I said to the camera.

  We had won over the Indigenous of the land and the Palestinians which was our ultimate goal. They were inspired to rise up and take back over the country under the banner of the ancient ones with Palestinians working with them in that effort. The inhabitants of Jerusalem who held the power of government ere not the original people of the land because even if the myths of their texts were true the converts from Eastern Europe were not the ones spoken of in the book.

  “For someone not interested in politics, that was a political statement.” The man said.

  “I do not like how they took the land, that’s all they do is take and usurp. Today they had to see the results of those actions.” I told him.

  Being here only a few hours we made our presence felt but we had one more stop on the way to Morocco, Saudi Arabia.

  The Saudis were the most supportive country in the Middle East of the elite government of the world. The people of that country were treated horribly and the royals enjoyed a life of luxury, a familiar story the world over but since we were going to be in the neighborhood we might as well stop by and say hello.

  When reaching Saudi Arabia we were now the new rock stars. Who would think that terrorists could be popular in the Middle East? One person’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter has been the motto of our parents since this whole thing started years ago and it rang truer as they days went by. We were met with cheers but also soldiers who wanted to take us to the Saudi Palace to meet with the King of Saudi Arabia, we went without an issue which took the people by surprise as they were waiting to see an altercation between us and the soldiers yet the words of the elder ancient in Jerusalem stuck with us where timing was everything.

  As we went into the palace we were impressed by all the gold that was displayed everywhere. A poor use of resources to say the least but impressive nevertheless. We were met personally by the King’s personal assistant.

  “The King is honored to have you all in his presence and wants to meet you to discuss your intentions in his kingdom.” He said.

  “Our intentions will be decided after we hear what the King has to say.” Bilal said.

  “For now we are just passing through to another destination.” I said.

  “Where are you all headed?” he asked.”

  “That is not your concern.” Bilal responded.

  As we made our way to the King we saw beautiful women everywhere but we knew that he had no idea of what to do with us. Was it to give us a bribe, give us women, it seemed like they were giving us the royal tour to see where our weaknesses were but unfortunately for them we did not have any. We left those weaknesses that were present on the other side of the black hole. As we met the king he was surrounded by guards, his most trusted I suppose. It was not like they would do any good for him.

  “Thank you for what you did to Jerusalem. The whole Middle East owes you a debt.” He said in an attempt to gauge our actions and the rationale behind them. I think he hoped that the whole speech was just for television and that we could be swayed somehow.

  “Well, our actions on the Gaza Strip were to stop injustice to th
e ancients and those they consider friends.” I said.

  “From what we could see there is a lot of injustice here as well. The ancients crossed this Arabian Peninsula as they travelled the world and were one of its first inhabitants and how do you honor them, by assisting the global elite to keep their foot on the necks of the descendants of the ancients worldwide and you do your people a disservice by honoring their economic system that is built for the elite such as yourself.” Bilal continued.

  “What do you want me to do? Anyone who does not get in bed with them they kill and put a puppet in their place.” the King responded.

  “What do you think we will do to you and unlike them we do not need an army, we can crush your entire empire with a thought?” I said.

  “Again I ask what do you want me to do?” The King asked.

  “We need you to be our ears in the area until we return. We will require you to do us a favor and set up a meeting but not yet but when the time is right we will reach out and we will need you to make that happen immediately. But we have other business to take care of first, we need to know that we can trust you on this and that you will not go back to the United Nations and tell them of this meeting.” I said.

  “They have eyes everywhere how do you know they do not know you are already here?” the King asked.

  “We only allow ourselves to be seen when we want to be seen.” Bilal answered.

  “Well that is good to know because I was worried I would be a dead man being seen with you both, do you know the uproar you all have the whole world in?” he badgered.

  “That was the point.” I responded.

  With that we left the palace with the King in our back pocket but unbeknownst to him his thrown would be vacated. We could not in good conscious let a man of that caliber continue to rule over people at all let alone in that fashion. The days of kingships are over and I never understood the rationale behind giving up power to one family who would have say over your life. Everyone deserved to be free and determine for their self the way their life was going to be experienced. That power, of another’s life being placed in anyone hands especially ones that were controlled by forces of power and greed went beyond my lens of understanding. But the people of Saudi Arabia would soon be free but we had one big fish to fry before we could do that. That fish was the Mother of Western Civilization whose bastard creations have taken a pole and beaten their mother for hundreds of years. We had to fist liberate African and it would begin at our safe house in Morocco.


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