Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 10

by Connie Mason

  "What seems to be the trouble?"

  "Don't rightly know, but he needs a doctor and he's afeered of leavin' the claim unprotected "

  "Damn," Chase muttered, his mind racing What was he to do with no money and Rusty laid up?

  Cautiously Dan glanced around in all directions, leaned close to Chase, and whispered, "Sam said to tell ya thin's look mighty prornisin' at Eleven Above, if ya catch my mearun' If I were you, I'd hightail it up there before snow flies "

  Chase thanked Dan profusely, bought him a drink, and hurried away He had to talk with Rusty immedi-

  ately He knew exactly what he had to do, though he swore he'd never do it It was imperative he get to Maggie before she took it into her head to leave with Soapy's henchmen He spied Belle across the room and signaled his desire to speak with her Belle waited for him to approach

  "What is it. Cowboy?"

  "Find someone to relieve me, boss lady, I have to go out for a spell Business "

  "Monkey business, no doubt," muttered Belle crossly "You got an itch for that newspaper snoop. Chase? Why not let me scratch it? I'm beginning to think I made a mistake in hiring you You're not the man I thought you were "

  "Sorry, Belle, if I led you to believe otherwise," Chase grinned lazily "When you offered me a job, I didn't know there were strings attached It's late and I've got to see Rusty before he retires for the night I'll be back later to finish my shift"

  "If you leave now, you're finished," Belle threatened, convinced Chase was going to see Maggie

  "Suits me I don't like bein' dictated to My life's my own to do with as I please " Without waiting for a reply, he turned and stalked off "Chase, waitl" Belle called, running after him and catching his arm "Let's talk about this Come up to my room later, I'll be waiting for you " "Don't wait too long"

  The Hash House was just closing for the night when Chase arrived Expressing his desire to speak to Rusty, he spent only a few minutes in conversation with Hannah and Kate

  "Chase, what in tarnation brings ya here this time of night? Ain't ya supposed to be workin'?" Rusty asked when Chase burst into his room "Yeah, but somethin' important just came up and I need to talk to you "

  "What is it, son1?" Rusty asked, instantly alert

  "Got a message tonight from Sam Cooper up at Eleven Above "

  "Give it to me straight. Chase "

  " 'Pears Sam took sick and wants to know why we're not up there yet His message was to hightail it up to Eleven Above as quick as we could "

  A string of curses left Rusty's mouth "And me laid up with a busted leg and our grubstake stolen What rotten luckl What we gonna do. Chase1?"

  "I'm goin' to the Klondike, Rusty "

  "You gonna ask Belle fer a loan1?"

  "Hell no I I don't like the strings attached to her money

  "Since when did you run away from a beautiful woman1?" cackled Rusty "Don't tell me that newspaper reporter is gettin' to ya "

  "This is no time for foolish questions. Rusty We got plans to make "

  "What ya gonna use fer money1?" Rusty asked, going quickly to the crux of the problem

  "I'm gonna let Maggie grubstake me in return for takin' her to Dawson It's the only way I'm gonna get up to our claim You got any other ideas'?"

  "Nary a one But Maggie stopped in today to tell me she found someone to take her "

  "Yeah, two of Soapy's thugs," Chase spat disgustedly "I swear she's lost her mind She's goin' with me and that's final"

  "Kinda sweet on that little gal, ain't ya, son1?"

  "Mind your own business. Rusty," Chase glowered "I'll arrange with Kate for your keep and pay her in advance You should be up and about in a couple of weeks if she can find you a crutch "

  "Dammit, Chase, I wish I was goin' along " "Anythin' else I should know before I tell Maggie?" "Naw, just get up there and take care of Sam And

  take care of Maggie, she's a damn fine woman "

  Chase grinned "I intend to I'll see you before we leave Oh, one more thing. Rusty—Sam's message hinted of somethin' biggoin' on up at Gold Bottom "

  "Jumpin' jehoshaphatl Do ya reckon he's found gold1?"

  "Don't know, but I aim to find out soon enough Sleep tight. Rusty "

  Maggie's new article on Soapy Smith was coming along well It was late and she was tired The knock on her door brought a frown to her face She had spoken to both Hannah and Kate before she retired and said all there was to say on the subject They had been so upset over her decision to travel to Daws on with two of Soapy Smith's men that Maggie suspected they had come to continue the argument She appreciated their concern, but nothing would change her mind Without hesitation she invited them in, even though she wasn't dressed to entertain visitors She was clad casually in a prim nightgown and warm robe, her blond hair falling loose and lovely around her shoulders

  The door opened and Chase stepped inside A small stove warmed the cool night air, and the light from a single lamp spilled a hazy glow over the woman seated at the small desk, her head bent over several sheets of paper

  "I told you both there was nothing you could say to change my mind," Maggie insisted without looking up

  "Can I change your mind, Maggie girl?"

  "Chase, what are you doing here at this time of night1? You're wasting your time, my mind is made up I'm going to the Klondike no matter what you say "

  "I'm not here to talk you out of goin' to the Klondike "

  "I'm not going to bed with you. Chase McGarrettl How dare you come here thinking I'll—"

  "Whoa, darlin', that's not why I'm here, either, though I gotta admit the thought did occur to me just now when I saw you sittin' there in your robe lookin' so enticin' "

  "Just why are you here1?"

  "To tell you I've changed my mind You grubstake me and I'll take you to the Klondike "

  "Why now," asked Maggie suspiciously, "when I've already made other arrangements'?"

  "I won't lie to you, Maggie girl I just received word from the man Rusty left in charge of Eleven Above He's sick and I need to get up there pronto "

  "What makes you think I still want you1? I already have an escort We're to leave soon "

  "If you believe you'll be safe with Soapy Smith's thugs, your brains are scrambled Smith could care less what happens to you after you leave Skagway Oh, you might get to Dawson, all right—but in what condition1?"

  "Are you trying to frighten me1?" Maggie argued

  "Damn right I am Don't ask me why, but I care what happens to you You're still a woman no matter how tough you pretend to be," Chase said, caressing her with his eyes

  Maggie knew Chase was right Putting her trust in Smith and his thugs was foolish, but at the time it was her only alternative She knew Chase, knew he'd protect her with his life no matter what, knew she could trust him The other men were of unknown quality, while she knew exactly what to expect from Chase Maggie didn't fear Chase, only how he made her feel

  "I want you to know, Maggie, that if we reach an agreement I fully intend to pay back every penny you loan me " "How soon can we leave1?" Maggie asked, her mind

  made up She'd go anywhere with Chase, trust him implicity

  A huge grin split Chase's rugged features "Day after tomorrow, at dawn I'll meet you at the outfittin' store in the momin' I'll buy everythin' I need then and use my pack horses to carry our supplies over the pass "

  "I'll be there," Maggie agreed eagerly "And Chase, thank you I was having serious reservations about trusting myself to Smith's men "

  "As well you should," Chase chastised "I'd best be goin' now, I want to collect my pay from Belle And if I stay longer, I'll forget everythin' 'cept how damn good you feel in my arms, all naked and warm and willin' " His voice was low and husky with desire "Dammit, Maggie girl, I don't know how this is gonna work when it takes all my energy just keepin' my hands off you "

  After one long searching look. Chase left, only too aware that if he touched her he'd go up in smoke As for Maggie, she was already sizzling

nbsp; The outfitting store was a busy place the next morning Hundreds of men were arriving daily aboard anything afloat Captain Billy Moore's sawmill on the tide flats was producing lumber at a furious pace to keep up with the demand Buildings, cabins, and warehouses appeared almost overnight A major hotel was planned, as well as a church and long narrow docks out into Lynn Canal to facilitate the scores of ships entering the port every day Maggie suspected she'd hardly recognize Skagway when she returned

  Since Maggie had already purchased her own supplies and equipment earlier. Chase made only a few suggestions, having to do with the type of clothing she needed for the trip Maggie took his advice, purchasing a sheepskin jacket, long underwear, flannel

  shirts, thick denim jeans, gloves, and a hat that covered her ears She also added a scarf and wool socks She had thoughtfully brought along two pair of sturdy hiking boots from Seattle, and it was a good thing, since nothing at the outfitting store would have fit her Then Maggie paid for everything with the money provided her by the Post-Intelligencer It made a considerable dent in her finances, but it couldn't be helped Soon she'd have money coming in the form of back pay and from the sale of articles sent to a popular magazine that seemed eager for her stones

  "That's it, Maggie, you wait here while I get the pack horses

  "Just a minute, mister, are you forgettin' something"

  One of Soapy's men grabbed Chase's arm before he could walk away I think I got everything" Chase replied coolly

  "There's a little matter of the fee you owe Soapy fer all the supplies you just bought"

  "I believe all that's required is payin' customs tax to Canada," Chase replied, shrugging free

  "Hey, wait a minute, no one gets away without payin' Soapy his cut"

  "Tell Soapy he's already got enough of my money, he'll not get another dime "

  Soapy's tough was so shocked that he walked away shaking his head and thinking it took a mighty brave man to defy Soapy Smith

  Dawn hadn't arrived any too soon to suit Maggie The pack horses were already loaded and ready to go Chase took three of the animals, leaving one behind in the unlikely event that Rusty was able to follow before the passes closed for the winter He also left all his pay, grudgingly provided by Belle, which he hoped would be enough to grubstake Rusty At the

  last minute Chase purchased a sled to be pulled behind one of the horses Maggie waited outside the Hash House while Chase said his good-byes to Rusty, having already made her own farewells

  "Let's go, Maggie," Chase said briskly as he joined her

  It was only six am, but already light as they led the horses to the starting place where men, horses, sleds, and other beasts of burden were inline in that seemingly endless human chain wending its way steadily upward Maggie thought this trek across White Pass was to be denied her until she actually took her place at the end of the line It was nearly noon before they even reached the foot of the pass where the trail followed the river and they began the twenty-mile ascent to the summit The date Maggie recorded in her notebook was September 5, 1897

  The trail led out of Skagway across a succession of hills, deceptively easy for three or four miles, then swung across the Skagway River for another three miles until the road narrowed and was seldom more than two feet wide Because of melting snow and heavy rains, the route was a seemingly endless series of mudholes, some so bad horses sank in them down to their tails At places the terrain was steep Where there was no mud, there were rocks In some spots a single misstep could send horses and men plunging a thousand feet down to the canyon floor They reached the first summit, called Devil's Hill, at dark and Chase suggested they stop for the night

  It took a while to find a level place where they could pull off the trail and pitch a tent By then Maggie was exhausted, cold, and hungry, and she sank to the ground wanting nothing more than to lay her head down and sleep

  "I warned you, darlin," Chase said as he pulled the horses off the trail "I told you travelin' to the

  Yukon would be rough It's not too late to go back "

  "NoI" Maggie cried stubbornly, staggering to her feet "Tellrne what to do "

  "Rest while I put up the tent Afterwards we'll have sornethin' hot to eat"

  The tent went up easily enough, though the rocky ground made the task more difficult Soon Chase had afire going and the fragrant aroma of coffee filled the air Maggie roused herself long enough to fry bacon and open a can of beans Meager though the fare was, it tasted delicious

  "Take off your boots, darlin', and climb inside. Chase invited, "you look beat I'll join you after I feed the horses "

  There was little forage for animals along the trail, so stampeders either brought along hay and feed or let their animals starve Hundreds did and were abandoned Others were overloaded and driven by cruel masters until they dropped in their tracks Still others plunged to their deaths on the steep trails

  Nearly as tired as Maggie, Chase crawled in beside her, covering them both with blankets "Are you awake, darlin"?"

  "No," Maggie sighed, "go to sleep "

  "How do you expect me to sleep with you lyin' here beside me1?"

  "Close your eyes," she advised, "it's easy "

  To prove her point, Maggie's lids dropped and within seconds she was sound asleep It was not so simple for Chase, who couldn't seem to find a comfortable position When Maggie rolled to her side. Chase followed, hugging her body into the warm hollow of his His hand naturally settled on her breast, and he worked it through the layers of her clothing until he encountered bare flesh Even in her sleep Maggie acknowledged the intimacy with a shudder Sighing with repressed longing. Chase

  forced himself to relax and enjoy the small concession allowed him Soon he too was asleep

  The following day was a repeat of the first Maggie had no idea the going would be so very difficult Soupy mud sucked at her feet so often that Chase had to help her along in places Most harrowing was having to listen to the cry of hapless pack animals that plunged over the precipice to the canyon below The second night they camped near the summit of Porcupine Hill The next day proved to be as arduous as the first two, bringing them to Summit Hill, which was the customs collection station manned by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police A small cabin housing the customs officer sat in a clearing at the summit

  The Mountie seemed shocked to leam that Maggie was a woman Thus far she was the first woman over the trail, though many more were soon to follow When the Mountie was told Maggie represented the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, he generously offered her the cabin for the night When Maggie demurred. Chase accepted for her and it was settled After enjoying a thorough wash in water provided by Chase from a nearby stream, Maggie donned a nightgown from her pack and climbed into the narrow bunk Before she fell asleep she thought of how much she missed Chase's comforting warmth beside her

  "You smell a whole lot better than those starnpeders sleepin' in tents outside," Chase murmured, nuzzling Maggie's neck Maggie jerked awake instantly "Chase, what are you doing in here1? What if someone saw you1?"

  "No one saw me, darlin'," Chase drawled lazily "I have to love you tonight or else lose my mind I've slept beside you for two nights without doin' anythin' but touch your lovely breasts I'm a strong

  man, darlin', but even I have my breakin' point"

  "You're a man of strong passions. Chase," Maggie acknowledged huskily

  "And you're a passionate woman, darlin' I'm glad I'm the one who set them free The only way to work you out of my system is to love you 'til I've had my fill"

  Maggie seriously doubted she'd ever have her fill of Chase's unique loving Crude cowboy though he might be, he was the only man capable of setting her afire She could no more resist Chase than she could stop breathing

  "I'd be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy your loving," Maggie admitted quietly "Love me. Chase, give me something to remember when I return to Seattle "

  He helped her off with her nightgown, then stripped off his own clothes, settling beside her with a sigh When sh
e pressed against him, he drew a quick breath, his body becoming rigid Suddenly bold, Maggie twisted to allow her kisses to follow the thick matting of hair that trailed across his belly, and he could no longer breathe Her moist lips worshipped his skin, and she realized from the fresh soapy smell that he had just bathed in the icy stream Tiny tremors ricocheted through every nerve ending as Maggie continued her tender torture Muscles leaping in response. Chase groaned as her slender fingers closed over his engorged flesh

  "Damnation, womanl"

  He caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger, jerked her head roughly backward, and seized her lips with his kisses, draining the breath from her The passion Maggie aroused in him raged without restraint through the tense muscles of his powerful body His hand smoothed the warm flesh of her hips while his leg parted her thighs and he slid atop her Then he was inside her, flexing his tight-muscled buttocks to fill her again and again

  Maggie felt the weight of his gaze as he stroked her to completion, watching her eyes turn from brown to the purest gold His own climax came in a whirlwind of sensation so intense the very air around him exploded

  Maggie was nearly asleep a short while later when Chase curved his arm around her left thigh to lift her leg upon his hip "Wake up, my lovely Maggie, I want you again " Then, sliding his right leg between hers, he waited for her to mesh their bodies

  Completely awake now, Maggie shifted until they were joined "You're insatiable. Chase McGarrett"

  He made love to her this time with languid ease before the nearly unbearable rapture made him quicken his strokes to bring them to a perfect union

  The descent from the summit of White Pass was as treacherous as the ascent had been The path went down a narrow funnel for about eight miles, then fanned out into various routes Maggie was appalled by the conditions Such a route might have handled a small number of pack trains comfortably, but it was not suitable for the hordes of men and animals who sought to struggle over it Cruelty to animals was widespread When horses sank in mud so deeply they could not be gotten out, they were simply abandoned without the mercy of a bullet, often with their loads still on them Those luckless animals soon died as men and horses climbed over and across them Whenever they came upon one of those poor creatures. Chase took it upon himself to put the animal out of its misery


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