The Young & the Sinner: An Age-Gap Romance (The Entangled Past Series)

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The Young & the Sinner: An Age-Gap Romance (The Entangled Past Series) Page 29

by V. T. Do

  My cunt was still sensitive, and the granite underneath me was slick from my arousal and sweat, making it slippery.

  Mason kissed his way up my body, until he reached my mouth. There, he covered my lips with his. I didn’t have the energy to hold him, so I laid there, open like a starfish and let him kiss me however he wanted. He deepened the kiss and I could taste myself on him.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  How did I feel? I wasn’t sure. Tired. Like I ran a marathon. Overwhelmed. Speechless. Utterly, and completely spent. Like I had changed somehow, someway, and I didn’t know how to put that into words, so I settled on, “Okay.”

  “Okay,” he repeated. He didn’t look like he believed me.

  Mason kissed me again before pulling me up. I didn’t think. I wrapped myself arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest. He was still fully clothed, and I was as naked as the day I was born, and I didn’t care.

  All the orgasms had drained me.

  I could barely lift myself up, let alone walk. I could barely think. I was in a trance. I had never tried recreational drugs before, but I was sure this was what a high must feel like.

  Mason brought me to his bedroom. There he laid me down on the bed, undressed down to his boxers, and crawled in after me, holding me close.

  We were quiet for a while. I didn’t know what he was thinking about, but I was still thinking about what we had just done and my feelings about it.

  “That was my punishment for avoiding you?” I asked.

  He didn’t hesitate when he answered, “Yes.”


  Mason played with my hair, and I moved closer to him. It felt so good. “How do you feel about that?”

  “I don’t know. It was so new. I mean, everything we do is new, but this is different.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Do people usually do this?”

  “People do whatever they feel is right. As long as it’s consensual, there really isn’t a right or wrong way to have sex. But partners should be mindful of each other’s limits.”

  “Is that why you told me to say vegetables if I wanted you to stop?”

  “Yes. That’s your safe word. It’s your power. You say it, and everything stops. I won’t ever do anything you don’t want.” He turned me then, until I look at him. “You didn’t say it.”

  “I feel safe around you. I wanted to see where you were taking me, and I didn’t feel like I needed to say it. But knowing it was there made me feel better.” And as I said it, I knew that was the truth. Not once did I feel the need to say it, even if I did beg him to stop, even when I thought I might burst. I knew he wouldn’t push me past what I could handle. I knew he would keep me safe.

  Mason smiled. “I’m glad to hear you say that.”

  He leaned down and kissed me. I moved my hand up his jawline, feeling the rough stubble there. And when he deepened the kiss, I felt his arms tighten around me, and I wished he would never let me go.

  When he pulled away, his eyes were somber, and I knew he wanted to talk about why I avoided him all week. But right here, in his arms, I didn’t want to talk about it. I wanted to forget about my problems and guilt, even for a little while longer.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, sweetheart. Tell me so I can fix it.”

  But could he? Was this fixable? Or were we so wrong for each other that this relationship was doomed from the start?

  “We shouldn’t do this. It’s wrong, isn’t it?”

  Mason pulled away so he could catch my eyes. I tried looking away, I really did, but there was just something intense about the way he gazed at me that held me immobile.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because we’re hiding it from Max. And that’s wrong.”

  Mason swiped his thumb under my eyes, and I closed them, the tears I was trying so hard to contain spilling over and running down my cheek. Maybe it was because of all he just did to me. Or the terrible week I had. I couldn’t stop from crying.

  “No, baby. This isn’t wrong. Being with you, holding you… nothing about us is wrong.”

  I opened my eyes, my eyebrows pulling together. “But Max—”

  “Is crazy protective of you. We’ll tell him, eventually. I don’t want to keep you a secret from my brother. Not when all I really want to do is shout it to the world.”

  One corner of my lip pulled upward in a beginning of a small smile. “When?”

  “Whenever you’re ready, sweetheart. We’ll tell him together.”

  I looked down, from his chin to his neck. I watched as he swallowed, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down his throat, and I watched the little stubbles of dark hair growing there.

  I nodded. We would tell him.




  Despite my resolve at the beginning of this week, by the time Mason dropped me off at home, I knew I wouldn’t tell Max right away.

  For one thing, even though it felt like I had known Mason my whole life, we were still so new to this whole relationship thing. We hadn’t even had sex yet.

  And the other thing was that I was still living with Max. It would be hard for him to see me as anything more than a child who needed him if I still clung to him so tightly.

  I wanted to talk to Max about moving out.

  He had been encouraging me to rethink staying in a dorm to get the full college experience since the beginning of the summer, but I hadn’t wanted to be so far away from him. Perhaps it was time.

  Not to say I would move out right this second, or even next week, but soon. As soon as I found the courage to move away from Max…

  If I found that courage, I mean.

  By Monday morning, I was back to feeling hopeful about my future with Mason. Everything could work out for the best, and all I had to do was take a chance on the blue-eyed giant who stole my heart.

  I drove straight to Mason’s work after school. I was meeting his friends today—Logan Cross and Gage Walker.

  I was a little excited.

  And very apprehensive.

  What would his friends be like? Would they like me? Or would they take one look at us and realize we didn’t match?

  I pulled up to his office and parked my car by the meter. I paid for two hours, because I didn’t know how long I was going be, and it was better to be safe than sorry. Then I got out of my car and looked up at the impressive and intimidating building in front of me. Chicago was known for its striking architecture, but this was something different. The building wasn’t the tallest around, but it was definitely the most unique. Made mostly of glass and shaped like a slanted arrow, it was wider than it was tall.

  And it was busy.

  Men and women in business suits, speed-walking from one place to another like they had somewhere important to be… and they probably did.

  I most certainly stuck out like a sore thumb with my jeans, black combat boots, and U of C maroon sweatshirt. Mason said we were going to meet them at the bar after work, and I thought I was dressed appropriately. I thought a bar would be a good, chill idea, even though I technically wouldn’t be drinking.

  I had three more years before I could legally drink. That fact definitely highlighted just how young I was compared to Mason, but that wasn’t going to stop me from meeting his friends.

  They were obviously important to him, otherwise he wouldn’t have set this up.

  I shivered on my way inside, as a cold breeze picked up. The weather was getting colder and colder each day, but surprisingly enough, we hadn’t had our first snowstorm yet.

  I caught my reflection in the window when I got close enough to the building. I stood out even more than I’d thought. I was dressed way too casually for this place, and though I had on mascara and light red lipstick, it wasn’t a lot. It was the best I could do, and Mason never really seemed to mind that I couldn’t dress up like most girls could.

  I felt like a total slob compared to all the women here. They
were all so put together. They all looked like some version of Lauren, and that made me want the ground to swallow me up. If these were the kinds of women Mason was surrounded by most of the time, what the hell was he doing with me?

  I hated how insecure I felt, and I hated even more that I could feel my cheeks heating, because more than a couple of people had looked my way since I entered.

  There was a security man by the front. He looked at me, a single eyebrow raised, as if he wasn’t sure what I was doing here to begin with.

  I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and walked over to him.

  “Can I help you, Miss?”

  “Um, I’m here to see someone. He knows I’m coming.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Mason Kade.”

  “And what is your name?”

  “Olivia Williams.”

  He typed something in the computer, and I fidgeted a little where I was stood. After a while, he printed out a sticker that said visitor on it and handed it to me.

  “Floor 7.”

  I nodded and stuck the sticker on my stomach. The guy shot me a weird look. Was there an appropriate place to stick a visitor pass? He let me through, and even though my back was to him, I knew he was staring at me as I walked to the elevator.

  I got into the crowded elevator with a whole bunch of people in suits. And they were all taller than me, even the women. I felt small in the back, and slowly the elevator began to empty, save for one man. Before, when it was crowded, I didn’t notice him much. But now that it was just the two of us, heading to the same floor, I snuck in a glance.

  He was huge. Like football player huge. With broad shoulders, bulging muscles that even the suit couldn’t hide, and biceps bigger than my thighs, he was as intimidating as he was beautiful. I barely reached up to his shoulders. I had only ever felt tiny next to Mason and Max, but I knew them. I was safe with them. This guy was a stranger, and I was alone with him in the elevator. I looked up and realized we were only on floor three. Why was the elevator moving so slowly?

  I shook myself out of my thoughts. Just because I was assaulted in the past, it did not mean every man I came across would want to hurt me. And besides, the man was beautiful. He didn’t look like the kind of man who needed to force a woman into his bed.

  But sexual assault wasn’t about sex. It was about power. I let out a small sigh, hating how I could feel a slight tremble running through my legs. I looked at the man again. Maybe if I kept looking, I could get over my fear.

  With dark chocolate-brown hair, hazel eyes, a neatly trimmed dark beard, and golden tan skin, he looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine. Or posters hung proudly in pre-pubescent girls’ rooms as their celebrity crush.

  He was in what I was sure was a custom-made dark gray suit, with a striped blue tie and a white button-up. He was probably as tall as Mason. Not as wide, but just as intimidating.

  I snuck in another glance at him and was startled to find his eyes on me.

  He smiled, and it was friendly. There was nothing malicious about his look. And for some strange reason, that put me at ease.

  I hesitantly smiled back, and the man’s smile widened. “Hi, there.”

  “Hi,” I said softly, looking down at my feet. I wasn’t good with meeting new people. But I was glad to see how nice this new stranger was being.

  “Are you here visiting someone?”

  “Yeah. My boyfriend.” Which sounded strange coming from my mouth. I never actually referred to Mason as my boyfriend before, but that was what he was. “Are you here visiting someone, too? Or are you seeing your lawyer?”

  We were, after all, heading to a law office.

  His smiled widened, and I pulled up short. He had a really nice smile. “No, I work here.”

  I smiled and looked away just as the elevator doors opened, and we walked into chaos. It was still pretty early. I knew Mason didn’t usually leave the office until late at night, but he told me to come whenever I was done with school and he would try to leave work early. I didn’t mind that I might have to wait for him.

  I just wanted to see him.

  There was a huge mahogany receptionist desk out front that took my attention first, then the three receptionists in front of three computers. They were all professionally dressed and beautiful. They all looked like grown women, whereas I had felt like a lost child since the moment I stepped foot into this building.

  The wall behind them was the same color as the desk, with the names Callaghan, Reese, and Malcolm printed above their heads. I guessed that was the name of the law firm.

  One of the receptionists looked up when we approached, her eyes taking me in briefly before moving to the man next to me and staying there. They flashed with recognition and she sat up a little straighter than usual, blatant interest in her eyes. I thought that was exceptionally brave of her. I could never act so brazen, and I envied that about her.

  I sneaked in another sideway glance at the stranger, and he looked back at me, humor dancing in his eyes. I offered a small smile and he smiled back at me. He had a nice smile.

  “Hello, Mr. Cross. Did you forget something?”

  “Yeah. Some case files. I’ll be out of here soon.”

  She smiled wide at him, and I stuttered in my steps. Cross.

  I bet everything in my bank this was Logan Cross. So much for meeting him at the bar. I sneaked in a glance at him and found his eyes on me, light dancing in his bright hazel eyes. Something told me he already knew who I was.

  The woman turned to me then, her gaze cold. I moved back a little, near Logan, who placed a small hand reassuringly on my shoulder. “Do you have an appointment, Miss?”

  I bet she would love nothing more than for me to tell her no so she could kick me out.

  I opened my mouth to tell her that Mason was expecting me, but before I could, movement on my left caught my eye, and I turned to see Mason heading toward me.

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  Mason looked at the hand Logan had on my shoulder, then looked at the other man, an expression I couldn’t decipher on his face. It didn’t take long for Logan to remove his hand, and then I found myself in Mason’s arms.

  I wanted to cling to him and never let go, but I knew I couldn’t because we were at his place of work.

  Too soon, Mason pulled away but kept me close. “Hey, sweetheart.”

  “Hi,” I said shyly, looking up to his tie. He was wearing the same one he used to tie me up with. My eyes jumped to his in surprise, a small blush making its way up my cheeks. Mason smirked, before he turned to Logan.

  “Hey, man. I thought you were leaving early.”

  “Yeah, I forgot something. I just met Olivia here.”

  I waved and felt silly doing it after. I couldn’t take it back, though, so I pretended I didn’t want to cringe over the action.

  But then he waved back at me and I didn’t feel so silly after.

  “Anyway, I’ll leave you two to it. See you soon.”

  Logan winked at me and strode off. I watched him leave before turning back to Mason. “Your friend seems nice.”

  “Nice,” Mason repeated, his lips curving up a little. “Sure.”

  I frowned and Mason playfully tugged on my hair before pulling me away, toward his office, I assumed. We walked through a wide hallway that had floor-to-ceiling windows on the left looking out to downtown.

  When we reached Mason’s office, there was a man sitting in front of a desk just outside of it. Dark hair and fair skin, he looked more like a bodyguard than an assistant, with his tall muscular frame. He stood up when we approached, but Mason shook his head. “Hold all my calls, Ted.”

  “Yes, Mr. Kade.” The man sat back down.

  Mason closed the office door behind us, and I pretended I wasn’t excited about being here. But I was. I liked that I got to see this side of Mason.

  He stayed by the door as I walked further into the room and took in my surroundings, admiring his modest size office, or at least
modest compared to the other offices around. But it was still nice: It had a view of Chicago’s beloved skyscrapers from a huge window behind his dark wooden desk that took up the majority of the space. It even had a black mini fridge in the corner and a small minibar by the wall farthest away from the window. It was everything I imagined when I thought of a corporate law office.

  I knew Mason was just starting out in his career, but this was impressive.

  I turned back to face him, and he moved toward me, placing both hands on my waist as he pulled me in close. I knew he was going to kiss me before he did, and still I couldn’t prepare myself for how good it felt when he finally bent down to my height and captured my lips with his.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes, trying to get close to him, not wanting our connection to end.

  Too soon, Mason pulled away, leaving a small space between our lips.

  “These lips,” he said softly. “I can’t get over these lips. They were made to be kissed by me,” he said.

  Yes, that was how I felt. Everything about me was made for him. My lips, my hands... my heart. Everything.

  But it was true that he was made for me as well. This wasn’t one sided. If I was going to be powerless when it came to him, then Mason was right there with me.

  He kissed me again, as if he couldn’t make himself let me go completely. I was the same. I wanted to be held by him forever.

  When he finally pulled back, his blue eyes were dark, and his lips were swollen. I ran my palm over his jaw, loving how the gruffness of his stubble felt against my soft skin.

  “Ready to meet the boys, sweetheart?”

  My smile widened, showing teeth and all. “Yes. Do you think they’ll like me?”

  Mason pulled back, a small indent forming between his eyebrows. “Of course, they will. There is just something about you that pulls people in. You don’t have to worry. They are going to love you almost as much as I do.”

  My heart stuttered. Did Mason just say he loved me?


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