Marek (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 1)

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Marek (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 1) Page 4

by Liza Probz

  “I’m cooking some stew if you’re hungry.” He spoke but didn’t turn his attention to her. She moved up beside him and leaned over, looking at the large volume he seemed to be reading. The subject at the top was Territh.

  “So first you kidnap me, then you talk to me like I’m a dog, then you drug me, and now you’re studying me?” She moved back, preparing for the fight that was sure to come. A fight would be good. It would help her hate him.

  He glanced over at her, his eyes a warm shade of brown. He was completely comfortable.

  “You asked for a ride and I gave it for the promise of sex. I talk to you like you talk to me and it wasn’t a drug. Have you heard nothing of my kind, Jazmine?” He stood up to his full height and turned, his shoulders broad and chest strong. “I’m studying you because you lied to me or you’re ignorant.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, not wanting him to witness her nipples hardening at the mere sight of him. “And what exactly did I lie about?”

  “Being a Territhian. You’re a hybrid at best and I’m not even sure about that.” He moved to the stove and lifted the lid from a large pot, the smell billowing from it delicious.

  “I’m a Territhian all the way.” She moved beside him and took the spoon from him, wanting to know what he had cooked up. Dark chunks of beef swam in a thin gravy-like substance with vegetables she’d never seen before and large curled noodles. “God, this smells good.”

  “You’re not Territhian. I was afraid you might not have lied to me, but someone might have lied to you.” He moved back, sitting down at the table and not touching her once. She looked over her shoulder at him, not caring much for the conversation but pondering more why he was so hands off all of a sudden.

  “Did you take advantage of me?” She turned back to the pot and pulled the spoon out, closing the lid and licking it carefully.

  “No. I wanted to, but I realized that the parts of you that turn me on the most were deadened from my power. I’ll be working to not use it on you in full force anymore.”

  “The power of seduction. Very interesting, and yet horribly disturbing.” She moved toward him, extending the spoon. “Taste it and see if you think it needs salt.”

  He glanced up at her. “Do you think it needs salt?”

  “I do, but it’s your dish, so I want you to taste it too.”

  He reached out and grabbed her wrist, bringing the spoon to his lips and sliding it into his mouth as he watched her. She couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the sensual gaze in his eyes. He pulled back, licking his lips as he nodded. “It’s perfect. No salt.”

  She moved back to the stove on shaky legs, her blood pumping almost too fast through her veins. He was built for pleasure and given the gift of hypnotic sensuality. She needed to get off the ship and away from him. Protecting her heart was key to survival, and if he kept being the exact type of man she would look for if she were looking, they would both be in trouble.

  “If you wanted a concubine, why not just take advantage of me? I think it’s cute you want a little bit of fight out of me, but you were looking for a quick fuck earlier.” She turned and yelped softly as he pressed himself to the front of her. She hadn’t heard him get up.

  He slid his hands over her hips and down her rear, squeezing it softly as he leaned over and pressed his lips to the side of her neck. He left one soft kiss on her skin, the feeling of it almost leaving her breathless. Marek pulled back and slid his hands up to cup her face, tilting it toward him.

  “I don’t do anything quickly. Fucking is a day-long enjoyment and I want our first time to be with you kicking and screaming.” He winked and moved away, walking toward the front of the ship. She growled softly, knowing he was simply being cheeky but hating how much power he had over her already.

  “Stop using your voodoo shit on me. I’m not interested in you.”

  “Yeah, you are.”

  Chapter 7

  She was going to be the death of him. His body throbbed painfully as he walked away from her, their taunting bending his resolve to not force her beneath him. He had yet to find anything that might help him understand her better, or himself for that matter.

  It had been months since he cooked himself a hot meal, but serving her a survival bar of sorts just seemed a travesty. Food in Vartik was extravagant and a pleasure held just below that of mating. He needed to see her enjoy something he made just for her.

  Of course, he would never tell her that. She was simply a girl he was taking to the next galaxy. The need to kidnap her for the likes of eternity had just begun to roll over him. The thought of it caused panic to rise within him. He pulled at the small metal door that controlled the speed of the aircraft. He didn’t want to put them in danger, but if she continued to desire him the way he knew she was beginning to, time was of the essence.

  He turned the dial and pressed a few buttons, letting out a shallow breath as the smell of stew wrapped around him.

  “What’re you doing?” Jazmine moved up beside him, squeezing past him. Her breast rubbed across his arm, sending shivers down his spine. It was a new sensation, both the full curve of a woman gliding across him and experiencing a tremor. She extended a bowl of stew toward him.

  “Thank you.” He took it and sat down, stirring it and blowing on the surface of the dark liquid. “I was speeding up the travel time to Killian. I need to continue on to the next galaxy soon and don’t have the energy or fuel to cruise along slowly.”

  “Oh,” she said. Her eyes shifted to her dish, her expression drawing his attention. Was she alone in the world? Why would a beautiful young girl be on the run from planet to planet?

  “Is the soup good?” he asked, not sure what else to focus on. The vision he caught from her earlier was so beautifully passionate, but like anything else, free will gave way to changing that image.

  “Delicious.” She glanced up and lifted the spoon to her mouth. He couldn’t help but watch her closely as her eyes widened and a soft sound of appreciation left her. His cock hardened and began to dance in hopes of being used, and soon.

  “Good. Tell me about your childhood, Jazmine.”

  “Does the concubine have the right to talk to the master?” she scoffed and he couldn’t help the smirk that lifted his lips.

  “A concubine who’s yet to hit her knees for the master is really no concubine at all, so speak freely.” He took a large bite of the stew, the dark flavor of the red wine he used to cook it swept across his palate.

  “So with sex, I have less freedom? Seems a bit backwards.”

  “I like it backwards.” He turned and watched her, loving the slight blush that covered her cheeks. She wasn’t a shy girl and yet something told him quickly that she hadn’t seduced many men for the purpose of actually sleeping with them. It was a tool or a trick of the trade and nothing more. Shame, really, that she wasn’t aware of the pleasures that awaited her if she would simply push another step forward.

  “I do too.” She lifted her eyebrow as if questioning his methods. He laughed, unable to help himself. Her smile was radiant as she laughed too.

  “Tell me about yourself. I honestly believe that you’re more than you know, unless you’re just withholding information about yourself because I’m a stranger, which I can respect.”

  “There’s not much to tell.” She took another spoonful of the stew and lifted it to her lips, pausing as she glanced toward him. “Why does this feel so intimate?”

  “Us eating together?”

  “Yes.” She slid the spoon in her mouth and moved to the edge of her seat.

  “Because food is bliss. Sharing that enjoyment with someone you’re attracted to can often lead to the desire to taste them as well.” He shrugged, turning to point out the bright pink light of a moon. “Look how beautiful that is.”

  She was quiet for a minute and he worked to still his heart. Something about her left him wanting to know more, wanting to chase life around the planets with her and share in the crazy adventures t
hat she alone was sure to be part of.

  “My parents were killed a few days after I was born, but I have a brother. A twin.”

  Marek glanced over at her, the tone of her voice dipping when she spoke of her brother. Something must have befallen him, and Marek wasn’t willing to dig into the pain she seemed to hold on to tightly.

  “We were raised in an orphanage in Territh and I am human through and through.” She shrugged and looked down, seemingly focused on her dinner.

  “Where is your brother now?” He couldn’t help but ask that one question. She simply left the story too open and his concern was all of a sudden more for her being alone than anything else.

  “I don’t know.” Her shoulders stiffened and the bright blue line around her pulsed brightly. Marek reached out and ran his fingers through it, warmth coating him as he did.

  “Wow,” he whispered, setting the bowl down on the dash and turning to her. “Do you know that you have a brilliant energy about you?”

  “Oh yeah? Starting to like me for more than my tits all of a sudden?” She rolled her eyes.

  “I’m talking about a physical energy. It’s a brilliant blue light that forms all around your body as if you were outlined in its rays.” He reached out again, but she pulled farther away from him, and the light dimmed.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She moved out of her chair on the far side and walked toward the kitchen. “This was good. Thanks for dinner.”

  He didn’t say a word but sat back in his seat, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by whatever he had gotten himself into. She wasn’t a normal girl at all and the fact that she didn’t know it was more concerning than the truth of her having taken one of his gems earlier from the safe. He would retrieve it soon. Right after he figured out what she was and where her brother was. She was lying about both subjects from what he could tell.

  Chapter 8

  He was hitting a little too close to the sore subjects in her life and, truly, she didn’t owe him anything. She would sleep with him once before they arrived in Killian, simply because that was her part of the deal. A good fuck couldn’t hurt anything, and if she timed it right, she could get hot and sweaty with him just before their arrival. One quick roll in the sheets and she was out of there with her freedom and his lovely red ruby. She owed him something for that, if nothing else. A smile brushed across her face as she washed out her bowl.

  “I’m going to take a shower if you’re okay with that?” she called toward the front of the ship, getting nothing more than a soft mumble.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” she responded to the emptiness in front of her and walked toward the bathroom, pulling off her shirt and slipping out of her pants before moving into the small white room and closing the door. A dark towel was wadded up in the corner, a glittery substance coating the majority of it.

  “What the fuck?” she whispered and knelt down in front of the towel. She grabbed the soft cloth on a portion of it that was still clean before lifting it and standing up. The smell of sex washed over her and she dropped the towel, realizing what it was. Had Marek left her alone and alleviated himself in the bathroom instead? Was his come glittery?

  She started the shower before moving back to it and kneeling again. So many stories had circulated about his people, one being the glittery darkness of their blood. It would seem their semen was no different, only translucent in color. She was far too curious to help herself from testing out a few of the theories she had grown up hearing.

  Reaching over, she slid her finger into the wet substance, warmth rushing up her arm and causing her to gasp for air. It was like jumping into a hot pool of water after being cold for far too long. Everything brightened in the room and she bolted up, forcing herself to remove the rest of her clothes before getting into the shower quickly. The Vartiks were said to have been spawned from the gods of the worlds themselves, the greatest creatures ever made.

  If Marek was soon to be their king, then he was worth far more farmed out piece by piece than ever as a man or ruler. She slid under the water as fear crept up from the pit of her stomach. If anyone found out about him, he would be taken and murdered no doubt.

  A knock at the door scared her and she jumped again, not feeling at all like herself.

  “Jazmine. I left a towel on the floor. Make sure you don’t touch it. Got it?” His voice was low and gruff, the commanding nature of it making her want to retort with a quip.

  “Already did. Nothing like the euphoria of the Vartiks to leave a girl breathless.” She made sure to press as much sarcasm as possible into her reply.

  “Don’t taste it. I’m serious, woman.” The sound of him leaving allowed her to relax, but his words left her tense.

  “Who the fuck tastes someone’s jizz on a towel? That’s disgusting.” She turned and lifted her face to the warm water, trying to push from her mind how close she had come to doing it. She was too much of an explorer not to put all the old stories to the test, but her one encounter was more than enough.

  Remembrance of his kiss rolled over her and she sighed softly before pressing her chest to the cold marble. Spreading out her arms, she rubbed her cheek against the cool stone, trying to slow her breathing. He had a wicked talent and could have taken full advantage of her, but what a waste for her, seeing that she didn’t remember much after the kiss other than a few quick incoherent mumblings.


  “What? I’m taking a shower. Shit.”

  “I’m going to be on the phone with my brother. Don’t come out here and don’t raise your voice at me again or I’ll put you across my lap and spank your ass.”

  “You would not.”

  “Damn straight I would. You need to learn some manners and I’m thinking I might be the man to set you right for all others.”

  “Ruin me for others,” she whispered, thinking back on his kiss.

  “That too.”

  “How did you hear that?” She groaned at the sound of his chuckling.

  He was aggressive and dominant but funny and seemed to be quite connected to his family. His blood had healing properties and his come had mind-blowing glitter floating through it. If he were any more perfect, she might not be able to hate him.

  She turned off the shower and reached for a large white towel, realizing that it was a robe by the time she finished drying off with it. Slipping into it, she walked out of the bathroom and turned on the light in his bedroom, pausing by the door to listen to his deep laughter.

  The guy he was talking to was a lucky person. Marek loved him. She could tell from the sound of his voice and the continuous laughter and teasing. Good thing it was his brother or she might have allowed the jealous feeling that started in her stomach to blossom, which was completely out of place.

  Chapter 9

  There was something to be said about the girl’s curiosity. It was likely to get her killed if she wasn’t careful. Who stuck their fingers in something that was obviously not left for the peering eyes of others? He shook his head and sat down at the large console, pressing a few buttons and trying like hell to purge her from his mind. His younger brother wasn’t only family, but his best friend as well. Nojan would know immediately that Marek was taken with someone unless he steeled himself.

  The image of his brother was blurry at first but cleared as Nojan bent over and appeared to tinker with something on the dashboard of his large computer.

  “Better on my end. You?” His brother glanced up, his smirk filled with cockiness that belonged to all Vartik males, especially those of the royal lineage.

  “Yes. How are you?”

  “Good. Mother said she spoke with you earlier and you were bringing back a whole vial of Vanfia semen. I want to test the contents before you sell it.” The tugging of a smile along the side of his brother’s mouth gave the younger man away.

  “Lies. You all breed lies.”

  “I wish I bred gold like those damn cats do.” Nojan laughed and leaned back in his chair,
propping his feet up and letting out a long sigh. “So, who is she?”

  “Who is who?” Marek asked, crossing his arms over his chest and looking behind him to ensure that he was still alone.

  “Mother said you were much more fidgety than usual. It’s a girl or I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.”

  “That’s a Territh saying. Leave it there or I’ll have to retort and you won’t like it.” Marek lifted an eyebrow, warning his brother playfully to let it go.

  “All right, whatever. Tell me what you called for. I have four hot, aggressive women with big breasts and ferocious appetites waiting on me.”

  “And I’ll be a monkey’s uncle,” Marek muttered and glanced around the image in front of him. Nojan had turned one of the rooms in the large castle into a technology hub of sorts, spending more time in there than anywhere else.

  “See? It’s catching.” Nojan chuckled and ran his fingers through his chestnut hair. “What part gave me away as a liar?”

  “None of that exists on our planet, so try again.” Marek chuckled at the eye roll he received. A brief nostalgia rolled over him to be back at home. He was close to his family and loved the land just outside of their house, but the controlling nature of the crown felt so oppressive at times that it was hard to breathe.

  “Fess up, bro. What’s up? You need intel on something or someone?”

  “Yes. Several things.” Marek moved to the edge of his seat, leaning in. “How do I turn off my power where women are concerned?”

  Nojan’s eyes widened and a smile spread his cheeks wide. “I need to hear the story behind this.”

  “Look. Everything I tell you stays between you and I only. Got it?”

  “Yes and I know that you’ll skin me alive and feed me to the crocs down by the Barring Lakes. I got it.” His brother rolled his eyes again as Marek growled softly.

  “Never mind. Enjoy your night.” He reached up to turn off the camera, knowing that his brother couldn’t stand not to be useful to the tenth degree.


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