Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 29

by Connie Mason

  "Where will you sleep1?" Maggie wondered aloud

  An odd expression crossed Chase's features Was Maggie extending an invitation1? Til bunk in with the hands "

  Satisfied, Maggie nodded "I know you have a lot of questions "

  "Rest first We'll talk later And your child needs tendin' to She's a mite puny, isn't she1? Are you sure she's well1? She's much too young to be travelin'," he said with mild reproof

  Maggie had placed Beth on the bed, and for the first time Chase got a good look at the tiny infant Small at birth, obviously Beth wasn't ever going to be large or robust, but she was a healthy child and a good one, rarely crying, smiling often Chase learned firsthand just how enchanting Beth was when the blond angel smiled up at him with beguiling charm The pure innnocence of the babe did strange things to the inner workings of Chase's heart Never had he felt such emotional stirrings as he did when that enchanting infant stared at him through guileless blue eyes

  "Her name is Beth," Maggie offered

  "I'd best be goin'," Chase said, unable to tear his eyes from the tiny girl "Let me know if there's anythin' you need " He turned to leave

  "Chase, thank you I didn't intend to put you out of your room "

  He nodded curtly "We'll talk later I want to know exactly what's goin' on and why you're here " He slanted an inscrutable look in Beth's direction, then went out quickly

  Chapter Nineteen

  I believe your daddy was quite taken with you, sweetheart," Maggie crooned as she nursed her babe "That big, tough cowboy nearly melted when you looked at him with those big blue eyes But it's not time to tell him yet I need to find out first just what is going on between your daddy and Kate's niece "

  Oblivious of the anguish and uncertainty plaguing her mother, Beth nursed contentedly, falling asleep when she had drunk her fill Maggie placed her in the center of the bed and was fastening her dress when a knock at the door announced a visitor

  "Come in " Maggie no idea who to expect but was pleased to see Kate walk through the door She took one look at Maggie and opened her arms Maggie needed no prodding as she flew into the older woman's welcoming embrace

  " 'Bout time ya showed up," Kate chuckled, hugging Maggie to her ample chest "Don't know what happened betwixt you and Chase, but he's damn

  hard to live with these days He's as closemouthed as Rusty when it comes ta personal matters " "Did Chase tell you I was here?" "Yep That's all he did say, though "

  Kate's voice must have disturbed Beth's slumber, for she chose that moment to let her displeasure be known Her wail brought instant results "My gawd, is that a baby?"

  Kate's mouth dropped open in dismay as she approached the bed to have a closer look Chase had said nothing about a child Just then Beth opened her eyes and gurgled A stunned expression claimed Kate's features as comprehension dawned The baby's eyes were the same brilliant blue as her father's What was going on here? Whatever it was, Kate was determined to get to the bottom of it She led Maggie away from the bed when Beth stuck a thumb in her mouth and promptly fell back to sleep

  "Do ya wanna explain why Chase left ya in Seattle ta bear his child alone?"

  Maggie flushed She should have known Kate was shrewd enough to guess the truth She had no option but to confide in Kate and hope she'd understand "Chase found me pregnant when he came for me in Seattle and, because Scott Gordon was with me, naturally assumed the worst"

  "And as hotheaded as Chase is, he probably took off without waitin' fer an explanation," Kate surmised "Why didn't ya go after him and knock some sense in the big cowboy " Kate carefully refrained from asking what the Mountie was doing with Maggie

  "Scott offered to go after Chase and bring him back, but the fracas that took place between the two men upset me so, I went into labor Then my only concern was for my baby Scott attempted to find Chase later, but learned he didn't wait around

  Seattle long enough to find out about Beth "

  "Why do I get the feelin' there's more to it than what yer tellin' me1?"

  "It's a long story "

  "I got time"

  Resigned to telling secrets she'd rather not reveal, Maggie chose her words carefully "Seeing me pregnant came as a great shock to Chase "

  "Are you tellin' me you and Chase never—that you didn't—"

  "No, that's not what I meant I told Chase I couldn't have children "

  "Whatl if that was true then how—?"

  "It wasn't true," Maggie confided "I deliberately lied, and that untruth came back to haunt me "

  "But why, Maggie1?" Kate asked, truly puzzled "Why would ya lie about somethin' like that1? I've come ta know Chase, and I believe he'd love ta have children of his own "

  "At the time it seemed the right thing to do I meant to tell him later, but somehow never got around to it I had no idea I was carrying Chase's child when IleftSkagway"

  Kate glanced over at the sleeping child "That would make Beth three months old Kinda puny, ain't she1?"

  "That's just what Chase said It's the reason he doesn't suspect Beth belongs to him He thinks she's Scott's baby Shell never be a large child She takes after my mother, who was a tiny little woman I gained very little weight during pregnancy, so when Chase saw me in Seattle he never suspected I was so close to delivery "

  "Ya never did explain why ya lied about havin' children "

  A flash of color crept up Maggie's neck and cheeks "Chase and I never made any bones about wanting one another Stranded in the Klondike all those

  months would have been pure hell if we hadn't been able to—to love each other completely Chase is a man of honor Had I conceived during those months, he would have felt obligated to propose marriage My lie saved him from making a commitment before he was ready If Chase loved me, I wanted it to be for myself and not because of an unwanted pregnancy

  "I knew pregnancy was possible, but as luck would have it, that's not when it happened From the beginning I knew I loved Chase and didn't want to force him into anything he wasn't'prepared for It was easier to lie than to have Chase worry about taking care of me and a child I was willing to assume that responsibility if and when it came And I still am "

  "Then why are ya here1?" Kate wondered aloud

  "Because Hove Chase and—and Beth needs a father But only if Chase wants us That's why I haven't told him yet I won't use my child to trap a husband I'm willing to let Chase think what he wants until I learn how he feels about us He loved me once, I need to know if my lie has turned that emotion to hate "

  "Is that wise, Maggie?"

  "It's the way it has to be,'" Maggie said determinedly Then she slid the conversation around to a subject that had been on the tip of her tongue since Kate entered the room "What is your niece to Chase? They seem—close "

  "At first Chase scarcely noticed the girl," Kate admitted thoughtfully "Poor little thing, I'm all she has in the world and she was thrilled when I invited her ta live on the ranch with us She's so young and innocent, I'm happy I learned about her predicament in time She's ill prepared ta care fer herself It's not surpnsin' Virgie attached herself ta Chase—he's mighty temptin' ta a young girl like Virgie "

  "What about Chase? How does he feel about Virgie?"

  "Ya'll have ta ask Chase" "Ask me what?"

  Both women turned, surprised to find Chase leaning lazily in the doorway, arms folded against his chest Though he addressed his question to Kate, his gaze lingered on Maggie, his eyes a hot, smoky blue Maggie recognized the look and flushed

  "I—I was just inquiring if you'd be comfortable sleeping in the bunkhouse," she improvised "I'll manage I came to tell you I sent one of the boys into town to buy a cradle for your baby "

  Kate and Maggie exchanged meaningful glances "I—I don't know how long we'll stay, but I appreciate your gesture," Maggie said softly "Beth will be much more comfortable in a bed of her own Thank you. Chase "

  Somewhat embarrassed. Chase merely nodded "I'll see you both at supper " Then he was gone, but not before slanting an inscrutable gl
ance at Beth, who remained blissfully unaware of her parents' problems

  Shortly before the supper hour, Maggie received a surprise when not only did the cradle Chase promised arrive with appropiate linen, but so did a young Indian girl named Spotted Deer She had been engaged by Chase to care for Beth Maggie was heartened by Chase's initial response to his daughter At least he had taken notice of her

  Wearing her prettiest dress, Maggie entered the comfortable dining room just as everyone sat down to supper The table groaned with an attractive assortment of food, and an Indian girl who could have been the sister to Spotted Deer moved noiselessly about the room serving the diners

  "Maggie, if ya ain't a sight fer sore eyes I" Rusty greeted her enthusiastically

  "It's good to see you, too. Rusty," Maggie smiled warmly

  "I'm right anxious to see that little one of yom Kate says she's as pretty as her ma "

  Maggie flushed with pleasure "Prettier"

  "Sit down, Maggie," Chase invited His expression was inscrutable, but the hot blue of his eyes seemed to probe into her very soul

  Everyone in the room felt the smoldering tension building around Chase and Maggie, experienced their emotional upheaval Virgie saw it, felt it, and flushed with rage Why hadn't anyone told her about this before1? she wondered What was she to Chase1? Why was her name never mentioned when obviously she and Chase were more than mere acquaintences1?

  The only empty chair remaining was at Chase's right hand and Maggie slid into place, noting that Virgie, sitting at his left, was sending dark messages in her direction Despite Chase's rather moody silence throughout the meal and Virgie's piercing looks, the meal was pleasant and conversation lively, and Maggie was soon laughing at Rusty's sharp witticisms Then all too soon the meal ended, and Chase rose to his feet

  "Would you care to go for a walk, Maggie1? it's quite pleasant outside "


  "I'd love to go. Chase," Virgie interjected with keen enthusiasm

  Bestowing a disapproving scowl on a beaming Virgie, Chase seemed at a loss for words until Maggie jumped into the void "I really should check on Beth " Then she politely excused herself and hurried off

  "Come on. Chase," Virgie said, smirking at Maggie's departing back "After that supper, a walk is just what I need "

  Wanting desperately to refuse but hating to disappoint Virgie, Chase offered the petite brunette his arm and they ambled off into the gathering dusk But his attention wasn't on Virgie's silly chatter, or the blatant invitation in her violet eyes It was Maggie who captured his thoughts Maggie and her intriguing daughter Before the night was over. Chase fully intended to find out what had brought Maggie to Montana and exactly what she wanted from him

  "Chase, you're not paying attention," Virgie complained, pouting

  "Sorry, Virgie, I've a lot on my mind I'm afraid I'm not very good company "

  "It's Maggie Afton, isn't it? What is that woman to you?"

  Chase's brow furrowed, deeply troubled by the question Virgie posed The answer was not so simple At one time Maggie had been his entire life The fact that they weren't married and living in wedded bliss was entirely Maggie's decision For some unexplained reason, she had chosen another man But to Chase, her cardinal sin was lying to him about an important issue like children The longer he thought about it, the more he knew they needed to talk There were too many unanswered questions

  "Chase, did you hear me? Why is Maggie Afton here? Why isn't she married to her baby's father? I'm surprised you'd be friends with a woman of her—kind "

  Rage exploded behind Chase's brain "Maggie is the bravest woman I know and a top-notch newspaper reporter She surmounted obstacles most women couldn't survive and many men wouldn't attempt Don't assume havin' a baby out of wedlock makes Maggie a loose woman,' cause nothin' is further from the truth "

  My God, listen to me, Chase thought, astounded He was defending Maggie for the very same reasons he had condemned her "Let's go inside, Virgie, I'm not fit company tonight"

  Chase's outburst left Virgie utterly bewildered "You never did say where you met Maggie," she persisted She had to know why this particular woman had such a strange effect on Chase

  "We met aboard a ship enroute to Skagway in the summer of'97," Chase revealed grudgingly "She came to my aid when I needed help, and I took her to the Yukon with me "

  "You—traveled together1?" Virgie asked, more than a little shocked by Chase's disclosure They probably knew each other more intimately than she had supposed

  "Yep, and that's all I'm gonna say about it," Chase said tersely By now he had steered her toward the front door " 'Night, Virgie " Virgie lingered outside the door, but Chase turned on his heel and headed back out into the night "Chase, where are you going1?" "I'm bunkin' in with the hands, remember1?"

  Maggie heard Kate and Rusty enter their room across from hers and later identified Virgie's soft tread as she passed on the way to her own room at the end of the hall Then quiet descended After nursing Beth and settling her in her cradle, she undressed and lay down on the bed, thinking dreamily that Chase had slept here last night, his head on the same pillow She imagined she could smell his distinctive scent lingering on the bed linens, a spicy aroma with a hint of tobacco and outdoors For months she'd thought of what it would be like to be with Chase again, sharing his life, his hopes, his dreams—his love Now she wondered if it had all been a foolish fantasy Why would Chase want her

  when he could have a beautiful young woman like Virgie? Virgie was innocent, sweetly clinging, dependent, and everything a man wanted in a woman

  Perhaps it had been a mistake to bring Beth here, Maggie considered She certainly didn't want to intrude where she wasn't wanted and definitely wouldn't stay if there was no hope for a reconciliation Too restless to sleep, Maggie rose from bed and began pacing, finally moving to the window, staring out into the moon-drenched night The utter tranquility of the setting captivated as well as beckoned As if in a trance, she left her room, stealthily descended the stairs, and stepped out on the porch, her voluminous nightgown whipping about her legs in the gentle night breeze

  She inhaled deeply, finding the quiet strangely heady She meant to remain only a few moments, but the cooling breeze was so welcome against her heated flesh that Maggie lingered, staring up at the inky sky and profusion of winking stars

  "It's an incredible night, isn't it?"

  Starting violently, Maggie gasped and turned, finding Chase standing mere inches from her "You frightened me How dare you sneak up on me like thatl"

  "Simmer down, Maggie girl, I wasn't sneakin' I was here before you came out"

  "Why didn't you say something?"

  "I reckon I was enjoyin' the scenery too much "

  Maggie sensed rather than saw his appreciative grin and flushed, realizing how she must look in her thin nightgown Though she was covered from head to toe, the lack of appropriate undergarments made her feel exposed and vulnerable

  "What are you doing out here anyway? I thought ranchers retired early "

  "I've been sittin' here for quite a spell tryin' to decide whether or not to go up to your room "

  "Your room," Maggie corrected

  "I didn't want to awaken the baby, but I knew I couldn't sleep until we talked "

  Did you enjoy your walk1?"

  Chase frowned, puzzled by Maggie's abrupt change of subject

  "With Virgie She's quite appealing I realize most men want young, innocent wives "

  "What's that supposed to mean1?"

  "Have you proposed yet1?"

  Chase flushed, refusing to meet Maggie's eyes for fear she'd see how close she came to the truth "There is only one woman I've ever proposed to, the only woman I loved enough to marry

  The breath caught painfully in Maggie's throat, waiting for Chase to continue, but he fell silent When he did speak, he adroitly steered the conversation onto safer ground "Why are you here, Maggie1? What do you want from me1?"

  Just then one of the hands came out of the
bunk-house to relieve himself and, hearing voices, glanced curiously in their direction "We can't talk here," Chase said with a warning glance

  Taking her hand, he led her off the porch and around to the back of the house The mellow glow of a full moon guided their steps and Maggie followed closely behind, attempting to avoid sharp stones and twigs littering the path Once she stubbed her toe and stumbled, her whimper of pain bringing Chase to an abrupt halt Gritting her teeth, Maggie motioned him on He stopped beside the narrow stream where he had taken Virgie the day she tried to seduce him Maggie sank gratefully to the bank, dangling her feet in the water

  "I'm sorry' I forgot you were barefoot," Chase said, hunkering down beside her "Are you hurt1?"

  "No, I'm fine " The cool water felt good on her feet, and Maggie sighed, tempted to pull off her nightgown and immerse herself completely

  Chase must have heard her sigh and read her mind "Go ahead, there's no one here to see you You're probably not accustomed to Montana summers Sometimes the heat is downright unbearable "

  Maggie was sorely tempted but prudently declined "We're here to talk, remember1?"

  "I'm findin' it difficult to remember anythin'," Chase admitted, "with you here next to me " The need to take Maggie in his arms and taste her sweet kisses was so compelling he couldn't recall his own name

  "You asked me why I've come to Montana "

  "I don't give a damn why you're here," Chase croaked hoarsely, "only that you are Have you any idea what you've put me through these past months, the questions I've asked myself, the anguish I've suffered1? Damnation, Maggie girl, you tore me apartl"

  Oh, Chase, Maggie thought in mute appeal, you did it to yourself. You wouldn't listen to my explanation but took off in a huff She opened her mouth to speak but the temptation was too great as Chase seized her lips, probing her sweetness with the hot tip of his tongue


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