Cole: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance

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Cole: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance Page 6

by Kathi S. Barton

  He noticed that Ryan didn’t have any trouble fitting in with them. Cole supposed that was in part why she was his mate—that she could and did give as good as she got. It made him laugh out loud when she took one of them to task, especially when she would tell Devon that he was full of shit. The big dragon didn’t know how to take her being up in his face.

  After dinner, they hung around a little longer than he’d thought they would. It wasn’t until the attorney that was taking the case for Dillon showed up that he understood. He told them what he knew, which was a great deal, thanks mostly to the other women of the group. They were not only well connected with what they were into, but a few of them weren’t opposed to calling a stranger and getting what they wanted from them.

  Even his own mate had the ear to the president. Not that she wanted it, but she had it. He’d been calling the house a few times a week to speak to Ryan. He wasn’t sure she was unhappy about the input she could give him, but she was getting sick of telling him that she no longer wanted to work for him. It hadn’t set well with the man. Thanks to him, they had some information that Cole doubted they would have gotten from anywhere else.

  “The satellite clearly shows that your wife was driving the car that hit your parents. That’s all we have; unfortunately, just her getting out of the car and going to the other car. But it’s more than enough, I think, to show that she was a part of the death of the two of them. That, along with the insurance policy she took out on them, shows premeditation.” Ryan asked what would happen to her. “That’s why I had hoped to talk to the three of you tonight. I need for Dillon, as we talked about before, to tell the courts that he no longer wishes to press charges against his wife in the matter where she tried to kill him. At least at this time. You must remember to say that, young man. Otherwise, we can’t go back and visit that if this other doesn’t pan out. I don’t foresee any issues with that, but you never know what is going to happen when there are crowds of people around.”

  Dillon agreed, and then he told Rylie and Ryan what their part in this would be. It was going to be tricky, Cole thought, to time things just the way the lawyer wanted them to, but in the end, it would make sure that Sandra was kept in jail for a very long time. That was what they wanted, while the others wanted her dead.

  Going back to the hotel, he was glad he’d gotten separate rooms from Ryan. She was going to spend some time with her brother and sister. He knew they were close, and the only way they’d make this work for their brother was to convince him that it would. However, before going into the room, the three of them were sharing, she came to him.

  “I’m in love with you.” He smiled at her, unsure what she was going to say next. That was something he’d learned about her tonight—she wasn’t nearly finished telling you something when she paused a little bit. “I’m not sure about tomorrow nor what happens years from now. But I do know that I want to spend the rest of whatever time we have being immortal living with you and loving you more daily.”

  “Will you marry me?” She asked him if that was necessary. “It is to me. While I can understand not wanting a ceremony, I would like to have that we’re married filed in the courthouse. In later years, it will help with us changing names around should that become necessary.”

  “Because you’re around forever.” He nodded, pulling her into his arms, no longer able to resist having her close enough to touch. “Okay. I don’t have any problem with that. However, I would like for you to set up a trip if you’d not mind. I want to get away. To get out of my comfort zone and travel for a while. Would that be all right with you?”

  “It would. Very much so.” She nodded. Kissing him, pulling him to her, had his cock stretching in his pants so much that he had to adjust himself or be in more pain than he’d been in a while. When she grinned at him, he laughed. “How on this earth did I go for so long thinking that a mate would be something that would tie me down?”

  “I don’t know. But when you do figure it out, let me know. I have been wondering the same thing.” She started to pull away but turned back to him. “I don’t have much, but I have money. I’d like to, if you don’t mind, set something up with it to give my brother and sister some starting money. Kelly told me they’d be around forever as well.”

  “They will, and we have more than enough money to help with whatever adventures they’d like to start out with. I do believe Dillon has accepted the job with working for our family as an investment broker. Your sister, what is it she likes to get into?” Ryan told him. “Doctorate in Psychology? Well, I’m not sure I have much need for that right now, but I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can get her happy too. She’s very shy. Is it to do with the man?”

  “No. She’s always been shy. To hear her tell it, she had to be so that people would know it was me when trouble started. I don’t think I was that bad, but it has worked for her for a long time. Also, she was always putting together things. Organizing events for the school or whatever people needed. She’s very good at that and comes out of her shell when she gets going.” Cole told her he could use someone like that. “Good. You talk to her. I’m going to be thinking of ways to jump your bones.”

  With that parting statement, she left him there. It wasn’t until Faith closed his mouth that he realized he was standing there with it hanging open. Looking at the little faerie he’d been with since he was a little dragon, he saw her smiling at him.

  “I would like to talk to you, sir.” He told her that he needed a moment. “Yes. But ‘tis important.”

  “All right, my dear. What is it that is so important that I can’t feel good about my mate loving me?” She told him, of course, she loved him. “Yes, well, she’s only just said the words. I was basking in them when you rudely interrupted me.”

  “You are very strange. I think there is a mate for her sister.” That did get his attention. “I thought for a little while that you were wrong in Lady Ryan being your mate. But then I saw that it was her sister the man was staring at.”

  “Are you sure it’s a mate and not just someone trying to get at her?” Faith told him she was sure of his intentions. “Then why is he not claiming her? Do you know what his reason would be for waiting?”

  “He is...I’m not sure what it is called. But he is not perfect.” Cole entered his room before they drew attention to themselves. He asked her to explain. “He is part werewolf. Not wolf, my lord, but the ‘were’ sort. The other part of him I do not know at all. But he thinks of himself as imperfect and cannot bring himself to claim such a beauty. I thought he was having trouble with telling the two apart. But that doesn’t seem to be an issue. He knows which is which. I sometimes do not, but he does. As do you, now that I think on it.”

  “It’s because she calls to me. This man. Do you know anything about him? His name would be nice to know so I can have him looked into.” She told him what she knew of him—nothing helpful, but he did know more than he had before. “He owns part of this establishment, so he must have money, wouldn’t you think? Not that it’s necessary to have yourself set up like we are, but it would be better, don’t you think?”

  “I know only that he is part owner here. That he is a half breed of a race I thought long since gone.” Cole asked her if she thought he’d be up for a talk. “I can ask him. He knows of me and that I’m here. He is also aware of the reason we’re here. I was concerned about that, but as it is in the newspaper, I didn’t think he was spying on anyone. What do you think we should tell Lady Ryan?”

  “I have no idea. Should we wait for a move on his part?” She said she was not going to give him advice for his mate. “Are you by chance afraid of Lady Ryan?”

  “I am, my lord. We all are.” When she shivered then sat down on the pillow of his bed, he could see that she really was concerned about Ryan. “She has never harmed me. Nor has she spoken to me as you do when you are out of your head with something bothering you. But there is somethi
ng about her, a strength I cannot name just yet, that frightens me, as well as the other faeries. She has a magic about her that doesn’t match anything you have. It’s not dark, but it isn’t wholly white either.”

  He’d have to think on that. Right now, he was more concerned with William Spencer. What did he know about them? Better yet, what was his reasoning for not approaching Rylie when he had to be aware of what they were? Or did he?

  Cole knew that having Bryce around them would deter anyone or anything from coming around that would cause them harm. The grand witch would be able to perhaps not kill whatever came at them, but she could put them in a world of hurt. Cole also bet that she’d blanket what she considered her family with something to hide what they actually were. The way they were protective of one another, himself included, he’d also bet they had more than just the faeries keeping them safe.

  As he laid down on his bed, he thought of all the people that had been in the dining room with them this evening. More than just help, he wondered now. Laughing as he rolled to his side, stripping off his clothing as he did so, he also thought he’d have to have a talk with the younger woman. Cole could and would lend her whatever she needed in the way of strength when she needed it for this.

  “My lord, there is something else I just remembered. The woman in the jail cell, she is not right in the head. I know you must be aware of that, but I wanted to tell you that the faeries watching her think she is very evil as well.” He turned and asked her what she had found out. “She can call to her black magic to make those around her do what she wishes.”

  That was something he hadn’t thought of—Sandra being able to get out of what was going to happen in the morning. Reaching out to Noah to ask if he could speak to his wife for a few moments, he only got a tingling of a warning before their images appeared in front of them. The two of them looked as if they were having a good time eating popcorn and watching a movie. He told them what he’d only just found out.

  “Thank you for that.” When Bryce laughed, Cole pulled his blankets up more over his chest. “I will take care of this when we arrive. The faeries you have watching her—did you know that I have a few there as well?”

  When Faith shook her head, he told Bryce he’d not been aware. “I didn’t want anything to get past us, as this is my family now. Anything that happens to anyone here will mean the death of the woman.” Bryce assured him that she wouldn’t be a problem. “You’re that sure? That positive that the outcome will make them all safe?”

  “Even if the outcome does not go in our favor, Cole, I swear to you that she will no longer be a problem for anyone.” He nodded. There wasn’t anything better that he could have asked from someone. “I do thank you for the information. Also, if your faerie does have any luck finding mine, I would appreciate it. They’ve been missing since the day after I sent them there.”

  “I will go and search for them now, my lady Grand Witch.” When Faith left them, he looked at Noah when he said his name.

  “Keep your loved ones close tomorrow, my friend. While we cannot figure out the way things are going to go with the judge, we do know there will be magic. I wouldn’t want to be Sandra tomorrow if things go according to plan. Or for that matter, even if they don’t.”

  Once their connection was closed, he laid back on his bed. Instead of lying there, waiting on the sun to rise, he got up and dressed. He needed to do something. Making sure that his sister-in-law was safe seemed like a good distraction for him.

  As soon as he was put in touch with the man, he decided to check out the bar that was still open. Not that he could get drunk. However, Cole did enjoy a nice glass or two of wine on occasion. He would have to remember to have his collection brought here. Some of the wines he had were priceless.

  As soon as William came to meet him, Cole felt better about a great many things.

  Chapter 5

  The courtroom was packed. Dillon wasn’t sure if it all had to do with Sandra or not until he heard a couple of people talking about her. Neighbors, he figured, when they spoke about how she wasn’t mowing her lawn before the house was burnt to the ground. They seemed to know that she’d had some start the fire too. Also, he heard she had been tossing her trash into their yards over the years. She’d been causing more than just trouble with him, it appeared. A lot of people around here wanted her to get her comeuppance. He surely hoped today was the day that she got it. He wanted an end to this, and her, in the worst sort of way.

  Even though he’d been granted a divorce immediately after filing for one, he was still afraid to be near her. Fear? No, it wasn’t that. It was something more akin to being sickened by her. She’d killed his parents. They weren’t the best parents by any stretch of the imagination, but they had been his.

  Dillon would be forever grateful to Devon and the rest of the men for showing him how the magic he’d been given would keep him safe. Also, and this was something he tried very hard not to get too excited about, he could kill Sandra if she were to attack him. Twice now since coming here, he’d had thoughts of how he’d make her suffer should she try something with any of them. But he also knew he wasn’t the type of person that would kill simply because he could.

  “Are you ready for this?” He told Ryan he’d never been so ready for something. “Don’t lie to me, Dillon. I need to know you’re not going to cut bait and run from her. You remember what Cole told you. You have to show her you’re not terrified of her anymore. I know I have to work on that as well, but I do feel much better about being here.”

  “To be honest with you, big sister, I’m not sure how I feel about her. Nothing good, I can tell you that. She’s a monster and needs to be put away. However, what scares me more than anything is what Bryce told us at breakfast. What if she does try to use some magic, and it gets by Bryce?” Ryan laughed and told him she didn’t think much got by any of them. “Yes, well, I guess you’re right about that. I do have a question for you. A change of subject, if you will. How rich do you think these people are? I mean, they don’t act like I thought rich people do. I’m sure they have millions.”

  “Billions.” Dillon started to laugh, but Ryan only stared at him. “Billions upon billions. Cole told me they don’t even bother putting money in bank accounts anymore. There is just too much of it to expect a bank to be able to cover if something happened. Not that it would hurt any of them, or us for that matter if the bank was robbed. They have that much.”

  He looked at the man who’d told him yesterday that he was in love with Ryan. Cole told him he was his brother. Not in-law, he told him, but his brother. And that whatever he had, so would Dillon. It had taken Dillon most of the next day to realize that Cole meant just what he said, especially after showing him the houses he wanted Dillon to choose from. Several big homes that would put the one he’d shared with Sandra to shame. Rylie had been treated the same way.

  “My home, it’s not far from yours, did you know that?” Ryan said she did and was glad that Rylie was going to be close to them too. “I tried to tell Cole that I had enough money coming in that I didn’t need for him to give me a home, but he just shrugged me off. If it were possible for me to have picked someone for you to love, Ryan, it would have been him. Cole is perfect for you. He’s about the nicest man I’ve ever known. Even with the three of us being so close, he doesn’t get all pissy when we’re together. I have never felt like he wished us gone when we’re together. It’s like he is happy for you.”

  “He is. He told me that whatever made me happy, makes him happy.”

  Dillon hugged his sister and turned when the bailiff came into the room, telling them to stand. Cole sat down on the other side of Ryan when they were seated again. Rylie was on Dillon’s other side. The four of them together made Dillon feel like he could take on the world and come out on top.

  Then Sandra came out of the side door and stood there staring at him.

  “She’s going down,
little brother. You mark my words. She won’t hurt you again.”

  Sandra didn’t look a thing like he had hoped she would. Her hair was neat and pulled back from her face. The clothing she had on was a nice outfit that he knew she’d worn before. Where she’d gotten it, Dillon didn’t know, but she looked cleaned up and polished like she did every time they were going someplace. But behind the façade, he knew, was a terrible person. Someone that would and had killed to get what she wanted.

  The judge was handed a few files. In them, Dillon knew, was his divorce paperwork, as well as copies of the insurance policies that had been taken out on his parents. For whatever reason, Sandra had put his name on the beneficiary page along with her own. Noah told him that she wanted it to look good, but he had a feeling that Sandra had expected him to be dead when it came to cashing it in. He was sure she hadn’t expected to be caught.

  Sometimes the family’s honesty was a bit much. Dillon had to laugh, however. He’d never met a more generous group. Not just with what they had, but what they knew as well. Dillon was enjoying his time speaking to Susanna too. She was a wealth of information.

  “Mr. Cord?” Dillon stood up and said that was him. The judge nodded and smiled at him. “It is my understanding that you have something to say before we begin?”

  “Yes, sir. It is my desire that I do not press charges against my ex-wife, Sandra Cord, at this time. I may at a later date. I know I have an additional thirty days should I change my mind, but for now, I’m not going to do that.”

  Judge Peterson nodded and smiled again. Before Dillon could say the rest of what he wanted to say, the judge looked at Sandra.

  “Well, it seems to be your lucky day, Ms. Cord. Bailiff, please remove the handcuffs from her.” When she was released, just as they’d planned, his sisters stood up and asked to speak to the judge. “Of course you may. Please state your full name as well as your relationship with Mr. Cord there.”


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