Born a Queen (The Queens Book 3)

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Born a Queen (The Queens Book 3) Page 32

by Nikita Slater

  She licked the hole in the top, gathering the moisture there onto her tongue and swallowing. It was salty, but not too salty and not gross as she half expected. She decided she liked it. Then, she sank down further, pushing his cock further into her mouth. She liked the feel. The stretch of her lips and cheek, the silky texture of his skin. She didn't know what to do with her teeth, was afraid she’d accidentally bite him.

  Cassie had once told her she shouldn't put teeth on a man's penis, so she tried to avoid it. Cassie had also told Raina that she should probably wrap her lips around her teeth, but when she tried to do that she pictured an old woman whose dentures fell out and then laughed out loud while still sucking Mateo's cock.

  Raina ended up drooling on him and had to sit back, wipe her chin, and start again. Mateo continued to look up at the canopy an amused smile on his lips, though he did look strained.

  Raina leaned over, took him in hand again and sank her mouth over top of him. This time she pushed a little further, toward the back of her throat, enjoying the feel of his steel threaded cock in her mouth. She pushed it against the top of her mouth then her cheeks, then toward the back again. At first, she had to consciously suppress her gag reflex, but the more she dipped up and down on him the further back she could go.

  She was really enjoying herself, finding a nice rhythm and figuring out what to do with her hands. One running up over his chest while the other played with his balls. She liked the nice heavy feeling of them when he was excited. The weight in her palm. She thought that they were rather large although she hadn't seen that many penises or sets of balls in her life. Okay one, she'd seen exactly one. But she'd seen porn and knew for a fact that Mateo definitely stacked up to those other guys.

  Mateo let out a grunt, which startled her into rearing back. Apparently, he didn't like that. He took hold of her head and pushed her back down to his cock. She happily took him back into her mouth and allowed him to take more control as he thrust up into her. This made it even harder to suppress her gag reflex, but she managed, only coughing on him a couple times.

  "I'm gonna come." His words came out in a garbled grunt that she nearly missed.

  Raina knew what it was like for him to come, but not in her mouth. She was curious so she stayed where she was, sucking him deep as he shot his load into her throat. She hadn't expected the warmth or the texture and gagged. She sat back on her heels and stared at him in shock.

  Mateo was laying on his back, his legs spread around her hips, one arm thrown over his head. Finally, he moved the arm and caught sight of the expression on her face. He laughed, a full-throated sound that Raina had never heard come from him before.

  "You don't have to do that again, mi amor, if you don't like the taste." He sat up and reached for her, gathering her against his chest. He used his thumb to swipe at some leftover come on her lips. He went to wipe it on the quilt, but she caught his hand and pulled it up to her mouth, sucking his thumb and swallowing the rest of the come.

  "I was surprised, that's all. I didn't know what to expect. But it wasn't bad, I want to do it again." She reassured him.

  He tipped her over onto her back and kissed her all over her face and breasts. "You are perfect, my wife."

  She clutched his head and wrapped her legs around his hips, holding him close against her. "We’re perfect together, my gangster."

  They made love throughout the night, alternately sleeping and then waking up to explore each other's bodies as though doing it for the first time. They whispered words of love and talked about their future together, finally falling into a deep sleep around dawn, their arms wrapped tightly around each other, Raina's head against Mateo's chest.


  One year later

  “Hurry up, we’re going to be late.”

  Raina didn’t look up from the delicate work she was doing at her desk. “How can we be late for a private jet?”

  Mateo made a frustrated sound, one that she was used to. It never failed to make her smile. As much as she loved the man, he was far too serious and needed some contention in his life.

  Enter Raina.

  “Even private jets have take-off and landing times they need to follow. Now get your ass out of that chair and into the car. You were supposed to be ready hours ago. I don’t even see a carry-on. What are you going to do on our flight over? Count clouds?” Though his words were annoyed, his tone of voice held affection.

  This was their dance. A perpetual argument that would always end in Raina getting what she wanted so long as it didn’t impact her health. Raina had wanted to go back to university. They had argued over that, but it had been the specifics, not the overall idea. Mateo loved that Raina wanted to expand her education. He’d been the one to suggest she take fine arts as her major, which was a program she’d never considered. It hadn’t been practical back when she was the daughter of farmers.

  Now, Raina was enrolled in one of the most prestigious art schools in the United States, learning new techniques from some of the most skilled teachers in the world. She had used some of her forgeries as part of her application portfolio. The school had been intrigued by her skill and ingenuity and sent her an invitation.

  Mateo had been pleased by her acceptance and had treated her to the most amazing night on the town, which, in Miami, was something else. He’d taken her to one of his clubs, having decided not to sell, and up onto a deserted rooftop patio where he’d wined and dined her. Then they’d taken a small airplane to New York where they stayed in the penthouse suite of the Ritz-Carlton.

  All this from a man who hadn’t thought himself romantic. Raina thought his romance novels were rubbing off.

  No, they hadn’t argued about her intention to go back to school. They had argued about absolutely everything else. How many classes Raina would take per semester, how many hours per day she should study, what snacks she was allowed to eat, how often she took physical activity breaks. If she didn’t love the man so much, she would scream at his overprotectiveness.

  Raina decided to battle his extreme behaviour through gentle teasing. In the end, she usually got her way, all she had to do was wait out the beast. But the fights were fun and usually ended up in a bed or a closet somewhere.

  Mateo also encouraged Raina to continue with her forgery business. They’d formed a partnership where she could provide documents for some of his contacts, as long as Mateo approved the work. It was a lucrative partnership that made Raina a modestly wealthy woman, independent of her husband’s holdings.

  Finally, Raina pushed away from her desk and stretched her neck, working out the kinks. Despite his current annoyance with her, Mateo massaged her neck and back, helping ease some of the tension of the day. Raina closed the project she’d been working on and set it aside for her assistant to mail. Another set of perfect passports finished.

  “You’re doing too much,” Mateo said from above her. “I don’t like it.”

  She tipped her head up and grinned at him. “You don’t like anything except bubble wrap and Lysol spray.”

  Mateo grunted a noncommittal response because they both knew Raina wasn’t wrong. If she allowed him, Mateo would take over her life completely and dictate every moment so she would be as safe as she could possibly be. He would keep her locked up and take her out only when he deemed it perfectly safe. But that was no way to live and Raina was convinced he would love her less if she didn’t make his life hell. Just a little.

  “Are you finally ready to leave, mi amor?” His voice became husky, telling Raina that the way he was touching her was turning him on. Her body warmed in response.

  “Almost,” she said huskily, standing and turning in his arms.

  She stood on her toes and reached up to pull his head down for a kiss. All it took was the innocent touch of her lips to his and then the fire took over. Mateo gripped her by the neck and deepened the kiss, while reaching out and clearing a space on her desk with his other hand. Raina grinned against his lips.

ir delayed honeymoon to Italy would have to wait a few more hours. This was more important.


  Coming soon…

  Book Four of the Queens: The Red Queen

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  Bonus: Excerpt from Scarred Queen: The Queens Series

  Ignacio Hernandez had never before brought a woman to a meet. Then, they’d never met at a club before. The entire scene was unprecedented. Reyes didn’t do unprecedented, but he was willing to make an exception because he was curious. He could sever the Miami connection if he had to. It would cause some shockwaves, but it wasn’t out of the question. Ignacio was beginning to annoy him anyway. His poor decisions were beginning to affect the Bolivian. Such as bringing a woman like her to a meet with a man like him. Something that was meant to show off Ignacio’s power and wealth would become a big mistake.

  His gaze flickered over the woman, calmly drinking her champagne and orange juice as though she weren’t sitting at a table with four of the most dangerous men on the continental East coast. Two kingpins and their right hands. Only Reyes didn’t think she was as calm as she appeared. Her wrist trembled slightly, giving her away. She had enough presence to make sure that tiny shake ceased by the time it got to her slim fingers where they clenched the crystal of her glass. It wasn’t the fingers or her ability to remain coolly poised while the men around her talked business that captured his curiosity. It was the mark on the back of her delicate hand, permanent slash lines, viciously marring her porcelain skin.

  Anger burned deep in his gut, surprising him. Reyes rarely felt anything. Ever. Certainly not for a woman. This was how he made effective decisions. How he moved trade across borders with ease and cool logic. Emotion had been removed from him. First by a ruthless father, then by a vicious military stint in his home country and finally by an unrelenting, merciless prison sentence that had systematically broken him before he had, in turn, broken down the prison itself and owned it from the inside out. By the time he was released it was into a world of his own making; a world shaped by him on the inside and ruled by him on the outside.

  Yet the sight of this cool, blond beauty, so broken yet utterly resilient was doing something to him, forcing him to feel. He shifted in his seat, sliding his arm across the back of the leather, his eyes never leaving her while he listened to the other men speak. Negotiate terms. He didn’t need to add his voice. Alejandro, his right hand, knew the terms. Knew not to fuck up while in pursuit of new deals for the boss.

  Reyes wanted her. The electrifying anger he felt when his eyes caressed that mark assured him he would take the woman and make her his. Not because it infuriated him that she had been abused. No, he was not a good enough man to care about that. He was under no illusions he would treat her any better than Ignacio. Hell, he’d probably treat her much worse. Because Ignacio undoubtedly set her up like a trophy in his great mausoleum of a house and then ignored the unapproachable beauty.

  Reyes had no intention of ignoring her. He was going to take her and fuck every inch of her, just the way he wanted. Hard, brutal, mean. Exactly how he was. Exactly how this world had shaped him. Because he could. She was about to become spoils of war.

  No, he wasn’t angry about the mark on her hand at all. He was pissed that the mark was twisted into the shape of an “H” and not an “R.” He wanted her to belong to him, to the King. When he got his hands on the woman, that would be the first thing he changed.

  Finally, after nearly an hour of sitting in the booth together, his eyes rarely leaving her face, she lifted hers to meet his uncompromising gaze. And for the first time in his life, he felt his heart stop in his chest. He was unprepared for the impact. Her eyes – one startling green and the other amber brown – were vivid, stunning and unrelenting. Though her expression didn’t flicker once from the blank mask of icy beauty, he saw the burning disdain, the heated fury buried deep within those fiery orbs for the men that surrounded her. She despised all of them.

  His lip lifted in an answering sneer. She refused to drop her eyes from his challenge, despite her husband sitting at the same table. He wanted nothing more, in that moment, than to take this scarred Queen from her throne and tame her. He vowed, then and there, that he would eventually have her.

  Keep reading. Download this title now!

  Bonus: Excerpt from Alejandro’s Prey: The Queens Series

  “I had so much fun!” Gina exclaimed, pulling her headset off and grinning at Miguel who was doing the same on the other side of her. “It was so refreshing getting out of the valley for a few hours.”

  He nodded and smiled back, his eyes warm and his expression kind. “I agree. I had a wonderful time, Gina. Hopefully we can do it again soon.”

  She averted her face feeling slightly guilty, knowing he felt more for her than she did for him. In a way, she’d used him and his feelings for her to get out of the damn mountains for the day. But she’d needed to get out from under a certain dictator’s thumb. And she wasn’t talking about the boss, Reyes. She meant his oppressive second-in-command. The man that stalked her every step, watching and waiting as though readying himself to pounce… but then nothing. The tension was driving her crazy.

  And his insane rules! What was wrong with the man?

  Alejandro made it his business to get in her business everywhere she went, tossing out arbitrary rules that made no sense to her. She couldn’t eat or spend time alone with anyone except the immediate family unless he was present. If one of his men so much as spoke to her, even to ask about her day, he’d be lucky if scrubbing toilets for a month was his only punishment. She wasn’t allowed to communicate with the outside world unless Alejandro approved her phone calls and emails. He even opened and read her incoming and outgoing mail, and not discreetly!

  When she balked at his many edicts he simply added more rules and enforced them either physically, by locking her in her bedroom or by cutting off her communication to the outside world altogether. And though she’d wanted to throw a temper tantrum worthy of her dear cousin, Casey, she was terrified of the big man and his psychotic boss. So she’d quietly acquiesced, occasionally finding ways to break the rules with Casey’s help. Thankfully Alejandro never seemed to find out about her small rebellions.

  “Me too,” she said enthusiastically. “But I don’t know when we’ll get the helicopter again. I think Casey had to pull some strings with Reyes to get us this trip. I’m surprised he even said yes.”

  Miguel got out of the helicopter first and reached a hand in to help her out. She never got a chance to take it. He was wrenched away from the opening with such force that she was left stunned. She rushed to the door when she heard flesh hitting flesh and saw Miguel on the ground with a bloody face, Alejandro standing over top of him. Gina shrieked and scrambled from the helicopter.

  Alejandro turned dark, coldly furious eyes on her, stopping her in her tracks. She glanced helplessly toward Miguel. She wanted to rush to his aid, but she didn’t want to get anywhere near the terrifying mob enforcer.

  “What did I tell you about being alone with anyone except family, Gina,” Alejandro snapped at her as though she were one of his soldiers.

  She swallowed and dropped her eyes to the ground. “Y-you told me not to,” she said, barely above a whisper. “Except he’s practically family!”

  “This scum is not family,” Alejandro snarled and kicked Miguel in the side.

  Setting her terror of the big man’s fury aside, Gina hurled herself toward the men, intent on putting herself between them. She was hoping Alejandro wouldn’t actually harm her since he hadn’t physically done so yet. He grabbed her arm in an iron grip before she could fling herself on top of the doctor. She cried out as he brought her around to fa
ce him.

  Alejandro stood much taller than her, around 6’4”, which would have made her almost a foot shorter if she hadn’t been wearing three-inch heels. He was nearly twice as wide as her with broad, muscular shoulders and huge biceps. She knew exactly how conditioned and honed to perfection his body was, having seen him work out many times with his men. She shivered at the look in his eyes. Cold, terrifying and utterly without mercy. Had she really just courted the attention of such a man by going out with another? Was she insane?

  “Get back on the helicopter, Gina,” he said in a chillingly quiet voice as though giving an everyday command instead of telling her to do something she knew she shouldn’t.

  The breath caught in her throat and she watched him through wary grey eyes. She understood that if she got on the helicopter he would get on with her and then he would take her somewhere where they would be alone. Finally, alone. The invisible sand had run out. Whatever timeline he’d given her when she’d first moved to the valley was over; he was done waiting.

  But was she done running from him? When she’d set this day up she’d done it with the full comprehension that she would be provoking a reaction from a very dangerous man. Unfortunately, she thought she would be back in the safety of her home, under her cousin’s wing when Alejandro’s wrath fell. Holding his terrifying gaze, she slowly shook her head and held her ground. She would rather deal with his temper within the safety of the compound.


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