Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia

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Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia Page 45

by L. Mühlbach



  The empress in the mean time had returned to her rooms, sad and absorbedin her reflections. She had dismissed her ladies of honor; only hermistress of ceremonies, Madame de Remusat, was still with her, and hermaids were in the adjoining room to await her orders until she retired.

  No sooner had Josephine reached her room than she sat down slowly andabstractedly, and, throwing back her head, fixed her eyes on theceiling. An expression of profound grief was visible in her features,and darkened the shade with which age was veiling her countenance. Whensmiling, Josephine was still a graceful and fascinating woman, but whenmelancholy it was but too plainly to be seen that her charms werefading, and neither the flattering rouge nor the skill of the artistcould conceal this fact.

  Josephine's brow was now often clouded, and her youthful beauty was fastlosing its charms. Gloomy forebodings were constantly passing over herheart; she felt that she was standing as on the brink of a precipice,and that the days of her happiness were numbered. She awoke everymorning in terror, for before the evening she might be cast into anabyss of sorrow--removed from the Tuileries and the side of herhusband--replaced by another, a younger woman, the daughter of anancient sovereign house, who was to become the wife of Napoleon and themother of his sons. Josephine knew that the brothers and sisters of theemperor were constantly importuning him to disown his childless wife,and to secure his throne and dynasty, as well as their own, by choosinganother consort giving an heir to his crown. She knew that Talleyrandwas representing this to him daily as a political necessity, withoutwhich his empire and his greatness would be endangered. She knew alsothat Napoleon no longer, as formerly, closed his ears against theseinsinuations, but, eagerly listening, held them in seriousconsideration.

  Josephine was aware of all this, and sat in her room a prey towell-grounded suspicion and sorrowful presentiments.

  Madame de Remusat looked at her awhile, sighing and in silence; she nowsoftly approached the empress, and, taking her hand, said in anaffectionate voice, "Your majesty ought to retire! You need sleep; it islong past midnight, and your eyes are weary."

  "Not from waking--from weeping, my dear Remusat," said the empress,pressing the hand of her confidante. "But you are right, I will retire.In sleep we forget our grief. Remusat, in my dreams I always seeNapoleon as affectionate, as loving as he ever was--in my dreams heloves me still and looks at me, not with the stern eyes of the emperor,but of a tender husband. When I awake, Remusat, his fine face stillbefore my mind, and remember that his love is now gone and lostforever--oh, then a sword seems to pierce my heart, and I shed scaldingtears in spite of myself! And yet I will retire. He commanded me, and Iwill obey."

  "How discouraged your majesty is again to-day!" said Madame de Remusat,sighing. "Still it seems to me there is less cause than ever. Theemperor was more cordial and affectionate than usual. He was evidentlyabstracted, and occupied with important plans, and yet he returned; hisexpression was unusually gentle, and his voice trembled when he badefarewell to your majesty."

  "But why did he bid me farewell?" exclaimed the empress. "This is whatfills me with anxiety. Heretofore he only said to me, 'Good-night!' and,'we shall meet again to-morrow, Josephine!' But to-day he said.'Farewell, and _au revoir_!' Remusat, there was a hidden meaning inthese words. Something unusual is to happen, for the emperor never tookleave of me in this manner. '_Au revoir_!' You never say that to onewhom you meet again in the morning. It means assuredly something! Butyou are right--I need repose, for my limbs are trembling, and my head isburning, as if I had fever! Call my maids!"

  Josephine sighed deeply, and rose to be undressed. She was so absorbedin her reflections that she, who always addressed a pleasant word to herservants, did not apparently notice their presence. In silence sheallowed her jewels to be removed, which Madame de Remusat carefully putaway into their caskets; in silence she suffered herself to be divestedof her blue satin dress, embroidered with silver, and her white satinunderskirt, without observing that her first maid was absent. When herwrapper was brought by the second maid, she noticed that the first wasnot present.

  "Where is Dufour?" she asked, hesitatingly.

  "Your majesty, she has just been called out to attend to somethingurgently required by his majesty the emperor," said the second maid,approaching the empress.

  But Josephine pushed her back. "To attend to something urgently requiredby the emperor?" she asked, breathlessly. "What does that mean? Ah,there is Dufour! What could have detained her?" And she rushed towardher and grasped her hand.

  "Dufour, where have you been? What is the matter?"

  "Your majesty, Constant wished to see me. I beg pardon for coming solate, but it was something very urgent."

  "Urgent! There is the same word again," exclaimed Josephine. "What wasit that was 'urgent?'"

  "Your majesty, M. Constant wanted the golden travelling-case of theemperor, which your majesty showed to the jeweller to-day. As it was inmy keeping, he applied to me for it."

  "Well, could he not wait until to-morrow?" asked the empress.

  "No, your majesty, for the emperor needs the travelling-case, and atonce."

  Josephine uttered a cry. "He is about to depart! Oh, I feel he is goingto leave me!" she exclaimed, almost beside herself. And withoutreflecting and hesitating, regardless of the fact that she wasundressed, her shoulders bare, and her feet incased in small slippers ofcrimson velvet--forgetful of every thing but the distracting thoughtthat the emperor was leaving her, without even a farewell, she ranacross the room toward the door.

  Vainly did Madame de Remusat try to detain her. Josephine pushed heraside, opened the door, and ran out. Breathless, bathed in tears, herdishevelled locks streaming in the air, she hastened through the roomsand magnificent halls in which she was accustomed to appear in agorgeous toilet, and receive the homage of princes. On crossing thethreshold of the first reception-room she lost one of her slippers; butthis modern Atalanta did not know it as she rushed along the corridorand down the stairs. Having reached the palace-yard, she found that shewas not mistaken--there stood the emperor's travelling-carriage. Roustanand Constant were waiting in front of it, but she passed them beforethey knew what had happened. Trembling and weeping, she sat down in thecarriage.

  The emperor at that moment entered the palace-yard, while the twoservants were still standing near, speechless, and as if paralyzed withterror. He took no notice of them, and ascending the steps of thecarriage beheld the strange white figure within.

  "What is that?" exclaimed the emperor, standing still. "Who is there?"

  "It is I," exclaimed the empress, in a suppliant voice. "I, Josephine!You wished to depart again without me, Bonaparte; but I will not sufferyou; I will cling to you! I cannot leave you!"

  She threw her arms around his neck, but Napoleon pushed her back. "Youare a fool, Josephine!" he said, angrily. "This is childish; youridiculously retard my departure. I do not wish to hear any more! Bekind enough to leave the carriage! It is necessary that I set outimmediately."

  "But, Bonaparte, you cannot be in earnest," cried Josephine, sobbingaloud. "Have mercy on me! Do not drive me from you! I tell you, you mustuse violence to remove me! Oh, have pity on me--on my poor, painfulheart, and let me go along with you! Remember that you promised me theother day that I should accompany you on your next journey. Oh,Bonaparte, keep your word! Keep your word only this time! Have pity onme, and let me accompany you!" She covered his lips and cheeks with herkisses and tears. Napoleon's heart seemed to be softened, for heinvoluntarily raised his arms and wound them around Josephine's neck."How cold you are!" he exclaimed. "And your shoulders are bare! Whatdoes this mean?"

  "It means," said the empress, half laughing, half weeping, "that I wasjust about retiring when--when I heard the carriage drive up to thedoor. My heart told me that you intended to leave me, and that I wouldnot have time to dress if I wished to see you, and therefore I came atonce."

  "And indeed you wer
e right; if you had come a minute later, I wouldcertainly have been gone."

  The emperor entered the carriage, closed the door, and shouted in apowerful voice out of the window: "Have every thing the empress needsfor her toilet sent to the first station, that she may find it on herarrival. Order the mistress of ceremonies to set out immediately withher majesty's ladies of honor. They must be at Strasburg on the 18th.Forward!"

  Josephine uttered a joyous cry, and sat down on the emperor's knees,pressing his head with her arms against her bosom. He laughed, and didnot resist her. Roustan and Constant ascended, and the carriage started.

  "Bonaparte, thanks! a thousand thanks!" whispered the empress. "Nevershall I forget this hour, for it proves to me that you still love yourpoor Josephine, or that at least you pity her!"

  "Oh, you know full well, traitress, that I cannot withstand your tears,"said Napoleon, half angrily, half smilingly. "But you are almost naked!"

  "Yes, I am naked, as it behooves a beggar-woman who begs for love at thepalace-gate," said the empress, smiling. "I hope, my emperor and lordwill give me something to cover my nakedness."

  "Here is what you want, you impulsive beggar!" exclaimed Napoleon,throwing the sable robe, which the Emperor Alexander had presented tohim, over her shoulders, and wrapping it carefully around her.

  "Accept my thanks!" exclaimed Josephine, laughing; "I will wear it as atoken of your kindness."

  "You will not," quickly replied Napoleon. "I merely lend it to youuntil our arrival at the next station, where, I hope, we shall meet acourier with your wardrobe."

  "But he will not be able to overtake us there, Bonaparte, and you willhave to leave me the robe for some time yet."

  "No; he will travel faster on horseback than we in our carriage. I wouldhave no objection to the robe myself, for the night is cold!"

  "It is cold; come, I will let you have part of it," wrapping it aroundthe emperor, and clinging closely to him. Napoleon laughed, and windinghis arms around the slender waist of Josephine, pressed her to hisbreast. She laid her wearied head silently on his shoulder. The carriagecontinued the journey without interruption, and, exhausted by herprevious excitement, she closed her eyes and slept.

  Suddenly the voice of the emperor aroused her. They had reached thefirst station; it was already daylight. The municipal officers of thesmall town were standing in front of the post-office to present theirrespects. A man, mounted on a horse covered with foam, was near them. Itwas the courier who had brought the wardrobe of the empress.

  "There is your luggage," said the emperor, pointing smilingly at a smallleather trunk which had been placed on the back seat. "The empress hasset out as a travelling adventurer!"

  "Yes, you are right," exclaimed Josephine. "It is just like afairy-story. Some poor, disowned princess is met on her journey by ahandsome son of a king, who takes her in his arms, gives her magnificentdresses, and marries her. I thank you, my friend, and now I will attendto my toilet."

  "I hope not here in the carriage?" asked Napoleon, in surprise.

  "We shall have the trunk carried into the house; I believe thepostmaster has a room where you can dress, and a servant-girl who canassist you."

  "But, Bonaparte," exclaimed Josephine, "do you not see that that isimpossible? It is daylight; is, then, the carriage to open and theempress to alight with one slipper on her feet, to be triumphantlyconducted into the house? Ah, my friend, all Europe would smile at theidyllic empress who accompanied her husband on his journey in such adishabille."

  "It is true," said Napoleon, moodily, "it would be a fine anecdote forthe so-called legitimate princes, and they would proudly laugh at theviolation of the _dehors_ committed by imperial upstarts. As though itwere so difficult to learn the ridiculous rules of their etiquette, ifone should deem it worth while!"

  Josephine gently patted the emperor's forehead with her white hand. "Noclouds must darken my morning sun," she said, "for they would foretell agloomy day. I wish you could transform yourself into my maid."

  "What!" exclaimed the emperor, laughing. "Transform myself into yourmaid?"

  "And why not, Bonaparte?" asked Josephine. "Did not your brother, thegreat Jove, transform himself into an ox for the sake of Europa? Thecarriage is moving again! Draw the curtains, and then, my dear maid, weshall commence dressing." She hastily opened the small travelling-trunk,which had carefully been filled with every thing required for hertoilet--small velvet gaiters, a comfortable velvet cloak, one of herlarge cashmere shawls, and a beautiful red satin dress with lacetrimmings.

  "You will have but little trouble with me," said the empress, busilyexamining the contents of the trunk. "Dear Madame Remusat has arrangedevery thing as judiciously as possible, and forgotten nothing. There arewarm gloves, embroidered handkerchiefs--in short, all I need. Ah! thereis but one thing she has forgotten."

  "Well, and what is that?"

  "It is a mirror. Bonaparte, you must be my mirror to-day. But come now,my dear maid! enter upon your duties. In the first place, assist me inputting on my gaiters."

  "What admirable ones they are!" said the emperor. "Are these tiny thingsreally large enough for your feet?"

  "Yes. Did you forget that your Josephine has the smallest and prettiestfoot in all France? Formerly, when you were not the all-powerfulNapoleon, but the brave and illustrious General Bonaparte, you knew it.Ah, I wish you were still General Bonaparte, and we lived at our smallhouse in the Rue Chantereine!"

  "Indeed, I am glad that I am no longer there," said Napoleon. "It seemsto me General Bonaparte did not forfeit his glory; he only changed histitle and position. That of an emperor is not so bad, and the Tuileriesa very pleasant residence. But, Josephine, let me see whether thisfairy-shoe is really large enough for human foot!"

  "Bonaparte, envy and jealousy prompt you to say so," said Josephine,laughing. "You cannot comprehend how any foot could be even smaller thanyours. But just take into consideration that you are the greatBonaparte, and that I am but poor little Josephine--the insignificantcreature that derives only from you light and life. Bonaparte, you havethe largest foot that man ever had."

  "What! I have the largest foot?" exclaimed Napoleon, in surprise. "Why,I have always been told that my foot was very small."

  "Oh, that was a mistake," said Josephine, gravely, "for how would itotherwise be possible for you to trample down the whole of Europe as youare doing?"

  Napoleon laughed. "Very good," he said, "you are right; I have put myfoot on the neck of Europe, and shall crush all who resist me!"

  "Bonaparte," exclaimed Josephine, menacingly, "no politics now, nothreatening imperial face! Remember that, at the present moment, you arenothing but my maid. There is my foot! Put on my gaiter, and see whetherit is large enough!"

  Napoleon at once obeyed, his wife's toilet commenced, and the first dayof their journey passed in laughter and affectionate chatting. Theempress had not enjoyed so happy a day for years. All cares andapprehensions were forgotten. What did light-hearted Josephine care forthe future?

  But, alas! the second day was different. The smiles of the unfortunatewoman met with no reply. The emperor was taciturn and gloomy. Wrapped inhis sable robe, he was leaning in a corner of the carriage, and madeonly stern and brief answers to Josephine's questions. The heart andcountenance of the empress grew heavy and anxious.

  When they arrived at Strasburg on the evening of the fourth day, each ofthem sat silent--the empress with tearful eye; the emperor frowning andstern. Napoleon offered his arm to his consort, and conducted her intothe palace. "Good-night, Josephine," he said, standing still at theentrance of the rooms destined for her, "good-night!"

  "You will not take supper with me?" asked the empress in a low,imploring voice.

  "No, I have business to attend to. Good-night!" And he walked awaywithout saluting or even looking at her. Josephine went into her rooms.She refused to partake of refreshment, and avoided the necessity ofadmitting the officials, who wished to pay their respects to her, bysending them word th
at she was too fatigued to receive any one. Aloneshe could weep without being disturbed.

  At an unusually early hour on the following morning Napoleon entered herroom. Josephine was just about to dress, assisted by her Parisian maids.He motioned them to withdraw, and then commenced pacing the room in hisusual manner, when excited.

  "Napoleon," said Josephine, in a tremulous voice, "you have come withbad news. My heart tells me so, and I read it on your gloomy brow.Speak, and tell me every thing at once. I am prepared for it."

  "Well, then, I must say," replied Napoleon, vehemently,--"you cannot,Josephine, accompany me farther. We must part this hour. I yielded toyour wishes in spite of myself, but only thus far! A new campaign isabout to begin; days of battles, troubles, and fatigues, are awaitingme. You must not and cannot share them. You must remain here."

  Josephine cast a melancholy look on him. "But when you have conquered,when you have made again your triumphant entry into Vienna, will youthen call me, Napoleon? Shall I then share your triumphs as I used todo? Bonaparte, do not now make an evasive reply! Tell me the truth, forI can bear it. Tell me, when the fortune of war has favored you--whenyou have vanquished Austria, as you have hitherto every otherenemy--will you then call me to you? The truth, my friend, the truth!"

  "Very well, I will tell you the truth," exclaimed Napoleon, after abrief hesitation. "No, Josephine--I will not. You can share my triumphsno more!"

  Josephine uttered a cry, and her eyes filled with tears. "I am doomed,then," she said, "and what Fouche told me was true!"

  "What did he tell you?" asked the emperor, hastily.

  "He told me to prepare for a heavy blow--that you, Napoleon, hadsecretly applied to the Emperor Alexander for the hand of his sister,and that only the resistance of the dowager prevented you fromaccomplishing your purpose."

  "Yes," exclaimed Napoleon, moodily, and, as if absent-minded, "yes, theproud empress-dowager hates me, and hastened to marry her daughter to apetty German prince rather than let her become the consort of theEmperor of the French.[44] Well, no matter! other princes havedaughters, too, and one of them will assuredly be only too happy tobecome my wife!"

  [Footnote 44: Napoleon ordered Talleyrand at Erfurt to inquire of theEmperor Alexander whether he would permit him to marry his sister.Alexander replied that nothing could afford him greater pleasure thanthat Napoleon should become his brother-in-law, but the matter did notdepend on his decision alone. The empress-dowager must also beconsulted. No sooner had she heard of Napoleon's wishes than she inducedher daughter to marry the Duke of Oldenburg. The notification of themarriage of the grand-duchess to this German prince was the only replythat was ever made to Napoleon's inquiring wish.]

  "Napoleon, and you dare tell me so?" exclaimed Josephine, reproachfully."You admit, then, that you are about to disown me?"

  The emperor started. "Pardon me, Josephine," he said, in confusion, "Iwas absent-minded, I--"

  "Yes, you were," interrupted the empress, "and while so, you betrayedyour thoughts. It is true, then! Cruel man! You have forgotten everything, and the whole past has been blotted out. You can seriously thinkof parting with me, your best friend?"

  "No, not now, Josephine," exclaimed Napoleon. "You have nothing to fear.I shall not enter Germany as a wooer, but as a soldier, and I do notdesire to seek myrtle-crowns, but laurels!"

  "But, my husband, when you have gained fresh laurels and new territorieswith the blood of your soldiers, then, I suppose, Josephine is to besacrificed?"

  Napoleon did not reply. He paced the room slowly and with a bowed head.Standing still, he looked with sad eyes in his consort's tearful face.

  "Josephine," he said, in a grave voice, "you have a noble heart, and itwill bear the truth. Yes, there may be a day when we shall have to part,although I love you, and I know well that you are the only faithfulfriend on whom I can rely! Judge, therefore, what pangs it will cost mewhen obliged to come to the terrible resolution to separate from you,my guardian angel! But I belong to my people--I belong to my glory! Mypower has assumed such gigantic proportions that I must support it withfoundations that cannot be overthrown. The Emperor Napoleon must have asuccessor; if you had given birth to one, I should never have partedfrom you. Now all hope is gone, and I shall, perhaps, be compelled oneday to look for a consort among the daughters of kings. I really do notwish to do so, but my duty to my people makes it imperative."

  "No, not your duty, but your ambition!" cried Josephine, with streamingeyes. "You have sacrificed every thing for that--your tranquillity, yourconscience, the blood of your soldiers, and now your wife!"

  "Yes, it is as you say, Josephine," exclaimed Napoleon; "it is myambition that separates me from you, and compels me to part with her whohas been my glory and my life for sixteen years! It is ambition thatpoints its iron arm at my imperial crown, and commands me to look foranother empress, that I and my son may enter the ranks of legitimateprinces. I have formed vast plans; I shall soon effect new convulsions:I shall vanquish all my enemies, and Europe will have to recognize me asher master. But when nothing remains to wish for--when I have soascended as to leave no heights above me, then I shall think of securingthe happiness and peace of my people and of my empire. To do so, I am inneed of a direct heir. For myself, I ask and wish for nothing; but myglory belongs to France. After my death my contemporaries will say ofme, 'He was the only one who could strive for universal good, while hisindividual wishes had been gratified; others thought only ofthemselves--Bonaparte's wishes and deeds were for his country. There wasone thing that was dear to him personally, and that was his wife! Butthe welfare of his people requiring it, he sacrificed this beloved wifeto their interests.'"

  "Words!" exclaimed Josephine. "You are vainly trying to conceal yourinnermost thoughts from me. I know you, Bonaparte, and can read yoursoul! You wish to connect yourself with the foremost sovereign houses ofEurope, because such a union will flatter your pride and your insatiableambition. When you are the son-in-law of an emperor or a king, you willbelieve that you are at liberty to do every thing with impunity. Youwill deem yourself a demi-god, and, accompanied by your victoriouslegions, you will march to the conquest of the whole world. But thatwill not be your destiny. You believe you can enslave the nations.Beware lest they one day awake, break their chains, and take a terriblerevenge on the tyrant whom they allowed so long to oppress them!Seduced by your illusive ambition, you will disown Josephine? Infatuatedman! you will perceive too late that you walk near a volcano. Oh,Bonaparte, I tremble and weep for you! Remember that you have oftencalled me your guardian angel. Believe me, when you disown me, youdisown your good fortune. It will forsake the faithless man, and yourstar will sink in an eternal night! That is what wounds my heart, anddrives me to despair. You will be alone in the midst of traitors andfalse friends. When Josephine is with you no more, no one will have goodintentions toward you. No one will dare tell you the truth, when youlose your best friend. Falsehood will flatter you, but only to lead youto the verge of the precipice!" The empress, with quivering limbs andpale features, sank on a chair, and covered her face.

  A long pause ensued. Napoleon gloomily continued walking the room. Atlast he approached Josephine, and gently laid his hand on her shoulder."Do not weep," he said, imploringly. "We have once more allowed phantomsto frighten us, and quarrelled about things that belong to the future.You are still my wife, and who knows whether you will not always remainmine? Who knows whether you will not soon be my widow? I am about toenter into another war, and it will be a desperate, obstinate struggle,in which old Austria will try to wrest the palm of victory from youngFrance. Victory will perch on my banners. I have no doubt of that, butwho knows whether I shall not have to pay for it with my blood! for Imust not spare myself--I shall always be at the head of my troops, and,like my private soldiers, with them bare my own breast to the hail ofbullets. In so decisive a struggle as will take place now, the emperorwill be nothing but a soldier, and do his duty."

  "Oh, Bonaparte!" cried Josephine, rising
in dismay and clinging to him,"oh, have mercy on my heart! Do not rashly expose yourself to theaccidents of battle! Remember that the fate of millions depends on yourlife! Remember that I should die if an accident befall you! Oh, mydearest husband, be kind and generous--spare yourself, and spare mylove!"

  "Then you love me in spite of your gloomy forebodings?" asked Napoleon,with a gentle smile. "Oh, I know my Josephine is my most faithful andbest friend, and whatever may happen, her heart will always be mine. Letthis be our farewell, Josephine! I must go; I must depart this veryhour. To-morrow I join my army, and my cannon will soon announce toGermany that the victor of Austerlitz and Jena is demonstrating hisright to rule, and at his own pleasure to destroy or create kingdoms."


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