Captain’s Claimed Property

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Captain’s Claimed Property Page 17

by Hollie Hutchins

“We have to tell you something, dear,” her mother said.

  “Okay…” Sarah’s hands began to sweat.

  “You have to realize, we thought you were dead,” she continued, “and well, we had this money, the money that was set aside for your last two years of school, and...”

  “We used your college fund to pay for my new treatment,” her father explained.

  “Oh.” Sarah nearly laughed she was so relieved.

  “We’re so sorry, sweetie,” her mother started to apologize.

  “No, it’s okay!”

  “We’re going to find the money again, though,” her father added. “Don’t worry, you won’t have to quit school. We’ll make it work.”

  “Well, actually,” Sarah mustered up whatever courage she had left. “I have something to tell you guys, too.”


  The Beautiful Engineer and Her Captain

  Sarah recalled the fight she and her mother had as she walked, bags in tow, in the direction of the Grendle Port 4 vVisitor’s Center. At first there was yelling, then there was crying, then begging. It was terrible. Luckily, Sarah’s father had been somewhat able to play mediator and did his part to calm his wife. Eventually, she began to listen to Sarah’s explanations and seemed to understand, at least on some level, why her daughter was choosing this path.

  It took a long time to get off the phone, but finally her father took the receiver from her mother, said one final goodbye for the both of them, and hung up. They had insisted on sending Sarah a few hundred pinches, mainly, Sarah thought, so they could at least feel like they were doing something. She spent the next four days resting and shopping. She bought some new clothes, ones more suited to her new, adventurous lifestyle, and a pair of heavy duty leather boots. Then spent some of the money on snacks. Grom had tried his best when shopping for human food, but he had missed a few key items, mainly bread and potato chips, and she also picked up some more chocolate, just in case.

  The night before the seventh day, Sarah barely slept a wink. She was too excited. She couldn’t stop thinking about Grom. Even when she did finally find sleep, she dreamt of him. Her alarm went off at five am, three hours before she was scheduled to meet him. She pulled on a pair of her new pants, a new tank top, and her favorite new boots. She slung her duffle bag over one shoulder. After throwing away a lot of her old clothes, she was able to fit all her new stuff, plus the food, in just two bags. Carrying the gamma-blaster in the adjustable holster she had found at the market, Sarah walked out of the Grendle 4 Inn and towards her new life.

  The Gray Arrow landed on Grendle Port 4 at 7:49 am. Grom had been up all night. His eyes ached from exhaustion, and as the ship’s main door opened, he squinted against the morning sun, unable to see anything past the door for a few seconds.

  Stepping out onto the street, his eyes took their time to adjust. Finally, he was able to make out large shapes, buildings, then the finer details started coming in clearer. He saw the Grendle Port 4 Visitor’s Center sign directly in front of him. He scanned the horizon anxiously.

  He heard her before he saw her. Sarah’s voice carried over the noise of the street and seeped into his ears like warm syrup seeping into the crevices of a waffle.

  “Look! I’m only going to be sitting here for another ten minutes.” He turned to see she was arguing with some poor waiter working at the café next to the Visitor’s Center.

  “You’re not allowed to sit here if you don’t order anything!” the waiter said.

  “Nobody is here! It’s not like I’m taking a seat from somebody. Just let me sit for a few minutes. I’ve been up since five am.”

  “I’m sorry but I can’t do that. Either buy something or get out.”

  “Fine. If you’re going to be like that, I’ll take your smallest cup of caffie-drink.”

  “We don’t sell caffie-drink.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Sarah threw her arms up in defeat. “Just take the pinches then.” She started fishing in one of her pockets. “Here’s three pinches just to let me sit here, okay?”

  “Do you ever stop negotiating?”

  Sarah spun around on the bar stool. “You came back.” Her expression was both ecstatic and surprised.

  “I said I would.” Grom shrugged. “So here I am.”

  Sarah leapt from her seat and ran to Grom. She threw herself into his arms, and he caught her effortlessly. “I just…I wasn’t sure you’d show.”

  “I wasn’t sure you would either.” Grom laughed. “But of course, here you are, fighting with some poor café worker and generally just being difficult.”

  “Hey! He was the one who was being difficult! He wouldn’t even let me—” Grom stopped Sarah’s mouth with his.

  Their kissed seem to last both forever, and not long enough. When the finally broke apart, both of them were smiling uncontrollably.

  “So, have you got everything?” Grom asked, reaching to pick up her bags.

  “I believe so.” Sarah checked her pockets and holster.

  “And you’re sure you want to do this?” he asked her, his eyes watching hers with very real concern and affection.

  Sarah stretched up onto her tiptoes and kissed Grom lightly on the cheek. “Positive.”

  Grom took her hand and they made their way back to the Gray Arrow, arguing as they talked over proper café etiquette.

  More By Hollie

  More By Hollie

  Bring your ♥ to my newest BadBoys!

  The Deadwolves Prisoner:

  Get It Here

  I’ve been kidnapped by werewolves, and I’m being held against my will by two men who want me.

  It’s up to me—use their protection, or be released to the killers after me. Take their help, or go on my own.

  Things aren’t what they seem, and I’m beginning to suspect that I’m backing the wrong side.

  They have the looks that drive me crazy, but are they using me?

  Touching me, pleasing me, taking me.

  It feels so wrong and yet so right….


  A Pet For Lord Darin

  Get It Here

  We’re all in cages, counting ourselves lucky to be alive, let alone to still have our clothes on…

  I’m imagining scalpels and labs and sci-fi nightmare fuel until I’m taken away and given as a gift to a grey-skinned alien with star-white hair, a scaled face, and the leathery wings of nothing human: Luras Darin.

  Now I have to convince him, from the confines of this stupid white birdcage, that I’m not just some stupid animal so I can get out and find a way home.

  I’m learning the language from scratch, but it doesn’t look like speaking will be enough…until suddenly it is, and I show him what humans can do when they’re alone in a dark room…


  Gifted To The Dragon King

  Get It Here

  Captured. A slave. And then gifted as a concubine to a callous, ill-mannered Dragon King.

  Nothing more than a human slave expected to double as a diplomat, Ria Gallagher has to stay strong and look for a way to escape.

  But escaping becomes even more difficult when you realize you are losing the will to leave…

  No amount of astronaut or Navy training can prepare you for the most confusing battle of all: the battle for your heart.

  Let’s Be Friends!

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  © Copyright 2018 by Hollie Hutchins - All rights reserved.

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