Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2)

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Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2) Page 15

by Lila Rose


  “Shhh.” I listened to their footsteps move away from me.

  Wood splintered, glass shattered, screams, and yells rose, all in seconds.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes as far as I could.

  “Gun, fuck. Jesus. What the fuck happened?” Death yelled.

  “F-Father,” I managed to get out.

  “All right, kid, just stay still. Torch, we’ll need paramedics for this,” he called over his shoulder. I heard more curses go up and around. “Torch, soon as you’ve done that, go to Polished, tell Saint to get to the hospital, and you stay to take over duties.”

  “Why does Saint—”

  “Just fuckin’ do it.”

  “On it,” he replied without further questions.

  “Death” was called, and I glanced up, only to wince, and saw Quake in the doorway. “There’s a dead woman out here. What we gonna do?”

  “Shit, fuck. Gun—Kylo, do you know who the woman is?”

  I licked my dry lips and even that hurt. “Mom.”

  “Fuck me, fuckin’ hell, what the hell happened here? No, don’t answer that. Quake, get Country on the phone. Tell him what we know so far, but let him know I’m advisin’ to call this one in since Gun’s goin’ to the hospital.”

  “Got it.”

  “You just hang in there, Gun. We’ll get this sorted.”

  “Z-Zion’s gonna be pissed,” I muttered.

  “Don’t you worry about him. I’ll make sure he has the brothers at his back, like we’ll be there for you.” His hand gently ran over my head as he sat his ass down on the ground next to me.

  My brothers were here.

  They’d help me. They’d protect me until I could do it myself and kill the motherfucking cunt Henry.

  I hummed under my breath, suddenly tired. I wanted to fade into the darkness to stop the pain radiating throughout me.

  “No, Gun, not fuckin’ yet. Stay with me. Stay awake.”

  “Can’t,” I breathed.

  “Just a little longer, brother. I can hear the ambulance comin’. They’re nearly here. Soon as they say you can, you take that nap. Just hang on a little longer.”

  “Hard,” I mumbled.

  “I know it is, Gun. Fuck, brother, please just stay awake or Saint’s gonna kick my ass. You don’t want that, right? Because if I have to, I’ll fight back, then Saint and I’ll be at ends.”

  “B-Bullshit,” I got out, and Death chuckled.

  “Yeah, you’re right. It’s bullshit. But I swear, if you go to sleep now, I’ll kiss Saint.”

  I growled under my breath.

  “That’s right. You wouldn’t want that. He’s a good-lookin’ motherfucker. I could totally put pussy outta my head for that guy.”

  “Shut it,” I warned.

  “They’re here,” I heard, followed by heavy footfalls on the porch.

  Death had said I had to wait to pass out until the paramedics arrived.

  They were there, so I let the darkness surround me and dove into it quickly.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Walking into the waiting area in the ER, I felt on edge, like I was going to vomit or commit murder. I first spotted Death, and when he saw me, he smiled grimly before walking toward me. He also called Quake, Country, and State with him, and I knew whatever I was about to hear wasn’t good.

  I stilled, my hands fisted at my sides, my jaw clenched. “Tell me?” I demanded.

  “Saint, you just gotta keep your cool, brother,” Country advised.

  “Tell me,” I snarled.

  “They got into your place and hurt Gun. He’s in surgery,” State said.

  “Who did it?” I snapped harshly.

  Country moved closer, and his hand landed on my shoulder. “Breathe and fuckin’ listen,” he ordered. He didn’t go on until I took a breath. Only it didn’t settle me; instead, it had me burning hotter for fucking revenge. Country shook his head. “All right, you’re gonna lose it, but you can’t do it here, or you won’t get in to see him. Keep a fuckin’ lid on it until you’re outside.”

  I nodded. I needed more than anything to see Kylo.

  “Right, from what we’d gathered, Gun’s parents showed. The father, Henry, shot the mother, Samantha, and killed her in the house. Two others were there. They’ve been taken by the police. Henry wasn’t there when we got there, but the brothers got out of one of the fuckers before the cops arrived that Henry had taken off with Gun’s bank card and PIN.”

  “Find him,” I said roughly.

  Country nodded. “We will. I have everyone out there lookin’.”

  I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath. “How bad…?”

  A breath later, I opened my eyes, watching as Death moved in when Country stepped back. His hand cupped the back of my neck. “Broken ribs, stab wounds, beaten black and blue. It ain’t gonna be good to see, but your man will need you.”

  Christ. Fucking Christ.

  My whole body broke out in shivers, my gut twisting painfully, and I wanted to drop to my knees at the agony clenching my heart.

  “Fuck,” I uttered.

  The door behind us opened, and I heard boomed, “Where the fuck is our son?”

  Turning, I saw Boom enter, his arm around a crying Wendy. They headed straight for me. I straightened and ground my teeth together. When they stopped, and before they could say anything, I spoke. “It’s my fault. I wasn’t there to help him, and he got hurt. I understand—”

  “Enough,” Boom said loudly. He clasped my arm in a grip and shook it. “No one expected this to happen. It ain’t your fuckin’ fault, Saint. You above anythin’ make him happy.”

  “He’s right,” Wendy said with a sniffle and a small, sad smile.

  Boom dropped his hold and looked to Country. “I want time with the people who did this.”

  “The two that were there are in custody, Boom,” State explained.

  Boom shook his head. “Know that. Death explained what went down. I mean the motherfuckin’ cunt of a so-called sperm donor who brought our kid into the world. Can’t believe I was fuckin’ friends with that motherfuckin’ cunt.” He ended on a yell, grabbing attention from more people in the waiting room.

  “Boom, you wanna keep it down before you get kicked out and don’t get to see your son?”

  “Fuck.” He sighed. “I’m takin’ Wendy to get a coffee. Call me if you hear anythin’, and I mean anythin’.”

  Since he was looking at me when he spoke, I nodded. He gave me a chin lift while Wendy smiled softly with tears in her eyes, and they both turned toward the elevators. People got out of his way quickly. He was a big man, loud, but had a huge heart.

  I moved over to a row of seats and sat, bending to rest my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. Closing my eyes, I breathed out slowly. Waiting wasn’t my strong suit, but I’d wait for-fucking-ever for Kylo.

  He had to be okay. He had to pull through, and we’d hunt the cunt down together to get revenge. He would die for what he did. Die by our own hands. But not before he paid in as much pain as we could deliver.

  A weight sat in my chest. A dead, sad weight, and it wouldn’t go away until I was at Kylo’s side. Until I knew he would be okay. I didn’t care about the weight. I wanted it. I’d hold it and let it grow until he opened his eyes.

  “Right, I should probably mention—” Death started.

  “What’s going on?” I heard asked loudly and stood to see Lucas and Wreck just inside the doors.

  “That I called Lucas and Wreck as well, since they’re friends,” Death finished.

  Lucas spotted me and made his way over. He stopped in front of me, opened his mouth, and snapped it closed when he took me in. His brows dipped. “Why do you look upset? Is he okay? Is Kylo okay?”

  Death answered, “We don’t know yet. They’re operatin’. When he got sliced, they nicked somethin’ important.”

  Lucas paled, then nodded. Wreck stepped up behind him, placing his hands on Lucas’s hips f
or support. “He’ll be okay. He will be.”

  “He’s strong,” Wreck added.

  Lucas nodded again. “He is.” He pulled his gaze back up to me. “But… it doesn’t explain why you look devastated.”

  “I….” I snapped my mouth closed and clenched my jaw. It wasn’t the right time for Lucas to know since Kylo was hurt, but I wasn’t going to hide my anguish.

  Lucas crossed his arms over his chest. “You hardly know him. Why do you care so much?”

  “Because he’s mine.”

  Wreck’s eyes flashed, but they settled, unlike Lucas’s—even his mouth dropped open. He took a deep breath, and I knew I was going to get a talking to before he even started with, “What do you mean he’s yours? You can’t mean like I think you mean because that’s just stupid. You’ve never once looked at a guy before, and what, you now think you can fool around with Kylo and his feelings? I won’t let it happen. You do not get to mess with him like that.” He glared, his chest heaved with every breath, and his fist was in my face. “Ouch, dammit,” he complained after hitting me.

  I rubbed at my cheek, looking at him. “What was that for?” I demanded.

  Lucas ignored me and started shaking his hand out. “You broke my hand with your dang hard face. Wade, Wade, he broke my hand. He broke my wacking hand.” Wreck’s lips twitched, but he brought Lucas into his arms and gently checked his hand over.

  “It’s bruised, but not broken,” Wreck assured him.

  “Stupid boofhead.” He glared at me.

  “I could have gone without knowin’ which hand you jerk off with,” Death put in.

  Lucas stilled, blinked, no doubt realizing he’d overshared. He groaned, turning to me with another glare like it was my fault he’d blurted it.

  “Why did you hit me?” I asked.

  “Because… well, you hit Wade when you thought he was just messing with me. I don’t want you to play with Kylo. He—”

  “I’m not, and I won’t. What Kylo and I have is serious, and it’ll continue no matter what happens.”

  “You’ve never been with a guy before, you—”

  “Neither had Wreck, but you were all okay about that. Can’t you just believe I’m in it for the good reasons? I want Kylo in my life.” I threw my hands up in frustration. “I know I’ve never even thought about bein’ with a guy before. Maybe my eyes hadn’t been opened to the possibility until the right guy came along. Yeah, I’ve known Kylo for a long time, but it wasn’t until we spent some time together did I understand I wanted more from him.”

  Lucas studied me, then sighed. “I can’t argue with that.” He glanced back at Wreck before facing me again. “But if you hurt him, I will harm you. Just remember, I know the body a lot more than anyone.”

  I nodded. “Got it, bro. But I’d never hurt him, not intentionally.”

  “Fine, I’m going to get ice for my hand.”

  He didn’t believe me completely, and I couldn’t blame him. I’d been the same when I found out about him and Wreck. Eventually, he’d see how serious I was about Kylo. Until then, I wasn’t going to waste my time or breath convincing him. Instead, I sat back down. Death sat beside me, but I didn’t pay attention to him or anyone around me. I buried my head in my hands again, closed my eyes, and prayed that everything would be all right with Kylo.

  “Family for Kylo—”

  “Here,” Boom yelled.

  I stood, my heart beating so hard it near made me dizzy. Boom curled an arm around Wendy as they moved closer to the doctor. I stepped up with them, along with the others waiting for news. My gut churned, my ears waiting, and my eyes clung to the doctor in case he disappeared and I’d dreamed his arrival.

  “Good news, he’s out of surgery, awake, but tired and dazed. Would you like to see him?”

  Relief flooded my system. Suddenly it was easier to breathe.

  It surprised me when they looked my way. I shook my head. “You guys go first.”

  Wendy smiled softly. She reached out, and I took her hand as it squeezed around mine. “We won’t be long.”

  I nodded. “It’s okay, take your time.”

  After another squeeze, they walked through the doors.

  Fuck. Thank you, Lord. Thank you.

  I smiled down at my feet as a hand gently grasped the back of my neck. “He’s good,” Death said.

  Smiling at him, I replied, “Yeah, he is, and we’ll get the fucker who did this, so he’ll be even better.”

  “Damn right. Breathe easy, brother.”

  “So,” Lucas drew out, stepping up beside me, “who knows about you and Kylo?”

  Death snorted, and he moved off, probably not wanting to join in on the conversation.

  “I gathered Boom and Wendy know. Death obviously does as well.”

  “Country, State, a few other brothers since now, plus… Mom and Dad.”

  His eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, he was there the day after I got shot. Dad shoved him in the pantry.”

  His mouth dropped open, and I heard a deep chuckle from behind, knowing it was Wreck.

  “They didn’t say anything. I’m surprised Mom acted so well.”

  “So was I.”

  I swung my gaze to the doors when they opened. Boom and Wendy walked back out, both smiling.

  “I said to take your time,” I told them, shaking my head.

  Wendy rested her hand on my arm. “It’s okay. We just needed to see he was good. He’s sleepy and wants to see you.”

  Elation swelled inside me. More than anything, I wanted to see him before he slept.


  “No. You go.”

  “No, bro, he’ll be happy to see you, and I know you won’t settle like us until you do see him.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah.” I hooked my arm around Lucas, got the details of Kylo’s room, then headed beyond the doors.

  “We’ll get him through this,” Lucas said softly.

  “We will,” I agreed. Dropping my arm from my brother, I opened Kylo’s door and stepped in. Only to still. I wasn’t sure why I didn’t expect all the bruising, but I didn’t, and for a beat, it took me by surprise. My gut twisted as if someone stabbed me right there.

  “Fuck,” I uttered.

  Kylo was already looking at me. “I’m okay,” he whispered.

  “Fuck,” I uttered again. Fisting my hands, I went to the side of the bed and started to reach for him but pulled back. I didn’t know where I could touch him without hurting him. I didn’t want to hurt him more than he already was.

  He reached out, and that drew me out of my own thoughts. I took his hand and leaned toward him to gently rest my forehead against his.

  “Baby,” I whimpered, my eyes welling with tears.

  “I’m okay,” he said again. When I groaned, he added, “I will be at least.”

  Shifting back, I ran my fingers through his hair. “You will. I’ll make sure of it. I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t. They set it all up—” He yawned, then winced.

  “Sleep, lover.”

  “Will you stay?” he asked.

  I gave him a smile. “No one could get rid of me.” Kissing his temple, I reached back and pulled a chair close. Still holding his hand, I sat and glided my fingers up and down his arm softly. It only took seconds before his eyes fluttered closed.

  A sniffle caught my attention. I swung my gaze to the doorway.

  Hell, I’d forgot Lucas had come in with me.

  He wiped at his eyes with the back of his hands. “I see it now.” He nodded and smiled. “I mean, I wish I knew from the start, but I can’t say anything because Wade and I did the same thing. I’m happy for you both.”

  “Thanks, Lucas.” I looked back to Kylo. “I’m happy too.”

  It was then I knew, as if everything clicked into place inside me, I wouldn’t give Kylo up. He was in my heart, my mind, and my soul. He was mine, and I wanted my future with him in it. I didn’t care how
it worked out, but I’d be calling him mine. My lover, my one and only, my damn husband.

  Maybe it was too soon for that deep shit, but I’d start out small.

  After I found a new house, one Kylo wasn’t hurt in and wouldn’t see his dead mother on the floor, then I’d move Kylo in with me.

  I’d get to fall asleep and wake up beside him. We’d cook, eat, watch TV together like we already did, but it’d be more because we’d be doing it knowing we loved each other.

  Glancing to Lucas, I asked, “Do you think I could get the name of the real estate lady you guys used?”

  “Of course, though… she’s a bit of a flirt.”

  “Someone else then,” I said, nodding to myself.

  “I’ll find someone for you.”

  “Thanks, bro.”

  “I’m guessing you’re staying in here?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, until they kick me out. That’s if I let them.”

  “I’ll be out with Wade and the rest.”

  “Go get some rest,” I told him.

  He shook his head. “No. I… we’re all a family. We all stand by each other. We’ll wait.”

  “Lucas, I know what you mean, I do. But he’ll be sleeping for the rest of the night. Please, so I know everyone else is good, get everyone out there to go home and sleep. Kylo will want to see them tomorrow, and I mean you as well.”

  He took a moment and finally nodded. “Okay.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Get some rest too.”

  I nodded. “Soon.” After Lucas left, I couldn’t keep my eyes off Kylo. It hurt my fucking heart seeing the state he was in, but he would heal physically, and I’d help him emotionally. If I couldn’t, I would get someone who could.

  Dipping, I kissed his hand in mine and rested my forehead against it. “Never scare me like this again, baby. I can’t take it. Love you too damn much.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Soft lips woke me when they kissed their way from my neck up to my mouth. Reaching up, I wound my arms around Zion’s neck and held him close. I felt him smile against my mouth.

  “Mornin’,” he greeted, pulling back from me.


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