Salvage Fleet

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Salvage Fleet Page 14

by Kevin Steverson

  “How many?” Gunny asked.

  “A lot,” Clip answered.

  The Plateau was an abandoned military base in the middle of the Karuth mountains. When the planet had been colonized over two thousand years ago, the first settlers had built a base at the top of a natural plateau. At the time, there were several races that would wait until they heard of a new colony somewhere and then they would swoop in, attack, and attempt to take over the planet and system.

  The military installation had three surface-to-orbit railguns and several smaller ones for fortress defense. There were four fusion plants for power, with two of them dedicated to the STO railguns by themselves. There was no way to get to the Plateau from the valleys around it without being able to climb vertical walls on some parts of the mountain. Certainly, a team big enough to gain entry would be discovered long before they finished the climb.

  It was abandoned most of the year. Twice a year it was used for Ground Defense Force training, which mainly consisted of base upkeep. During the last Squilla invasion months before, it had been in between scheduled maintenance. Had it been permanently occupied, it may have stopped the Squilla carrier from orbiting the planet and destroying so many airfields, launch facilities, and factories. Even if the Ground Defense Forces had moved to occupy it, they wouldn’t have been in time, as it took several days to get the old fusion plants fully powered and to sight-in the railguns.

  Harmon knew of the installation, like all those who attended the Academy, from a course taken during his freshman year. A complete chapter of coursework had been dedicated to The Plateau. Once the newly-colonized system had started to develop a space fleet, the need for the installation had faded; the site was maintained mainly as a reminder of the past.

  From everything Jayneen could discover, Fritz had fled to the base after the plan to force Harmon to endorse her had failed with the rescue of the hostages. Unfortunately, the base was now occupied by over one hundred and fifty of her military-type supporters. Ex-fleet members, ground defense forces, law enforcement, and even corporate security types were holed up with her. Harmon figured there were another fifty technicians, and twenty or so politicians there as well.

  The map showed several small space ships and a military shuttle out on the landing pad. It also showed several small tanks. The tanks were designed for three crew members and were kept at the installation permanently. Because of the design, they did not have the ability to travel great distances, but were perfect for the mountain plateau itself. Records indicated there were twelve tanks stored in the underground motor pool, as well as three armored artillery pieces.

  Jayneen had also uncovered the fact that the first ten mechs that had been produced from the partially rebuilt factory replicators had been delivered to The Plateau without Fleet knowing they had been produced.

  “Jayneen,” Harmon said. “Could you go over the estimated number of combatants and equipment you’ve discovered?”

  Jayneen went over what she’d found. When she got to the mechs, Marteen stood up. “What?” he exclaimed. “The first ten? How did that get past management? I arranged for upper management to be some individuals from Joth. Someone outside the whole political game.”

  “There was an ‘accident’ on the floor of the facility, and several members of management were injured and haven’t been released to return to work by their physicians,” Jayneen informed him.

  “Chinto squat!” Marteen said. “We need to get to Tretra ASAP so I can fire middle management left and right.” He was hot. “If I find out that’s where the mechs came from that injured Twiggy and JoJo, I may just beat someone to death right there on the assembly line floor, and get away with it, because they were traitors during war time. What they did almost caused us to lose someone we need in the upcoming battle to save the system.”

  “They’ll get what they desserve,” agreed Zerith around a mouthful of dried fruit.

  All four Leethog sitting around the table, as well as Big Jon standing near the door, nodded their heads together in the Leethog fashion. Marteen couldn’t help himself, and nodded right along with them. They all felt it was time to dole out just desserts.

  “Can we just bomb the squat out of the whole installation?” Clip asked the obvious.

  “We can’t,” Harmon said. “That installation has more defensive lasers than a large battlecruiser. They even have a good chance at stopping orbit-to-planet missiles. Besides, the programming it would take to convert a few of our missiles wouldn’t be easy. Even I know that.”

  “True,” Clip admitted. “It could be done, but it would take time.”

  “We can’t just drop kinetic rounds on them, either,” Jayneen said. “I’ve performed the calculations numerous times. A kinetic round big enough to destroy the installation, dropped from space, would cause major problems across the planet.”

  “What about a lot of small ones?” Marteen asked.

  “I’m afraid that wouldn’t work, either,” Jayneen said. “Anything small sent into the atmosphere has a chance of burning up before it gets to the surface. Given time, I could design something that would start larger and be the size needed upon impact, but I don’t think there’s time.”

  “Other star systems have weapons designed for that,” Gunny said. “I’ve read about them. There’s just never been a need for it here in the Tretrayon system. It’s not like Fleet was ever going to go attack another system or planet.”

  “The other reason we can’t just bomb them,” Kyla said, “is we need to get the lieutenant commander into the facility so she can directly link into their network and determine the identity of every being involved in the movement.”

  Everyone was silent. Kyla smiled slightly. Harmon noticed she had a lighter shade of lipstick on. Maybe to accentuate her eyes with that shade of eyeshadow. Eyeshadow! Thought Harmon, and he did a double take. Yep, eyeshadow.

  Without smiling, he said, “She’s right. We need to find them all and deliver them to the authorities.”

  “Deliver?” Twiggy said. “I’ll deliver them, alright. Straight to a six-foot hole somewhere.”

  “We can’t just kill everyone we disagree with,” Harmon said. “The ones involved in kidnapping, the ones who actively take up weapons…sure, those individuals are fair game, but a lot of the movement are just Tretrayons who are being duped. We want Fritz. We chop off the head of the skrittle, and the rest will die.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Here’s the plan,” Harmon started. He outlined it for them, asked for thoughts, changed a few minor details using their input, and they finalized it. It was risky. There was really only one way to get to the installation with mechs. A drop. The only way to get troops on the ground was to take out the railguns and large lasers, and then land them. Not everyone going on this mission would be coming back.

  After the meeting, Harmon sat with Clip, Zerith, and Marteen. Clip and Zerith both wanted to plead their case to go on the mission. Harmon wouldn’t have it.

  “No, I need you two here on the ship,” Harmon explained. “What if those railguns start firing on Salvage Title?”

  “It can stay out of orbit,” Clip said.

  “Yess,” Zerith agreed. “Out of range.”

  “Look,” Harmon finally said. “You guys are doing great. Frost, we’re all learning on the fly here. But this is a real military mission, and inserting into a hostile environment? It’s not something you can learn on the fly. I don’t know what I’d do if either of you got hurt…or worse. Please don’t force this. I’ll have enough to worry about without having part of my attention on you two at all times. If it was about computers and equipment, or building and repairing, you two would be the first names on the manifest. This is about combat. Combat alone.”

  Clip looked at Zerith. Zerith looked at Clip. They knew he was right.

  “I hate not knowing things,” Clip said, “and I hate not going. But you’re right, again. I should have joined the militia.” />
  “Yess,” Zerith agreed. “It iss true. I just learned the very basics in the Joth Militia. Not insertion tacticss. I was technician there, too.”

  “Good,” Harmon said, relieved. “Thank you.”

  “Harmon, let me apologize again for the way I was at the Academy,” Marteen said, leaning back in his chair. “You’re a great leader. I don’t know how you do it. I’m still learning how to be a good lieutenant, and you have the whole captain thing down pat.”

  “It’s time to make the call,” Jayneen reminded Harmon.

  “Patch it through, Jayneen,” Harmon said. “Thanks.”

  “Gentlemen…and ma’am,” Harmon said when the connection was made. “Thank you for taking this call on such short notice.”

  Admiral Timerton was in the conference room on Tretra’s Pride with his command staff. Lieutenant General Wilton, Captain Arton, Captain Loid, Captain Cailiph, a Pikith with battle experience Harmon had suggested, and the newly-promoted Captain Opawn. The three presidents, System President Benter, Joth President Chazzig, and Tretra President Bentalt, were each in their respective offices. All were connected in the video call.

  “It’s good to see you again, Captain Tomeral,” the system president said. “Once again, you bring more ships to defend our system. I honestly don’t know if I…if we could ever pay the debt we are building to you. Thank you.”

  “Sir,” Harmon said. “I’m just doing what I can to save my home. I do what I can do. I’m sure there are many, many beings who would do everything in their power to defend our system as well. I just worked with what we had. There will be more ships coming, mercenaries I’ve contracted.”

  “Yess, but you tend to do more than most, Harmon. Can I call you Harmon?” President Chazzig added.

  “Of course, sir,” Harmon said. “I voted for you last cycle, you know.”

  “Well, thank you. I look forward to your vote again in the upcoming sspecial electionss,” the president of Joth said, smiling.

  “Speaking of special elections,” Harmon said. “That’s why I asked for this conference call. The Restore Movement.”

  “Them,” President Bentalt said. “Some of their advertising is downright lies. They seem to be trying to make people believe that what they had before the invasion is the best way to stay secure.”

  “It’s worse than that,” Harmon said. “Much worse. Commander Fritz…”

  “Ex-Commander Fritz,” Admiral Timerton interrupted. “She resigned to go into politics. I don’t know what she’s running for. There’s supposed to be a big announcement soon. I just know she’s no longer a member of the Fleet.”

  “She’s going to run for system president,” Harmon stated. “Let me tell you how I know and what happened…”

  Harmon explained what had transpired. He didn’t elaborate or speculate; he just gave them an abbreviated after-action review. He finished it by detailing the status of those injured.

  “Traitorss,” exclaimed President Chazzig. “They need to get what they desserve.”

  “My senior chief warrant officer said exactly that, sir,” Harmon admitted.

  “Captain Tomeral,” Admiral Timerton asked. “Why don’t you let me put some Marines on the security details for Rinto and the Staceys? Nothing else will happen to them, I assure you.”

  “That won’t be necessary, sir,” Harmon said. “Some of the best the Joth Militia has to offer are doing that job. We need everyone to fight in space. We don’t need to pull assets away from the upcoming battle.”

  “He’s right,” President Benter agreed, putting an end to it.

  “I’m for democracy and everything that goes with it,” Harmon said. “Letting the beings decide who governs them is important, ugly politics and all, but what the Restore Movement attempted to do, and what they are doing, is wrong. On a much larger scale, they are nothing more than bullies. I hate bullies.

  “Sir, we know where Fritz is right now,” Harmon continued. “We’ve tracked her down, and I intend to see her and those involved stand trial, if they survive our assault.”

  “You do? Will you be able to get to her?” Admiral Timerton asked. “It’s supposed to be impossible to get to.”

  “Where is she?” President Bentalt asked.

  “She’s at The Plateau,” Harmon said.

  “I hope you have a hell of a plan, Captain,” Lieutenant General Wilton said. “You’ll take some heavy losses up there.”

  “Yes, sir,” Harmon said. “I’m aware. Here’s our plan…”

  Harmon went over the details of the assault he had planned. He went over the assets he had and what he intended to do with them. He explained that it had to be a small force, so he would not require any of the mech pilots or other Fleet members for the assault. After he answered a few questions, and they seemed satisfied with his plan, they wished him luck, and the call ended.

  “Well, that’s that,” Clip said. “You’re going in. You better survive this crazy plan.”

  “Yess,” Zerith agreed as he bit into the ugliest piece of fruit Harmon had ever seen. “Ssurvive.”

  “The odds aren’t good that everyone will survive your plan, Harmon,” Jayneen added. She, like the other two present in the meeting, had stayed silent. “I don’t have a good feeling about it. Something seems off, if I understand my feelings correctly. I’m still learning to trust feelings.”

  “Look,” Harmon said. “It’ll be fine. What could go wrong?”

  “This is not good,” stated Jayneen.

  “She’s right,” agreed Clip. “We’ve heard that before.”

  “I will be going with you, sir,” Big Jon said from over by the door. “I will also be sticking close, so change your plans accordingly.” The staff sergeant didn’t sound like he would consider “no” for an answer. “Don’t make me get Kyla up here to enforce it.”

  “Fine,” Harmon relented. “You’ll stick with me during the operation. It’s a good thing you have heavy battle armor. It’ll hold up to the insertion. We’ll just have to lock you to my mech for the drop. I don’t want Kyla up here giving me that look. She seems to always get what she wants somehow.”

  “That’s because she…” Jayneen started to say. “Wait! There’s been a gate entry, the ship Sweet Pea is coming into the system at a rate of speed that seems impossible, even to me. Cameron is here as he contracted.”

  “Send him instructions to orbit Joth and tell him we’ll joining him in due time,” Harmon said. “Thanks.”

  “Big Jon, let’s go have a talk with the mech pilots,” Harmon said. “We…”

  “There’s been another gate entry,” Jayneen interrupted. “The Rincah ship Basher has entered the system. I shall give Captain Rogers the same instructions.”

  “Harmon,” Jayneen said moments later. “Cameron would like to talk to you.”

  “Put him on,” Harmon said as he looked over at Clip and Zerith and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Hello? Hello?” Cameron said, peering at his screen. “Oh, hi, there you are.”

  “Captain,” Harmon said in greeting. “What can I do for you?”

  “Would it be okay if we checked out the planet Joth?” Cameron asked, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “It’s a desert planet, and we want to fly some of the ravines and stuff.”

  “What?” Harmon asked, taken aback. “You mean, take a shuttle down to see the ravines and gullies in the middle desert?” It was a strange request.

  “No,” Cameron said. “We want to take Sweet Pea down and fly through some of the mountains and ravines and stuff.”

  “Are you insane?” Marteen asked. “A destroyer entering atmosphere?”

  “Oh, sure,” Cameron said. “This ship can land on planets and everything, if we want. Wait…not sure I’m insane. Just sure this ship can do that.” In the background, one of his crew members nodded his head and made a swirling motion with a finger pointed at his head.

  “We built channels in the hull below with thrust vents that we can direct some e
ngine output to when needed,” Cameron said. “There are a few down each side as well.”

  Harmon tried not to laugh. “No wonder that thing can maneuver the way it does. I guess as long as you stay away from the poles with that thing,” he said. “I’ll have someone inform the right beings in the system and the planet to let them know what you’re doing,”

  After the connection was broken, Harmon looked at Clip and said, “Now that just might be a ship of fools.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Several days later, Salvage Title was orbiting the planet Joth with Windswept, all four of the Nazrooth destroyers, the Bentwick light battlecruiser, and the Dalgit frigate. The Rincah ship Basher was orbiting with them as well, and Sweet Pea had come up from the planet’s surface, where Cameron and his crew had decided to walk around a bit in the Great Middle Desert. Insane, thought Harmon.

  Insane might be a little harsh, thought Harmon later. Fearless, maybe, as he looked across the conference table at the Lormell and his executive officer, Ralph. Ralph was several inches shorter than Cameron and didn’t wear the same style of glasses, but otherwise his features were similar. He was a little heavier than Cameron, but he talked just as fast.

  “And that’s how we escaped the ambush,” Ralph finished the story, his hands sweeping down, animating the last part.

  “That was insane, lad,” Captain Rogers said, looking at Cameron and shaking his head slowly. “You must be daft to have even attempted it.”

  “It was that or lose the ship,” Cameron said, shrugging his shoulders, his wings flapping a little. “That means having to go home and get a job or something, if we even lived.” Cameron pushed his glasses back up his nose.

  “Dang if I wouldn’t have squat in my britches right then,” Twiggy drawled. Everyone in the conference room laughed.

  It was a packed room. Harmon, Clip, Zerith, the four original Leethog crew members, Big Jon, and Corporal Bahroot were there representing Salvage Title. From Windswept, Evelyn, Gunny Harper, Clyde, and Twiggy were present. Twiggy’s arm was nearly healed, thanks to the nanites, and it was wrapped in a soft cast. Twiggy let Harmon know that JoJo was going to be fine. Her leg was almost completely healed, thanks to more of the expensive nanite treatment.


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