Never Say Never

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Never Say Never Page 4

by Rachael Sommers

  “Oh, Emily, I’m so sorry.” She knew Emily must have heard the same words hundreds of times before, but she smiled gratefully all the same. “You ended up in a good foster home?”

  “The best.”

  “Good. So,” Camila said, changing the subject, “the job is yours. It goes without saying that it’s Jaime who comes first. You looked pretty cozy with him, but should that change—”

  “—I’m outta here,” Emily finished. “I get it.”

  “Excellent. I have a contract in my study that I used with previous hires. Take it home with you and read it over. Follow me and I’ll get it for you.”

  Camila led Emily down the hall and into the study. She rummaged through the papers on her desk, and when she turned with the contract in hand, Emily was frowning at one of the framed photographs on the wall.

  “What are you doing?”

  Emily jumped at the sound of Camila’s voice, looking sheepish. “I just… I recognize most of the other photos.” She pointed at the one on the opposite wall. “Like that one, when you won your first Emmy. It must have been special.”

  “It was my first show,” Camila said, a little touched. “You really recognize all the others?”

  “I meant what I said before,” Emily said with a shrug, looking down at her shoes. “I admire you. I was a fan of yours growing up.”

  “Well, that just makes me feel old,” Camila replied, wrinkling her nose.

  Emily flushed.

  “That’s not what I meant! I just—”

  “It’s all right, Emily.” Camila cut her off, trying not to enjoy how easy it was to make the girl blush. “I know what you meant. Here.” Camila held out the contract. Emily raised her eyebrows at the weight of it. “Take your time looking through it. If everything is okay, bring it by my office tomorrow afternoon, say two o’clock. You can spend more time with Jaime while you’re there.”

  “Sure. I can spend the rest of the week watching him at your office, if you want, so you can see how we’re getting along before you leave him with me here. I know it’s difficult to trust someone new with your kid.”

  “Especially when they’re barely an adult themselves.”

  “Hey,” Emily protested as Camila led her back to the front door. “Twenty-three is adult. It’s like mid-adult. Five years into adulting.”

  “The word ‘adulting’ really makes you sound mature,” Camila told her, smiling. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Emily. Call me if you change your mind—my number is on the contract.”

  “Thank you.” Emily slipped the document into her bag before stepping out into the hallway.

  “Would you like my driver to give you a ride home?”

  “Oh no, that’s okay. I can take the subway.”

  “All right, then. But you are not to take my son anywhere near that germ-infested thing, understood?”

  “Is that in the contract?”

  “Absolutely. Goodnight, Emily.”

  “Goodnight, Ms. Evans—Camila.”

  Camila shut the door, pleased at how the evening had gone. Emily was great with Jaime, and he would be overjoyed when he learned he would be spending more time with her tomorrow.

  She returned to her study with a spring in her step. She had barely settled into her chair before the phone rang. She smiled when she saw the name on the screen.

  Camila didn’t have many friends—she was prickly and didn’t let her guard down easily—but Jenny Hall was one of the few who had stuck by her over the years.

  To the media, they were enemies at each other’s throats, owners of rival networks on opposite coasts, but behind closed doors it was a different story entirely.

  “Well, this is a surprise,” Camila answered, relaxing back in her chair as she waited for her laptop to boot up. “Is it time for our annual phone call already?”

  “Oh please, you know you miss me.”

  Camila did, but she’d never admit it. Jenny was one of the few people that she did miss about LA from her internship days. She had never made quite the same connection with anyone in New York, had never found anyone here who had her back in this male-dominated industry. “I miss you like a hole in the head,” she said.

  “Just thought I’d check in to see how you’re doing.” Without a doubt, Jenny was sitting in her own office at home, just as much of a workaholic as Camila.

  “After the divorce,” was unspoken, and Camila appreciated the concern. “I’m okay. Just trying to keep myself busy.”

  “That misconduct case doing the trick?”

  “Don’t remind me,” Camila said, groaning. “The media’s been on my case since the news broke this morning. You don’t know any decent actors available for a main role on very short notice, do you?”

  “If I did, I wouldn’t be letting you poach them.”

  Camila grinned. “It was worth a shot.”

  “Yeah, yeah. And how’s that gorgeous godson of mine?”

  “He’s as wonderful as always. I think I found his new nanny today.”

  “You fired another one?”

  “She rather forced my hand when I came home to find her and her boyfriend in flagrante delicto.”

  “Oh, my God, I would’ve paid to see your reaction to that.” Jenny cackled loudly. “Well, I hope the next one doesn’t disappoint.”

  “Me too.”

  Chapter 4

  “This is the most ironclad contract I have ever seen,” Cassie said the next morning as she flipped through the pages of Emily’s contract. “I think you’re good to go, though. It’s mostly to do with privacy. There’s a non-disclosure agreement…”

  Emily nodded. She had expected no less. “So I’m not selling my soul?”

  “Only signing your life away.” Cassie grinned, dropping the contract onto the coffee table and reclining on the couch, setting her feet on Emily’s lap. “To Camila Evans. Although considering your giant crush, that’s not much of an issue.”

  “Shut up.” Emily swatted at Cassie with a cushion.

  “So how long are you gonna wait till you ask her out?” Cassie asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “I am not going to ask her out!” Emily said. “She’s my boss.”

  “I was joking. Although plenty of people date their bosses. It’s not like you work with her directly. You’re not her assistant or someone else that would cause a scandal.”

  “Pretty sure the headline ‘Well-Known Celebrity Businesswoman Sleeps with Her Younger Female Nanny’ would be a scandal,” Emily said.

  “Well, you might have a point there. Just gonna torture yourself by working in close quarters, then?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  Cassie patted her leg sympathetically.

  They watched a movie until Cassie left for work. Emily spent the rest of her morning unpacking the few boxes that still littered her apartment. She was so focused that she lost track of time and practically had to sprint from the subway station to the CEBC building.

  The long elevator ride gave her a chance to catch her breath, and by the time she reached the thirtieth floor, her heart rate had returned to normal.

  She approached Camila’s office hesitantly, wondering if there would ever be a time when she felt completely at ease around the other woman. She hovered in the doorway until Camila glanced up and waved her in. She had left two buttons undone on her white blouse, and Emily struggled not to stare at the exposed pale skin.

  “Good afternoon, Emily. I’m glad to see you haven’t changed your mind.” Camila graced her with the barest hint of a smile, and Emily wondered if it had already been a long day.

  “Not at all, Ms. Evans.” It felt wrong to call her Camila in her office. “Here’s the contract.” She reached to hand it over, but Jaime sat on the floor in front of Camila’s desk playing with a redheaded woman whom Emily hadn’t seen yesterday. He s
prung to his feet when he spotted her in the doorway.

  “Emily!” He collided with her legs, wrapping his arms around them in a hug. Emily laughed and ruffled his hair, setting the contract down on the couch for the time being.

  “Hey, buddy.”

  The redheaded woman’s jaw hung open in amazement.

  “You having a good day?”

  “Yeah!” He stared up at her, his eyes bright.

  “He’s been talking about you all day,” Camila said, looking fondly at her son. “You made quite the impression last night.”

  “I’ll say,” the other woman added, and Emily recognized her voice. It was the woman she had spoken to on the phone to set up the interview. “I think I’ve been replaced as his second favorite person.”

  “Emily, this is my assistant, Jessica. Emily is the new nanny. Jessica will show you around so you can acquaint yourself with the layout here. Come back here when you’re done, if you like.”

  “Can I go too?” Jaime asked his mother, still hanging onto Emily’s legs.

  “Of course you can, sweetheart.”

  Jaime reached for Emily’s hand.

  “Behave yourself,” Camila called after them, but Jaime had already shifted his attention.

  “I’ve never seen him this animated,” Jessica said to Emily. “He really likes you.”

  “Well, that’s good because I really like him too.”

  Jessica led the way around the floor, pointing out her desk on the other side of the hall from Camila’s office. She showed her the nearest bathroom, and then took her to the breakroom, which was empty at this time in the afternoon, despite the number of people still working.

  “Coffee?” Jessica asked. Emily nodded, noting where the mugs were kept.

  “Am I right in thinking you’re the reason I got this job?” Emily asked, keeping an eye on Jaime as he explored the room. “’Cause I get the feeling that if Camila had arranged the interviews herself, I wouldn’t have been on the list.”

  “Guilty,” Jessica admitted, leaning against the counter, and Emily decided then and there that she liked her. “I may have orchestrated things to give you a shot.”


  “You’re different from the people she usually hires.” Jessica turned away to pour the coffee, then brought the mugs to the large table in the center of the room. “I thought you’d be good for her—and him.” She nodded at Jaime, who scurried back to Emily when someone new entered the room. “I wanted her to give you a chance.”

  “Oh.” Emily paused to process that information. “Well, thanks.”

  “Emily.” Jaime tugged at her jeans. “We play now?”

  “Sure, kiddo. Let’s go.” She nodded at Jessica, picked up her mug, then took Jaime’s hand and let him pull her out the door.

  “Are you sure we’re okay to be in here?” Emily asked when they reached Camila’s office. “I don’t want to distract you.”

  “It’s fine.” Camila waved a hand. “I’m used to blocking things out when I need to. Or you can go out onto the balcony if you like. Jaime likes the view.” From what Emily could see, the view was incredible.

  Jaime had already gathered some toys, so Emily decided to stay in the office for the time being. She sat on the floor next to him instead of on one of the couches—she was terrified she might dirty it—and set her coffee on the nearby coffee table.

  Jaime was in a superhero mood, and he made Batman save the day over and over. Emily settled for Wonder Woman, and the time flew by.

  After an hour or so, Jaime started to yawn. Soon his eyes were drooping until he was almost asleep on Emily’s knee.

  “He didn’t sleep too well last night,” Camila explained, her voice soft. Emily glanced up to see her watching them, her glasses perched on her nose. “Sometimes he has nightmares.”

  “And now he’s worn himself out.” Emily smiled down at him and ran a gentle hand through his hair. “I think you’d be more comfortable on the couch.” She settled him carefully onto the couch and draped a blanket over him, then turned to tidy up the toys strewn around the room.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Camila said.

  Emily shrugged. “I don’t mind. It’s not like I’m doing anything else.” Her task finished, she settled on the arm of the couch. “So, uh, what are you working on? If I’m allowed to ask.”

  Camila leaned back in her chair. “I’m looking over budget reports.”

  Emily made a face. “Sounds thrilling.”

  “Such is the life of a CEO. Not as glamorous as you think.”

  “Do you ever regret it?” Emily asked. “Do you wish you’d just stayed a producer?”

  Camila considered. “Yes and no. I don’t regret building up this network—it’s the second best thing I ever created.” Jaime was clearly the first. “And I’m proud of what I’ve achieved here. But…sometimes in the middle of a board meeting, or when my eyes are bleeding from looking over financial statements, or when employees suddenly don’t know what they’re doing and I have to do their jobs on top of everything else when all I really want to do is go home and be with my son, then yes, I almost wish I’d never created CEBC in the first place. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

  “What you’ve done here is incredible.” Emily struggled to keep the admiration out of her voice.

  “You have the job, Emily,” Camila said, smiling slightly. “You don’t have to suck up to me.”

  “I’m not,” Emily insisted, shaking her head. “I mean it. You’re an inspiration.”

  Camila’s smile disappeared, and Emily flushed, worried she had said too much.

  “I…I mean to a lot of people. Not just me.”

  “Yes, well, thank you.” Camila cleared her throat. “I should probably get back to work.”

  “Right, of course.” She gestured to the balcony door. “May I?” Camila nodded.

  The day was bright, the sky clear, and the air warm. Emily curled her hands around the railing of the balcony and peered over the edge, looking at the ground below and then at the city stretched out in front of her. The view left her breathless.

  Camila must feel like a queen surveying her empire when she when she stands out here, Emily thought.

  She settled herself into one of the two patio chairs, then reached into her bag to pull out a sketch pad and a pencil. She liked to sketch in quiet moments.

  She started by drawing the city skyline and was just starting to fill in some details when the door opened. Camila stepped through leading a sleepy Jaime.

  “I brought you a present.” Camila let go of her son’s hand, and Jaime padded over to Emily. She helped him up onto the chair beside her.

  “Pretty,” he mumbled, pointing at her sketch pad.

  “You want to see some more?” she asked him. When he nodded, she flipped through her sketch pad, hyperaware of Camila behind her.

  “You’re very talented,” Camila said after Emily had gone through them all. Her cheeks warmed at the praise.

  “Thank you.”

  Jaime reached for her pencil. “Do you want to draw something?” she asked him.


  “Oh no, Emily, don’t let him draw in there,” Camila said when Emily turned to a fresh page. “I’ll get you some paper.”

  “It’s fine,” Emily said, holding the sketch pad in front of Jaime. “I don’t mind. I’ve got a dozen of these, and half of them are filled with doodles from kids I’ve looked after in the past. It’s nice to look back through them.”

  Jaime was holding the pencil over the paper, his face scrunched up in concentration. “What do you wanna draw, buddy?” Emily asked him.

  “You and Mama!” His eyes lit up with the idea, and he began working, the pencil scratching over the paper.

  “I’ll leave you to it,” Camila murmured, and turned
back toward her office.

  “We’ll come and show you when it’s finished.”

  * * *

  “I think Mama will like this one.” Camila smiled at the sound of Jaime’s voice. His head was bent over what must be his third drawing of the day. The pair had come back in the office and were perched side by side on her couch.

  “I think she will too, buddy.” Emily smiled as she looked down at Jaime. Camila thought that must be what she herself looked like whenever she gazed at him, and she wondered if it had taken only two days for Emily to fall in love with him too.

  Camila couldn’t stop stealing glances at Emily and Jaime, even though she was supposed to be finalizing the schedule for the upcoming season.

  She couldn’t believe how well she was doing, how utterly captivated Jaime was. She didn’t know what it was that had her son so engaged. That morning she thought that perhaps last night had been a fluke, that Jaime would be standoffish and wary like he usually was around new nannies, but as soon as Camila told him that Emily would be by later, he had talked about nothing else all day.

  It was…astounding.

  She couldn’t figure out what it was about Emily Walker that made her so special.

  She just was.

  And it was maddening not being able to pinpoint why.

  Having Emily around was supposed to help her productivity, but it had the opposite effect. But Camila had seen enough—Jaime was perfectly at ease around her, and one more day in the office wouldn’t hurt before she let her loose in her home, trusting that the girl wouldn’t burn it down. And then she’d be able to concentrate again.

  Camila tried to ignore the sound of Emily and Jaime quietly talking. She pulled her focus back to her laptop screen and the schedule in front of her. When she finished, she sent it off and relaxed back in her chair. Her work was done for the day—barring an emergency, of course.

  “Are you finished working, Mama?” Jaime asked, turning to her eagerly, and when she nodded, he scrambled off the couch, struggling to carry the sketch pad that was almost as big as him. Camila laughed. When he reached her, she picked him up and set him down in her lap. “This is you!” he said excitedly, pointing at the page in front of him.


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