Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 32

by Connie Mason

  After feeding Beth and putting her down for a nap, Maggie placed her in Spotted Deer's care Then she donned her split riding skirt and went to the stable where the riding horses were kept Assuming she could carry all her purchases in saddlebags, she didn't bother with a buggy but saddled the gentle sorrel rnare Chase had designated for her use She saddled the rnare herself as no one else was available, all the hands either occupied with the new stable or out on the range Consequently no one warned her that the fluffy white clouds that looked like cotton candy were in reality thunderheads building overhead But Maggie felt none of the oppressive heaviness that hung in the air, nor recognized the sudden drop in temperature as a warning of a violent change in the weather

  Maggie lingered in town longer than she anticipated, selecting clothes for herself as well as for the baby She ate a leisurely lunch, mailed her partial manuscript, and checked the post office for mail There was none The rumble of thunder and flash of lightning greeted her when she stepped out onto the street Suddenly she became aware of the ominous sky overhead Hurrying to where her horse was tethered, Maggie hoped she'd reach the ranch before the full brunt of the storm unleashed its fury

  Urging her sorrel to greater speed, Maggie tried not to think of the ruts and gullys beneath her as the horse's hooves flew over the uneven ground The wind rose like a howling banshee across the desolate range Then the rain came spewing down out of the leaden sky Lightning produced a brilliant display in the dark heavens, and the sorrel turned skittish, dancing and pawing nervously

  "Easy, girl," Maggie soothed, thunder and wind snatching her words away The next flash of lightning brought the mare up on her hind legs, pawing the air in terror and sending Maggie hurtling from

  her back onto the unyielding ground Her breath left her lungs in a whoosh as she tumbled over and over, her head corning to rest against a large rock She lay sprawled in the mud in a narrow gully, rain washing over her in a rushing torrent

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The raging storm forced Chase inside Since it was nearly supper time anyway, he ducked through the rain into the house, thinking it a perfect time to find Maggie and continue the conversation that had been so rudely interrupted by the fire several days earlier Somehow he had to persuade Maggie to marry him, to convince her nothing mattered but their being together

  When Chase dashed into the house, Beth was screeching at the top of her lungs "What's wrong with her1?" he asked Spotted Deer who was pacing back and forth in the parlor trying unsuccessfully to soothe the child From time to time she paused to peer anxiously through the window "Is she sick1?"

  "Not sick, hungry," Spotted Deer said in halting English

  "Where's Maggie1?" A prickle of foreboding raised hackles at the back of Chase's neck even before he heard the Indian girl's terse explanation

  "She not return yet from town "

  "Damnation! It's storrnin' somethin' fierce out there—a real gully-washer How long has she been gone1?'

  "Many hours," Spotted Deer said, her voice rising above Beth's wails

  "Where are Kate and Rusty?"

  "At new house "

  "The storm musta delayed them "

  "What's the trouble?" Virgie stepped into the room, holding her ears "Can't you stop that brat from squawling?" This was directed at Spotted Deer, who was doing her best to placate the hungry child

  "The child is hungry, Virgie—have you no compassion?" Chase reprimanded sternly

  "Then give her to her mother," the haughty brunette suggested

  "Spotted Deer says Maggie went into town earlier Do you know anythin' about it?"

  "You mean she hasn't returned?" Virgie asked, round-eyed with mock concern I knew she was going into town but assumed she'd be back by now Perhaps she decided to stay because of the weather

  "Not likely," Chase scoffed "Not when she's the only one who can feed her child Frankly, I'm plain worried What am I gonna do with Beth 'til she returns?"

  "I don't know anything about babies," Virgie shrugged "Surely something will satisfy her

  "Of course, why didn't I think of it before!" Chase cried, slapping his knee "There's bound to be cow's milk in the kitchen, and Bright Leaf is quite resourceful I'm sure she'll think of somethin' "

  He murmured hasty instructions to Spotted Deer, who nodded and hurried from the room in search of the cook Bright Leaf had birthed several children and certainly would know how to keep a hungry

  baby from starving Beth was nearly five months old now and growing rapidly, with an appetite to match If Chase had waited around, he would have heard Beth's angry screams change into happy gurgles as she devoured the nourishing gruel Bright Leaf spooned into her eager mouth

  But Chase didn't linger He left Virgie without a word of explanation to dash back out into the howling storm Maggie needed him—he knew it, felt it in his bones, in his heart He was in the stable saddling his mount when Maggie's sorrel came back riderless, her sides heaving and foaming at the mouth

  Maggie woke up choking Water filled her mouth and nose The narrow gully she lay in was awash with muddy water, and if she didn't extricate herself immediately she was in danger of drowning After several abortive attempts, she struggled to her feet and staggered to higher ground, cowering beneath the vicious onslaught of driving rain, thunder, and lightning Pain pounded her head, making coherent thought impossible, yet common sense told her to seek shelter Though every bone in her body ached, Maggie sloshed through the drenching downpour with dogged determination

  Several times she slipped in ankle-deep mud and fell, picked herself up, and continued on, one painful step after another through the encroaching darkness Her mind was blank, her thoughts on nothing but survival, sensing that somewhere someone needed her Unfortunately, Maggie saw nothing that offered shelter, only barren hills, rocks, and water-filled gullys Still she staggered on, driven by some mysterious force inside her Her legs were leaden, her body chilled, her brain numb She was close to succumbing to exhaustion when she spied a small shack through the dense curtain of rain

  Sheer determination lent her the strength to move her feet, one after another, until the shack stood before her wavering gaze The door opened beneath her touch and she stumbled into the tiny, dank room Feeling her way through the gray dimness, she located a narrow bunk with a stack of neatly folded blankets at its foot Fortunately for Maggie, she had stumbled upon one of the line shacks sometimes used by hands required to spend the night on the range It offered little in the way of comfort besides a bunk and shelter from the elements But what more could she ask for1?

  Acting out of pure instinct, she shed her soaked clothes, rolled up in a blanket, and stretched out on the bunk Within minutes she had fallen into an exhausted stupor

  Chase was frantic with worry He'd covered the road to Butte and back, finding no trace of Maggie It was as if she'd disappearedinto thin air If she'd been thrown from her horse as he suspected, he should have found her somewhere between Butte and the ranch He'd even inquired at all the hotels in Butte and met with disappointment Torrents of wind-driven rain and sheer blackness finally forced him to suspend the search for the night But he wasn't giving up At first light he intended to form a search party and continue combing the surrounding countryside until he found Maggie

  For some obscure reason. Chase felt the need to be close to Beth during her mother's absence, and he spent the long night in his own bed next to Beth's cradle He slept little, merely watching over the baby, promising her he'd find her mother and keep them both safe for the rest of their days Sated on the mixture of milk and cereal fed to her by Bright Leaf, Beth slept through the night, blissfully unaware of her father's anguish

  Dawn found Chase preparing to launch a search for Maggie, having already roused the hands from their beds Most of them were gathered out by the corral receiving last minute instructions when Rusty and Kate rode up in the wagon All traces of the fierce storm were gone, and pale streaks of pink colored the blue horizon Rusty and Kate were returning eady from
their nearly completed house, where they were forced to spend the night due to the storm The buckboard clattered to a halt beside the group of solemn-eyed men

  "Some storm last night," Rusty said, climbing down from the driver's bench Chase reached up to assist Kate "Hope ya wasn't worried none 'bout me and Kate"

  "Wasn't you I was concerned 'bout," Chase said tersely

  Kate sensed an underlying current in Chase's words "What is it. Chase1? Is somethin' wrong1?"

  "Maggie's missin' She went to town yesterday and never returned "

  "Ya reckon she was out in that storm all night1?" Rusty gulped, fear seizing him

  "Her horse came back without her She musta taken a fall," Chase explained grimly "I went back over the road but found no trace of her I even went to Butte and inquired at the hotels It's as if she disappeared into nowhere Me and the boys are gettin' ready to ride out again "

  Til join ya," Rusty offered

  "I'd prefer you stayed here in case Maggie returns on her own No tellin' what shape she's in after bein' out all night" "I hope he finds her," Kate said after the men thundered out of the yard "That little baby needs both her ma and pa " "I'm a mite surprised Chase hasn't guessed the truth by now," Rusty replied, shaking his head

  "I reckon the dunderhead does know deep in his heart but is too dang stubborn ta admit it"

  Chase hoped the hands were having better luck than he was They had spread out in different directions, and each man was to search thoroughly every gully and hill and behind every tree and rock It was agreed beforehand that two shots in quick succession would signal the others that Maggie had been found

  Around noon Chase stopped by a swollen creek to drink deeply of the cool water and nibble on the dry biscuits and cold meat he had snatched from the kitchen on his way out this morning He was on his own properly now, having found no trace of Maggie on the road to Butte He had decided to take his search in a wider circle when he suddenly remembered the old line shack nearby, located on a remote section of his properly It was still used occasionally and was equipped with cot and blankets It was entirely feasible that Maggie had stumbled upon it while seeking shelter, since there were no neighbors within miles Spurring his mount. Chase raced across the rough ground, praying his hunch was right and he'd find Maggie safe and unharmed at the small hut

  The weather-beaten shack appeared deserted as Chase approached He wasted no time in useless speculation as he threw open the door and stepped inside Sunlight streamed through the open door, clearly revealing the blanket-shrouded form curled up on the narrow bunk

  "Maggie, thank Godl" Chase breathed gratefully, falling to his knees beside the still figure She appeared to be slumbering, but when Chase shook her gently she didn't stir

  A frown worried Chase's brow when Maggie failed to respond Was she hurt1? Carefully he unwrapped

  the blanket and examined every inch of her body, finding no broken bones or ribs, though purple bruises and scratches marred her tender white flesh Chase covered her again, then smoothed the tangled mass of damp hair away from her forehead He uttered a cry of dismay when he felt the stickiness of blood against his fingertips He bent to inspect the injury, cursing when he discovered a lump the size of a hen's egg rising at her temple

  Maggie felt the pulsing pain through the flizziness of sleep and moaned The sound sent a jolt of joy surging through Chase's veins He was ecstatic when Maggie stirred and opened her eyes Their amber depths were murky with confusion as she stared at Chase without recognition

  "Maggie, can you hear me, darlin"?"

  Maggie merely nodded, finding it difficult to work her tongue

  "Can you sit up1? We have to get you outta here to a doctor "

  Like an obedient child, Maggie struggled to a sitting position, relying heavily on Chase's brawny arms Her head throbbed so badly that she couldn't think, couldn't talk, could scarcely move

  "Where's your clothes, darlin"?" When Maggie stared at him blankly. Chase searched the room with his eyes until he spied them lying in a sodden heap on the floor Besides being wet and dirty, they were tattered beyond redemption

  "Not much good," Chase muttered when he saw the condition they were in "You'll be fine wrapped in a blanket sitting in front of me on my horse " Effortlessly he scooped her up in his arms

  Maggie felt herself floating, and an unknown fear instilled her with panic A cry of protest left her lips, and she struggled in Chase's arms She wasn't certain she wanted to go where the big cowboy was taking her

  "Don't be frightened, darlin'—it's me. Chase You're safe now I'm takin' you home Beth is waitin' for you "

  Chase1? Beth'? Maggie wanted to find out more but was too exhausted to ask Besides, his voice was so soothing, so hauntingly familiar She relaxed, allowing Chase to carry her outside and place her before him on his horse

  "I gotta signal the boys," Chase warned as he unholstered his gun and fired two shots in the air

  Maggie jumped at the sound despite the warning and snuggled deeper into the protective warmth of his body Once Chase set his horse into motion, she promptly fell asleep When some of the hands joined him later, he immediately sent one of them to Butte for the doctor

  "Thank the Lord ya found her I" Rusty called as he came running up to Chase "What's wrong with her1?"

  "We won't know till the dov arrives," Chase said worriedly

  "Why is she so still?"

  "Sleepin1,1 reckon Here, hold her while I dismount"

  Once on the ground Chase reclaimed Maggie and earned her in the house and up to her room, where Kate fussed and clucked over her like a mother hen It womed them all that Maggie hadn't awakened yet

  "Bring Beth and lay her down beside her mother," Kate suggested "It ain't right fer Maggie ta sleep so sound Maybe the baby will bring her outta it"

  "Maggie suffered a head injury," Chase revealed, anxiety creasing his brow "She musta got thrown dunn' the storm Don't know how she made it to that old line shack at the north edge of our properly

  in her condition She seems a mite confused but otherwise uninjured, except for that bump on her head Could be a concussion "

  "Did ya send fer the doc?"

  "Yep, I already done it We'll just have to wait till he gets here "

  A few minutes later. Spotted Deer brought in Beth, who recognized her mother immediately She held out her dimpled arms and gurgled, puzzled when Maggie did not reach out for her Chase took the tyke from Spotted Deer and dismissed her, leaving only Rusty and Kate in the room with him Tepderly, he laid the squirming infant beside her mother Beth squealed in delight, nuzzling frantically at Maggie's breast

  "She wants ta nurse," Kate said "You men leave whilst I take care of it"

  "You think it's okay?" Chase worried

  "Can't hurt But just in case, we oughta send ta town fer some bottles With all the cows on the place, milk is no problem "

  "I'll go," Virgie offered Curious, she had come to Maggie's room to see what was going on "It's easier for a woman to attend to such things, and I know Kate will want to stay with Maggie "

  It was so unlike Virgie to volunteer for anything that Chase bent her a grateful smile "Much obliged Take one of the hands along We don't want another accident"

  But before Virgie could leave, Maggie moaned and opened her eyes She seemed frightened as well as confused by the people surrounding her Immediately Chase tried to ease her fears

  "You're safe, Maggie, back in your own bed All your friends are here "

  "Are you talking to me?" Maggie asked groggily

  "You're the only one in the room named Maggie," Chase smiled indulgently

  "My name is Maggie1?"

  "Gawdl" Rusty gasped, stunned

  "Of course, darlin'," Chase answered as calmly as his racing heart would allow "Don't you remember1?" Had Maggie's injury affected her memory1?

  "Everything is so hazy What happened1? Where am I1?"

  "I hoped you could tell us what happened," Chase sighed "From all appearances, you were ca
ught in the storm last night and thrown from your horse You made it to a deserted line shack, and that's where I found you earlier today "

  "The storm yes, I remember "

  "Thank God"

  Then Maggie said something that chilled Chase to the bone "Who are you1?"

  "Don't you know me1?"

  "No, should I?"

  Kate and Rusty exchanged worried looks while Virgie seemed rather pleased with the way things were working out

  "I'm Chase, darlin'"

  Maggie's face displayed nothing but mild curiosity "I—I'm sorry, I don't remember "

  Just then Beth announced her displeasure at being ignored with a loud squawk Maggie appeared truly astounded to find a squirming infant in bed beside her Her eyes flew upwards, searching Chase's face for an answer Chase was so astonished by Maggie's inability to remember her own daughter that words failed him Fortunately the doctor arrived just then, shooing everyone from the room Chase removed Beth from her mother's side and joined the others in the hallway outside the door Virgie decided it was a good time to leave for Butte and excused herself Kate also departed to see to household chores, leaving Chase alone with Rusty

  Beth began to whimper and Chase rocked her

  gently back and forth, looking helpless She popped a thumb in her mouth and promptly fell asleep "She's a fetchin' little thing, isn't she1?" he said wistfully "What will happen to her if her mother never regains her memory1?"


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