Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 24

by Connie Mason

  The next day Maggie had an unpleasant encounter with Soapy Smith It happened on the wooden sidewalk outside the hotel where she was interviewing disillusioned miners returning home broke and weary She thought it an appropiate end to her series of articles

  "Still after a story. Miss Afton?" Soapy asked, his voice revealing his shock at seeing her alive and well in Skagway I didn't expect to see you back in Skagway I thought by now you'd be—er, home " It was obvious to Maggie what he meant to say

  "I'm sure you did all in your power to see that I never returned to Skagway," she retorted, her amber eyes flashing dangerously

  Soapy's smile sent a chill racing down Maggie's spine

  "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied with feigned innocence "By the way, did you happen to meet two friends of mine. Bandy

  Johnson and Zeke Palmer, somewhere between here and Dawson?"

  Maggie stifled a smile, thinking it would come as quite a shock when Soapy learned his toughs were dead

  I don't see your cowboy—friend," Soapy continued blandly, certain his men hadn't failed him completely Bandy and Zeke were two of his most dependable men Seeing Maggie Afton in Skagway had startled him, for he had thought her dead long ago "Did McGarrett remain in Dawson "

  "You'll be happy to hear Chase is hale and hearty," Maggie goaded gleefully "His claim is paying off handsomely By now he's quite rich," she added for good measure "If you'll excuse me, I've things to attend to before I leave Oh, and incidently—I hope you enjoy my articles that will appear in the Post-Intelligencer "

  Two days later, Friday, July 7, 1898, Maggie was sitting in her hotel room when a commotion below her window drew her attention A man stood in a circle of onlookers talking furiously and gesturing with frantic motions She spied Hannah standing on the fringe of the crowd and decided to join her, her agile mind and nose for news ferreting out a story

  "What's happening, Hannah1?" Maggie asked when she joined her friend The crowd was becoming more hostile by the minute and she pulled Hannah back against the building

  "See that fella over there doin' all the talking" Hannah said, pointing to a young man "His name is John Stewart, and he ain't been in town but a day or two Accordin' to rumor, he had a poke of twenty- seven hundred in gold and claims he was robbed behind Soapy Smith's Parlor Seems like a man named Bowers, a well-known member of Soapy's gang, said he was an assayer from a big

  mimn' company and offered to buy Stewart's gold When Stewart was taken to the rear of Soapy's Parlor, two pals were waitin' to join Bowers They overpowered Stewart and took his gold from him in broad daylight

  "Stewart sure is raisin' a ruckus, got the whole town up in arms The dirty dealin's got Soapy's stamp all over it" "Perhaps Soapy and his toughs have gone too far this time," Maggie suggested cryptically

  While the two women watched the proceedings, a vigilante committee, long inactive, was hastily reactivated and a meeting called In her capacity as a reporter, Maggie attended the meeting, convened first at Sylvester's Hall but later moved to Juneau dock, taking notes while the committee formed a list of grievances headed by the demand Soapy Smith bring about the return of Stewart's poke They set a deadline of four o'clock that afternoon Even though Soapy promised to have the money back by that time, the deadline was not met Smith began to drink heavily and talk in a rash and defiant manner

  "By damn," Soapy answered when told there'd be trouble if he didn't return the money, "trouble is what I'm looking for "

  By eight o'clock that evening, the money was still not returned and another meeting was convened at Juneau dock Frank Reid, the city engineer, and two other men were named to guard the dock approach in order to protect it from objectionable characters who might disturb the deliberations of the meeting Maggie was watching from a distance when Smith tried to force his way into the meeting where he was being accused and "tried" without benefit of a court He earned a Winchester rifle in his hands Smith was challenged by Reid, one of the guards at the entrance to the causeway He walked straight up to Reid and

  with an oath struck him with the barrel of the gun A scuffle ensued, and bullets flew, both men fell to the ground, mortally wounded Smith died immediately with a bullet in the heart, Reid hung on for twelve days before succumbing to his wounds

  The next day an inquest completely exonerated Reid, most witnesses agreed that Smith had fired the first shot The Skagway News ran the headline, "Soapy Smith's Last Bluff Called By Frank Reid," along with a story that took up two pages Though saddened by the deaths, Maggie wrote a firsthand report, hoping to scoop all other stateside papers

  All the next day, Saturday, Soapy's gang were rounded up and jailed by the vigilantes On Sunday, one of the men who supposedly robbed Stewart, "Ole Tnpp," came into town and gave himself up rather than starve to death in the mountains where he was hiding with his friends He was confined to a room on the second floor of the Burkhard Hotel Acting on Tnpp's information. Marshal Tanner dispatched thirty armed men to search for Tnpp's three accomplices The trio—Bowers, Foster, and Wilder—were subsequently caught and placed under heavy guard with Tnpp

  Hundreds of citizens congregated that night outside the Burkhard Hotel, demanding justice, but Marshal Tanner's honesty and cool head prevented a disaster For more than an hour he valiantly fought with the enraged crowd for the protection of his prisoners in the name of the law Before a detachment of soldiers arrived a few hours later from Dye a to take charge of the prisoners, an unsuccessful rush was made to take the men and hang them

  In desperation, one of the men jumped from the second-story window and attempted to flee amidst flying bullets, which miraculously missed him He was caught, and it looked as if he'd end up swinging from a rope until Marshal Tanner intervened Thus

  ended an era in Skagway history and the end of the worst hellhole on the face of the earth

  During the days history was being made in Skagway, Chase McGarrett arrived in town His first stop was at the Hash House, where an excited Hannah filled him in on the momentous events of the past two days

  "It's about time someone done that scoundrel in," Chase grunted, thinking of his own poke that had been stolen "What brings ya ta Skagway1?" Kate asked when they had exhausted the subject of Soapy "Where is Rusty1?"

  Chase smiled, aware of the tender feelings Kate and Rusty shared Who'd have thought a crusty old warrior like Rusty would fall in love at his age1? "I'm alone, Kate There's been such an influx of men to Dawson this spring that food is in short supply We can't last another winter, especially if it's as hard as the last, on what supplies we have left I'm younger than Rusty, so I volunteered to make the trip to Skagway for supplies Rusty sends his best to you "

  "Did ya really strike it rich1?" Hannah asked, blunt and direct as ever "Yep, one of the richest on the Bonanza "

  Though Chase should have been ecstatic, a shadow of sadness dulled his blue eyes, as if he were glimpsing a bleak future instead of looking forward to rosy tomorrows living in the lap of luxury Both women were astute enough to recognize the cause of Chase's apparent apathy

  If Rusty were there, he would have told them how restless and unhappy Chase had been these past weeks, despite the vast wealth they were digging up daily He would have mentioned how Chase slept little, brooding constantly over something he refused to talk about, although Rusty knew dam well it involved

  Maggie Afton Chase was too damn tight-lipped to talk about the problem, so Rusty remained in the dark as to what happened between Chase and Maggie It was Rusty who insisted Chase go to Skagway after supplies, hoping to distract him from his doldrums Hannah knew none of this but managed to put her finger on Chase's problem immediately

  "Have ya seen Maggie yet1?" she asked, startled by Chase's reaction to her innocent question

  The mention of Maggie's name seemed to strike a chord in Chase, and he leapt to his feet "Maggie, here1? In Skagway1? I thought she left months ago by wayofSt Michael What happened1?"

  "Why don't ya ask her yerself Her sh
ip don't leave till tomorrow "

  The thought that Maggie was in Skagway stunned Chase So close—so damn close All he had ever wanted in life was right here within his grasp, but sadly he had relinquished all his rights to claim Maggie in Dawson Did he regret it1? Damn right he did Was it too late to make things right with the woman he loved1? Ever since their disastrous last meeting he had cursed himself over and over for what he had done Would Maggie forgive him for being such a damn fool1?

  He left the Hash House so abruptly that Hannah and Kate could only look at each other in amazement "What do ya 'spose is eatin' on him1?" Kate asked curiously

  "I'd say that cowboy has aheap of explairun' ta do if he wants tamake things right with Maggie They're so damn in love with one another they're miserable apart and both too stubborn ta give an inch "

  "Maggie's stayin' at the St James Hotel," Kate called to Chase's departing back

  The streets were filled with people, everyone talking about the death of Soapy and the roundup of

  his toughs Chase paid little heed to the gossip, concentrating instead on what he intended to say to Maggie When he neared the St James, his steps faltered, his thoughts scattering like ashes before the wind What could he do to convince Maggie he meant nothing of what he had said in Dawson? At the time he truly felt it best that they part He had foolishly let the Mountie convince him that Maggie would be better off without him, even though it broke both their hearts Distractedly he wondered if Gordon had proposed to Maggie and if she had accepted He'd find out soon enough, he reckoned as he entered the hotel lobby

  The desk clerk gave Chase Maggie's room number and assured him Maggie was in Chase slowly mounted the stairs, his heart pounding like a triphammer He was the stupidest man alive to have given Maggie up so easily—and for listening to the Mountie who obviously wanted her for himself

  Maggie sat at the small desk writing in her journal, perhaps for the last time, about the events of the past three days Beginning with Friday, the day Stewart reported his poke stolen, and ending with the townspeople's aborted attempt an hour ago to hang one of the men responsible She had it all down on paper, having been present throughout most of the events as they unfolded She had returned to the hotel when Marshal Tanner restored order and the soldiers arrived, wanting to record it while it was still fresh in her mind The knock at her door surprised her, for she wasn't expecting visitors Chase was the last person in the world she expected to find standing outside her door, and her shocked expression showed it

  "Chase I My Godl I—what are you doing here1?"

  "Can I come in1? What I have to say is a mite private "

  "I thought we said it all in Dawson," Maggie said dismissively

  I was a damn fool to think I could walk away from you so easily," Chase said with self-dension "Please, darlin," hear me out"

  Maggie sighed, resigned to the fact that Chase was here, in Skagway, likely to break her heart again and she couldn't do a thing about it Why did he have to show up now and remind her how much she still loved him1?

  "Come in. Chase Say your piece, then go I'm leaving on the Portland tomorrow and I still have packing to do "

  Chase eased inside the room and closed the door behind him "You look wonderful, Maggie, lovelier than I remember, if that's possible "

  "I understand congratulations are in order," Maggie said, adroitly changing the subject I hear you're on your way to becoming a millionaire "

  "Tarnation, Maggie, I didn't come to discuss the state of my finances "

  "Why did you come1? How did you know I was in Skagway1?"

  "I didn't Hannah told me you were in town I assumed you had returned to Seattle weeks ago by way of St Michael"

  "Then why are you here1?" Maggie was more than a little disappointed that Chase hadn't come to Skagway on her behalf She was hoping Ah, well, it wasn't the first time the cowboy had deluded her with his sweet talk

  "I'm in Skagway to buy supplies Everythin' in Dawson is plumb gone There's been so many people flockin' up to the Klondike that existin' supplies won't last the winter I aim to carry enough back to last a good long spell Findin'you here was well worth the trip "

  "Why1?" Maggie asked, presenting her back "I thought we parted for good back in Dawson "

  Chase spared a few moments to admire the elegant curve of Maggie's slim back before speaking He loved every inch of it, remembered the satiny texture of her skin beneath his fingertips, recalled vividly the unique way her flesh responded to his touch

  "I never stopped lovin' you," Chase said quietly, causing her to whirl around to face him "You have a damn funny way of showing it," she observed with cool deliberation

  "I did what I thought best at the time," Chase ventured "I—I'm not right for you, Maggie I didn't want to make you unhappy by forcin' you into somethin' you didn't want"

  Maggie appeared unmoved by his words

  "In my heart I believe God granted me this chance to make things right between us He knows how much I love you Eventually we would have found a solution to our problems "

  "Oh, Chase, couldn't you trust me to know what is right for myself?" Maggie challenged "I have to go back to Seattle now to fulfill my obligations, but one word from you and I'd have waited for you as long as need be Given time, we would have found a way to surmount whatever obstacles stood in our way When you decided we should part, I assumed you didn't love me If you wanted me. Chase, you had only to tell me and I'd be yours "

  "What about Gordon1? Did you make him any promises'?"

  Maggie sighed wearily "Scott will always be a good friend, but that's all I don't love him the way "

  " you love me1?" Chase finished hopefully "Damnation, Maggie, I was such a dadblamed fooll Tell me you forgive me Tell me you still love me Tell me Tell me

  He reached for her then, almost afraid to touch her, fearing rejection But she didn't resist, sliding into his arms with effortless ease Her slanting

  amber eyes were alive and sparkling, the shaft of sun piercing the window framed the golden halo of her hair He kissed her frantically, delving, tasting, consuming, until Maggie was shaking like a leaf in his arm and desire fogged her mind

  "I love you. Chase—I always have, even when you didn't want me "

  "I never stopped wanting you Do you forgive me1?"

  "I—if you're sure "

  "I've never been more sure of anythin' in my life "

  "Then I forgive you "

  "Maggie, Maggie, darlin', love me Love me for all the empty yesterdays, for all those nights I longed to hold you but couldn't"

  His words stroked her gently, creating a shiver of pleasure His fingers tunneled through the bright tendrils of hair that fell about her cheeks in glorious disarray, his eyes memorizing each detail of her exquisite features She answered Chase's passionate plea by extending her fingers and one by one undoing the buttons on the front of his jeans, releasing his hot, full maleness, her delicate touch brushing over him, caressing him lightly

  "No, darlin', not yet," Chase groaned, removing her hand "Let me undress you first I need to fill my eyes with the sight of you It's been so long—so damn long I'm sorry for the pain I caused you "

  "Don't tell me how sorry you are—show me," Maggie whispered seductively

  His blue eyes danced mischievously as he undressed her with agonizing slowness Piece by piece the layers fell away, exposing exciting expanses of white, silken flesh When he had stripped her down to corset, pantalettes, and stockings. Chase stepped back to admire the perfection of her scantily clad form A teasing smile lifted the comers of his mouth

  as his eyes dropped to the outrageously sexy panties that spanned her slirn hips

  "Where in tarnation did you find French underwear in Skagway?" Chase asked, pretending to be scandalized by the tantalizing sight

  "Hannah and Kate stored most of my belongings in their storeroom at the Hash House," Maggie grinned saucily "I brought these from Seattle with me "

  "I always was partial to sexy French under
wear," Chase admitted, flashing a roguish grin, "and I aim to buy you dozens of pairs when we're married—but right now I'm hankenn' to see you without them "

  He stripped them from her with a flick of the wrist, then her stockings and corset, until she stood before him nude and vulnerable to his every desire When he moved to embrace her, Maggie shook her head, holding Chase at arm's length while she began to undress him, as slowly and deliberately as he had her She paused often to taste his skin with her mouth, sample the salty texture with her tongue, and gently nip the rippling muscles beneath his flesh

  When Chase could take no more of her tender torment, he scooped her into his arms and earned her the few steps to the bed Stretching out beside her, he spread slow, sweet nibbles across her flat stomach, teasing and suckling her breasts with tender, moist strokes of his tongue

  His hunger for her made him bold and relentless, wanting to give her pleasure, seeking the ultimate ecstasy, allowing her to keep nothing from him He demanded her very soul as his mouth sought the sweet essence of her Waves of wanton rapture poured through Maggie's loins and flooded her slender thighs, and she shuddered roughly, drew a quick breath, and shuddered again Brutal pleasure wracked her body, but Chase did not lift his mouth from her until her surrender was complete and she lay perfectly still, her breathing corning in hoarse

  gasps as she whispered his name over and over


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