Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 6

by Connie Mason

  were smarter than to gamble away your poke " "Didn't gamble it away," Chase said sourly "Then how "

  "Some bastards clubbed me in an alley, and when they didn't find the gold on me, they went after my Partner Rusty suffered the same fate, only he didn't fare so well They would have killed him if I hadn't come to and chased them off Rusty got his leg broke and will likely be laid up the rest of the summer Not only that, but it will take years to save enough to build our poke up again I need to work to support us until Rusty is on his feet"

  "You weren't hurt, were you1?" Belle asked anxiously

  "Nope, and that's the funny part Why didn't they kill me like they were gonna do Rusty1? I was out long enough for them to do anythin' they wanted to me"

  "This town is full of unscrupulous men," Belle contended She had a good idea who, was behind the robbery, but as long as Chase wasn't hurt she accepted it as the way of things in Skagway Besides, it would keep Chase where she could work her wiles on him She was long overdue for some excitement in her life, and Chase looked ready and able to provide all she required I should have warned you before you left here with so much money Still, I'm not sorry it turned out like this And I swear you won't be either " Belles voice was low and sultry, her eyes filled with seductive possibilities

  "When do you want me to start1?" Chase asked, returning Belle's bold scrutiny

  "Have you ever dealt blackjack1?" Belle asked, suddenly all business

  "Nope, but I've played enough to know what to do "

  "Can you start tonight?"

  "Yep, reckon I can " He uncoiled his long length

  from the chair he had sprawled into and prepared to leave

  "Wait A room goes with the job—are you interested1? You can't live in a tent on the beach in the winter "

  Chase considered Belle's offer carefully A room with a real bed was mighty tempting And once Rusty could be moved, he'd bring him here from the little storeroom at the Hash House Not that he didn't appreciate Kate and Hannah for caring for Rusty after he had refused to sell them his cows "I'll take it if it doesn't mean too big a cut in pay," Chase replied

  "Two hundred dollars a week and room and board," Belle said, shocking him with her generous offer Cowhands worked six months for the same money he'd make in a week

  "That's a heap of money, boss lady, are you sure I'll earn it1?"

  "You'll earn it," Belle purred, her voice a husky promise "Now, about clothes—you can't dress like that Do you own a suit1?"

  Chase laughed, an outrageous sound in the small room "Never had no use for a suit"

  "Well you do now " Belle reached in a drawer, fumbled around for some loose nuggets and handed Chase three choice specimens "Consider this an advance on your salary Get yourself something decent to wear and report back here at eight tonight The first night or two you can watch and get acquainted "

  "You gotta deal, boss lady " Chase saluted smartly, then stuck out his hand to seal the bargain

  Rising, Belle pointedly ignored his hand, slipped her arms around his neck, and brought their mouths together in a searing kiss With the lusty exuberance of a virile twenty-eight-year-old male. Chase returned the kiss When Belle grew giddy from lack

  from the chair he had sprawled into and prepared to leave

  "Wait A room goes with the job—are you interested1? You can't live in a tent on the beach in the winter "

  Chase considered Belle's offer carefully A room with a real bed was mighty tempting And once Rusty could be moved, he'd bring him here from the little storeroom at the Hash House Not that he didn't appreciate Kate and Hannah for caring for Rusty after he had refused to sell them his cows "I'll take it if it doesn't mean too big a cut in pay," Chase replied

  "Two hundred dollars a week and room and board," Belle said, shocking him with her generous offer Cowhands worked six months for the same money he'd make in a week

  "That's a heap of money, boss lady, are you sure I'll earn it1?"

  "You'll earn it," Belle purred, her voice a husky promise "Now, about clothes—you can't dress like that Do you own a suit1?"

  Chase laughed, an outrageous sound in the small room "Never had no use for a suit"

  "Well you do now " Belle reached in a drawer, fumbled around for some loose nuggets and handed Chase three choice specimens "Consider this an advance on your salary Get yourself something decent to wear and report back here at eight tonight The first night or two you can watch and get acquainted "

  "You gotta deal, boss lady " Chase saluted smartly, then stuck out his hand to seal the bargain

  Rising, Belle pointedly ignored his hand, slipped her arms around his neck, and brought their mouths together in a searing kiss With the lusty exuberance of a virile twenty-eight-year-old male. Chase returned the kiss When Belle grew giddy from lack

  belligerently "Seems to be all here Four hundred pounds of flour, two hundred of bacon, one hundred each of beans and sugar, twenty-five pounds butter, eight pounds baking powder, sevenly-five pounds dried fruit, fifty each of onions, potatoes, oatmeal, nee, and comrneal, twenly-five pounds coffee, three dozen yeast cakes, tea, matches, soap, spices, candles, and whiskey Comes to exactly eleven hundred and fifty pounds Now for your equipment," the inspector droned on "Stove, buckets, cooking and mining implements, ax, saw, shovel, files, chisels, nails, rope, tent, sled, mosquito net, and clothes You also have candy, cloth, and kerosene Everything seems in order Soapy Smith's cut is two hundred dollars "

  "It ain't fair I" complained the prospector "I sold everything I owned to get here Why should I pay some unscrupulous citizen for the privilege of crossing White Pass1? Once I get to the Yukon, the Mounties will collect twenly-five percent customs tax "

  "You'll pay 'cause Soapy says so," the man snarled, pulling his coat back to reveal a pair of pistols strapped to his waist

  Maggie was stunned Why did Soapy Smith's name strike fear in the hearts of men1? Finally, she could stand it no longer What was happening here was unlawful and needed to be exposed Was there no one brave enough to defy Soapy Smith1?

  The prospector was still grumbling when he reached into his pocket, fully prepared to shell out the illegal tax "Waitl" Maggie cried out, rushing forward "You don't have to pay this—this crook What he demands is illegal"

  "Who in the hell are you1?" This from Soapy's henchman "Maggie Afton, reporter with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer " "A woman reporter," the man scoffed derisively

  "Why ain't you home where you belong, takin' care of yer man1?"

  Maggie flounced indignantly "I'm exactly where I want to be, mister—mister—"

  "Casey Liam Casey "

  "Where is the law in Skagway, Mr Casey1? How can people meekly give in to Soapy Smith's demands'?" Maggie wanted to know

  "It's all right, miss," the prospector interjected, unwilling to draw the attractive young woman into his problems "I'll pay just like everyone else Soapy Smith is the law in Skagway Ain't but one U S Marshal and one commissioner in the entire territory of Alaska—not like Canada with all the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to keep the law "

  He reached in his pocket, counted out the required amount, and handed it to Liam Casey Then he tipped his cap at Maggie and went on his way

  Maggie had never known such rage, and she whirled to face Liam Casey, her eyes spitting amber fire "You tell Mr Smith he won't get away with this—this miscarriage of justice I'm going to devote my next article to his illegal dealings and send them to the Post-Intelligencer for publication Once law-abiding citizens leam what's going on up here, there will be such an outcry that the law will be forced to put a stop to his practices Good day, sir I"

  Turning on her heel, Maggie marched away, her body taut, head held high Behind her, Liam Casey slunk away, certain that Soapy would want to know about the nosy woman reporter snooping into his business

  Chapter Five

  Maggie dispatched her packet to the North Star, which she learned was to depart the following day That taken care of, she retrieved a notebook an
d pencil from her bag and began interviewing men lounging outside their tents Unaccustomed to seeing a lady in Skagway, most cooperated out of sheer delight in talking with a refined female Some remembered her from the North Star, and those that followed her progress with lust-filled eyes she steered clear of Through these interviews, Maggie learned more of Soapy Smith, and the list of crimes attributed to him both angered and amazed her

  She learned from her carefully phrased questions that Soapy sent toughs to the Seattle docks for the purpose of luring men to Skagway, where he promptly fleeced them of their hard-earned money In return for promised protection, the unsuspecting starnpeders, as those men flocking to the Yukon were called, doled out large sums to Soapy's men

  Before Maggie started back to her room much later, she had compiled an entire dossier of atrocities committed by the notorious Soapy Smith and his gang of toughs

  Lost in contemplation of her next story, Maggie did not notice the two brawny men who sidled up beside her until both her arms were seized and she was hustled into an alley If anyone noticed, they gave no alarm, going about their business as usual

  "What's the meaning of this1?" Maggie demanded, a jolt of fear nearly paralyzing her Things like this just didn't happen to her

  "Mr Smith wants ta talk to ya "

  "Well I don't want to talk to him Take your filthy hands off me "

  "Feisty little piece, ain't she. Bandy1?" Zeke guffawed, beady eyes gleaming

  "Yeah, tough as nails," Bandy Johnson agreed "I pity the man who mounts her, shell cut him down ta size " They both laughed uproariously over Bandy's little pun

  They shoved her farther down the alley Til scream," Maggie threatened

  "Go ahead," Bandy challenged "You'll find no one cares enough ta interfere Come along quiet-like andya won't be hurt Soapy just wants ta talk to ya nice and fhendly-like "

  Giving in to the inevitable, Maggie stumbled down the alley At'the other end, she was met by a tall, slim, sandy-haired man with the coldest eyes she'd ever seen Intuitively she knew she was face-to-face with the notorious Soapy Smith

  "Much obliged, boys," Soapy smiled, grasping Maggie's arm I won't need you any longer "

  His chilling smile turned Maggie's blood to ice water "Take your hands off me I" she insisted Obviously her false bravado gained her naught, for Soapy's hold only tightened

  "I just want to talk to you. Miss Afton," Soapy said smoothly "Come along "

  Digging in her heels, Maggie balked "I'm not going anywhere with you, but go ahead and talk I'm listening "

  "Not here " He began dragging her toward a door at the rear of one of the buildings It led directly to his small office behind Soapy's Parlor Due to his superior strength, Maggie was forced to follow

  The room Soapy shoved her into was an office of sorts, with furnishings far superior to anything she'd seen thus far in Skagway He locked the door behind him and pocketed the key while Maggie studied her surroundings with mild curiosity

  "Now then. Miss Afton, have a seat" His politeness did not fool Maggie for a minute

  Moving with exaggerated slowness, she selected a chair and seated herself with noteworthy aplomb, considering the circumstances

  "All right, Mr Smith, what is it you want?"

  Soapy regarded Maggie with considerable interest Any other woman would be quaking in her boots, but not Miss Maggie Afton She confronted him boldly, a challenge on her tongue, bristling with hostility and anger He'd always pictured spinsters as thin, timid women wearing spectacles, hair pulled back into a severe bun and clothed in dark, baggy garments that concealed their sex This fiery creature was definitely no retiring old maid Nor did she frighten easily

  "I understand you've been asking questions about me. Miss Afton This is a small town, and word travels fast What possible interest could I be to you and your paper?" Maggie easily saw through his facade of mild-mannered businessman and community benefactor

  "I've been here just two days, Mr Smith, but already I've gathered enough material to send you

  to prison if you were anywhere but in Alaska," she said, her voice dripping with contempt

  "Ah, but we are in Alaska," Soapy replied with deceptive charm "Here we do things my way I want you to stop interfering in my business "

  "Business I Hal It didn't take long to discover that you're involved in dirty business," Maggie shot back "Every violent crime in this city can be laid directly on your doorstep "

  "Did you also learn that I collected two thousand dollars for two widows, stopped an illegal lynching, and promoted business, labor, and the church1? Because of me, the citizens of Skagway are protected against outlaws "

  "I see," Maggie said, her voice honey-sweet yet ripe with mockery "I had no idea you were such a paragon of virtue What about all the man passing through Skagway who are robbed outright or cheated out of their money1? I talked to numerous men who are stranded here because of one or another of your schemes You've a whole gang of toughs ready to do your dirty work while you sit back and reap the rewards "

  "You're a foolish woman. Miss Afton," Soapy said pointedly "Foolish for corning to Skagway in the first place and foolish for snooping into things that don't concern you I strongly urge you to return to Seattle at your earliest convenience "

  Maggie bristled indignantly "I'm sure your advice is well-meant, Mr Smith, but I'm not leaving until I accomplish what I set out to do "

  "And what is that. Miss Afton?"

  "To go to the Klondike "

  "It's not an easy trip for a woman "

  "I'm aware of that May I go now1?"

  "As soon as you hand over that notebook you've been scribbling in "

  "Absolutely notl"

  "I don't doubt your bravery. Miss Afton, but it will do you no good Give it to rnel"

  "Do you think me stupid1? I've a good memory Much of what's in here can easily be duplicated "

  "But you won't" His voice had a hard edge to it that warned of dire consequences should she disregard his advice

  "Are you threatening me1?"

  A tight-lipped smile split his sly features "Let's just call it a friendly warning I abhor violence Must I search you for the notebook1?" His look implied that he'd derive great pleasure from doing so I find you quite attractive. Miss Afton—Maggie Perhaps we would find it mutually satisfying to form an alliance of sorts If you must write about me, perhaps it could be about the beneficial aspects of my life, the good I do for Skagway Perhaps history will remember kindly all the good works I performed for the community "

  "I write the truth, Mr Smith," Maggie sniffed disdainfully "I'm sure you'll go down in history, but it certainly won't be for your good deeds I must go Hannah and Kate will be worried about me "

  "As well they should Strange things happen to people in Skagway," he said ominously

  Rising abruptly, Maggie moved toward the door, but found her way blocked by Soapy, holding up the key in one hand "The notebook," he demanded with quiet menace

  Maggie's hand tightened on her bag Soapy's keen eyes noted her reflexive action, and he grabbed her around the waist with one hand while snatching away her bag with the other A struggle ensued, and eventually Soapy wrested the bag from her hands and shoved her hard while he removed the notebook and placed it in his jacket pocket Losing her balance, Maggie screamed as she hit the floor, stunning her and knocking the breath from her lungs

  Glancing into the alley, chase couldn't help but remember what had happened to him and Rusty in that same alley just two short days ago It now became habit to glance wanly into every dark nook and comer where outlaws might lurk so that he wouldn't be caught unawares again Not that he had anything left to steal What he saw caused the blood to curdle in his veins Two men were hustling a struggling woman through the murky passage and out the other end The woman appeared wildly reluctant, but what made Chase break out in a cold sweat was the fact that he could have sworn, the woman was Maggie

  By the time Chase collected his senses and willed his feet into mot
ion, the trio had already left the alley Racing through the passage. Chase groaned in frustration when he found no sign of either the men or the woman Obviously they had entered one of the rear doors leading into the buildings lining Holly Street

  Chase grew frantic Was it Maggie he had seen or just one of the saloon girls with a customer1? He couldn't take the chance Maggie might think she could take care of herself, but she was an innocent among a pack of wolves He had no idea why he cared so much, but in the short time he had known her, Maggie Afton had made a strong impact on his life

  Testing door after door. Chase worked his way down the line of buildings, encountering mostly empty storerooms The next door he tried was locked, and he started to turn away But the sound of voices coming from within changed his mind A feminine scream released his frozen limbs, and without a thought for the consequences he hurled himself against the door, his broad shoulders breaking the flimsy lock with the first thrust He hurtled into the

  room in time to see Maggie sprawled on the floor and Soapy Smith leaning over her A roar of outrage left his lips "What have you done to her, you bastard1?"

  Startled by the unexpected intrusion. Soapy rose abruptly, cursing beneath his breath when he saw Chase bearing down on him with murder in his eyes He was sorry now he didn't have the cowboy killed instead of saving him for Belle "This doesn't concern you, McGarrett I haven't harmed the lady "

  "This sure as hell does concern me I" Chase gritted from between clenched teeth "Get away from Maggie " Soapy backed away, his right hand easing toward his pocket "I wouldn't try it if I were you," Chase warned

  Just then Maggie's vision cleared and she groaned, momentarily diverting Chase's attention Thinking to catch Chase unaware. Soapy dove for his concealed weapon But Chase was not as inattentive as he appeared His hand lashed out, his pistol appearing like magic, and he caught Soapy full in the face with the butt Stunned, Soapy sprawled on the floor, watching groggily as Chase scooped Maggie up into his arms


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