A Soldier for Amanda

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A Soldier for Amanda Page 2

by Dee Stone

  Thrusting my keys in the front pocket of my slacks that jangled with the loose change I had there, it was my turn to follow her to the tin can of a Honda. “We can go in my car,” she suggested.

  I eyed the car, the rust spots and dents glaring, shaking my head as I did so, “I’ll follow on my Harley.”

  When she opened her mouth to argue, I lifted my hand to stop her “This way no one has to take me home. I can drive myself.” I threw my leg over my ride and waited for her next move.

  Amanda canted her head, standing staring at me as she tossed her keys into the air to jingle back onto her palm again and again. Finally she nodded and turned back to her little gray car to get behind the wheel.

  I could see her moving behind the streaks of her windshield as she sat forward and turned the key with a grunt sounded from the car. Then nothing. She pursed her lips and turned the key again. This time, a rumbling grunt came from her car. I stood, getting ready to go over and see what was wrong when she twisted her wrist again and this time the car started with a shrieking whine that made me wince. In that moment, I decided that I would look at the engine this weekend. I happened to have Saturday and Sunday off with no plans. It would give me more time with her and make her car less of a death trap.

  She backed out of the driveway and moved forward a few feet, sitting waiting for me. My Harley started with a roar and I twisted the throttle to make it roar even louder. Settling it back to a more normal rumble, I moved forward slowly to follow her down the street, wondering if I was making a horrible mistake.

  Chapter Three


  I tried not to glance at the gorgeous hunk of man walking beside me. But it was hard. Hitting my palm against the outside of my thigh, I tried to distract myself. I wanted to stare at him for hours, especially in his uniform. As the pulse in my neck throbbed to the beat of the fluttering in my stomach, my body heated to a white heat of fire that thrummed through my veins. His body straight, head high. His jaw sharp as a knife. The crease on his jacket pressed tight.

  Opening the front door, I called out, “Mom, we’re here.”

  At the closet door, I removed my jacket, my fingers sinking into the lush thickness. He handed me his and I hung them both up on hangers.

  “We’re in the kitchen, honey.” Her voice had a happy lilt for the first time in a month. This time had been hard for both of us. Even though we rarely saw Brian, we knew eventually we would. At some point, he’d have time off, but as the days passed, it hit us we’d never see or talk to him again. Just the thought brought tears to my eyes.

  “Come on. Mom’s working on dinner and I’ll set the table.” I waved my hand at Christofer to follow, embarrassed that I would wave at an officer, and our shoes sunk into the deep pile carpet she and Dad bought fifteen years ago. Fifteen years ago, the light blue color had been beautiful, but now it was more faded gray blue.

  As we left the entryway, I passed by the little side table that Mom had gotten as an accent so the space wouldn’t be so empty. My hip barely brushed against it. I had walked by it thousands of times, but tonight, the table rocked on its legs. The bright blue vase that held fresh flowers rocked in time and began to fall on its side. Crap. Mom would have my hide if I broke that vase that she had gotten at a garage sale.

  I rushed forward at the same moment Christofer did and we both reached for the falling vase at the same time. Our fingers touched and a bolt of lightning energy blasted between us. Our fingertips grazed as we stared into each other’s eyes. His other hand stretched out to brush against my lips. The warmth of his calloused fingers against my lips sent tingles down my spine and the flutter of eagle wings took up residence in my stomach.

  My other hand reached out to grasp his hard forearm and my fingertips brushed light as a feather against the rough texture of his cotton shirt. His arm jerked as if I had jammed a syringe into him.

  “Excuse me.” We both apologized at the same time as we jerked our hands away to set the vase down with our other hand. Stepping away from him, I tossed my head and lead him to our destination.

  Mom and Pastor Jim sat at the kitchen table, yakking and laughing at his bad jokes. Pastor Jim had been over once a week for the past couple of months, using the excuse of checking on his parishioners. His wife had died five years before of uterine cancer and he had been with her every step of the way until the end.

  Both he and Mom needed more in their lives and I hoped they had found it in each other. I hoped they would stop evading their attraction for each other and finally give in and go on a date together. Maybe see a movie or go to dinner.

  I smiled when his hand covered her in an oblivious gesture. Pastor Jim leaned forward to whisper something in Mom’s ear and she blushed like a school girl. The timer went off in the oven and she jumped up to open the front as she waved a hand in front of her hot face but her eyes sparkled like I hadn’t seen since Dad died. Go Mom.

  At the open doorway of the kitchen, I stepped inside, weirdly embarrassed as if I had walked in on something private instead of the innocent scene it was. “Hey Mom. Dinner almost ready? I’ll set the table. Christofer, this is my mom Aliza Adams.”

  She swiveled around so fast she wobbled a hand to her chest. “Oh honey. You startled me. Of course, go ahead.”

  “Jim, do you remember Christofer? Brian’s commanding officer?” Aliza said, doing the introductions.

  “Of course. Captain.” Pastor Jim held his hand out to Christofer and they shook hands.

  “Just Christofer. I’m not an army officer here.” He grinned, crinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes that deepened the laugh lines around his mouth, which made the frown lines on his forehead disappear.

  As the two men talked, I grabbed plates and utensils and sat them out.

  “Do you guys want beers?” I asked.

  They glanced at each other before nodding, Pastor Jim saying, “sure, thanks.”

  Christofer hummed his agreement and answered, “thanks.”

  I grabbed two cold ones out of the fridge and popped the tops, handing one to each man.

  “Mom? How about you?” I turned my head around slightly to tilt my head at her.

  “No, dear. I’ll have whatever you’re having.” She didn’t even turn around as she added a roux to the lamb drippings to make a gravy, her spoon scraping around in the pan.

  Opening the door to the fridge, I surveyed the drink choices. Soda, chilled water, home-made sweet tea, and store bought raspberry tea. The raspberry tea sounded great right now. Refreshing. So, I grabbed two bottles and two glasses, added ice, and poured the tea in before I added them to our place settings.

  “Here we go, boys. Dinner.” Mom set the lamb in the center of the table, smelling deeply of garlic and other herbs like rosemary. I set out the baked potatoes next to the lamb and Mom brought over the gravy and glazed baby carrots.

  She glanced between the two men and probably thought of Dad carving the meat. Christofer took care of her indecision and said, “Why don’t you do the honors Aliza? It’s your house and you did the cooking.”

  She smiled gratefully at him and took up the serrated knife and began slicing up the lamb as I handed them off to the different plates.

  As we each filled our plates with the delicious fare I gave Christofer sideways glances that he appeared to not notice and he talked with Mom and Pastor Jim. I stayed quiet, deep into my own thoughts.

  As dinner wound down and the last of the vegetables were meted out with more lamb, I sat back, replete, when Christofer made the announcement, “So Amanda do you have plans for tomorrow? I heard the way your car started and thought I could work on it. Maybe get it purring like a kitten again.”

  I stared at him, my mouth open with no words coming out since my brain had frozen. He wanted me to come over to his place? Did I hear right?

  “Oh honey, I think that’s a great idea. Thank you, Christofer. But she never listens to me.” Mom said. As she gave an inpatient snort, her eyes glared at me.
  “Great. I’m off for the next two days, so whenever you want to come over is fine with me.” He sat back in his chair, which creaked and strained as he stretched and outstretched his arms. The play of muscles in his arms, shoulders, and back made me stare as they expanded and contracted with every movement he made. He was still well built for a middle-aged man.

  Shaking myself out of my staring and fascination I said, “I have another job interview tomorrow morning, but I can come over right after if you want. I guess I need to wash this outfit tonight before I go to bed.”

  Well, that had everyone staring at me, but Christofer’s gaze was hungry as it flicked over me. My breath caught in my throat as his eyes met mine in an appraising, burning fixed stare. My body melted and if I let it, it would liquefy into a puddle with the fire he gazed at me with.

  “Let’s have dessert, then, so Mandy can get ready for her interview tomorrow morning.”

  Mom jumped up from her chair to bustle to the fridge. She pulled out a triple layer raspberry chocolate cake she had baked that morning with raspberry jam. Last year, she had canned it with fresh raspberries we had plucked

  “That looks great, Aliza.I hate to break up this party, but I need to get home. I’ve been training recruits all day and I’m not as young as I used to be. They sure beat me up today. I need to get some sleep. Thank you both for the lovely meal and inviting me over. I appreciate it more than you know.” Christofer rose from his chair with a slight grunt that made his statement true. Although, none of us would mention that out loud.

  Mom immediately cut a big slice, placed it on a plate, and wrapped plastic around it. She handed the piece to him. He stared down at it as if it were a foreign object.

  “Thank you again, Aliza. I’ll give this plate to Amanda to give back to you. Good night Aliza, Jim and…Amanda.”

  I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination, but he might have savored my name rolling the accents in his mouth.

  “Good night. Have a safe drive home,” Mom said.

  “Night, Christofer.” I smiled at him. “See you tomorrow.” He turned and left, leaving me feeling bereft, my reaction to this feeling beyond intense.

  Chapter Four


  I waited impatiently, my body wired as if I were ready to go into battle. Not having slept much during the night, I woke up early to have a light meal of yogurt and granola before going for an early morning run. As I ran, my mind flipped through different scenarios with Amanda starring in them all. I repeated to myself, “you’re a sick bastard, lusting after a young girl.” But I had to argue with myself, too. “She might be young, but she’s all woman. An adult with a mind of her own and can choose who she wants.” I saw her eyeing me. She definitely wants me.

  Needing to relieve the hard on I had given myself that not even the hard running could relieve, I glanced at the hall clock that had been in my family for generations and noticed I better hurry if I wanted to be ready for when Amanda arrived. Since I would be working on a car, I wouldn’t need any fancy clothes… only a clean pair of old jeans and an old t shirt so it wouldn’t matter if I got grease or oil on it.

  My shower that took longer than usual as my body required I deal with the hard cock I had. I spent a while imagining Amanda on her knees in front of me, of her spread out, ready, and waiting. and While I leaned my forearm against the tiles, I jerked faster and faster until, I came when I was spent. After I finished my shower, I cleaned the stall making sure it sparkled, and got ready for her arrival. And maybe I would make some snacks for us for later. Hopefully, she’d let me take her out to dinner.

  A couple of hours later, the sputter of her car rattled down the street toward my house.

  My heart rate sped up as she pulled into my driveway and I hurried out the door to motion her to drive up the two ramps I set up already. She aimed the front of the car to them and I motioned her to maneuver the vehicle up the slight incline of the ramps. It would make sure the car was high enough so I could slide under it easily. I had looked online as to what kind of oil and filter it used and had bought that last night in case it had been a while since that had been changed.

  “Careful getting down.” I stood at the driver’s door and waited as she slowly opened the door to let me grab her by the waist to bring her to the ground.

  She wore the same outfit she wore yesterday. White blouse and jean skirt, but this time with a blue and white polka dot bow tie. Amanda held up a big bag she had brought with her and asked, “I brought a change of clothes. Can I change in your bathroom?”

  “Of course. Let me show you where it is and then I’ll get started. There are drinks and snacks in the fridge or if you want, you can call someone to come pick you up while I work? I might be a while, depending upon what is wrong. How long since your last oil change?” We walked into the house as I talked and showed her where one of the two bedrooms was and the one bathroom. It was pretty good sized even though the house had been built in the fifties when they were smaller.

  “Thanks. I’ll be fine here. If you don’t mind, I’ll stay inside.” She fiddled around in her bag to pull out jeans and a t shirt, edging to the bathroom.

  I could see when I wasn’t wanted, so as I walked away, I commented, “There are towels in there. If you need anything, just call out.” I motioned to the cabinet where the towels and sheets were kept and continued my journey back outside and to my work.


  I changed into the more comfortable clothes I brought with me and found his kitchen where I grabbed another soda. Then I headed back out to his living room. Taking my phone out of the bag, I sat on the couch, nibbling on cheese cubes and drinking soda. I toed off my flats and started swiping at my phone to watch a movie I had wanted to see for a long time.

  But the phone in my hand started ringing. I glanced down at it as it were an alien. The flashing name and number were what put me into a stupor. My ex, David. He left me a year ago to go to school in Israel and I never heard another word or email or snail mail. It was as if he dropped off the planet. Sure, I had been upset at first, but the day he left, I told him I understood, apologized for being angry, gave him a present to remember me by, and a deep kiss. Told him to call me soon and we could Skype. He never called again. I called once a week for a month, but he never picked up or acknowledged my call.

  Tapping the side of the phone against my lip a few times, I tried to decide what to do. When my decision was made, I turned it over and pressed the button on the last ring. “David?” I’m surprised I hadn’t deleted his name or number but honestly I had forgotten about him.

  “Mandy?” His voice had gotten deeper and he must have forgotten I hated being called Mandy. I would give him that it had been a year, but I still hadn’t forgotten that he hated being called Dave.

  “Hey, Dave. How are you? Long time, no hear.” I waited to see what his response was and there was silence for a couple moments.

  “Did you forget to not call me Dave?” I held the phone away and smiled.

  “Oh, did you? Just like you must have forgotten my name.” Still smiling, I waited for his response as I went to stand, then changed my mind and sat back down again.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t called you. School is brutal, but I’m back in the States now and wanted to get back with you.” His voice presented eagerness, but there was something deeper, hidden in the answer.

  “Um. Well. Sure. Maybe we could go to Starbucks sometime and grab some coffee.” I figured coffee in a filled coffee shop would be safe. I pulled at the collar of my shirt so my finger held it away from my skin as I thought. But my thoughts were bouncing from our time together, to how hurt I felt when he never returned my calls, to Christofer, and now. I preferred now.

  “But I want more than just coffee, Amanda. I want us together again.” His voice deepened and cajoled.

  “I don’t, David. I hope you find someone, but that someone isn’t me.” Relief washed through my body like a warm wave from the ocean.

>   A click from the front door made my head swivel and Christofer stood at the doorway to the living room, waiting for my call to finish. He motioned a glass to his mouth and I nodded.

  David talked, but I hadn’t heard a thing. My thoughts were on the tall, fine hunk of a man coming back into the living room, two glasses of water with ice in each hand. I smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  There was quiet from the speaker for a minute, so I thought the call had dropped. I held the phone away from my face, getting ready to end the call when David’s voice came back on, “Is there someone with you?”

  I glanced at Christofer and my smile dimmed as I wondered what he could be thinking about this. My eyes met his as I said, “Yes there is.”

  “A man?” A harsh breath drew in as he waited for my answer.

  I continued to stare into Christofer’s blue eyes as I went in all for it, “Yes, a man.”

  David’s breath rushed out as he said, “Fuck, Amanda. You threw me over so soon?” His voice sneered at me.

  I held the phone away from me and dropped my eyes to glare at the phone, staring at it in shock. So soon? Who was he kidding?

  “So soon?” Disbelief dripped from my voice. “You left a year ago. Never answered my calls or e mails. What did you expect? Me to sit here pining for you?” I gaped at the phone as I held it away from my face again.

  “You’ll regret this, Manda. You’re mine and don’t forget it.” His voice rose as he talked, his breaths coming fast and noisy.

  “Do not threaten her or you will answer to me.” Christofer hissed as he grabbed the phone out of my hand, his glare hard and flinty. His hand tightened on the phone and I winced as the plastic creaked.

  “And who are you, buddy, that I need to worry about?” David asked, his tone harsh and heavy in threat.


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