Taking His Virgin

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Taking His Virgin Page 2

by Jamie Knight

  “No, they’re back at the hotel.”

  “Good, so you’ll still be able to get home.”

  The noisy one became quiet, nodding her agreement. It was a nice change. She still wasn’t as hot as her little friend, who was at that moment giving me the puppy eyes.

  “Come,” I said, going to unlock the door.

  Scooting them out of the study and to the stairs, away from the rest of the club, I took the two little darlings up to the third floor. It would take longer but would also neutralize the risk of the other members finding them. I had checked both of them for perfume that might give away their presence but didn’t smell any. They still smelled delicious in another way, though. The noisy one like black licorice and her sweet little friend wafted like raspberries though only close up.

  “I suggest you go right to bed,” I said as we reached the top of the stairs.

  The rooms were on opposite sides of the hall. I would have put them together, but I couldn’t risk having them planning anything. I took care of the noisy one first, getting her into the room, then closing and locking the door behind her. There was some ratting on the handle, but it didn’t do any good. There was also no window in that room, so there was no longer any risk of her being discovered.

  It was the first time the meeting had been held at my house, a great honor indeed. I could only imagine what they would make of having our most secret and private meeting violated by two intruders right off the street. I hadn’t actually meant it when I said it didn’t matter if they were mugged. It mattered to me that it did not happen again, and while I liked their looks of fear, I didn’t actually want either of them to be harmed. Hurt, yes, particularly by my hand but not injured or traumatized.

  I turned back to the little sweetheart who bit her lip and looked down quickly when our eyes met. She shivered visibly as I stepped close to her, and I wondered if she’d even been near a man before. She trembled even harder as I put an arm around her waist to guide her to the next room. She went into the room with some coaxing and turned to look at me as I closed the door. The deepest sort of fear in her eyes. A look that turned me on deeply and profoundly. I could hardly believe my luck and very much looked forward to sampling her tender youth.

  Satisfied that crisis had been averted, and new opportunities had arisen, I returned to the sitting room to rejoin the meeting.

  Chapter Four - Amanda

  The bedroom was beautiful though it felt like a gilded cage on account of the door being locked. My mind spun, trying to think of why the man might have done that. Was he trying to protect me from the others? He did seem more reasonable than I’d expected. We really had done wrong by walking in uninvited. He could well have called the cops on us or gone for some even more unpleasant modes of punishment.

  Like a creeping terror, something else occurred to me: he might be saving us for later. Keeping us from his friends so he would have us all to himself. I was half out of my mind with fear but had still noticed him smelling Liz and me when he got close. She’d given him some trouble, but I just stood there, mute.

  He was more likely to come for me between the two of us because I was the easier target. Besides which, by the way he’d looked at me in the study, he was probably already thinking of what he would do to me.

  Despite the fact I’d heard the door click — like it had on the room he’d put Liz in — I went over and tried the lock. The knob clicked stiffly, barely moving in either direction. I backed away from the way out, feeling the hope flee from my body and leaving me like an empty shadow.

  I realized too late I couldn’t feel my legs. My knees had turned to jelly. Though I tried to catch on to something so I wouldn’t fall, I still went down, hitting the floor hard. Pain shot up from my ass to my head, but I did my best not to yelp. I didn’t want to worry Liz or let the other men at the meeting know I was there — just in case I really was being protected. I didn’t know what to think about anything or anyone — except for Liz, of course.

  I sat on the floor of the truly opulent room, trying to get my head together and wait for the literal pain in my ass to subside. I was never quite sure how it happened, but I’d always been more sensitive than most. I couldn’t even try to wear anything rougher than cotton or silk until I was well in my teens and still couldn’t wear jeans without them driving me absolutely crazy.

  I didn’t know what I wasn’t going to do, but it had to be something. Even though I didn’t want to get any more attention from the attractive guy I figured to be the house owner, I really wanted to say something. That we were sorry, and we didn’t mean to break in, something to let him know we weren’t what he probably suspected we were. To be fair, I couldn’t say what I would think if two strangers just came walking into my home.

  Liz had probably already found a way out, which would have been great if we’d had any way to communicate. Yet, our phones had already been stolen, and I didn’t see one in the room I was in. Otherwise, I would have been tempted to call the police, no matter what the homeowner said. Not that I really would have. I didn’t have nearly the kind of nerve to defy him. That was more of Liz’s department.

  I listened, trying to hear if any sirens were approaching, just in case Liz had found a way to call the cops. It was unlikely but doing unlikely things was her specialty. There was nothing but the usual noise of traffic.

  Convinced no other help was coming, and I was on my own, I started looking for another way out. I felt guilty leaving Liz behind but planned to go somewhere else for help, call the cops, and rescue her.

  There would be two separate police reports we would have to make, first for the mugging, which was plausible enough. But also, for what had happened at the house, which I was already having trouble processing. I mean, were we being kidnapped? Hopefully, Liz could bring a bit more clarity to the subject, and I would just have to back her up. But first, I had to get out of here.

  There were windows, three of them. I was on the third floor and didn’t actually know if any of the windows opened but also didn’t care. I had to try, seized by a sudden feeling of courage that I couldn’t quite name. There was something about being locked in a bedroom in a stranger’s house as he had a secret meeting, he didn’t want the cops at, that really put me on edge.

  The first two windows didn’t open, locked from the top with a latch system I couldn’t figure out. The last one was unlocked and slid up pretty easily. Testing it to make sure it wouldn’t guillotine me on the way out, I swung out a leg. Adding to my natural physical awkwardness was the fact that I was wearing a skirt and had to sort of hover over the window sill as I swung my other leg out. Hanging onto the sill, I tried to get a foothold in the brick on the outside wall like I’d seen a rock climber do.

  Getting what I thought was a good hold with my foot, I relaxed my grip on the sill, getting ready to use my hands to climb down. The move was too soon it turned out, because my foot slipped, and I tumbled down off the sill toward the ground.

  I didn’t actually feel the hit, but it must have been hard. The black started coming faster than I could fight it off. The last thing I could see before the darkness took me was the group of men running toward me.

  It came in bits and flashes. I was vaguely aware of someone picking me up as though I weighed nothing. I managed to look and saw the homeowner looking down at me with genuine concern while holding me as though he was going to start rocking me at any moment. Truth be told, I wouldn’t have minded if he did.

  I felt movement and realized I was being taken back inside the brownstone I’d just tried to escape from.

  “What’s going on here, Warren?” someone asked, as the homeowner sat down with me on a creaky bit of furniture.

  “She’s my new pet, Preston. Just trying to get attention.”

  The others laughed, as though that was a normal thing to say.

  “Hold her up a bit, Warren.”

  I felt myself being lifted without knowing why. Suddenly a light start
ed shining in my eyes. I wanted to turn my head, but Warren was holding me still.

  “May I touch her?” asked the same voice.

  “Of course, Jim.”

  Hands were on me — my chest, my sides, my hips, and down my legs to my ankles. It didn’t feel like grouping. The touches were too firm and business-like. It was then, and only then that I realized that Jim was a doctor. He was seeing if I’d hurt anything in the fall.

  “There might be some bruising later, but she should be fine. There’s no concussion. Nothing is broken or sprained.”

  It all really came together at that moment, and I came back to full awareness.

  Chapter Five - Warren

  I couldn’t remember the last time I was so scared. We had seen the girl fall through one of the sitting room windows. It was like a jolt of lightning had been put through the room as we all ran out to see what happened.

  None of the other members had seen the girls come in, so it wasn’t too hard to explain her presence. For all they knew, she was already in the house before they arrived. I wasn’t the only member to have pets, most of whom were live in. It was a temptation to try and explain things right away, but I figured it would be better to wait until someone actually asked. Otherwise, the answer might seem a bit too made up. It wasn’t made up, really, at least as far as I was concerned. I fully intended to play with her; I just hadn’t asked her yet.

  I got to the girl first and was glad of it, unable to stand the thought of anyone else touching Amanda. I scooped her up into my arms and was surprised by how light she was. She looked pretty small, but I hadn’t expected her to be almost weightless. It was nothing to cradle her warm, petite body in my arms. She felt so good against me; it was a struggle not to take her right then and there in the alley. The window she’d gone out was at the back of the house, going down into the alley between my building and the one facing the other way.

  Reading my mind, Jim started looking her over, basically giving me the green light to move her. I certainly didn’t want to leave her in the alley and got her back into the house as quickly as possible, the rest of the club following close behind.

  “She’s been a naughty girl,” Hank teased.

  “You should punish her. The bad little pet,” Aaron chirped.

  I wasn’t sure at first, but after finding out Amanda was physically okay, my desire for her started to rise again.

  “Punish her, Hamilton. It is the only way she will learn,” advised Andrew Moore.

  He was the president of the club, and his word was law. I could have defied him, but I would have basically been blackballed from society as I knew it.

  I looked down into her sweet, innocent, brown eyes, feeling my heart thud inside my chest. “Of course,” I said.

  She was back to full consciousness, so I stood up with her still safe in my arms and took her over to the fireplace to warm up. I put a hand under Amanda’s chin, forcing her to look at me. Her big, beautiful eyes stared at me as though I was a god. Her sweet lips quivered as I stroked my hand over her tits with my other hand. I was trying to make it look, so she was already mine to sell the lie to the club. She wouldn’t know it, but I was trying to protect her.

  “I-I’m really sorry.”

  “For what?” I demanded.

  She looked down. “T-that I tried to run.”

  “You owe me a lot more than an apology, little one. Here you are, staying at my house and ruining my meeting. That was very naughty, wasn’t it?”


  “What was that?”

  “Y-yes, sir. I’ve been very naughty,” she said, turning those Bambi eyes back on me. “W-what do I have to do?”

  There was a note of defiance in her voice, reminding me of her noisy friend. But unlike her friend, the little cutie’s entire body was trembling and not just from the cold. The little sweetheart was scared though I didn’t think it was me. Not entirely anyway. I was feeling a little shaky myself, mostly from anger at her attitude. I squeezed her tits hard, making her yelp as I tried to think of an appropriate punishment.

  “Turn so you are facing the fire,” I said, “then bend over and pull up your skirt, showing us your cute little ass.”

  I thought she was going to scream. I expected her to and run or to argue or beg, not wanting to do that. The brave little sweetheart surprised me by doing exactly what I said. Turning, so her back was to us, she bent over and pulled up her skirt until we could see her entire, cotton clad ass.

  It was crazy how much Amanda turned me on. She was so perfect I wanted to take her right there but knew I needed a scene to satisfy the club. They were angry about the meeting being interrupted by her stunt and wanted to see her punished.

  Placing one hand on the small of her back, I gave her a firm, sharp strike on her lily little ass. A red mark rising on the exposed skin around her panties. My little darling whimpered but refused to scream. I couldn’t see her mouth but guessed she was biting her lip.

  I struck again on the other cheek with much the same result. The club laughed and cheered as my pet let out another muffled cry. It was clear I was hurting her. Probably more than she deserved. She’d clearly never done anything like that before, and I was going a bit too hard.

  Wrapping a masterful hand around her waist to hold her still, I pulled her panties down to her ankles. It was probably more than she wanted to reveal, but what I knew and she didn’t, was her hips were low enough to keep her tender little pussy hidden while completely exposing her adorable little ass. The latter condition’s advantage was I could do a lot more that looked impressive without really hurting her. At least not in an awful way.

  I set back in with strikes, using only the flat of my hand in an upward motion. A good hard spank to an observer while being more of a hard pat to the person receiving it.

  “Scream,” I whispered as I reared back for another ‘hit.’

  My obedient little pet did as she was told and screamed in apparent agony as my hand came down. She and I were the only two who knew what it was really like. I gave her a couple of hard ones, just for show, angling them just right so it would hurt a little less than usual while also stretching out her asshole.

  The entire club enjoyed her loud sounds of pleasure. I doubted anyone had done anything like that with her before and enjoyed watching her discovery. More to my surprise, she started to enjoy the spanking, too, even the harsh ones. I could smell her excitement. The sweet smell of her sweet little pussy reached my nose and made me go slightly mad.

  Amanda would be a great little pet, despite her inexperience. If anything, it was an asset, and I very much looked forward to breaking her in and watching her discover new dimensions of her latent sexuality. Just to be sure, I reached down and gently stroked her pussy as I stretched her asshole with my other hand. She shuddered and moaned like she was coming.

  The girl was almost certainly a virgin. I would have frankly been surprised if she’d even been kissed. I didn’t care what it took or what I had to do; I was going to keep her as my pet for real. I promised myself I would enjoy her for a few days and then let her go home with her friend.

  Chapter Six - Amanda

  My skin still tingled. The sting wasn’t as nasty as I would have expected. Warren had actually been pretty gentle, only spanking me really hard a couple of times. I couldn’t be sure if he was toying with me or really trying not to do damage. Either way, it was supremely fun. Mainly when he would stretch out my asshole and the one and sadly only time he reached down and touched my virgin pussy.

  I was so full of desire I couldn’t think straight. His big fingers had been light and gentle on my delicate pussy lips. I could have cum right then and there if he had kept it up. At least I thought so. I’d never actually had an orgasm before, too nervous to even try and touch myself. Relationship-wise I’d never even been kissed let alone touched like that. I knew I should have been scared, but I wasn’t.

  I stole a look back at Warren as
he touched my pussy, opening up a whole new world of possibilities. He was so handsome it made my physically shiver, naughty, and impure thoughts rushing through my head. All I wanted was to feel his lips on mine and then other places. Such a thing still made me blush at that point, let alone say the names out loud. I honestly didn’t care that we were surrounded by other men. I just wanted him to touch me anyway he saw fit.

  “Had enough, naughty girl?” he asked, landing another hard strike on my bare ass.

  Drawing up courage I never really knew I had, I turned and looked at him, my ass still literally in his hands.

  “No, sir. I need more punishment.”

  There was a fire in his eyes that made me feel dizzy. There was so much rage and desire, and I couldn’t wait to see what he had in mind for me. I just wanted to feel his hands on my body more.

  A cheer went up as I spoke. The other men were thrilled to see me punished some more. I wasn’t thinking about them, though. All I was focused on was Warren.

  Leaving me where I was, my tormentor walked over to one of the fine side tables, carved out of the best rosewood, and slid open a drawer. There was even more cheering as he took something out, and I tensed with anticipation as I heard his footfalls as he came back to me.

  I could only imagine what was going to happen next but very much looked forward to it.

  Warren put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me up into a kneeling position. I felt my arms being pulled behind my back and crossed at the wrists. Instinctively I knew he was going to tie me up. Silk rope slithered around my wrists a couple of times before being knotted. That done, Warren ran his hands down my sides to my panties around my knees and pulled them back up under my skirt before crossing my ankles in the same way to my wrists and tying them too.

  After a couple of test wiggles just to make sure, I was satisfied that I couldn’t move. Another thrill went through me as it dawned on me that I was entirely in Warren’s hands. He could do whatever he wanted to me, and I couldn’t even try to fight or run. Not that I would anyway, but it was arousing to know that wasn’t even an option.


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