The Taming of a Vixen

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The Taming of a Vixen Page 14

by Wendy Stone

  “One step at a time, my love. We’ll get married, and then take it from there.” He had to turn from her, unable to handle the gratitude he saw on her face. He felt like the worse sort of cad. The only thing he could do was to show her how he felt about her. He could and would make her the happiest woman on the planet. It was his silent vow. He kissed her cheek once more. “I’ll see you in a bit, love,” he said as he opened the door, startling Cat from her place against it, her ear to the heavy wood.

  She scurried back with a blush. Jason cocked a brow at her in askance before he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Teddy doesn’t deserve you.”

  Cat stared at him a moment before rushing into the room with Alyssa. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes,” Alyssa said, still standing where he left her. “H…he said that he’d done things he wasn’t proud of and if I could forgive him than he had to forgive me.”

  “But the b… the baby?” Cat asked, lowering her voice to a whisper on the last two words.

  Alyssa straightened her shoulders and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her dressing gown. Jason had confidence in her. He’d forgiven her, now she had to do what she could to make him the best wife possible. “He said we’d take it a day at a time. But first, we have to get married. Come on,” she said to her friend, grabbing her hand. “Let’s get me dressed.”

  * * * *

  The garden bloomed with riotous colors, the heavenly scent of the flowers wafting through the air. There was a gentle breeze blowing, just enough to catch the hem of a gown and give a glimpse of a well-turned ankle.

  Jason, a top hat upon his head, stood at the end of a long white carpet. It had been laid across the silky green grass of the park-like area where he and Alyssa had met that long ago day. Teddy was at his side, a huge grin on his face.

  “Quit smiling like that,” Jason hissed at him. “People are staring.”

  “I have every right to smile. I just won my wager at the club on whether or not you’d try to wiggle out of the noose. I figure since you are down here, it’d be hard for you to get away.” He kept the grin even after Jason’s elbow plowed into his gut.

  “You placed a wager upon my marriage?” Jason said, turning to stare with disbelief at his friend.

  “Hey, I had the inside information. How could I not jump at the chance to take their money so easily?” Teddy rubbed his stomach as the music from the small orchestra started. He watched as Cat walked down the aisle, in a stylish dark blue gown that fit like a second skin. It was low cut, the bodice studded with tiny beads that glimmered in the light. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  Jason was having the same problem, just with a different lady. Alyssa, her face hidden by a lace veil, was walking slowly up the aisle toward him. Her dress was not the regular style of the day, which called for bustles with yards and yards of fabric. No, she wore a gown from another era, the skirt floating over the many underskirts she wore. It was white satin, the only adornment the pale blue ribbon that wrapped around her incredibly tiny waist. Off the shoulder puff sleeves left her arms and a goodly amount of chest bare, except for the lace that covered her from the veil.

  He wished he could see her eyes, see the expression upon her face and know if she felt better about today. He wished he could halt this entire affair, get down on his knees and beg her forgiveness for the pain he’d caused her. He wished he wasn’t such a cad.

  But then he was stepping forward, taking her hand from her father’s arm after shaking his hand. He placed her arm upon his own, drawing her gently forward, his eyes upon the outline he could see through the veil.

  The minister started the ceremony, intoning on and on about the merits of married life, asking God’s blessing on all and sundry who had appeared. Through it all, his eyes never left her face.

  The vows were spoken, the rings exchanged. Blessings were asked for as they stood together. And then they were pronounced man and wife. Jason’s hands shook as he reached for the veil, carefully drawing it over her head. Her eyes, like smoky crystals, stared into his as he caressed her cheek with his knuckles before bending over her and letting their lips meet.

  It was as if he kissed her for the first time, that tender meeting, moistly clinging, hearing her gasp at the heat that flooded her, even in front of all of their guests. His hand fell to her arm, pulling her even closer as his lips grew more demanding, parting to let his tongue slip across her soft mouth.

  Then Teddy coughed lightly, elbowing Jason in the back. The kiss was broken.

  But the light in her eyes remained, through the long receiving line and the kisses and hugs from people she barely knew. Through the luncheon and the speeches that followed. Through the glasses of champagne that upset her stomach until she switched to water. She felt him beside her, his hand on her arm, or hers upon his. Even as they stood at the top of the stairs of the front door, a crowd of townspeople in front of them to reenact an ancient tradition of throwing coins to the crowd, that light remained.

  “Happy?” he asked, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

  “Yes, Jason, though I worry that you’ll rethink the deal you just made and it will affect the rest of our lives together.”

  “You are my wife now. I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight, my love. Nor out of my bed long enough for you to worry about my intentions.” He laughed as she blushed. “I’ve been thinking of nothing but you since the day you almost took my head off with that beast of yours.”

  “Vixen’s Boy is not a beast,” she said, though her voice lacked fury. What she’d told him was true; she worried about what would happen if he changed his mind. She also worried about what would happen tonight, when she would be in his bed for the first time. She could only hope that she wouldn’t embarrass herself or him.

  They tossed the coins to the crowd, hearing the roar and watching the people scramble after them before turning to go back into the house. Alyssa excused herself to change for the trip to his home, leaving Jason to go back into the crowded ballroom alone.

  “I never thought to see the day.”

  He turned, his eyes widening as he stared at the woman he hadn’t thought to see again. “Abigail? How did you get in here?”

  “Now is that anyway to greet a lover, my darling? Can’t I get a kiss first?”

  “You’re insane. We ended our arrangement over a month ago.” He tried to walk away from her, seeing the curious look upon Edward’s face and not wanting to upset his new father-in-law. But Abigail dug in her claws.

  “I had to see for myself. I couldn’t believe it when I heard the news that you were getting married. What did she do, offer herself up on an altar or something?”

  “Abigail, I have no wish to discuss my wife with you. Now, if you’ll exc…”

  “You’re going to want to talk to me, my darling. Especially when you hear my news,” Abigail said, her voice going into a soft purr.

  “I doubt there is anything that you have to say that I want to hear,” Jason said, removing her hand from his arm.

  “Not even that I carry your child?” she asked him, slyly sliding a finger down the front of his immaculate black coat.

  “Ha! Now that is famous, Abigail. How could you possibly know if it was mine or any of the numerous lovers you’ve had before, during and since me. Perhaps it belongs to that young stud I found plowing into your dubious charms that night. If I recollect correctly, it seems to me he had you quite thoroughly.”

  “It is yours, Jason. And you will be made to answer for it,” she said, her voice rising shrilly.

  “Is everything all right, Jason?” Edward asked, coming up to them from behind.

  “Just an uninvited guest, Edward. I was about to see the lady out.”

  Edward nodded, though his eyes remained wary while Jason took Abigail’s arm and escorted her to the front door.

  “We will discuss this, Jason. If not here, than later, but you will meet me.”

  “I don’t see the need to meet with you, Abi
gail. We have nothing to discuss.”

  “What isn’t there to discuss, husband?” came the soft but curious voice from behind him. “Who is this lady?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Jason spun at the sound of her voice. Alyssa stood upon the stairs, now dressed in a stunning gown that hugged her curves delightfully. He smiled, letting loose of Abigail to hold his hands out to her.

  “It is nothing, my dear. Especially not something that we should think about today.”

  Alyssa ducked his arms, walking around him to hold her hand out to Abigail. “Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met,” she said, a welcoming smile upon her face.

  Abigail took one look at the expression upon Jason’s face and then reached out and shook Alyssa’s hand. “No, we wouldn’t have. I don’t…get out into society much.”

  “Well, you seem to be well acquainted with my husband,” Alyssa said.

  “Oh, yes. Jason has been wonderful to me. I just wanted to come and wish you both well,” Abigail said, her eyes glittering as she met Jason’s gaze. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Then you have the advantage on me, Mrs.…?”

  “It’s Miss. Miss Abigail Worth, Your Grace.”

  “Oh, Alyssa please, any friend of my husband’s and all of that.”

  “Abigail was just leaving, Alyssa. She can’t stay any longer.” Jason walked up, taking Alyssa’s hand and slipping it under his arm.

  “Oh, that’s too bad. Perhaps we can meet for tea some afternoon. I’d love to know how you know Jason.” Alyssa tilted her head, smiling up at her husband.

  “That would be lovely, Alyssa. I shall be sure to send around an invitation soon. You’ll be staying in Jason’s townhouse?” Abigail asked, barely able to keep the cattiness out of her tone as she spoke to the young girl. She could remember being that young and naïve, and being that innocent. But she’d never had a tenth of what this girl had. She’d never had a father that doted upon her every whim. Instead, she had a father who used a ruler upon her hand if she didn’t learn her lessons. A father who had drank away every cent that he made until she’d been forced out onto the street.

  “Oh yes. It is still very much in need of a woman’s touch, but I shall endeavor to deal with its lacking when we return to London,” Alyssa said, not noticing the way Abigail’s ears seemed to perk at the mention of them leaving town.

  “Then I shall be sure to send around that invitation, Alyssa. It was a pleasure to finally meet you,” Abigail said, holding out her hand to the girl. She wished she could yank her arm and throw her down the stairs, but managed to keep a pleasant smile upon her face. “Jason, I shall talk to you soon, I expect.”

  Jason didn’t answer, simply going and holding the door open, then shutting it with just a little more force than necessary behind Abigail’s highly held head.

  “What was that about?” Alyssa asked him.

  “It was nothing, my love,” he said, coming to her side and taking her in his arms. “Besides, I would much rather talk about us, about you and how beautiful you are. Or about my plans for you this evening,” he added as she smiled up at him. “How much longer until we can sneak away from all these people?”

  Alyssa laughed at the eagerness in his voice, reaching up to kiss him lightly. She broke off the kiss when he started to deepen it. “Jason, someone will see.”

  “And what will they see? Just a man kissing his very comely wife, trying to convince her into sneaking away with him to a bedchamber somewhere, hopefully close by.” He raised his brow, winking at her shamelessly.

  She blushed gamely back at him. “Soon, my husband, we can get out of here and go to your estate, where we won’t be bothered for a while.”

  She leaned up and kissed him once more before taking his arm and leading him back into the huge ballroom. A shout rose from the happily milling throng of well wishers.

  They ate and drank, danced and spoke to all that had attended the function. Jason kept staring at the tall grandfather clock, willing the hands to move more swiftly so that they might hurry their departure. Finally, after the deep throated bonging proclaimed the hour of six p.m., he turned to his Alyssa. “It’s time. I can’t wait any longer to make you mine as you are meant to be,” he whispered in her ear. “Let us find your father and make our farewells.”

  Alyssa nodded, suddenly feeling shy and more than a trifle nervous. She rose with him, seeing her father’s tall form standing by the edge of the dance floor. He was escorting one of the older ladies off the floor and back to her seat. He turned when he heard her call, a welcoming smile upon his handsome lips. “Alyssa, Jason, is it time for you two to leave so soon?”

  “I’m sure you know how it is, Edward. We have a long carriage ride yet tonight,” Jason said, though that wasn’t exactly true. His country estate was a long ride, but they would be spending their first night as a married couple at his townhouse. Tomorrow morning, they would leave for the estate. But no one knew that, not even Alyssa.

  “And I’m betting you can’t wait to get her to yourself, Jason. I remember what it was like to be young,” he said, laughing as Alyssa blushed even more.

  “Father, you aren’t old,” she said, furious with the fairness of her skin that belied every blush.

  “I’m old enough to want grandchildren, daughter.”

  “We’ll do our very best to give you a dozen, sir,” Jason said, laughing as Alyssa gaped at him.

  Edward grinned, knowing his daughter was in good hands and he was content. Though this house would get lonely without her, he’d been anxious to have her settled and content, worried about her future. He’d already been past his prime when he’d met Gabriella, determined not to marry again. But one look at that red-haired vixen had sent his heart pumping and his libido screaming.

  He could see that Jason cared for his daughter, and that was good enough for him.

  “I don’t think you’ll want the crowds pelting you with rice,” he said, kissing his daughter’s cheek. “So, perhaps it’s best if you just sneak out.”

  Alyssa gave her father a hug, feeling more than a little saddened at the thought of leaving him. They’d been each other’s only for so long, since her mother’s death, that it felt wrong to leave him alone now. “I’ll visit soon, father,” she whispered.

  Jason shook Edward’s hand and they slipped through the doors, managing to find their coach before anyone knew they were leaving.

  Alyssa looked out the window, watching the house disappear with a feeling of surrealism enveloping her. She was a married woman now, no longer a little girl or a debutante. With that thought firmly in mind, she turned on the seat, refusing to watch the house any longer.

  “Is it far to your country home, Jason?” she asked, turning her head to look up at him.

  “It is a good day’s drive at least, love, to our country home. But we shan’t have to deal with that tonight. I thought we could stay in town and make that trip in the morning.”

  “But all my trunks? Everything I brought was taken by the wagon to …”

  “Cat picked out a few items and had them repacked and sent to the townhouse love. You’ll have your necessities.”

  “You do manage to think of everything,” she said, her hand rising to lie gently against his cheek, feeling the stubble of his whiskers against her palm.

  “I just want to think of you, love. I want you to be happy with me.” She couldn’t know how true that was, how desperately he wanted her happy with the deal she’d made, with marrying him. He leaned down, taking her lips, letting his cling to hers without making demands. His hand slid to her cheek, his thumb rubbing gently along the faint black shadows that lay under her eye, hating his part in putting them there.

  The kiss startled Alyssa, for it wasn’t the kiss of desire that she’d expected. This one was so much more than passion or desire. It was a kiss of commitment. One she returned, just as gently.

  When his tongue dipped between her lips, Alyssa was lost in an inspired sweet haze.
She kissed him back, her tongue darting and rubbing against his, a groan muffled by her mouth. She felt the heat of his breath on her cheek, his hands sliding into the coils of her hair, holding her head still while he explored.

  She tasted him, the faint hint of brandy mixed delightfully with the heated flavor of his passion. It stirred her own desire, until her heart beat like a trapped bird against her breast and her stomach tied into knots of need. She whimpered under the exchange, a shiver of pleasure rushing over her flesh. She could feel the wetness of desire growing between her thighs and the deep itch that demanded to be scratched.

  His mouth left hers, slipping over her chin, his arms drawing her across his lap. Her hip pressed against the hardness that provided proof of his own need. His lips traveled over the soft flesh of her throat, nipping once, just to hear her squeak. He laughed wickedly, feeling her fingers twine through the soft strands of his hair as her head tipped back, allowing him more access.

  The small wrap, thrown around her shoulders before they left, slipped off now, falling unnoticed to the floor. He tipped her further across his arm, his lips tracing the soft curves of her breasts, exposed by the low cut gown. He heard her moan his name and rejoiced, for he had worried that she would think of Jamie during their play.

  The idea of being jealous of himself made him smile, for it was such an unbelievable concept. He refused to think of the paradox of his emotions, and instead, he concentrated upon her. The scent of her flesh was arousing and the flavor of her skin with its light salty sweetness something to be savored. The feel of her skin under his lips and hands sent his passion’s soaring. He slipped one finger beneath the bodice of her gown, pulling it down to expose the hardened tip of her nipple.

  It was the first time he’d seen it clearly, for all the other times had been shrouded in darkness. Now, the late afternoon sun shone weakly through the windows of the coach, a beam striking the fire of her hair and setting it to flame. Her breasts were perfect, rounded and heavy, perhaps a bit bigger than before; the nipple hard and rosy pink, begging for his mouth and hand. He flicked it with his tongue, letting her feel the wetness of his mouth without the pressure.


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