Blackshot Sixshooter Collection

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Blackshot Sixshooter Collection Page 20

by Kurt Barker

  Conchita let out a squeal of delight and tore off her clothes, leaving them crumpled on the ground as she ran naked for the pool. She made quite a sight, jiggling and bouncing impressively as she reached the bank and jumped into the cool water with a great splash, resurfacing a moment later and beckoning the others to join her.

  “Oh, I needed that!” she panted, scooping handfuls of water across her neck and shoulders. “Come on, we can stay here! I know this place!”

  “Where the hell are we?” Linda snapped, eyeing the refreshing water of the pond longingly, but keeping her distance from Conchita.

  “It's Prince Charlie's Castle!” Conchita replied gleefully. Seeing that this meant nothing to the others, she continued with a laugh, “Charlie Pendlebury lived here; we called him Prince Charlie! He was a rich kid who came out here during the gold rush to try his hand at prospecting, just for fun; you know, to be among the “real working men” like the rich kids like to do! He spent most of his time up here drinking with the girls and talking about honest labor; oh, we had some great parties here back then!”

  She lapped water onto her breasts and stomach, looking thoughtfully at the house. “All his furniture is probably still there, unless folks stole it; Charlie left it all when he went back home, seeing as his father could always buy him more. He was such a fine joven; it's a shame he never got a chance to meet my sweet Papi! I'm sure they would have been friends!”

  Blackshot was just thinking that Clem Turpin would have been glad to make friends with a rich, brainless young man, when Linda gave a disgusted snort and stalked away around the corner of the house. With a sigh, Blackshot followed her, inwardly cussing Clem for the hundredth time.

  “Hurry back!” Conchita purred.

  Blackshot found Linda sitting on the broad front porch with her head in her hands. He sat down beside her and rubbed her back with his hand. Before he could say anything, Linda spoke, bitterness dripping from her words, “That son of a bitch! I can't believe I ever shed a tear for that lousy two-timing bastard!”

  “I know it's hard to take, but that's just the sort of man he was. It's because of his swindling that we're in the mess that we're in!”

  “But to marry that slut!” Linda fumed. “Look, I'm not blind; I can see why he fucked her! But to marry her? She's a filthy whore! She's probably had a hundred men between her fat legs!”

  “Oh, at least!” Conchita's sharp voice came from behind them. She stood at the edge of the porch, naked and wet. Beads of water glistened on her supple caramel skin, and her lips were twisted into a sneering grin. “But you're not even counting all the men I've had between my fat tits, or in my fat mouth! My mouth is very popular with the customers, you know!” she said, sauntering across the porch to stand over Linda.

  “Oh, shut up, you stupid cow,” Linda growled, turning her back to her.

  “Papi loved my mouth!” Conchita hissed, leaning close to Linda's ear. “I can't even count all the times he would cum in my mouth or right on my face. The things I could do to him with my tongue...”

  As she said this, she darted her head forward and licked Linda's cheek. With a snarl of rage, Linda spun around and slapped Conchita's face, then grabbed a fistful of her wet hair and yanked her to the ground. Conchita dragged Linda down with her, and soon they were rolling in the dust, clawing and jabbing at each other like wild animals.

  Blackshot lunged forward and separated the two girls, pulling them away from each other by their hair. “I've had just about enough of this!” he barked.

  He grabbed Conchita's wrist and pulled her across his knee; then he brought his hand down swiftly onto her thick bottom. She let out a startled shriek as Blackshot followed up with several more swats, her voluptuous ass cheeks wiggling and shaking as he turned them from brown to red. Her eyes were wide with shock and outrage as he let her go and she fell onto the ground at his feet.

  “Serves you right!” Linda snarled. “Maybe now you'll leave me alo-”

  Before she could finish her sentence, she found herself on her stomach across Blackshot's knee. He jerked her jeans down and let fly, turning her buxom bare ass as red as her face.

  “It serves you both right!” Blackshot growled. “If you want to keep fighting like children, then I'll treat you that way! What the hell are you fighting over anyway? A no-good bum that wasn't worthy of either one of you, that's what! I know you both cared about him, although I'll surely never know why, but to fight one another over a dead weasel like Clem Turpin is some special kind of madness!”

  Linda said nothing, but only glowered at him as she pulled her pants up. Conchita, however, nodded her head solemnly, determination showing on her face. “You're right,” she said, “We shouldn't fight like this. We both loved Papi and that should make us friends, not enemies!”

  She clapped her hands down on Linda's shoulders and looked her in the eye. “From now on, we'll be the best of friends!” she stated emphatically. “If my Papi loved you then that's good enough for me; I'm going to love you, too!”

  With that she pulled Linda's body against hers and kissed her full on the lips. Linda's eyes widened and she tried to pull back as Conchita's tongue parted her lips and slipped into her mouth. Finally she broke free from Conchita's embrace and slapped her across the cheek. Blackshot grabbed for her angrily, but she scrambled away, and ran around the side of the house.

  Conchita laughed and licked her lips. “I'm going to like loving her even more than I liked hating her!” she said.

  Chapter 12

  Blackshot waded to the edge of the pond, running his fingers through his wet hair, and sat on the bank. There had been a lull in the petty love triangle drama, and he had taken the opportunity to enjoy the cool water and clear his head. He needed a plan to deal with Clem Turpin's “good friend” before there were flames licking around his ears again.

  A good friend! That seemed to be a common refrain from everyone that knew Turpin; no matter how bad he treated them and cheated them, they all loved him. What was it about him that made people continuously forgive and forgive a rat like that?

  Potential. That's what it was, Blackshot supposed. Clem Turpin exhibited only one good quality and it was the one that could make people overlook all the bad ones; the potential to change. No one will turn down the opportunity to change a man, and the thing Clem could do better than anything else was to make himself look malleable. So they tried to change him with love, change him with friendship, change him with kindness and forgiveness, and he took it all with both hands and stayed just as rotten and as full of potential as ever.

  Clem had made an art of knowing just how far he could push before they would push back, but this time he had misjudged who he was pushing. He was dealing with a dangerous, powerful, unhinged man, and Clem had treated him the same as the kindly sheriffs and doting women he was used to manipulating, and it turned out to be a fatal mistake. Blackshot sighed; now he had bought in to Turpin's mistake and made it his own!

  From behind his back Blackshot heard a woman giggle, and footsteps approached through the brush. He reached for his clothes, but found they were not where he had left them.

  “Looking for these?” Conchita's voice sang merrily. He turned to see her stumping toward him with his large boots on her little feet, and his trousers held around her waist with one hand, their long legs bunched around the boot tops. Her ample breasts and taut stomach were bare.

  “Very funny. Give me those.”

  “Take them if you can!” She shuffled away with a giggle, and Blackshot jumped up in pursuit. He grabbed the back of the pants and pulled her to him as she squealed with delight. “Are you going to spank me again?” she queried, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she slipped out of his pants. “I've been a bad girl.”

  “I've got nothing against bad girls,” Blackshot grinned, “if they're good at being bad.”

  “Being bad is what I do best,” Conchita murmured. “I've been wanting to show you how just bad I can be.”

Her hand had lingered on his hard abdomen, and now slid lower until her fingers ran along the length of his manhood, which stiffened against them. She stroked his shaft with gentle pressure until it stood thick and erect, then she bent her head and let her tongue run slowly across its broad tip.

  Blackshot groaned as Conchita slid his cock between her breasts and enveloped it in her warm, soft flesh. She pressed her bulging tits together and ran them slowly and rhythmically up and down his rigid rod, teasing his head with her tongue all the while. Her large, succulent breasts felt like an oven that was surrounding him and making him hotter than the mine shaft full of flame.

  Conchita brought her head down to Blackshot's balls and explored them with her lips before pressing her tongue to the base of his shaft and gliding it languorously along his whole length. When she reached the tip, her lips closed around it and began to descend again with gentle but insistent suction, taking his thick girth deeper and deeper into her mouth.

  Up and down Conchita's head moved, bringing Blackshot's pulsing cock further into the wet warmth of her throat each time. Blackshot ran his fingers through her chocolate mane and cupped the back of her bobbing head in his palm. He guided her toward his body until her searching lips reached the base of his manhood and he could feel his head press to the back of her throat.

  Conchita twisted her head as she sucked his flesh, taking him in as deeply as possible. If her breasts had felt like an oven, her mouth was like a blast furnace, driving Blackshot to the edge of control. Sensing that he was at the limit, Conchita drew his throbbing length from her lips and massaged it between her hands. He came hard, covering her face in thick streaks that streamed from her chin in great white drops onto her luscious brown tits.

  Blackshot lay back on the grass with a heavy sigh as Conchita coaxed the last drops of cum from his cock onto her tongue. She crawled up over him and rested her hands on his thick chest, her wet stained face smiling down at him.

  “And that's why I was his favorite,” she said with a wink.

  Chapter 13

  As Blackshot dressed, Conchita slipped into the pond and submerged under the water. She stood up as Blackshot turned to go and splashed water playfully at him.

  “Don't you want to play with me anymore?” she asked with a sly smirk, squeezing her juicy wet breasts together.

  “I'd play with you all day and all night, but that won't help us get out the spot we're in,” Blackshot replied. “I'd better get a move on.”

  “Fine, be that way!” Conchita sniffed, hands on hips in mock reproach. “Don't forget to check on Papi's Little Jewel before you go. Who knows what trouble she's gotten into while the grownups were away?”

  “Now, I don't want you fighting with her anymore while I'm gone!”

  “Oh, don't worry about that. I told you, I'm going to be her best friend now; and you see how nice I am to my friends, mm?”

  Blackshot grinned as he left her and made his way toward the house. He planned to make a little reconnaissance trip around the surrounding hills to find out what the enemy was up to, but he wanted to see Linda first. He had a feeling that Conchita's brand of friendship would rub Papi's Little Jewel the wrong way, and he didn't want the distraction of more unnecessary friction between the two of them.

  Papi's Little Jewel! The sudden realization flashed into Blackshot's head like a cannon shot. The missing money-- money that would abide the fire; Clem had been damn clever; he had hidden it in plain sight, and nobody would see it if they didn't know what to look for!

  But now Blackshot knew what to look for, and a new plan began to form in his head. He strode into the house and found Linda sitting on the edge of a large Baroque sofa with a frame of intricately carved oak. Her fingers played nervously with the edge of a canvas sheet that lay on the floor at her feet. The other furniture in the room was similarly draped with dusty canvas sheets, but judging from their outlines they were of similar quality.

  “I ain't never seen stuff as nice as this,” Linda sighed. “That fella the bitch was goin' on about must have been real rich for sure.”

  Blackshot crossed the room to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Listen, I have to go,” he said. “I aim to put and end to this problem, and I think I know how to do it. I want you and Conchita to stay here until I get back, and I don't want any fighting, you hear?”

  “I wish that bitch wasn't here!” Linda burst out. “I wish it was just you and me!” She threw her arms around his waist and pressed her warm cheek to his hard stomach. Just as suddenly she released him and sat back, eyes downcast. “Sorry, I'm being stupid,” she mumbled. “I'm just scared. I'm scared for you, too! Promise you'll come back!”

  “Don't worry about me,” Blackshot replied with a reassuring smile. “It's the other guys that should be scared.”

  “It's just.... if something goes wrong; if we don't make it...” Linda paused then turned her big blue eyes to search his face, “I just want you to know that I'm as good as her!”

  Her hands fumbled with her knotted shirttails and then pulled them apart, baring her full, creamy breasts. Once she was free of her shirt, Linda turned her attention to Blackshot's belt, tearing at it with impatient fingers. “I know what she's been doing,” she huffed, “but I can do it too, and just as good!”

  Blackshot intended to tell that she had nothing to prove to him, and that she should forget this petty rivalry with Conchita, but as Linda drew his cock from his jeans and chafed it hard in her hands, the words seemed to lose their way and never quite finish their journey to his mouth.

  “Oh, you're so big!” Linda gasped, running her fingers along his rigid length. But she spoke no further, for then her lips were encircling his head and sucking it into her mouth.

  Her head bobbed vigorously, and Blackshot could feel the suction of her lips moving steadily down his shaft, and the sultry heat of her mouth closing in around him. There was a voracious abandon about her as she forced his fat girth down her throat; one of her hands clutched to the small of his back, urging him into her.

  Through the intense pressure of her lips and tongue, Blackshot was vaguely aware of Linda's other hand moving at his side, seeking his hand. Once it was in hers, she guided it to the back of her head; he let his fingers run through her thick hair then pressed her head to him. His pulsing shaft surged fully down her throat until his balls were slapping her chin with each thrust.

  If it had been up to him, Blackshot would have spent the rest of the day like that, with Linda's heavy breasts lapping against his knees as her tongue slid up and down his length, soft grunts escaping her lips and her cheeks turning rosy as she strained hungrily on his thick cock. However, his body was soon ready to wave the white flag. His hips shuddered and he erupted into her mouth in a torrent that bubbled from her lips and streamed down her chin as she released him with a gasp.

  Linda held his throbbing manhood, letting the last aftershocks sprinkle onto her cheeks, then she turned her eyes up to his. “Just promise you'll come back,” she whispered.

  Blackshot already had plenty of reasons to do just that, but now he could add one more to the list.

  Chapter 14

  The sun had slipped below the line of the treetops, and the path that Blackshot followed through the woods was now well shrouded in twilight. In spite of the gloom, he moved quickly on his way, steadily closing in on the black roof of Conchita's house that was intermittently visible through the underbrush. When he had advanced close to the side of the house, he crouched behind a dense thicket and waited, listening for any unnatural sound and scanning the dark windows for any hint of movement.

  Satisfied that he was alone, Blackshot stepped out onto the lawn and made straight for the flowerbeds by the roadside. He fumbled about the roots of the bushy sage until his fingers touched something hard and cold. When he brought it out and held it up, the shard of the broken vase sparkled in the dim evening light; and among the dull glint of the glass beads was the shimmer of diamonds!

  Blackshot grin
ned wryly and cussed Clem Turpin one last time under his breath. The old swindler had been clever alright; pasting the stolen diamonds in among the glass on the vase and giving it to his part-time wife, where it would sit unnoticed among all the other cheap trinkets that her johns gave her, and he could come back for it when the heat was off. Was that why he had married Conchita, to be sure he could always get into her house whenever he needed? Maybe. Who knows what clever little schemes Clem had in the hopper? Clever Clem Turpin, too damn clever for his own good!

  Blackshot got on his knees and searched methodically through the sage until he had recovered all the pieces of the vase and laid them out on a piece of canvas sheet which he had taken is his pocket from Prince Charlie's Castle before leaving. He gathered the corners of the cloth together and tied it up with a string. He smiled at the sound of the stones clinking together; these diamonds would mean a fortune to any man, but to Blackshot they meant something more: bait!

  Now to find the firebug! It was unlikely that the old killer would go back into town to stay the night; as far as he knew Blackshot and the girls were either dead in the mine with his jewels, or alive and trapped with his jewels. He would have men watching the entrance of the mine shaft, and if Blackshot's assessment of the man was accurate, his obsession with recovering his diamonds from the friends of the hated Clem Turpin would keep him close by as well.

  Blackshot didn't want to chance traveling by the road, in case it was being watched as well, so he returned to the brush behind the bullet-riddled house to make his way to the mines through the woods as he had done earlier with the girls. No sooner had he stepped into the shadow of the trees, however, than he heard the sound of dry leaves crunching under walking feet!

  Blackshot stole silently behind a tree near the corner of the house and slipped one of the Colts from its holster as he listened to the footsteps steadily approaching. A dark form moved in the underbrush not ten feet from where he stood, and a moment later the long barrel of a rifle extended into the pale twilight!


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