First published in 2016
First Skyhorse Publishing edition 2017
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.
Cover design by Federal Aviation Administration
Print ISBN: 978-1-5107-2606-2
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-5107-2618-5
Printed in China
The Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge provides basic knowledge that is essential for pilots. This handbook introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that will be needed as they progress in their pilot training. Except for the Code of Federal Regulations pertinent to civil aviation, most of the knowledge areas applicable to pilot certification are presented. This handbook is useful to beginning pilots, as well as those pursuing more advanced pilot certificates.
Occasionally the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).
It is essential for persons using this handbook to become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). The AIM is available online at The current Flight Standards Service airman training and testing material and learning statements for all airman certificates and ratings can be obtained from
This handbook supersedes FAA-H-8083-25A, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, dated 2008.
This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from
This handbook is published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125.
Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address:
[email protected]
John S. Duncan
Director, Flight Standards Service
The Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge was produced by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with the assistance of Safety Research Corporation of America. The FAA wishes to acknowledge the following contributors:
Mrs. Nancy A. Wright for providing imagery of a de Haviland DH-4 inaugural air mail flight (Chapter 1)
The Raab Collection, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for images of the first pilot license (Chapter 1)
Sandy Kenyon and Rod Magner ( for photo of 1929 TravelAir 4000 (Chapter 1)
Dr. Pat Veillette for information used on decision-making (Chapter 2)
Adventure Seaplanes for photos of a ski and float training plane (Chapter 3)
Jack Davis, Stearman Restorers Asociation, for photo of a 1941 PT-17 Army Air Corps trainer (Chapter 3)
Michael J. Hoke, Abaris Training Resources, Inc., for images and information about composite aircraft (Chapter 3)
Colin Cutler, Boldmethod, for images and content on the topic of ground effect (Chapter 5)
Mark R. Korin, Alpha Systems, for images of AOA disaplys (Chapter 5)
M. van Leeuwen ( for image of Piaggio P-180 (Chapter 6)
Greg Richter, Blue Mountain Avionics, for autopilot information and imagery (Chapter 6)
Mountain High E&S Company for various images provided regarding oxygen systems (Chapter 7)
Jeff Callahan, Aerox, for image of MSK-AS Silicone Mask without Microphone (Chapter 7)
Nonin Medical, Inc. for image of Onyx pulse oximeter (Chapter 7) for photo of a TKS Weeping Wing (Chapter 7)
Chelton Flight Systems for image of FlightLogic (Chapter 8)
Avidyne Corporation for image of the Entegra (Chapter 8)
Teledyne Controls for image of an air data computer (Chapter 8)
Watson Industries, Inc. ( for image of Attitude and Heading Reference system (Chapter 8)
Engineering Arresting Systems Corporation ( for EMAS imagery and EMASMAX technical digrams (Chapter 14)
Caasey Rose and Jose Roggeveen ( for flight checklist image (Chapter 14)
Tim Murnahan for images of EMAS at Yeager Airport, Charleston, West Virginia, and EMAS arrested aircraft (Chapter 14)
Cessna Aircraft Company, Columbia Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation, Eclipse Aviation Corporation, Garmin Ltd., The Boeing Company for images provided and used throughout the Handbook.
Additional appreciation is extended to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), the AOPA Air Safety Foundation, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) for their technical support and input.
Disclaimer: Information in Chapter 14 pertaining to Runway Incursion Avoidance was created using FAA orders, documents, and Advisory Circulars that were current at the date of publication. Users should not assume that all references are current and should check often for reference updates.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction To Flying
History of Flight
History of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Transcontinental Air Mail Route
Federal Certification of Pilots and Mechanics
The Federal Aviation Act of 1958
Department of Transportation (DOT)
ATC Automation
The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) Strike
The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978
The Role of the FAA
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Primary Locations of the FAA
Field Offices
Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI)
FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam)
Obtaining Assistance from the FAA
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
Advisory Circulars (ACs)
Flight Publications
Pilot and Aeronautical Information
Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)
Safety Program Airmen Notification System (SPANS)
Aircraft Classifications and Ultralight Vehicles
Pilot Certifications
Recreational Pilot
Private Pilot
Commercial Pilot
Airline Transport Pilot
Selecting a Flight School
How To Find a Reputable Flight Program
How To Choose a Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI)
The Student Pilot
Basic Requirements
Medical Certification Requirements
Becoming a Pilot
Knowledge and Skill Tests
Knowledge Tests
When To Take the Knowledge Test
Practical Test
When To Take the Practical Test
Who Administers the FAA Practical Tests?
Role of the Certificated Flight Instructor
Role of the Designated Pilot Examiner
Chapter Summary
Chapter 2
Aeronautical Decision-Making
History of ADM
Risk Management
Crew Resource Management (CRM) and Single-Pilot Resource Management
Hazard and Risk
Hazardous Attitudes and Antidotes
Assessing Risk
Mitigating Risk
The PAVE Checklist
P = Pilot in Command (PIC)
A = Aircraft
V = EnVironment
E = External Pressures
Human Factors
Human Behavior
The Decision-Making Process
Single-Pilot Resource Management (SRM)
The 5 Ps Check
The Plan
The Plane
The Pilot
The Passengers
The Programming
Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) Model
PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal Minimums
CARE Checklist: Review Hazards and Evaluate Risks
TEAM Checklist: Choose and Implement Risk Controls
The DECIDE Model
Detect (the Problem)
Estimate (the Need To React)
Choose (a Course of Action)
Identify (Solutions)
Do (the Necessary Actions)
Evaluate (the Effect of the Action)
Decision-Making in a Dynamic Environment
Automatic Decision-Making
Operational Pitfalls
Stress Management
Use of Resources
Internal Resources
External Resources
Situational Awareness
Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness
Workload Management
Managing Risks
Results of the Study
Equipment Use
Autopilot Systems
Respect for Onboard Systems
Getting Beyond Rote Workmanship
Understand the Platform
Managing Aircraft Automation
Information Management
Enhanced Situational Awareness
Automation Management
Risk Management
Chapter Summary
Chapter 3
Aircraft Construction
Aircraft Design, Certification, and Airworthiness
A Note About Light Sport Aircraft
Lift and Basic Aerodynamics
Major Components
Landing Gear
The Powerplant
Types of Aircraft Construction
Truss Structure
Composite Construction
Advantages of Composites
Disadvantages of Composites
Fluid Spills on Composites
Lightning Strike Protection
The Future of Composites
Instrumentation: Moving into the Future
Control Instruments
Navigation Instruments
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Chapter Summary
Chapter 4
Principles of Flight
Structure of the Atmosphere
Air is a Fluid
Atmospheric Pressure
Pressure Altitude
Density Altitude
Effect of Pressure on Density
Effect of Temperature on Density
Effect of Humidity (Moisture) on Density
Theories in the Production of Lift
Newton’s Basic Laws of Motion
Bernoulli’s Principle of Differential Pressure
Airfoil Design
Low Pressure Above
High Pressure Below
Pressure Distribution
Airfoil Behavior
A Third Dimension
Chapter Summary
Chapter 5
Aerodynamics of Flight
Forces Acting on the Aircraft
Lift/Drag Ratio
Parasite Drag
Induced Drag
Wingtip Vortices
Formation of Vortices
Avoiding Wake Turbulence
Ground Effect
Axes of an Aircraft
Moment and Moment Arm
Aircraft Design Characteristics
Static Stability
Dynamic Stability
Longitudinal Stability (Pitching)
Lateral Stability (Rolling)
Directional Stability (Yawing)
Free Directional Oscillations (Dutch Roll)
Spiral Instability
Effect of Wing Planform
Aerodynamic Forces in Flight Maneuvers
Forces in Turns
Forces in Climbs
Forces in Descents
Angle of Attack Indicators
Basic Propeller Principles
Torque and P-Factor
Torque Reaction
Corkscrew Effect
Gyroscopic Action
Asymmetric Loading (P-Factor)
Load Factors
Load Factors in Aircraft Design
Load Factors in Steep Turns
Load Factors and Stalling Speeds
Load Factors and Flight Maneuvers
Vg Diagram
Rate of Turn
Radius of Turn
Weight and Balance
Effect of Weight on Flight Performance
Effect of Weight on Aircraft Structure
Effect of Weight on Stability and Controllability
Effect of Load Distribution
High Speed Flight
Subsonic Versus Supersonic Flow
Speed Ranges
Mach Number Versus Airspeed
Boundary Layer
Laminar Boundary Layer Flow
Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow
Boundary Layer Separation
Shock Waves
Mach Buffet Boundaries
High Speed Flight Controls
Chapter Summary
Chapter 6
Flight Controls
Flight Control Systems
Flight Controls
Primary Flight Controls
Secondary Flight Controls
Leading Edge Devices
Trim Tabs
Balance Tabs
Servo Tabs
Antiservo Tabs
Ground Adjustable Tabs
Adjustable Stabilizer
Chapter Summary
Chapter 7
Aircraft Systems
Reciprocating Engines
d-Pitch Propeller
Adjustable-Pitch Propeller
Propeller Overspeed in Piston Engine Aircraft
Induction Systems
Carburetor Systems
Mixture Control
Carburetor Icing
Carburetor Heat
Carburetor Air Temperature Gauge
Outside Air Temperature Gauge
Fuel Injection Systems
Superchargers and Turbosuperchargers
System Operation
High Altitude Performance
Ignition System
Oil Systems
Engine Cooling Systems
Exhaust Systems
Starting System
Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)
Turbine Engines
Types of Turbine Engines
Turbine Engine Instruments
Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR)
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)
N1 Indicator
N2 Indicator
Turbine Engine Operational Considerations
Engine Temperature Limitations
Thrust Variations
Foreign Object Damage (FOD)
Turbine Engine Hot/Hung Start
Compressor Stalls
Performance Comparison
Airframe Systems
Fuel Systems
Gravity-Feed System
Fuel-Pump System
Fuel Primer
Fuel Tanks
Fuel Gauges
Fuel Selectors
Fuel Strainers, Sumps, and Drains
Fuel Grades
Fuel Contamination
Fuel System Icing
Prevention Procedures
Refueling Procedures
Heating System
Fuel Fired Heaters
Exhaust Heating Systems
Combustion Heater Systems
Bleed Air Heating Systems
Electrical System
Hydraulic Systems
Landing Gear
Tricycle Landing Gear
Tailwheel Landing Gear
Fixed and Retractable Landing Gear
Pressurized Aircraft
Oxygen Systems
Oxygen Masks
Pressure-Demand Oxygen Systems
Continuous-Flow Oxygen System
Electrical Pulse-Demand Oxygen System
Pulse Oximeters
Servicing of Oxygen Systems
Anti-Ice and Deice Systems
Airfoil Anti-Ice and Deice
Windscreen Anti-Ice
Propeller Anti-Ice
Other Anti-Ice and Deice Systems
Chapter Summary
Chapter 8
Flight Instruments
Pitot-Static Flight Instruments
Impact Pressure Chamber and Lines
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (Federal Aviation Administration) Page 1