Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 27

by Connie Mason

  Disturbed by Maggie's distress and realizing he was partly responsible, Scott said the only thing that came to mind "After I settle you in bed, I'll go after McGarrett for you I'll make him understand if it's the last thing I do Right now he's hurt and upset at finding us together and shocked by your pregnancy His trigger-temper has cleared his brain of all reason If you still want the cowboy, I'll bring him back—no matter what it takes AMountie always gets his man "

  When Scott helped Maggie to her feet, he saw that her face had gone dead white A grimace stretched across her pale lips and she clutched convulsively at her stomach "What is it, Maggie? Did the fall hurt you?"

  Shaking her head in vigorous denial, Maggie managed to gasp out, "It—it's the baby I think it's time "

  "Jesusl Whatcanldo?"

  "First get Jenny, then go for the doctor Hurry, Scott"

  Chase sprawled on the floor outside Maggie's door, rubbing his chin where Scott had clipped him Deep in his heart he knew the blow was

  well-deserved, but he had been too hurt and disappointed by what he found at Maggie's flat to bridle his tongue All those bleak, lonely months in the

  Yukon, Maggie

  had been the one constant in his life, the one thing that kept him sane in the land of ice and snow and utter silence He'd lived for the day he'd make a triumphant return to Seattle and lay his wealth at her feet

  It hurt like hell to learn Maggie hadn't waited for him as she promised Gordon must have followed her to Seattle within a month or two, judging from her advanced state of pregnancy She looked to be within a couple of months of delivery Had she been farther along in her pregnancy or had already been delivered, it would have been another matter entirely Counting back nine months, he would naturally assume the child was his, started before Maggie left Skagway last July But any fool could see Maggie was nowhere near delivery No, the child was Scott Gordon's, his presence in Maggie's flat confirmed Chase's belief that Gordon had fathered Maggie's child

  Chase would have given his fortune to have a child with Maggie and had been disappointed to learn it would never happen Lies, all lies Why1? If he lived to be a hundred, he'd never understand why Maggie didn't want his babe Picking himself off the floor. Chase hurried back to the hotel, where he found Rusty and Kate preparing for bed They thought him mad when he insisted they check out immediately and board the first train to Montana But Chase was so adamant, so obviously distraught, they complied rather than make a scene, relieved to find a train was expected at midnight

  Chase refused to answer Rusty's questions Refused to talk about Maggie or what had happened to send him racing for the train station at this late hour Chase would only say that he didn't belong in a big city like Seattle Maggie didn't need him—hell, she didn't want him He wasn't the kind to hang around and have his heart pounded to a pulp

  By the time Scott came charging out the door of Maggie's flat to summon the doctor. Chase was long gone

  "She's beautiful, Maggie," Scott said, staring down at the perfect, tiny face with rapt awe

  The small bundle held lovingly in Maggie's arms squirmed, waved two dimpled fists in the air, yawned hugely, then settled back into a contented sleep Maggie felt eternal gratitude to Chase for giving her such a precious gift There was a time Maggie expected never to experience the joys of motherhood, being well beyond her prime She certainly never expected to be an unwed mother, yet here she was, deserted by her child's father but happier than she'd ever imagined she could be

  Because she weighed barely five pounds, Beth's birth had been relatively easy, hardly requiring the doctor's presence Just the same, it was comforting to know he was on hand should she need him Her labor had lasted nearly twelve hours During that time Scott paced nervously outside her bedroom door, doing all the things expected of a new father In fact, both Jenny and the doctor assumed Scott was the father, and he did nothing to disabuse them of that notion

  Within two weeks Maggie was back on her feet and so in love with her tiny daughter she couldn't bring herself to hate her baby's father Chase had created a perfect human being and it stung to know he'd never know the contentment or joy of holding his daughter in his arms Though Maggie needed no one to remind her of her small daughter's beauty, Scott's words brought an answering smile

  "The most beautiful child I've ever seen," she agreed with heartfelt sincerity, "though I must admit I'm a bit prejudiced " "She looks just like her mother "

  Gazing at her daughter, Maggie had to agree Blond fuzz the color of ripe wheat covered the small round head, and the baby's nose and mouth showed definite signs of resembling her beautiful mother Her eyes had yet to change from the clear blue all infants enjoyed, and Maggie hoped they wouldn't She wanted something to remind her of Chase

  I suppose I'm a doting mother, but I can't imagine life without her," Maggie sighed dreamily

  "I can't imagine life without either of you," Scott offered in a voice choked with sadness "But I've finally come to realize that there's no room in your heart forme"

  He waited for Maggie to utter a denial, and when none came, he continued, "That's why I've decided to return to the Yukon My leave is up and it's time I got on with my life There's a telegraph now in Dawson, and if you or my goddaughter ever need me, you know where to reach me "

  "You've always been here when I needed you," Maggie choked on a sob "You've been a better friend than I deserve and I'll miss you You've so much to offer a woman, but I'm not the one for you I pray you'll find her soon "

  "Will you and Beth be all right1? Financially, I mean I'm not without resources and I could—"

  "Thank you, but I'm fine " Maggie smiled warmly Why couldn't she love this special man1? "I'm still able to support myself through my writing My articles on the Yukon are selling well and I've nearly finished my novel Thanks to an understanding editor, I still have a job waiting for me Jenny is more than willing to watch Beth for we when I decide to return to work It's just that I can't bear to leave her yet"

  "Will you accept some well-intentioned advice from someone who cares deeply1?" "If it's from you, I'll listen to whatever you have to say "

  "Swallow your pride and go to Chase One of you has to make the first move You love him, and no matter how much I hate to admit it, I think he loves you Allow him the opportunity to know his child By now he's over his initial anger and will be more receptive to your explanation You two belong together Don't throw away your chance to be a family When Beth is able to travel, pack your bags and go to Montana "

  Maggie would never know how much it cost Scott to utter those words

  "I—I'm afraid," Maggie whispered, clutching Beth to her breast "What if Chase rejects us1?"

  "Then you'll have lost nothing but your pride, a small price compared to all you have to gain The Maggie I know and love is feisty enough to fight for what she wants She's courageous and has more guts than most men "

  "I love you, Scott Gordon You're the brother I've always wanted, and the best friend a girl could ever wish for Now kiss me and get out of here before I break down and cry "

  He brushed her lips in tender yearning, then planted a kiss on Beth's smooth forehead "Remember my advice," he said in parting, "and keep in touch If I don't hear from you, you might find me on your doorstep " Then he was gone, leaving Maggie with an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach

  For the next two months, Maggie wavered between following Scott's advice and forgeting that a man named Chase McGarrett ever existed Beth prospered under her mother's doting care, though it was obvious she would never be a large child At the age of two months, Beth was the size of most newborn infants She would be able to travel soon, and Maggie knew the time had come to make a decision Either she must confront Chase, or forget him

  Since his return to Montana, Chase was a man driven by the need to erase the past year from his mind With the money earned from the claim, he and Rusty were slowly building the ranch into a first-rate enterprise, acquiring some of the finest blooded horses available In time
they hoped to offer stud service as well as break and train saddle and race horses Chase's heart swelled with pride to see fat cattle grazing on the hillsides and com and hay turning the valleys green Thankfully, his acres included more than one stream and water was plentiful most of the year Abundant game was available and Kate had planted a truck garden behind the house to serve their needs

  Though Kate had protested. Chase hired two Indian women, one to cook and one to clean The arrangement worked well with his expanded household, which now included Kate's niece, Virgie, who had joined them shortly after their return to Montana

  Rusty was building a new house and expected it to be completed by fall Then Chase would be alone again Not that he minded having houseguests Both Rusty and Kate were agreeable company, and Virgie's flighty chatter amused him most of the time Other times the petite brunette grated on his nerves

  Virgie was an unexpected addition to the family When Kate had tried to contact her family in St Louis, she'd learned from their lawyer that both her sister and brother-in-law had died within months of one another, leaving their daughter, Virginia, alone in the world without visible means of support After receiving Chase's blessing, Kate promptly invited her niece to make her home with them The vivacious young beauty had arrived within a month of the invitation and promptly set her sights on Chase

  Besides being rich, he was handsome, virile, and the answer to a girl's dreams

  Relying on her considerable charms, Virgie pursued Chase relentlessly, embarrassing him with her adoration It didn't take Chase long to realize Virgie was everything Maggie wasn't She was young—just eighteen—clinging, adorably innocent, and totally dependent Her huge violet eyes were a perfect foil for skin as creamy as magnolia blossoms and hair as black as the darkest night It seemed to Chase that Virgie's lips were always pursed invitingly, as if begging for his attention So far he had resisted, but he was no damn saint Every time he turned around Virgie was at his elbow, thrusting her firm young breasts at him and batting lashes too long to be considered decent The hot melting center of her violet eyes told Chase she was his for the taking He wondered how long it would be before Virgie went too far and his male nature seized control of his mind and body Chase groaned aloud when he spied the object of his ruminations crossing the yard in his direction

  "Chase, I know you'll think I'm a silly girl, but I need the help of a big strongman " Her violet eyes were warm and inviting, and Chase couldn't find it in his heart to refuse so charming a creature

  "What can I do for you, Virgie1?" Chase asked, managing a beguiling smile He seemed to smile so seldom these days

  "There's hot water boiling on the stove and no one around to carry it upstairs for me " Her full lower lip trembled, and a huge tear slipped from the comer of her eye down her cheek Chase found the mute plea in her huge eyes endearing, her innocent charm quite appealing

  Virgie was a woman who would always need taking care of That thought immediately conjured up pictures of Maggie struggling over White Pass

  dressed in baggy men's clothing and shouldering a load most men would find staggering Unlike Virgie, Maggie was quite adept at taking care of herself In his mind's eye, he saw Maggie trudging uncomplainingly over snow and ice, determined to prove herself as good as any man Would he ever forget Maggie or the rapture they shared all those frozen days and nights in the Klondike1? Resourceful, brave, smart, exasperating, feisty, and dedicated to the theory that women had every right to be and do anything they wanted to be and do Ice and rapture No other words could describe their all too short time together No other description did justice to their passion Ice andrapture

  "Chase, did you hear me1?" Virgie's plaintive voice brought Chase's thoughts skidding reluctantly back to the present

  "What1? Sorry, Virgie, what did you say1?"

  "I declare, you certainly have a way of woolgathering If I didn't know better, I'd think you were pining over someone "

  "I've a lot on my mind, Virgie If you repeat your request, I'll be more than happy to oblige "

  "I asked you to carry a pot of boiling water upstairs to my room No one's around and I'd like to bathe "


  "Why not1?" Virgie shrugged, batting long lashes at Chase

  "If you're wantin" to cool off, why not use the stream1? It's much more refreshin' "

  Virgie swallowed a smile while pretending mock horror Chase's innocent remark was just what she was fishing for "I know that, silly, but I'm afraid There might be snakes, or bears, or Indians I wouldn't feel safe unless you were with me," she declared with apparent guilelessness "Everyone's been so busy lately " Her sentence trailed off.

  but enough had been said to suggest that Virgie had been sadly neglected since arriving at the ranch And Chase was one of the biggest culprits

  Chase realized that his hospitality had been woefully lacking where Virgie was concerned, but he had driven himself relentlessly these past weeks His duties left little time for entertaining a vivacious young woman—or room for thoughts of Maggie to creep unbidden into his mind Guilt prodded him into suggesting something he wouldn't have dared had he given it rational thought "Get your towel, Virgie, I'll accompany you to the stream "

  Delighted that Chase had finally succumbed to her charms, Virgie literally flew into the house to gather towel, soap, and clean clothes, returning even before Chase had finished with his chore "Ready," she grinned happily

  She was so taken with Chase that she would do anything to earn his attention She'd gladly give up her virginity if it meant Chase would be forced to do the "right thing" and propose to her Besides, she was more than ready to lose that bothersome membrane most girls held onto with a tenacity Virgie found amusing She wanted to experience love, learn what it meant to be a woman—and she wanted Chase to be the man to show her the way

  Falling into step beside Chase, Virgie's romantic fantasies ran amok Anything was possible within the sheltered privacy of the stream She knew enough about men to know they were lusty animals, easily aroused, especially when denied the solace of a woman for a length of time And she was certain Chase hadn't left the ranch in weeks to satisfy his sexual urgings

  Though Virgie was still technically a virgin, she knew more than most young women her age about sex Unbeknownst to Kate, her timely summons had saved Virgie from a life of prostitution Left virtually

  penniless when her parents died, Virgie, pampered by her indulgent parents, was unprepared to earn her own keep A male friend of her father, who'd always fancied the beautiful young girl, suggested Virgie look up Mrs Nora Sanders, a kindly woman who took in homeless and penniless young women Virgie soon learned that Nora Sanders did nothing without demanding a price In return for room and board and clothing, her girls were expected to service gentlemen who came to the house seeking female company It was a kind of genteel whore-house, if there was such a thing

  Each newcomer was subjected to an intensive training period to prepare her for her profession Virgie was nearly finished with her lessons when the summons from Kate found her Enough money had been sent Virgie to amply reward Mrs Sanders for expenditures on Virgie's behalf, though Kate would never know what most of her money was used for Kate naturally assumed Nora Sanders was a kindly widow who boarded homeless young women So Virgie had left the madam's care with her virginity intact but wiser in the ways of men than any young girl had a right to be

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chase sat with his back to the water, listening to Virgie splash and romp in the creek If she weren't Kate's niece, he might be tempted to join her Lord, he needed a woman He'd had no one since Maggie, and that was longer ago than he cared to remember Maybe he'd go to Butte one day soon and

  "Chase, help I"

  Jerked from his erotic thoughts. Chase leaped to his feet, fully expecting to find Virgie being attacked by a ferocious animal What he did see was all of Virgie, glistening droplets of water dewing her creamy flesh, standing in the waist-deep stream, arms and legs flailing helplessly The sun
reflected off the high peaks of her breasts, their pale pink tips nearly dazzling him Ebony hair tumbled in disarray around creamy shoulders, and the expression on her lovely features was one of terror

  "S—snake I" Virgie gasped, pointing vaguely into the blue-green water Her scream thawed Chase's

  frozen senses and he splashed into the stream—clothes, boots and all

  "Don't move I" he called, finding it extremely difficult to keep from gorging on the luscious feast to his eyes that Virgie offered

  "Hurry I"

  In a matter of seconds Chase reached Virgie's side, swinging her up and into his arms She clung to him like a second skin, thoroughly drenching him, the hard tips of her breasts stabbing against the wide expanse of his chest She was trembling badly, so he held her tightly, whispering soothing words in her ear

  "I reckon it's gone now, Virgie, don't be afraid The snake was probably more frightened of you than you are of him Doubtless it was some harmless variety that wouldn't have hurt you "

  "You're so brave," Virgie sighed adoringly "And strong I'm never afraid when you're around " Her small hands roamed freely over the ropy muscles clearly defined beneath Chase's wet shirt and she lifted her face, her mouth pursed invitingly

  Every instinct told Chase Virgie was his for the taking, that she was inviting more than innocent kisses The thought was heady

  "Behave, Virgie," Chase scolded, attempting to ignore the need she unleashed in him but failing miserably "Think how it would look if someone came along and found us like this "

  Virgie hoped it would look like Chase was seducing her If seduction was the only way to wrangle a proposal, she'd take it "Would finding us like this be such a bad thing1?" she asked coyly


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