The Taming of a Vixen

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The Taming of a Vixen Page 16

by Wendy Stone

  His fingers slipped between those soft globes of flesh, sliding over the soft crevice between, slipping over the puckered rosebud. She gasped and he smiled darkly, circling his finger there while she squirmed on top of him, every movement just one more sensuous bit of torment.

  “What are you doing, Jason?” she cried, fighting the pleasure as she tried to move away.

  He reluctantly moved his hand, slipping over her thighs and then up her back, finding her lips with his and kissing her until she couldn’t think. Her body undulated against his, her hips coming down hard around his cock as she fought to climb that lofty plateau and plunge over the edge.

  He groaned into her mouth, feeling her body convulse, the hot, wet muscles surrounding his cock rippling. Her whimpers and cries were muted by his lips, but he felt the dew of her spendings flood over him, bathing him in the scent of her, in the sweetness of her. He held on by the skin of his teeth, holding back his own climax and riding hers out, wanting more of her this night.

  She collapsed, her muscles lax, her hair falling into his face. He stroked her lightly, waiting until she caught her breath, until she realized he was still hard and throbbing inside of her.

  Alyssa lifted her head, staring down at her husband with admiration and surprise in her eyes. “You haven’t…?”

  “Not yet,” he growled.

  He felt her heart beat against his chest, felt it pick up speed.

  “Oh, my,” she whispered, feeling him throb inside of her.

  He pushed her off, watching as an expression of confusion covered her face, almost laughing as she stared at him in stunned surprise.

  “What are you…oh!” she cried out as he pulled her to her knees, his body leaning over hers. She felt him push into her from behind as his lips moved over the back of her neck, brushing her fiery hair from her nape to expose that tasty treat. She shivered under the heat of his mouth and the languid pace of his lovemaking. He seemed to be playing with her, nipping her flesh, changing the rhythm of his thrusts, the direction of them, finally pushing her down so that she was on her hands and knees, his hands on her hips.

  Turning her head, she could see him behind her, his head bent as he watched his cock push between her slick folds, her opening stretching around his girth. She blushed, her cheeks flushing even as more heat pulsed inside of her, throbbing with need. She couldn’t imagine what he was seeing, though the thought of it made her wriggle against him as a wave of pleasure pulsed over her.

  He groaned, feeling her clamp down around his cock, seeing her wetness increase. He could feel the need to come, like a low tingle in his balls, churning through, growing stronger, but he held it back, wanting her to climax once more.

  “Jason,” she moaned. “Oh God, this has to be a sin.”

  “No, my love. The only sin would be in not enjoying what God gave us.”

  Alyssa felt his hands tighten on her hips and then he started pounding into her, the small hard bud of her clit being mashed between them with every stroke. It pushed her, driving the tight knot of desire inside of her tighter, making her feel as if she would die if he didn’t thrust harder. Her body moved with its own mind, pushing back against his restraining hands, trying to take more, to give more to him.

  It was there, that tingle, then a burst of heat, shivers of pleasures rushing through her. She cried out, her head thrown back as every muscle in her body tightened.

  She heard him growl, felt the jump his body gave, and then she felt him cannon his hot seed into her, bathing her insides with the heat of his pearly come.

  She was limp beneath him, lying on her belly, her legs splayed, her breath finally slowing. He brushed her hair from her face, holding his weight off of her with his arms, his cock still buried inside of her, his chest against her back.

  “Alyssa?” he called, when her eyes remained closed.

  “Hmmm,” she moaned softly, refusing to move even enough to open her eyes.

  “Are you all right, love?” he asked, his voice sounding more than pleased with himself, chuckling as she moaned again.

  He lifted himself off, chuckling more when she protested him leaving the soft warm haven of her body. Throwing himself next to her, he let his hand caress the smooth line of her back.

  She managed to drag herself over to him and put her head on his chest. “Sleep,” she said, “then food.” The latter came out as a moan as she snuggled her nose into his neck and closed her eyes.

  “Yes,” he sighed, his arm wrapping around her, reaching down to grab the coverlet and drag it over them before joining her in sleep.

  * * * *

  “So why won’t you take me?” Cat whined, crossing her arms in front of her like a petulant child and giving Teddy a mutinous frown.

  “Oh, come on, Cat. You know your brother would never approve of you going anywhere alone with me. Especially alone, overnight, with no chaperone. I’m sorry, my dear. You are just going to have to buck up and make the trip with your brother and his wife.” He stalked over, plopping himself down on the bench in the garden next to her. With a sigh at the glare she gave him, he steeled himself and tried another tack.

  “You know I’d love to go, Cat. Especially if it gave me so much time to spend with you. But we have to face facts. Your brother is looking for a title for you. That’s something I don’t have -- and won’t have.” He gave her his best hangdog face, letting his brown eyes droop a little.

  “Oh, stuff that look, Teddy. How do I know you want to be with me anyways? You’ve never even tried to kiss me.”

  “As if I’d be allowed,” he grumbled. “Soon as I try anything seems like bells and whistles go off all over and someone shows up.”

  “There’s no one with us now,” she said, turning on the bench to face him. “No one knows we are out here. I told Matthew I was off to bed. I said I was bored since Alyssa was away on her wedding trip and was going to read the rest of the night. Then I came out here to see you.”

  “He won’t check on you?” Teddy asked, slowly reaching his hands to touch the bare skin of her arms. His fingers brushed her skin, and he heard her gasp before she answered.

  “No, Lara had that gleam in her eyes tonight at dinner. I doubt I shall hear much but moaning out of them until morning.”

  “Catherine Annabelle!” Teddy exclaimed, shocked by her words even as he drew her closer.

  “Well, it’s true. Alyssa and I went exploring one night and were ever so shocked to find out how loud they are when they make love. I wonder if I shall be as loud?” she mused, her hands crossing his chest before slipping over his shoulders.

  “Proper young ladies wouldn’t wonder such things, Cat,” he said, his head bending towards hers.

  “Who said I’m a proper young lady, Tedd…mmm,” she ended as his lips touched hers for the first time. Her eyes fluttered closed and she forgot all about her brother and his wife as the wonder of his mouth flowed through her.

  Teddy tried to keep his kiss light, keep it chaste, for she was an innocent. But then her lips opened, her tongue coming out to flick at his mouth, pushing past his teeth to find his tongue. He heard his own groan of pleasure but was then lost. Her mouth was hot and sweet, her tongue a flickering flame teasing his passions. He devoured her mouth, until realizing that she was right there with him, matching him kiss for kiss.

  Tearing his lips from hers, he pushed away, holding her at arms length. “Who the bloody hell have you been kissing? And don’t tell me no one. I know the difference, Cat!” He shook her quickly, seeing her eyes open and a blush rise to her cheeks. “Who is the bounder? Drat it all, Cat. I’ll have to kill him now.”

  Cat’s hands rose to her lips, her eyes full of the wonder of his kiss and the desire and pleasure he’d given her so easily. She heard his words and a blush rose on her cheeks. How could she tell him that it wasn’t a man?

  “Y…you don’t know him,” she said, her voice uneven, her eyes looking down and away from his.

  “You’re lying, Cat,” he accus
ed, his eyes narrowing as he stared at her. “I demand his name, now.” He shook her again. “Tell me, damn it.”

  “I…I can’t. Oh, God,” she moaned, dropping her face into her hands. “This is embarrassing.”

  “There’s nothing embarrassing about it, Catherine. Tell me who he is. I’ll go and gut the bounder with my sword and then you’ll promise to kiss no one but me from now on. Nothing at all to be embarrassed about,” he said, shaking her one more time just for clarity.

  “It wasn’t a he,” she whispered into her hands.

  “Speak up, girl. I didn’t hear you.”

  Cat looked up and received a thrill at the possessive way he was staring at her. She quivered with pleasure under his restraining hands. “It wasn’t a he,” she repeated, barely loud enough for him to hear.

  “It wasn’t a he? How’s that possible? That would have to mean it was a…a she?”

  Cat nodded, feeling the blush heating her cheeks again.

  “Who?” he asked, dropping his hands from her shoulders as shock filled him.

  “A…Alyssa, if you must know. But if you tell her I told you, or tell Jason any of this, she’ll never speak to me again,” she moaned.

  “Alyssa! You and Alyssa…kissed?” A small smile twitched the corner of his lips as he couldn’t help but wonder at the circumstances.

  “Yes, and…and more.”

  “Really,” he said softly, his mind racing at the possibilities.


  “I’m sorry,” he said, though his eyes were sparkling.

  “Fine, but now you have to forget I told you.”

  “Oh,” he breathed, pulling her close and bending his head towards her lips once more. “I really don’t think I can. Now you have to tell me everything,” he murmured against her mouth.

  She kissed him until his words sank into her passion-befuddled mind. Pushing his away, she glared at him. “I can’t tell you that. It’s…It’s embarrassing.”

  “All right, then tell me this. Where were you?” he asked, grabbing her hands before she could strike at him.

  Cat took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes at him. “You aren’t going to give this up until I tell you something, are you?”

  “Sorry, my dear. This is just too good for me not to hear.” He lifted one of her hands, holding it to his lips.

  “Drat it all, and my big mouth, too,” she groused. “Fine, I’ll tell you some, but you can’t tell Alyssa—or Jason, either. Promise?”

  He kissed her hand again, using it to cross his heart. “I promise, love. Now give, where were you?”

  “In my bed, here,” she said, whispering the words.

  “Oh,” Teddy breathed, feeling his cock stir in his tight breeches at the thought of the two young, nubile beauties, together in a bed at night. “What did she do?”

  “She said she would teach me how to kiss so that I could…”

  “So that you could…?” he urged.

  “S…seduce you in the garden. Not like you’ve given me much of a chance.”

  “You kissed Alyssa so that you could seduce me?”

  “Y…Yes,” she admitted. “But it went further than just a kiss.”

  Teddy rose from the bench, holding out his hand to her. He pulled her up, wrapping his arms around her. “What did she do?”

  “It was more me at first,” Cat admitted, burying her face in his chest.

  He lifted her chin, brushing his mouth over hers. “Tell me?”

  “I was feeling her…her bottom through her nightrail. And then I pulled it up and felt her skin.” Cat felt Teddy’s breath catch, and then heard him moan. He dropped his head to her neck, his lips nibbling on the sensitive skin there.

  “And then?” he coaxed.

  “She undid my buttons and pulled my gown to my waist. She…she kissed my…” Her voice lowered until it was a bare whisper. “Breasts.”

  Teddy bent her over his arm, his lips slipping downward towards those luscious curves. His hand came up, tripping over the buttons that decorated the front of her gown, loosening them. “Like this?” he asked her softly, his lips traveling across the sweetness of her upper breasts, stopping at the lacy barrier of her chemise.

  Cat was breathing heavily, her eyes shut. She couldn’t believe he was doing this to her, that she was laying in his arms with her gown unbuttoned and he was looking at her barely covered breasts.

  “N…no, she was lower. On my…” the word deserted her as she felt him pull the chemise lower, baring her to his avidly admiring eyes.

  “Nipple,” he said quietly before taking that plump brown tip into his mouth. He felt her hands twine in his hair, heard her gasp and then whimper. But he was lost in her taste, in her scent, her tale forgotten as he held the woman of his dreams in his arms and pleasured her flesh.

  “Oh my God!” exclaimed a feminine voice from behind them. Lara Trent, Matthew’s wife and Cat’s sister-in-law, stormed into the small clearing. “Catherine, come here, immediately.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Teddy stood tall and proud, his back to the door, as he waited for Matthew in his library. They’d been caught, well and proper and now there was nothing to do but pay the piper. With a small grin, he couldn’t help but think that things had turned out the way he wanted them to in the first place. Of course, he couldn’t let Matthew know that.

  “Paxton,” Matthew said by way of greeting when he entered the library in his shirtsleeves and breeches, a soft pair of house shoes upon his feet. “This is deuced inconvenient of you.”

  “I’m sorry, Your Grace. I didn’t think there would be a good time to seduce your sister.” A small groan escaped him as he realized what he’d said.

  “Ha, very nicely said, Paxton. I’m impressed. I heard you were a man of forthright attitude. It’s a pleasure to see. Now, as far as my sister is concerned…” Matthew walked nonchalantly towards Teddy and before Teddy could duck, Matthew had plowed his fist into Teddy’s stomach.

  The air escaped his lungs with a loud woof and he bent at the waist, his hands on his knees as he sought to find air again. His lungs were screaming when they suddenly figured out how to work once more and he gulped in air greedily.

  “That should take care of any injured pride upon my part. Now, as for your part, what do you propose to do?” Matthew asked, sitting himself behind the huge oak desk.

  “Well…” Teddy began, stopping to clear his voice as the sound came out slightly husky and a little shrill. “Well,” he started again, sounding more like himself. “I suppose I propose to propose,” he said, closing his eyes as he surprised himself once more.

  Matthew laughed, standing and walking back around the desk, holding his hand out to Teddy and slapping him on the back. “I’ve always liked your family, Paxton. I know you and I should deal famously. Now, I have my own wife to see to, I’ll have the butler show you out.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace,” Teddy said, wincing a little at the strength of the slap against his shoulder. “Ah, one thing, Your Grace?”

  “Matthew, please. Teddy, isn’t it? We shall be relatives soon.”

  “Matthew, then. Is it possible for me to say goodnight to Cat before I go?”

  Matthew hesitated, just long enough to cause Teddy some misgivings. He did it purposefully, for even though he hadn’t waited for the wedding night before tipping up Lara’s skirts, this was his sister. It wouldn’t do to allow the man that much ease. “I’ll send her down. You have ten minutes and then I’ll expect her back upstairs. Good night.” He nodded his head, turning and walking out the door, leaving it open behind him.

  Teddy didn’t have long to wait before he heard the sound of slippered feet in the hallway outside. He turned, stopping himself from rubbing his sore stomach as she walked in the door. Her green eyes were dark with worry, her lips slightly swollen from his kisses and her hair mussed from the wind outside.

  She’d never looked more perfect.

  “Teddy, is everything all right? Matthew did
n’t hurt you, did he?”

  “I’m still standing, aren’t I? Bloody hell, Cat, don’t unman me. I stood up to your brother very well, thank you.” He watched as her eyes sparkled and a look of irritation replaced the one of concern.

  “Fine then, you’re well and I shan’t have to worry you were injured due to any fault of mine. Let me wish you a good night, Lord Paxton. I hope you have a safe trip.” She dropped a small curtsey, turning with her back as stiff as it could be and walking towards the door.

  “Aww, Cat, love, wait a moment, please.” Damn him, but this wasn’t coming out the way he wanted.

  “Yes?” she said turning, her nose in the air.

  He walked toward her, seeing the hurt in her eyes and feeling the dejection of it down into his soul. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, coming to stand before her, his hands reaching out for hers. He lifted her hands to his lips, turning them to kiss the palms of her hands and then her wrists. Dropping to his knees in front of her, he held her hands to his lips. “Forgive me, please,” he said, staring up into her eyes.

  “Oh, Teddy. Of course I forgive you. Please,” she said, tugging on his hand to try to get him to rise. “Get up, Teddy before someone sees you.”

  “All they would see would be a man in love asking the woman he loves to marry him,” Teddy said, kissing her hands once more.

  “W…what?” Her eyes narrowed as she stared down at him. She yanked her hands away despite his attempt to hold onto them. “This is my brother’s doing,” she fumed, stalking around the room. “He put you up to this.”

  “Be damned, woman,” Teddy exclaimed, getting up off the floor and following her around. “What did you expect him to say when his wife caught us making love in the garden? Oh, Teddy, good show old boy. Next time, though, when you try to seduce my sister, try to do it where Lara won’t walk in. A bed might be a handy thing, also, old boy. And then he’d offer me brandy and cigars.” He threw his hands up in the air, turning around and stalking to the fireplace to pick up the poker and shove a few logs around, watching the sparks fly up the chimney.


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