Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2)

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Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2) Page 1

by Lila Rose


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21



  Also by Lila Rose

  Connect with Lila Rose

  Releasing next year:

  Never a Saint Copyright © 2020 by Lila Rose

  Cover Design: Covers by Juan

  Editor: Hot Tree Editing

  Interior Design: RMJ Manuscript Service

  All rights reserved. No part of this e-book or book may be used or reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without the permission from the author as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Never a Saint is a work of fiction. All names, characters, events and places found in this book are either from the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events, locations, organizations, or persons live or dead is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  First Edition

  ISBN: 978-0-6487998-2-5

  Chapter One


  My knee bounced up and down as I sat across from Saint at his co-owned business, the Polished Pussies and Penises. I’d seen his ad in the paper recruiting men to join the forces for male and female clients in the brothel side of things, but they were branching out into providing an escort service. I’d be happy to do either. I was there to apply for the job. I just wasn’t sure he’d accept me since I was a prospect for the Diamond MC that we were both a part of. I was full to the damn brim with nerves, but the money I could make would set me up for life. I never wanted to struggle like I had when I was young and in the hands of my fucked-up parents. If Boom, another member of the MC and an old friend of my father’s, hadn’t got me out of my hellhole, hadn’t taken me in, I would have been messed up for life. I was one of the lucky ones really. There were many out in the world in the same boat I’d been in before Boom took control.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” Saint asked, yet again. He leaned back in his office chair and eyed me like I’d gone insane.

  Maybe I had. But the need to set my life up so I could breathe easy and never struggle would be worth it. The current job I had at the gym paid well, but this would pay better, and that was what I felt I needed. Besides, I loved sex with both men and women. I didn’t see the problem with wanting to apply. Hell, it could be a job I would excel at.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  Saint’s brows quirked. “You do understand the position, right?”

  I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. “Yes.”

  Saint’s lips thinned. “You would have to go on dates with clients lookin’ for some company. Then there’s the ones who will come here wantin’ to fuck.” He paused for effect, maybe. “Men and women.”

  That time I did roll my eyes. “You already know I don’t care if it’s men or women. I’m applyin’ for the job. I know the details. What are you worried about? That it’ll be bad for the Diamond MC?”

  Saint shook his head. “Fuck, if anythin’, it’ll make the club more popular with the women, and the brothers won’t give a shit because they’re all about money and sex, which is what this job is.”


  Saint sighed. “What happens if a man or a woman comes here and you don’t find them attractive? Would you still be able to get hard?”

  Was he serious? “Yeah, I won’t have a problem.”

  Saint jerked his head back in shock. “Serious?”

  “All I gotta do is close my eyes and picture someone I’m into, and if I can’t close my eyes, I’ll make sure the customer is happily satisfied while I get hard.”

  He seemed skeptical over my answer. I was only twenty-three and fucking horny, to the point where it was as if I was just learning to use my dick. I’d do just about anyone if it led to me getting off.

  “All right.” He nodded and then glanced down at the paper in front of him. “Then how would you rate your ability to help your partner find their release?”

  I shrugged. I didn’t want to brag, but I was after this job after all. “Ten outta ten.”

  Saint snorted. “Serious?”

  I laughed. “You seem to be sayin’ that a lot.”

  His eyes narrowed. No other brother would I have given lip to, but I was good friends with Lucas, Saint’s younger, gay brother. So, in a way, I had a feeling I could get away with it a little. However, it might not last because Lucas didn’t know I was applying for the job to become a male escort-slash-prostitute. When he’d heard I’d been thinking about it and asked me, I’d told him it’d just been something I was thinking of, that it probably wouldn’t happen. Yet, here I was. When Lucas did find out, I expected a lengthy phone call. I just didn’t know if he would want to talk me out of it or just need to understand the whys of my choice. I hoped for the second one as I appreciated Lucas’s friendship and wouldn’t want to lose it over something like this.

  I wiped my sweaty palms down my thighs. “No woman or man has left my bed without findin’ their own release. I take care of my partners.”

  He studied me for a moment before looking back down to the sheet of paper. “What would you do if a married couple asks for you and the husband wants to watch you fuck his wife?”

  “I would make sure both involved were comfortable around me first, and then I’d find out what’s good or bad in the situation, what the husband wouldn’t want me to do, and make sure I never stepped over the boundaries.”

  He nodded. “Who do you prefer, men or women?”

  “Either. I’m not picky.”

  Saint ran a hand over his face. “How do you think Lucas will take this?”

  “In the end, I’m hopin’ he’ll accept my choice. If he’s the person I think he is, I reckon he will.”


  I shook my head. “I think in here you can call me Kylo.”

  He eyed me again, and I really wanted to know what was running through his pretty head. “Kylo.” His jaw clenched. “No brother should have to be paid to have sex to get some action between the sheets.”

  I clutched my stomach as I laughed hard. “You… think… I’m doin’ this to get sex?” I shook my head. “Saint, no. I can get any whenever I want. I’m doin’ this for the money and the fact I enjoy sex helps. Which I’m sure you understand. I’ve heard about your endeavors.”

  “Whatever.” He glared. “I just need to make sure you’re definitely okay with male clients.”

  I ran my still sweaty hands down my thighs again. I never did well in a room with Saint because I’d always been attracted to the guy. He made me nervous a lot of the times where I would just say whatever.

  “Saint, I can and have made a guy come in minutes with just my mouth. I’ll be fine with male clients.” Jesus, did I have to say it like that? It was true, but still, it had me sounding cocky. I wasn’t. I just knew how to give good head. Huh, maybe I was cocky.

Saint scoffed. “You can’t be that fuckin’ good.” He picked up a pen and wrote something down.

  “What are you writin’?”

  “Nothin’,” he replied with a smirk.

  “Saint, what did you write?”

  “That you’re adequate in bed.”

  Now that just pissed me off. Adequate. I wasn’t that. I was a damn bomb. “I could make you come in a few minutes,” I told him, raising a brow in challenge, even while in my head, I screamed, “What the fuck you think you’re doin’? He’s a brother.” If I thought I was sweaty before, it upped a notch, my neck already damp.

  The room was damn quiet.

  So fucking quiet as we stared at each other.

  Saint finally snorted. “I doubt you could.”

  “Then let me prove it.” Shut the fuck up, man. He will kick your ass.

  More silence. I hated silence. I wanted to say awkward shit when there was nothing but silence between people. Shit, too late. I’d already said awkward crap.

  Had I really offered to suck Saint’s dick to prove I rocked with my blow job techniques?

  Yes. Yes, I damn well had, and now I felt like I was going to piss myself because he was still sitting there staring at me. But I couldn’t seem to look away either.

  Fuck me, we were on the road to disaster and I couldn’t jump off.

  Who was I kidding? He wouldn’t take me up on my offer. Suddenly, I relaxed and laughed silently in my mind. I was overreacting for nothing. This was Saint I propositioned. The man was known for the women he slept with. He wouldn’t want a guy near his junk.

  I was an idiot to even suggest it, but even worse for getting nervous and feeling awkward over it because it wouldn’t happen, which would be the best for both of us.

  I opened my mouth to tell him to forget it, but he got there first with “Fine. Show me.”

  Wait… what?

  I stuck a finger in each ear and shook it around. I was obviously hearing things. But when Saint still stared at me, only now with his own smirk, I knew I hadn’t imagined it.

  Still, I had to check. “What did you say?”

  He snorted. “Show me.”

  He did say it. He wanted me to show him my skills.

  What the fuck?

  Saint pushed his chair away from the desk, swung it to the side, and gestured down to his dick. “Well?”

  Holy shit. Holy, holy shit. I was about to suck Saint’s dick. I’d dreamed of this. I’d masturbated to this.

  Fucking hell, do not say anything stupid. I thinned my lips and stood. Christ, my knees shook, but I kept my face stoic, at least I hoped I did, as I walked toward his desk. On the inside, I was freaking the fuck out. What happened after this? How would we act? He’d be my boss and I’d be working for him fucking people.

  This was a bad idea.

  I stopped. “You know what, maybe you should just trust me on my skills?”

  His smile was wicked when he reached down and popped the button on his jeans. “Chickenin’ out?”

  Shit, fuck, dick.

  I wasn’t one to knock back a challenge and knew Saint was as stubborn as I was. Maybe I should have brought up the after-the-moment situation. Maybe I should have been smarter than him and walked out of the room, forgetting this and forgetting about the job.

  However, I never said I was smart.

  Walking around the desk, I dropped to my knees and hoped when Saint saw me there, he would freak out and stop this.

  He didn’t.

  Then I realized he was probably picturing I was some woman. Yeah, that made sense. No doubt he would close his eyes and think it was a woman’s mouth around him.

  All right then, I could do this.

  It was for the job and to show my skills.

  I could suck Saint off.

  Fuck… it was Saint.

  Maybe I had to close my eyes and think of someone else.

  For some stupid reason, I clapped my hands and rubbed them together. “Right, let’s do this,” I said like we were going to play a sport or cards.

  Saint didn’t say anything; he just dipped his chin down at his junk. The bastard wasn’t going to back out. All right then, I would blow his fucking mind. Reaching out, I fisted my hands so he didn’t see them shake. He leaned back enough I could grab the top of his jeans in one hand and use the other to unzip them.

  He still said nothing, so I guessed it was go time.

  I slid my hand in and was surprised to find him half hard already when I pulled him free of his jeans and boxers. He’d probably been thinking of his current lay. Or it could have been the talk of sucking. I knew I was also sporting an erection because of all the chatting.

  This was it.

  I could do this. I was confident in my skills. I just hoped the prick didn’t hold off his release by thinking of a naked granny or something.

  “Just… close your eyes and feel. No funny shit like thinkin’ of somethin’ disgustin’,” I told him with a glare.

  His eyes narrowed right back. “I’ll be fuckin’ honest.”

  “Right.” I nodded once.


  “Fine,” I clipped.

  Saint rolled his eyes. “Just get to work already before I die of boredom.”

  “Fuck you,” I snarled.

  Saint snorted. “No thanks, not into guys. I’m just proving a point.”

  “So am I.”

  “Great, then get to it… unless you want to forget this and say I win?”

  I wanted to punch that smug grin off his damn beautiful face. “Bullshit, I’m not givin’ in.”

  He waved a hand around and then rested it, like his other one, on the arm of his chair. I wished he’d look away, and then my gut wouldn’t be playing havoc and my heart wouldn’t be dancing around in my chest like it’d just taken a sniff of coke.

  “Condom?” I asked.

  “I’m clean.” He pulled open a drawer and put his test results on the desk.

  “Do you usually show your women this before—”

  He glared. “No, I’m usually gloved to the nines.”

  What did that mean? Holy fuck, did he usually wear a condom when getting head? Then why wasn’t he here in this situation? What the fuck did it mean?

  I had to push that thought away or I wouldn’t be able to perform since my mind would be busy questioning everything. Shut your mind down, Kylo, I told myself. “Well, you’ve seen my test.” It was something I had to have before I even applied for the job, and I hadn’t been with anyone since. Had Saint? Nope, I had to forget that thought also. Did I trust him with the results? Yeah, I did. He wouldn’t fuck with that type of thing.

  He grunted and arched a brow as if to say get on with it.

  Fine then. I nodded once again, leaned in, and licked around the tip of Saint’s cock. It twitched, perking up from the attention. I went to the side and ran my tongue and lips up and down his length, while I snuck a look up at him to see if his eyes were closed.

  They weren’t.


  I closed mine and licked back up to the tip, swirling my tongue around the edge again before taking him into my mouth and gliding down along his long, thick length. I ignored the breath he hissed out and got down to business. I bobbed up and down on him, making sure to use my tongue and lips. Reaching in, I cupped his balls and rolled them gently around. He sucked in a breath. Opening my eyes, I saw his grip on the arms of his chair tighten. After licking the outside and all around, I went back to the tip and stuck my tongue in the slit, where I tasted precum.

  Christ, I was rock-hard in my jeans and wanted to take it out and jack off, but it wasn’t the time or place, even though I had a dick in my mouth. I was there to prove a point.

  I sucked him all the way into my mouth, where he touched the back of my throat, and I opened wider, drawing in more, gagging only a little.

  “Fuck,” Saint whispered.

  I would have smiled if I wasn’t busy sucking, licking, and taking his cock in my mou
th over and over again.

  “Kylo,” Saint started, and my dick throbbed from hearing my name drop from his mouth with desire in his voice. “Close,” he added. I sucked him in deep again and moaned around him. That was when I felt him jerk in my mouth. He groaned low as his cum shot into the back of my throat and I swallowed it down as it kept coming.

  When he relaxed back in the chair, I withdrew my mouth and used my hand to draw out the last of his cum and then licked it off the tip before sitting back on my knees. I glanced at the clock on the wall behind his desk. “Three minutes.”

  He stared at me like he’d never seen me before.

  He probably hadn’t. I was just a prospect to the club and his brother’s friend.

  Now I was also someone who he’d come down the throat of.

  And here was the awkward part.

  As I stood, I discreetly adjusted my aching cock and went back around his desk to sit in the chair again. I could have put his dick away, but then I probably wouldn’t have let go of it. I liked sucking him off. A little too much.

  Jesus Christ, I was screwed.

  No. Fuck no. I wouldn’t let this moment get to me. After all, if I got the job, which I knew I would after making him come so quickly, I could busy my mind with other people—the clients.

  Saint cleared his throat. I glanced up to see him standing and slowly putting his dick away. I gulped, and my dick pulsed once more. I needed a release.

  I shifted my gaze up to find Saint watching me with a smug smile on his face. The prick knew he’d affected me. He did that little show to see where I would look, and I’d just shown all my cards. Yeah, I wouldn’t mind his dick in my mouth again, but I wouldn’t ever get it.

  Somewhere there were doves crying over the matter.


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