Stay (Working Out The Kinks Book 1)

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Stay (Working Out The Kinks Book 1) Page 15

by K. M. Neuhold

  “Please, kill me,” he mutters, leaning his head against my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry.” Adrian looks mortified that he unintentionally outed us.

  “It’s no problem. Ease up, guys. This is new, and Jonah isn’t comfortable talking about it.” I put as much authority behind my tone as I can so Seb and Addie don’t continue to push or tease. Because if they make Jonah feel uncomfortable, I will go nuclear.

  “Sorry,” they both murmur in tandem.

  “I think it sounds cool, Jonah. If you ever feel comfortable, I’d love to hear more about it,” Addie offers, and Jonah sends her a relieved smile.

  “Yeah, maybe one night over a bottle of wine.”

  “You know I love hearing about people’s kinks, so I’d better be invited to that wine night,” Seb pipes in.

  I roll my eyes, and Jonah nods.

  “What about you, Adrian? You up for a wine night and helping me explain puppy play to these two?”

  “I’m there,” he agrees, sending Jonah an encouraging grin.


  Having my kink out in the open with my friends feels like a weight off my shoulders. When Seb and Addie get up to move closer to the stage, Adrian gives me another apologetic smile.

  “I’m so sorry I put my foot in my mouth like that. I had no idea they would figure it out just from that.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I assure him. “If someone hadn’t told Seb that he thought I was cheating…” I turn a playfully accusing gaze on Lars who holds up his hands in defense.

  “You were the one being all squirrely and secretive; what was I supposed to think?”

  “You’re supposed to know that I love you and can’t imagine wanting anyone but you for the rest of my life,” I point out, reaching for his hand under the table and laying my head on his shoulder again.

  “I do know that. And it goes both ways, JJ. Forever.” His lips press against the top of my head, and I wiggle closer.

  It’s only a soft sniffling sound that reminds me Adrian is sitting right next to me. I sit back up and look over at him with concern. His cheeks are damp with tears, his shoulders shaking with quiet sobs.

  “What’s wrong?” I reach for him, putting a comforting arm around his shoulders.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he apologizes between sniffles.

  “Hey, don’t worry about that. Just tell us what’s wrong.” Lars sits forward and reaches for Adrian as well.

  “I think Nathan is seeing someone else. I should be happy. He’s—” he cuts himself off before he can tell us what Nathan is, other than a cheater. “I shouldn’t be saying these things about him. He’s my master, and I should be grateful for everything he’s done for me.”

  “I know we’re new to this lifestyle, but I don’t think that’s how the power exchange is supposed to work. It’s not supposed to be about him holding something over you or making you feel indebted. And if you agreed to be exclusive, then he definitely shouldn’t be sleeping with anyone else.”

  “I know,” he agrees miserably. “I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Forget it. I don’t know what I’m saying. This is why Nathan doesn’t like me to drink; I get all emotional and irrational. Forget everything I said; I don’t know what I’m talking about.” He hastily wipes his cheeks and smiles at us. “I promise I’m fine.”

  “It’s okay not to be fine,” I assure him. “And if you need anything—a place to stay, a shoulder to cry on—we’re here.”

  “You guys are nice.”

  “Please, you saw me standing in a kink shop looking terrified and lost, and you helped me. I’m happy to return the favor.”

  Adrian snorts a genuine laugh and wipes his cheeks one more time.

  “Enough with the waterworks, huh?” he says. “This is a celebration, one more drink wouldn’t hurt, right?”

  Before we can answer, he gets up and makes his way to the bar.

  “I want to help him,” I tell Lars once Adrian is out of earshot.

  “Me too, and hopefully he’ll let us.”

  Chapter 24


  “Wake up, wake up, wake up,” Jonah chants, bouncing on the bed to jostle me awake.

  “It’s early, go back to sleep, naughty pup,” I chastise, trying to rollover, only to have Jonah climb on top of me and pin me on my back.

  “Nope, we’re getting married today, so you have to wake up.”

  Warmth fills my chest, and I finally crack an eye open to see him all messy—fiery hair and sleep lines on his face—smiling down at me with so much joy I can hardly breathe.

  “Married today, huh?” I tease. “I thought we were going to drive to Niagara Falls today and then maybe get married tomorrow.”

  “Oh, hell no,” he argues, looking horrified. “We’re getting married as soon as we get there. We’re parking the car and getting on one of those boats so we can get married while we get sprayed with water.”

  We’d taken care of getting our marriage license the day after I proposed, and it had been easy enough to find an officiant online to meet us there for the ceremony on the boat. She’s a sweet old lady who has been doing these for over a decade and she pretty much told me to call her when we got into town.

  “I suppose we can play it by ear.” I continue to play it cool because the indignant expression on his face is too funny to pass up.

  “No,” he responds firmly. “Now, get up so we can get showered and get in the car. We can get breakfast at a drive-thru, no time to cook!” he declares as he jumps out of bed, taking the blankets with him and making me rumble with laughter.

  I grab my phone to check the time and chuckle again when I see it’s five in the morning. I would’ve preferred to wait until the sun was up to get moving, but I can’t fault Jonah for his enthusiasm. Now that I’m conscious, I’m eager to get going too. It’s about four hours to Niagara Falls, which means we can be married before noon if all goes well.

  I swing my legs off the bed and follow the sound of running water into the bathroom where Jonah is singing “Marry You” by Bruno Mars at the top of his lungs. I shuck off my boxers and pull the curtain back to climb in with him.

  Jonah turns to face me with a smile and the sight of soap sliding over the cock cage has me hard in seconds.

  “Is it weird that I want you to cage me again after we have our wedding night fun?”

  “You do?” I step into his space, taking the bar of soap out of his hands and continuing his task of washing his body.

  “I like feeling like I belong to you every day.”

  “We’ll put it back on then,” I agree, tilting my head up for a kiss, which starts out as a peck but quickly turns into a slippery makeout session.

  Once we’re more or less clean, I reach around him to shut off the water and then step out to get us both towels.

  “There was something we didn’t talk about before the wedding,” Jonah says I dry him off. “Are we going to hyphenate our last names or what?”

  “I think so. Williams-Hill has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

  “It does,” he agrees. “Okay, now hurry, we need to get going.”

  We packed our bags the night before, so it’s just a matter of getting dressed and locking up the house before we leave. We decided against suits, figuring we were going to have to put on ponchos anyway. So, we both dress in more casual outfits we picked out for each other, because we thought it would be romantic to choose each other’s clothes for the wedding.

  “Do you think it would be weird if I wanted to wear my collar?” he asks with a hint of shyness in his voice as he buttons his shirt.

  “Not at all. It’s our wedding; if you want your collar, then I’ll put it in your suitcase.”

  He doesn’t say anything, but the happy little wiggle he gives says it all, so I head to the closet to grab his collar—complete with his new lock in place—and take it to his suitcase.
r />   “Do you think…I mean, could I…”

  I stop and smile, turning toward him.

  “Bend down a little so I’ll be able to reach to fasten it,” I instruct. Jonah bends his head, and I put the collar in place, checking to make sure it’s not too tight like I always do.

  He reaches up and touches the lock, his smile growing even wider.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, JJ.”


  The ride to Niagara Falls is the longest four hours of my life. I swear, when we drove there last time it felt so much faster. I’m so excited I can’t sit still, which means Lars asks me every five minutes if he needs to stop so I can go pee.

  “I don’t need to pee, I just want to get there,” I groan when he asks for the millionth time.

  “We’re nearly there, why don’t you take a nap?” he suggests.

  “If we’re almost there, there wouldn’t be time for a nap,” I counter, and Lars shoots me a look that I’m pretty sure would amount to the threat of a spanking if we played like that.

  “Close your eyes, JJ; we’ll be there soon enough.”

  “Fine,” I grumble, crossing my arms and closing my eyes, even though there’s no way I’ll be able to sleep when I’m this excited.

  I wake with a jolt to find Lars standing outside my car door, shaking my shoulder.

  “Wow, I actually slept,” I mumble, rubbing my eyes and sitting up in my seat.

  “I figured you hadn’t slept all night.”

  “Well…” I shrug. “Wait, are we here?” I struggle to unbuckle myself as Lars laughs at me.

  “We’re here. I went inside and made sure the B & B was okay with early check-in. They were, so I already took our bags in. I thought you might want to go in and take a piss, maybe brush your teeth before we go get married.”

  I make a squealing sound that would’ve been embarrassing if it wasn’t my freaking Wedding Day.

  We make quick work of freshening up. My eye catches on my collar in the mirror as I brush my teeth, and my heart swells with so much emotion I almost can’t contain it. I spit and rinse out my mouth and then reach for Lars, who’s still brushing his own teeth, wrapping my arms around him from behind and burying my face in the back of his neck.

  “I love you so, so, so much. We’re going to be together forever.”

  “That’s kinda what today’s all about, JJ,” he assures me with humor in his voice. “And for the record, I love you so, so, so much too.”

  The drive to the boat is comparatively short but still feels like it takes ages, my body humming with excitement the entire way. I reach into my pocket at least ten times to make sure I still have Lars’ ring and the marriage license. I took mine off and gave it to him so he could put it on me again. Since the ceremony on the boat will be quick, we decided to write vows to read to each other later. Right now, it’s just about making it official so we can go back to our room and celebrate all afternoon and into the night. If I have anything to say about it, we won’t even leave the room for dinner; we can order in and stay naked all night.

  Mrs. Sanders, our officiant, meets us on the dock and we file onto the boat and Lars takes my hand. My heart pounds hard in my chest, not with nerves but with impatience and excitement. I feel like every second of my life has been leading to this exact moment, and I’m dying to become Lars’ husband already. I’m dying to belong to each other in every single way.

  Everything seems to go by in a blur. Before I know it, we’re standing face to face, the mist from the falls clinging to our faces, hands, and ponchos, exchanging rings. My hands tremble so badly when I try to slip Lars’ ring on, I nearly drop it, but he reaches out to steady me, always my rock.

  “It’s okay, JJ, take your time,” he says gently, helping me get his ring on.

  “I know it is. You always make everything okay.” I smile and resist the urge to kiss him before it’s time.

  When he slips my ring on, it feels different this time—final and binding, absolutely perfect.

  “I now pronounce you married, you may kiss your husband,” the officiant announces and my joy bubbles over in a laugh as we grab each other and kiss like the world is about to end. His lips have a slight chill from the mist and the contrast of his hot tongue slipping into my mouth makes me shiver happily. His arms are steady and sure around me like they always are.

  “Was it how you imagined?” Lars asks against my lips.

  “So much better,” I murmur, tugging him in for another kiss, unable to stop touching my husband.

  Chapter 25


  We stumble into our room at the B & B, tearing at each other’s clothes. With my cock still caged, my whole body feels like it’s pulsing with arousal. Lars’ hands are everywhere—dragging roughly through my hair, cupping my caged cock, slipping under my shirt to tug at my chest hair.

  “Clothes off,” he commands gruffly against my lips.

  “Yes, Master,” I answer dutifully, feeling his cock jerk against my leg.

  Lars helps me unbutton my shirt when my fingers prove too clumsy to get the job done in a timely manner, both of us going for the button on my pants next. Once all my clothes are in a pile on the floor, he reaches into his suitcase, pulling out a brand-new bottle of lube and tossing it to me.

  “Lay down on the bed so I can take the cage off, then I want to watch you prep yourself.” I spread out, eager to have the cage off and finally get to come after a week of torture. But once it’s removed and the weight is gone, I feel a strange sense of loss, and I’m glad we already agreed we’d put it back on after tonight.

  Lars sets the cage aside and then sits back on his heels, between my legs, with an expectant look. Just the sound of the lube as I squirt it onto my fingers has my cock growing hard, and the feeling of it after a week of not being able to get an erection is mind-blowing. I cant my hips, reaching instinctively for my rapidly swelling dick, only to have my hand batted away by Lars before I can reach it.

  “Not your cock, naughty pup. Stretch your hole for me.”

  I groan, doing as he says and sliding my lubed fingers between my legs, over my hole, which spasms at the touch.

  “Your hole is hungry for me, isn’t it?” Lars guesses, and I nod, another low rumble coming from my throat as I shove two fingers inside, eager to get to the part where he’s inside me.

  While I finger myself, Lars strips out of his clothes, keeping his gaze on me while he does. And when he’s naked, he grabs the lube off the bed beside me and squirts some into his hand. But rather than slicking his cock, he reaches around behind himself. When his eyes flutter and his breath catches, I’m sure he’s fucking himself with his fingers too.

  I add a third finger, rocking on them, losing myself in the burning stretch of penetration as my cock throbs for a long-awaited release. My balls are so sore even a feather light touch would either be too painful to bear or send me spiraling over the edge in an instant, and I’m not about to touch them to find out which it is.

  “Ready, pup?” Lars asks.

  “Ready,” I answer, my voice trembling as I ease my fingers out.

  He pulls his fingers out of himself and wipes the excess lube onto his cock, grabbing himself around the base and lining up with my hole.

  “Don’t come,” he commands as he pushes inside me in one smooth thrust.

  I let out a strangled cry, vibrating with restraint, unsure I’ll be able to obey his command if he makes me wait too long.

  Every inch of my body is sensitive after a week of waiting, even the tug of his cock against the rim of my ass with every thrust feels amplified a thousand times.

  “Master, oh god,” I pant as he leans over me, crushing his abdomen against my cock and balls. “It’s too much, too much,” I cry, my muscles tensing and convulsing as I fight my orgasm.

  Lars fucks me faster.

  “You can do it, pup. I know you can hold off for your Master,” he purrs, and I clench my ass hard around him, my
balls tightening. I bite down on my lip until I taste blood, wanting so badly to be a good for my Master.

  “So good, JJ. Love you so much,” Lars moans, his thrusts stuttering and his cock swelling inside me.

  I whimper at the feeling of his orgasm pulsing inside me, the heat of his release filling me with each pump. A dribble of pearly cum appears on the tip of my cock, my body shaking and my breathing ragged and uneven.

  As the last pulse of Lars’ orgasm fades, he pulls out, but instead of flopping down beside me he climbs on top, grabbing my cock and sinking down onto it.

  “Holy fuck,” I roar, digging my fingers into his hips to guide his movements as he rides me. The sight of his cock spent and wet with cum and lube is so filthy I want a picture of it to hang over our bed at home.

  “Fill me up, JJ,” he says, and I groan with relief, able to let go of my last frayed thread of restraint.

  With my hands still on his hips, I roll us over, pinning him beneath me and rutting into him in a wild frenzy, my oversensitive cock tingling with so much sensation it feels like I’m coming before I actually do.

  “Fuck, fuck,” I chant as a wave of heat rolls through me, and I finally hit the crest of pleasure and start to come. I bury myself deep, filling him with my seed just like he demanded, until he’s so full I can feel it dripping back out.

  When the pleasure finally fades, I swear all my limbs are made of jelly, and I collapse on top of him.


  Jonah opens his mouth lazily, and I insert a forkful of cake dutifully. When we ordered dinner from a nearby cafe, he’d insisted we needed a slice of cake since it is our wedding day after all, and I couldn’t deny him such a simple request.

  He’s naked except for his collar, necklace, and wedding ring, and spread out on the bed all boneless and satisfied. But if he thinks I’m finished with him for the night, he’d better think again.

  “When do I get to hear these vows you insisted we write each other?” I ask teasingly, taking a bite of cake for myself.

  “As soon as I can move,” he mumbles. “Or now, if you want to bring me the piece of paper in the side pocket of my duffle bag.”


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